Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 13.djvu/12

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Russell, Richard; Sadler, Thomas Vincent Faustus; Saint Asaph, Ancient See of ; Saint-John, Ambrose; Sala, George Augustus Henry; Salis- bury, Ancient See of; Sampson, Richard; Sande- manians; Seekers; Sergeant, John; Sheldon, Ed- ward; Sherwood, William; Shirwood, William; Simeon of Durham.

BYRNE, JOSEPH, C.S.SP., Darien. Connecticut: Sierra Leone, Vicariate Apostolic of.

CABROL, FERNAND, O.S.B., Abbot of St. Mi- ch.4.el's, F.utNBORorGH, England: Rubrics; Sext.

CAHILL, JAMES A., S.J., Woodstock College, Maryland: Schoenberg, Matthias von; Schra- dcr, Clement.

CALLAN, CHARLES J., O.P., S.T. L., Professor OF Philiosophy, Domi.vican House of Studies, Washington: Sacchoni, Rainerio; Silvester, Francis.

CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, Editor of "The South- ern Messenger", San Antonio, Texas: San Antonio, Diocese of.

C.\THREIN, VICTOR, S.J., Professor of Moral Philosophy, St. Ignatius College, Valken- burg, Holland: Right.

CHABOT, JEAN-BAPTISTE, S.T.D., Director OF THE "Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium", Paris: Semitic Epigraphy.

CHANDLERY, PETER JOSEPH, S.J., Manresa House, Roehampton, London: Shrines of Our Lady and the Saints in Great Britain and Ireland.

CHAPMAN, JOHN, O.S.B., B.A. (Oxon.), Prior of St. Thomas's Abbey, Erdington, Birmingham, England: Semi-Arians and Semi-Arianism.

CHARLES, BROTHER, Principal, Cathedral School, Natchez, Mississippi: Sacred Heart, Brothers of the.

CHOCjUETTE, MGR. CHARLES PHILIPPE CANON, M.A., L.Sc., President of the Sem- inary, St. Hyacinthe, Province of Quebec, Canada: Saint Hyacinthe, Diocese of.

CLAYTON, JOSEPH, Hampstead, London: Sam- son. Abbot of St. Edmunds; Savaric; Simon of Suabury.

CLEARY, GREGORY, O.F.M., J.C.D., J.Civ.D. S.T.L., Sometime Professor of Canon Law AND Moral THEOixKiY, St. Isidore's College, Rome: Koch, Saint; Rose of Viterbo, Saint; Scarampi, I^ierfrancosco.

CLUGNET, JOSEPH-LfiON-TIBURCE, Lirr.L., Paris: I{x>cama<lour.

CORMACK, GE0IU;E, i.e., hector, St. Joseph's Monahteky, Clonmel, Ireland: HoKmini and RoHminianiHm (AnU^nio RoHmini-Scrbati).

CRIVELLI, CAMILLUS, S.J., Professor of Phi-


DE San Josfe, Guadalajara, Mexico: Saltillo, Dioww of.

CUTHBEHT, FATHER, O.S.F.C^ St. Anbelm'h HouKK, Oxford: }i\Uw. Friar Minor Capuchin.

D'ALTON, E. A., Canon, LL.D M.H.I. A., Bai^ link^jbe, Ireland: Kinuccini, Giovanni Battista; lioman Catholic liclicf Bill: In Ireland; Saru- ficld, Patrick.

DE BROECK, WILLIAM, C.SS.CC, Braine-le- Coaite, Belgium: Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Congregation of the.

DEDIEU, JOSEPH, Litt.D., Institut Catholique, Toulouse: Rusticus of Narboime, Saint.

DEGERT, ANTOINE, Lirr.D., Editor of "La Revue de la Gascoigne", Profe.ssor of Latin Literature, Institut Catholique, Toulouse: Sainctes, Claude de; Saturninus, Saint; S6gur, Louis-Gaston de.

DELAI\L\RRE, LOUIS N., Ph.D., Instructor in French, Colle(;e of the City of New York: Rocliette, Desirc-Raoul; Ronsard, Pierre de; Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste; Scarron, Paul.

DELANY, FRANCIS X., S. J., Woodstock Col- lege, Maryland: Scheffmacher. John James; Schneemann, Gerard.

DELANY, JOSEPH, S.T.D., New York: Sacrilege; Scruple; Secret; Seduction.

DERACHES, JULES, Santa Fe, New Mexico: Santa Fe, Archdiocese of.

DEVITT, E. J., S.J., Professor of Psychology, Georgetown, Washington: Sestini, Benedict.

DE WULF, MAURICE, Ph.D., LL.D., J.U.D., Profe.ssor of the University of Louvain, Member of Royal Belgian Academy, Editor OF the "Revue Neo-Schola.stique de Philoso- phie", Brussels: Rocelin; Siger de Brabant.

DONOVAN, STEPHEN M., O.F.M., St. Bonaven- ture's Seminary, St. Bon.wenture, New York : Saint Bonaventure, CoUege of.

DOYLE, JAMES, Editor of "The Catholic Reg- ister", San Thome, Madras, India: Saint Thomas of Mylapur, Diocese of.

DRISCOLL, JAMES F., S.T.D., New Rochelle, New York: Sabaoth; Sadducces; Salome; Sam- son; Sara; Saul; Scribes: Simeon; Simeon, Holy; Simon of Cremona.

DRISCOLL, JOHN THOMAS, M.A., S.T.L., Fonda, New York: Shamanism.

DRUM, WALTER, S.J., Professor op Hebrew AND Sacred Scripture, Woodstock College, Maryland: Rhymed Bibles; Salmeron, Al- phonsus; Seven-Branch Candlestick; Shammai the Elder.

DUBRAY, C.A., S.M., S.T.B., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Marist College, Washington: Scalimoli; Secularism.

DUBRUEL, MARC, S.J., Bordeaux, France: Sacred Ileart of Jesus, Society of the.

DUHEM, PIERRE, Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Bordeaux: Saxc, Jean de; Saxony, Albert of.

DUIIIG, JAMES, S.T.D., Bishop of Rockhampton, Australia: Rockhampton, Diocese of .

ELDER, SUSAN B., New Orleans, Louisiana: Rou(ju('tte, Adrian.

ELLIS, JOHN HENRY, Sacramento, California:

Sacramcntf), Diocesf? of.

ENGELHARDT, ZEPIIYHIN, O.F.M., Santa Barbara, California: Sdnchez, Joh6 Bernardo; Sefian, Job6 Francisco de Paula; Serra, Junipcro.