Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 13.djvu/18

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TANNRATH, JOHN J., Chancellor of the Arch- diocese OF St. Louis, Missouri: Saint Louis, Archdiocese of.

TAYLOR, HANNIS, LL.D., Late Minister Pleni- potentiary OF THE United States to Spain, Professor of International and Constitu- tional Law, Georgetown University, Wash- ington: Ryan, Abram J.

THOMPKINS, JOHN J., S.J., Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Vigan, Philippine Islands: Saint Thomas, University of.

THURSTON, HERBERT, S.J., London: Richard I, King of England; Rings; Ritualists; Roger of Hoveden; Roger of Wendover; Rolls Series; Ro- man CathoHc; Rosary, The; Rosary, Confrater- nity of the Holy; Rosary, Feast of the Holy; Rotuli; Royal Declaration, The; Santa Casa di Loreto; Seal; Shakespeare, The Religion of; Slu-oud, The Holy; Shrov-etide; Sign of the Cross; Simeon Stylites, the Elder; Simeon Sty- lites, the Younger; Saints.

TOKE, LESLIE ALEXANDER ST. LAWRENCE, B.A., Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Bath, England: Romuald, Saint.

TOSCANO, JULIAN, Vicar-General of the Dio- cese OF Salta, Argentina: Salta, Diocese of.

TROBEC, JAMES, S.T.D., Bishop of St. Cloud, Minnesota: Saint Cloud, Diocese of.

TURNER, MGR. JAMES P., S.T.D., Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania: Ryan, Patrick John.

TURNER, WILLIAM, B.A., S.T.D., Professor of Logic and the History of Philosophy, Cath- olic University of America, W^ashington: Robert of Cour(,-on; Robert of Melun; Robert Pullus; Scholasticism; Schools; Sedulius Scotus.

URQUHART, FRANCIS FORTESCUE, Fellow AND Lecturer in Modern History, Balliol College, Oxford: Roper, Wilham.

VAILHfi, SIMfiON, A.A., Member of the Rus- sian Arch-eological Institute of Constan- tinople, Rome: Rhodes; Salmas; Samaria; Samos; Samosata; Sardes; Sardica; Sarepta; Scythopolis; Sebastia; Seerth; Sehna, Diocese of; Seleucia Pieria; Seleucia Trachaea; Sergiopolis; Sidon, Melchite and Maronite See.

VANDER HEEREN, ACHILLE, S.T.L. (Louvain), Professor of Moral Theology and Libra- rian, Grande S£;.minaire, Bruges, Belgium: Scandal; Septuagint Version.

VAN HOVE, A., D.C.L., Professor of Church History and Canon Law, University of Lou- vain: SandcK, Felino Maria.

VAN ORTROY, FRANCIS, S.J., Brussels: Ribadc- neira, Pcniro de; Ricci, lyjrenzo.

VASCHALDE, A.A., C.S.B., Catholic University OF America, Washington: Serajiion of Thmuis, Saint.

VIEBAN, ANTHONY, S.S., S.T.D., D.C.L., Cath- olic University of America; Washington: S<!minar>', EccJcHJaHtical.

WAINEWniGHT, JOHN BANNERMAN, B.A. (Oxon.), London: Hichardwjn, William, Vener- able; I{irl,ard Thirkeld, Blesnefj; l{igby, John, Venerable; Hisby. Hicharrl; Iiobinw>n, Chrisl/)-

{»her. Venerable; Roe, BaHhf)lomew, Venerable; logcr Cadwallador, Venerable; Sandy, John,

Venerable; Scott, WiUiam Maurus; Sebastian Newdigate, Blessed; Sedgwick, Thomas; Ser- geant, Richard, Venerable; Shellej', Richard; Sherson, Martin.

W^ALKER, LESLIE J., S.J., M.A. (Lond.); St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales: Scepti- cism.

WALLAU, HEINRICH WILHELM, Mainz, Ger- many: Schoflfer, Peter.

WALTER, ALOYSIUS, C.SS.R., Rome: Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio; Scarlatti, Alessandro; Schel- ble, Johann Nepomuk.

WARD, MGR. BERNARD, Canon of Westmin- ster, F.R. Hist. Soc, President of St. Ed- mund's College, Ware, England: Saint Omer, College of.

WARREN, CORNELIUS J., C.SS.R., Professor of Sacred Scripture, Redemptorist House of Studies, Esopus, New York: Seelos, Francis X.

WEBER, N. A., S.M., S.T.D., Propessorof Church History, Marist College, Washington: Rey, Anthony; Rho, Giacomo; Rhodes, Alexandre de; Riff el, Caspar; Hitter, Joseph Ignatius; Robert of Geneva; Rocca, Angelo; Rodriguez, Joao; Rohault de Fleury; Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Rostock, Sebastian von; Rudolf of Riideshcim; Sarabaites; Schvvenckfcldians; Sect and Sects; Sibour, Marie-Dominique-Auguste; Simon of Cramaud.

WEBSTER, D. RAYMUND, O.S.B., M.A. (Oxon.), Downside Abbey, Bath, England: Robert of Arbissel; Robert of Newminster, Saint; Rose- Une, Saint.


Editor of "The Catholic Magazine for South Africa", Cape Town: Santos, Joao dos.

WEST, ALBERT BENJAMIN, M.A., LL.B., Prov- idence, Rhode Island: Rhode Island.

WHITFIELD, JOSEPH LOUIS, M.A. (Cantab.), OscoTT College, Birmingham, Encu-and: Row- sham, Stephen; Scott, Montford, Blessed.

WILHELM, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Ph.D., Aachen, Ger- many: Roman Catechism; Scheeben, Matthias Joseph.

WILLIAMSON, GEORGE CHARLES, Litt.D., London; Rosa, Salvatore; Rosselli, Cosimo; Ru- bens, Peter Paul; Sdnchez, Alonzo Coello; Scan- nabecchi, Filippo; Schaiifelin, Hans Leonhard; Schongauer, Martin; Signorelli, Luca.

WITZEL, THEOPHILUS, O.F.M., Professor of Sacred Scripture, Collegio S. Antonio, Rome: Roger Bacon.

WOLFSGRUBER, COELESTINE, O.S.B., Vienna: Salzburg, Archdiocese of; Sankt Polten, Diocese of; Schwarzenburg, Freidricli, Prince of; Sebc- nico, Diocese of; Serajevo, Archdiocese of.

ZIMMERMAN, BENEDICT, O.D.C., St. Luke's Priory, Wincanton, Somersetshire, Eng- land: Rites: Carmelite; Salmanticenses and

ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J., S.T.L., Docteur fes Sciences Mf)RALEs et Historiques (Lou- vain), Professor of Church History, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York: Rochester, Diocese of.