Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 13.djvu/650

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Bordeaux, transf^f A Vitoria, Espagne, Compte rendu annuel 1909-1910 (Bordeaux); L'Ecole apostolique d'Arignon el de D6le transfire a N. D. des Anges, Eremo di Lanzo H" Italie. Annees 1909- 1910 (Turin, 1911); Le recrutement sacerdotal in Revue Trimes- trielle. no. 3S (Paris, June, 1910); Manuel des (Euvres. Institu- tions Religieuses el charitables de Paris (Paris, 1911); Annates de la Congregation dela Mission (July, 1911); The Apostolic Record: Mungret College, I (Limerick, September, 1910); St. Joseph's Foreign Missionary Adtocate. A quarterly illustrated record, VI (Mill Hill, London, Spring quarter, 1909), no. 11;; C.*.hill, Mun- gret, A Brochure; The Mungret Annual, (1898-11).

Besides the books and pamphlets above mentioned the writer of this article has derived much information from letters received from the superiors of the apostolic schools at Eremo di Lanzo, Vitoria, Dax, Wernhoutsburg, Tournai, Thieu and St. Joseph's Alissionary College, Mill Hill.

Patrick Boyle.

Schools, Clerks Regul.\r of the Pious, called also Piarists, Scolopii, Escolapios, Poor Clerks of the Mother of God, and the Pauline Congregation, a re- Hgious order founded in Rome in 1597 by St. Joseph Calasanctius (q. v.). As a member of the Confrater- nity of Christian Doctrine he went about the country instructing the people, and his experience convinced him of the necessity of providing the children of the poor with rehgious instruction at an early age. Anto- nio Brendoni, pastor of Santa Dorotea in Trastevere, placed two rooms at his disposal and assisted him in the work, in which they were afterwards joined by two other priests. It was not long before the reputation of the school increased the attendance to such an ex- tent that Calasanctius removed it to a building within the city, where he took up his residence with his com- panions. When two years later the school was again removed, this time to the Vestri Palace in the vicinity of Sant' Andrea della Valle, community life was inau- gurated among the associates, and Clement VIII showed his approval of the work by ordering the pay- ment of a yearly allowance of 200 scudi for rent of the house. Criticism ensued which led to an inspection of the schools by Cardinals Antoniani and Baronius, which resulted satisfactorily, the approval of Paul V was even more pronounced than that of his prede- cessor. In 1612 the growth of the schools necessi- tated the purchase of the Torres Palace, and on 25 March, 1617 Calasanctius and his companions re- ceived the religious habit, the saint changing his name to Joseph of the Mother of God, thus inaugurating the practice of dropping the family name on entering the religious life. The most noted of his early compan- ions were Gaspare Dragonette, who joined the saint at the age of 95 and died a saintly death in 1628 at the age of 120; Bernardino Pannicola, later Bishop of Ra- velin; Juan Garcia, afterwards general of the order; the learned Gellio Ghellini; Vittoria; Vivi- andi de Colle; Melchiore Albacchi, etc.

The congregation was made a religious order 18 Nov., 1621 by a Brief of Gregory XV, under the name of "Congregatio Paulina Clericorum regularium pau- perum Matris Dei scholarum piarum". The Consti- tutions were approved 31 Jan., 1622, when the new or- der was given the privileges of the mendicant orders and Calasanctius was named general, his four assist- ants being Pictro Casani, Viviano Vivani, Francesco Castelli, and Paolo Ottonelli. On 7 May of the same year the novitiate of St. Onofrio was opened. In 1656 Alexander VII rescinded the privilege of solemn vows granted by Gregory XV, and added tf) the simple vows an oath of perseverance in the congregation. This was again altered by Clement IX in 1669, who re- stored the Piarists to the condition of regulars. But petitions from members who hesitated to bind them- selves by solemn vows led Clement X in 1670 to issue a Brief which empowered the general of the Piarists to dispense from solemn vows laymen or clerics in minor orders, while ordained clerics in possession of a suffi- cient patrimony or a benefice were restored to the ju- ri.sdiction of their bishops. The Piarists are exempt from episcopal jurisdiction and subject only to the general, who is elected every six years and has four

assistants. In virtue of a Brief of Alexander VIII (1690) they ceased to be discalced. Their habit is closed in front with three leathern buttons, and they wear a short mantle. The order spread rapidly even during the founder's lifetime and at present it has nine provinces (Italy, Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, Hun- gary, Poland, Spain, Chile, and Central America), 121 houses with 2100 members and about 40,000 pupils. The Piarists have won distinction in the sphere of education. Their first care is to provide free educa- tion for poor children, but they also receive pupils from the middle classes and the nobility, and since 1700 they have taught besides the elementary branches the liberal arts and sciences. At the time of their foundation in Poland and Lithuania, Clement XII formally commissioned them to teach the higher studies. The course consists of nine classes, the plan of studies is uniform, as are also the textbooks, which to a great extent are compiled by members of the or- der. Like the Jesuits they devote special attention to the acting of Latin dramas by the students. A mem- ber of the order, Francis Hermann Czech (d. 1847), was very successful in his work of teaching the deaf and dumb. Among the writers and learned men of the order are the general Pietro Francesco of the Im- maculate Conception, author of the "Polygraphia sacra seu Eleucidarium biblicumhist.-myst". (Augs- burg, 1724); Philip of St. James, who edited the chief Sentences of the " Maxima Sanctorum Patrum BibHo- theca" (Lj^ons, 1719); Arn. Zeglicki, whose "Biblio- theca gnomico hist.-symb.-politica" was published at Warsaw in 1742; Alexis a S. Andrea Ale.xi (d. 1761), moral theologian; Antonius a Santo Justo, author of "Schola pia Aristotelico-Thomistica" (Saragossa, 1745); Gottfrid a S. Elisabetha Uhhch (d. 1794), pro- fessor of heraldry and numismatics; Augustine Odo- brina, who was actively associated with Leibniz; Adrian Ranch, historian; Josef Fengler (d. 1802), Bishop of Raab ; Remigius Dottier, professor of physics at the University of Vienna; Franz Lang, rector of the same university; the general Giovanni Inghirami (d. 1851), astronomer; Johann N. Ehrlich (d. 1864), pro- fessor of theology at the University of Prague; A. Leonetti, author of a biography of Alexander VI (Bo- logna, 1880); Filippo Cecchi; Karl Feyerfcil, mathe- matician; and Franz Kraus,philologian. Many mem- bers of the order led lives of eminent sanctity. In his Life of St. Joseph Calasanctius, Tosetti gives a list of 54 who between 1615 anil 1756 died edifying deaths, among them Petrus Casani (d. 1647), the first novice master of the order; the fourth superior general, Co- simo Chiara (d. 1688); Petrus Andreas Taccioni (d. 1672); the lay-brother Philip Bosio (d. 1662); Anto- nio Muscia (d. 1665); and Eusebius Amoretti (d. 1685).

Ca88anova8 y Sanz, Jose de Calasam y su Instituto (Saragossa, 1904); Helyot, Hi.-it. des ordres religieux (Paris, 1792), IV, 281 sqq.; Brendler, Das wirken der PP. Piaristen, etc. (Vienna, 1896) ; Seyfert. Ordens-Regeln der Piaristen (Halle, 1783) ; Schai^ LER, Kurze Lebensbeschreibungen gelehrler Mdnner aus dem Orden der jfrommen Schulen (Prague, 1799); F. los Horanyi, Scriptorea piarum scholarum (Buda. 1809); Schaller, Gedanken uber die Ordensverfassung der Piaristen u. ihr Lehrart (Prague, 1805); Heimbucher, Orden u. Kongregationen, III (Padrrborn, 1908).

Blanche M. Kelly.

Schorlemer-Alst, Burghard Freiherr von, so- cial reformer, b. at Heringhausen, Westphalia, 21 Oct., 1825; d. at Alst, 17 March, 1895. lie received his early education at home from the domestic chajjlain and then studied as a cadet at the Royal Saxon Mili- tary College at Dresden. After this he was a Pru.s- sian officer in an Uhlan regiment, and in 1849 took part in the campaign in Baden. In 1852 he left the army, married the Countess Droste zu Vischering. whose maiden name was Baroness von Imbsen, and obtained possession of the manorial estate of Alst in the circle of liurgsteinfurt. In 1862 he published his celebrated parapldet "Die Lage des Bauernstandes in