Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 13.djvu/826

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2,500 catechumens; IGO churches and chapels. In 1910 there were: 18 European Franciscan Fathers; 28 native priests; 25,116 Catholics; 4,627 catechu- mens; 203 churches and chapels. On ISIay, 1911, the Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Shen-si was divided in two missions. Northern and Central Shen-si.

Missioned Catholica: (Rome, 1907). Y. J-J. MoNTAN.\B.

Shen-si, \'ic.\ri.\te Apostolic of Southern. — The southern part of Shen-si was entrusted in 1885 to the Seminary' of Sts. Peter and Paul, established at Rome by Pius IX, 1874. In 1887 this section was erecteii jus a vicariate Apostolic including two civil prefectures, Han-chung and Singan. The climate is damp and change4ible. There are about 5,000,000 inhabitants. The present vicar Apostolic is the Right Rev. Mgr. Pio Giuspjjpe Passerini, titular of Achantus (b. 7 January, 1866; consecrated in 1895). He resides at Tcheng-kow. In 1885 the mission numbered: 2 European missionaries, 3 native priests, 32 churches, 2 chapels, 7700 Catholics, 100 cate- fhumens, 2 schools for boys, 4 schools for girls, 1 seminary, with 9 students. In 1910 there were: 16 European priests, 2 native priests, 50 churches, 23 chapels, 11,489 Catholics, 6305 catechumens, 19 schools for boys, 17 schools for girls, 1 seminary, with 20 students, 1 orphanage for boys, with 74 inmates, 1 orphanage for girls, with 350 inmates.

Missioiics CalhoHca (Rome, 1907). V. H. MONTANAR.

Shepherd, John, musical composer, b. about 1512; d. about 1563; one of the great English musi- cians who rank with Tallis, Whyte, Taverner, Far- rant. Edwards, and Byrd. He was educated at St. Paul's music-school under Thomas Mulliner, and was appointed organist and master of the choristers of Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1542, which position he held, with a short intermission, till 1547. His attention was not wholly given to music, at this date, for he obtained a fellowship in Magdalen College in 1549, retaining it for two years. On 21 April, 1554, he petitioned — as a student of music for twenty years — the University of O.xford for the Degree of Mus.D., and he was one of Queen Mary's Chapel Royal from 1553 to 1558. Among the New Year's gifts to Queen Mary, on 1 January, 1557, there is an entry in the Chapel Royal books that "Shepherd of the Chapel gave three Rolls of Songs". He was certainly alive in 1562, but there is no record of him after that date, from which it is concluded that he died, or resigned, in 1563. There exist numerous compositions — printed as well as MSS. — testifying to Shepherd's undoubted powers. His "Esurien- tes" for five voices, to be found in Burney's "General History of Music", is a fair specimen of sincere and straightforward \vriting. In the Museum there are some of his ma.sses and motets, all for four voices, while The Royal College of Music, London, has four of his Latin motets. The Music School, Oxford, pos.sesses much of his church music, including a delightful Magnificat. Hawkins has printed two of his pieces, and Morley names him among the dis- tinguished musicians of the sixteenth century.

BuRNEY, General Hixlory of Munc (Ixjndon, 1776-89); MoR- LET, Inlrod. to Prarticall Municke (London, l.'>97); Walker, Hist, of MuKic in Enfjlnwl (Oxford, 1907); Grove, Did. of Music and Mi^icians (London, 1904-10). W. H. GrATTAN-FlOOD.

Shepherd's Crusade. See Pastoureaux, Cru- sade OK THE.

Sherborne Abbey, Dorsetshire, England, founded

in 998. Sherborne (scir-burne, clear brook) was origi- nally the episcopal seat of the Bishop of Western Wessex, having been establish(!d a-s such by St. Aldhelm (705). The Benedictine Rule was intro- duce<i by Wulfsy III, who also governed the monast<;ry an abb(jt, the monks forming his chapter. The office of abljot was, however, separatexl from that of bishop by Roger of Caen (1122), when the see was

removed to Sarum, and the abbey church ceased to hold cathedral rank. The original Saxon Church of St. Aldhelm having become too small. Bishop Roger r(»placed it by a larger Norman one, and this was subsequently so rebuilt and altered, that it is now almost entirely perpendicular in style. A Lady-chapel was added in the thirteenth century, and later on a great restoration wa.s commenced by Abbot John Branyng (1415-1436), and continued by his succes.sor William Bradford. A parish ('hurch had previously been erected at the west end of the abbey nave, but there were continual quarrels be- tween the parishioners and the monks, because this Church of All-Hallows had not the proper status of a parish church, and remained the property of the monastery. Their dififerences led to serious disturbances which were eventually settled through the intervention of the bishop. A great fire occurred in 1437, said to have been caused by a parishioner, and this may perhaps have necessitated more rebuilding than had been originally contemplated. At the dis- solution of the monastery (1536) the abbey and its lands were bought liy Sir John Horsey, Knight, from whom the jiarishioners purcha.sed the abbey church for the sum of £300, and since two churches were not now needed, that of All-Hallows, about which there had been .so much contention, was forth- with demolished. The conventual buildings, chiefly of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, were handed over to the school, which had existed there since 705, and which in 15.50 was refounded, receiving a new charter from Edward VI. These buildings have been added to from time to time, and Sherborne School now ranks amongst the lead- ing public schools of England. The abbey church remains the parish church of the town, having been judiciously restored in recent years. Though Nor- man in plan, its perpendicular work is unusually fine, and the fan-vaulting of the choir absolutely unrivalled.

Tanner. Nolitia Monastica (London, 1794); Dugdale, Monas- ticon Anqlicanum {hondon, 1817-30); Wildman, Short Hixtory of Sherborne (Sherborne, 1902).

G. Cyprian Alston.

Sherbrooke (Sherbrookiensis), Diocese of, in the Province of Quebec, suflfragan of the Archdioce-se of Montreal, erected by Pius IX, 28 Aug., 1874, formed of parts of the Dioceses of Three Rivers, St. Hya- cinthe, and Quebec, and including that part of the Province of Quebec known as the Eastern Town.ships, renowned for the fertility of their soil, for their indus- try, and commerce. At present it 74 par- ishes. The first missionaries who visited the territory now within the limits of the Diocese of SluTbrooke were Rev. Jean Raymbault (1816-23), Jolui Holmes (1823- 27), Michael Power (1827-31), Hugh Paislev (1831- 32), Hubert Robson (1832-34). The last three died, martyrs of their zeal, attending the fever-stricken Irish in 1847. From 1S34 till 1S74 a great many mis- sion.aries laboured wit h iiidefat igahle zeal at t fiuliiig the Catholic population, which was thinly scattered over this immense tract of land. Roads in many places were unknown, and the missionaries had to travel on horseback or on foot, through dense forests infested with wolves, bears, and other savage animals.

Bishops of Sherbrooke. — (1) Antoine Racine, b. at St. Ambrose, Quebec, 26 Jan., 1822; ordained priest at Quebec, 12 Sept., 1844; elected Bishop of Sherbrooke, 1 Sept., 1874; consecrated by Cardinal Tas(;h(Tcau, 18 Oct., 1874; governed the See of Sher- brooke (luring nineteen years; d. 17 July, 1893. The following extract from his funeral oration, delivered by Mgr. Bernard O'Reilly, gives us an idea of the pre- cepts this good bishop fulfilled in his (career: "Yes, I must be a bishop without stain or blemish in mv whol(^ life; a man adorned with every virtue, and with all the graces of wisdom; a man modest, affable and