deaneries, in the Provinces of Almeria and Granada.
(5) The Diocese of Jadn (Gienensis), of very ancient
origin, was restored by Innocent IV in 1240. It
numbers 119 parishes, 12 rural deaneries, in its own
province. (6) The Diocese of Malaga {Mnlacitana)
eludes that of Albarracin. (8) The Diocese of Tudela
(Tulelensis) has had but four bishojis, the last conse-
crated in 1819. It was supprcssc-d by the Concordat,
and its jurisdiction given to the Bishop of Tarazona.
It has a collegiate church and 20 parishes in the Prov-
dates from the Apostolic period and was restored by ince of Navarre
the Catholic Sovereigns. It has 131 parishes, 17 V. (1) The Archdiocese of Seville {Hispalensis)
rural deaneries, in the Provinces of Malaga, Cadiz, dates from the third century, and was restored by St.
and Seville, and the African possessions of Spain Ferdinand in 1248. It has 270 parishes, 21 rural
(Melilla). deanerie.s, in the Provinces of Seville, Ihielva, Cadiz,
III. (1) The .\rchdiocese of Santiago, or of Com- and Malaga. (2) The Diocese of Badajoz (Pacensis)
postcia (Composlellana) is of Apostolic origin. It has is supposed to be of Apostolic origin, although there
788 parishes, 36 rural deaneries, in the Provinces of is no documentary proof of its existence earlier than
Corunna and Pontevedra. (See Compostel.\.) (2) the seventh century. It has 136 jiarishes, 13 rural The Diocese of Lugo (Lucen
sis), founded in the third cen-
tury and restored by Alfonso 1
in 730, numbers 647 parishes, 40
rural deaneries, in the Provinces
of Lugo and Pontevedra. (3)
The Diocese of Mondonedo
(Mindonensis), of which noth-
ing is known earlier than the
sixth century, its see having
been established at Mondonedo
by Dona Urraca, has 277 par-
i.shes, 18 rural deaneries, in the
Provinces of Lugo and Coruna.
(4) The Diocese of Orense (.4 «-
riensis), of very ancient, some
say ApostoUc, origin, has .519
parishes, 30 rural deaneries,
nearly all in its own province.
(.5) The Diocese of Oviedo (Oce-
tensis) appears to have had its
origin in the ninth century, al-
though some attribute to it a
higher antiquity. It numbers
060 parishes, 78 rural deaneries,
in its own province and a part
of Le6n. (6) The Diocese of
Tuy {Tudensis) is of Apostolic
origin. It has 276 parishes, 14
rural dea,neries, in the Provinces
of Orense and Pontevedra.
IV. (1) The Archdiocese of Saragossa (Crrsaraufiu-stami), founded in the first century, re- stored in 1117, made metropol- itan in 1138, has 370 parishes, 15 rural deaneries, in its own province and that of Teruel. (2) The Diocese of Barbastro (Bar- baslrcnsis), erected in the reign of Pedro I of Aragon (1094- 1 104) , is to be reunited, in pursuance of the Concordat, wit h the Diocese of Huesca, from which it was separated in the time of Philip II. It numbers 1.54 parishes, 10 ru- ral deaneries, in the Province of Huesca. (3) The Dio- cese of Huesca (Oscensis) dates from the first century and was restored in 1086. It has 167 parishes, 9 rural deaneries, in the Provinces of Huesca and Saragossa. (4) The Diocese of Jaca (Jacensis), erected by Don Ramiro of .\ragon (eleventh century) and sejjarated in 1.57.5, has 70 parishes, 8 rural dean- eries, in the Provinces of Huesca,, and Navarre. (.5) The Diocese of Pamjilona (l'(itiii>iU>- nensU) is of .\postolic origin, its first bishop having been St. Fenninus. It has .567 parishes, 21 rural deaneries, in tlie Province of Navarre. (6) The Dio- cese of Tarazona (T uriasonenaU) dates from the Gothic period and w;is restored in 111.5. It ha.s 138 parishes, 9 rural deaneries, in the I'rovinces of Lo- grofio, Navarre, and Sarago.ssii. (7) The Diocese of Teruel {TurulcnsU). founded in 1.577 at the petition
deaneries, in the ])rovincc of the
same name. (3) The Diocese of
Cadiz-Ceuta {(Saditana) found-
ed by Alfonso X in 1263, has
32 parishes, 6 rural deaneries, in
its own province and Ceuta.
(4) The Diocese of the Canaries
(Canariensis) erected by Inno-
cent VII in 1406, has 42 par-
ishes, 5 rural deaneries, in the
Canary Islands. (See Canary
Islands.) (•5'i The Diocese of
Cordova iCnriliih,'i,sis\. (kiting
from the first ccnlury, li:is 124
parishes, 17 rural deaneries, in
the Provinces of Cordova and
Badajoz. (6) The Diocese of
Tenerife {Nivarietisis), erected
in 1819 by Pius VIII, is to be
incorporated, according to the
Concordat, with that of the
Canaries. Its sec is at La La-
guna (Palma) and it numbers
62 ixirishes, 10 rural deaneries.
VI. (1) The Archdiocese of
Tarragona {Tarracnnensis) was
erected in the first century, and
disiiutes with Toledo the right
of pi'imacy. It was restored by
K anion Berenguer, Count of
Barcelona, in 1088, and num-
bers 1.50 parishes, 6 rural dean-
eries, in the Provinces of Tar-
ragona and Lerida. (2) The
Diocese of Barcelona (Barcino-
nensis) is believed to be of
Apostolic origin, and was re-
stored in the twelfth century by
Ram6n Bei-enguer. By a recent
concession of tlie Holy See, its
bishop wears the i)alliuni, like a
metropolitan. It has 231 parishes, 10 rural deaneries,
in the Provinces of Barcelona, Tarragona, Lorida, and
Gerona. (3) The Diocese of Gerona (Gcrundcnsis)
dates from the third century, and was restored in the
eighth. It has 363 parishes in the Provinces of Ge-
rona and Barcelona. (4) The Diocese of L6rida
(Ilerdensis) is one of the most ancient in Spain. It
numbers 249 parishes, 12 rural deaneries, in the
Provinces of Lerida and Huesca. (.5) The Diocese
of Sol.sona (Excelsonensis) was erected in 1.593, sup-
pressed by the Concordat, and again constituted as
an Apostohc administration with a titular bishop.
It has 1.52 parishes, 11 rural deaneries, in the Prov-
inces of Barcelona, L(^rida, and Gerona. (6) The
Diocese of Tortosa (i)erti/.s(».s/.s'), believed to be of
Apostolic origin, restored in 1141, has 1.59 parishes, 12
rural de^meriis, in the Provinces of Tarragona, Te-
ruel, and Castcll6n. The Concordat proviiles for the
transfer of its capital to Casl(116n de la Plana. (7)
The Diocese of llrgel (Crgdlnisis) is very aiK^ient,
of Philip II, has 96 parishes, 5 rural deaneries, in the and its bishop is the sovereign of the Valleys of An-
province of the same name. Its jurisdiction now in- dorra. It has 395 parishes, 10 rural deaneries, in the