uous upholdpr of prclpsiastical discipline, collected pilblicos", and as the bishop of various Spanish die-
and published (with annotations and emendations)
the "Collectio eoncilionim llispaniap". Cardinal
Bernardo de Sandoval y Rojas (1599-1618) was
liberal and charitable, and a great patron of letters.
His administration was advantageous to the diocese;
ceses (lastly that of Toledo) he defended the Church
against the aggressions of revolution, taking part also
in Roman affairs, as his high position as cardinal
demanded. At this time the Archdiocese of Toledo
lost much territory by the erection of the Diocese-
he established its rights over the district of Caz- Priorate of the Military Orders, which takes up
oria; secured the ordinary episcopal jurisdiction in the the entire civil Province of Ciudad Real, and was
diocesan territory over the Order of St. John of Jeru
salem; and restored to the diocese the important town
of Brigueja.
According to reliable statistics the Diocese of Tole- do comprised at that time 4 cities, 183 towns, 322 villages and hamlets, with 816 parishes and 751,733
erected by Pius IX, IS Nov., 1875. Cardinal F.
Zeferino Conzalez was an illustrious Dominican and
the restorer of Scholasticism, author among many
other well-known works of the "Estudios sobre la
Filosofia" and "Estudios Religiosos, Filos6ficos,
Scientificos y Sociales". He had on various oeca-
souls. The arrhiepiscopal estate yielded at the time sions declined episcopal honours, but at length, after
a revenue of 300,000 ducats. The receipts of the having occupied the sees of Cordova and Seville, he
chapter were also ample; the manufacturing indus- was rai.sed to that of Toledo, governing from 1884 to
tries yielded more than 40.000 ducats annually. The 1885, when he resigned the dignity. A still greater
revenues of all the
churches of Spain
combined did not
greatly exceed in
value the archiepis-
copal estate of Tole-
do. Cardinal Infante
D. Fernando de Aus-
tria ( 1618-41),
brother of Philip IV,
the successor of San-
doval y Rojas, dis-
tinguished himself as
an able miUtarj' com-
mander and as Vice-
roy of the Low Coun-
tries, where victory
crowned his military
efforts. The cardinal-
archbishops who sill -
ceeded him wire
Caspar de Borja
(1643-45); Bahazar
Moscoso (1646-65);
Pasqual de Arag6n
Tavera in the Afuera Hospital. Toledo
Alonzo Berruguete, 1557
(1666-77); and Luis Fer-
ndndez Porto Carrero (1678-1709). All took an
active part in the politics of their time as viceroys,
coun.sellors of state, and governors of the realm.
Cardinal Francisco Antonio Lorenzana (1772-1800)
understood how to wield, at a time when the Church
reduction in the ter-
ritorial boundaries of
the Diocese of Toledo
took place at this
time, when the Bull
of 7 March, 1885,
created the Diocese
of Madrid - Alcald,
which comjjrises the
in tire civil Province
111 Madrid. Cardinal
Miiruel Pay a y Rico
1 ■^"^l)-92) was a con-
11 uous figure at the
\ L t i can Council
A Inn, as Bishop of
I uinca, he p re-
in mnced the decisive
discourse W'hich de-
termined the procla-
mation of papal
infallibility. He was
learned and chari-
table, and completed
the seminary com-
and inaugurated in 18<S9
menced by Inguanzo. Cardinal Antolin Moneseillo (1892-97), a prolific and finished writer, orator, and statesman, wrote among other works: "Manuel del Seminarista", a catechism; various articles touch- ing upon ecclesiastical discipline; and many sermons,
was passing through a crisis, a power which would panegyrics, and pastorals. Cardinal Ciriaco Maria
have done credit to the great prelates instrumental in Sancha (1898-1909) devoted himself mainly to the
the restoration of the Spanish Church in the past, study of social questions. He wrote "Regimen del
Generous and liberal, " Padre de los Pobres" (Father terror en Italia Unitaria" and the " Kulturkampf ",
of the Poor) as he is simply styled in his epitaph. Hi- and numerous discourses and pastoral letters. Car-
terateur, patron of arts and letters, promoter of dinal Gregorio Maria Aguirre, of the Franciscan
national industries and all works of public utility, he Order, ha-s, since October, 1909, occupied the primatial
carried his zeal into all spheres. He rebuilt see of Spain.
many of the city and country churches of his diocese, Toledo is one of the greatest art centres not only
made large bequests to the" Church, improved the of Spain but of the civilized world. Of its princi-
archiepi.scopal library, defrayed the expenses of the pal religious edifices, among which are to be found
monumental work entitled "P. P. Toletanorum quot- notable works of art in the styles prevailing from
quot extant opera", and of the Gothic Missal and
Breviary of the Mozarabic Rite. In the city of
Toledo the erection of the university building, the
foundation of the hospital for the insane, and of the
Real Alcazar (which he also restored), and In Fnnrln de
la Caridad (a free loflging-house) are a few of the many
works that still bear witness to his zeal. His suc-
cessor. Cardinal Luis Maria de Borb6n, an Infante
of Spain, (1800-23), was president of the regency
during the absence of Ferdinand VII. Cardinal
the thirteenth to the eighteenth centuries, may be
mentioned: the cathedral, a magnificent five-nave
Gothic structure, with numerous additional sec-
tions commenced in 1227 by King St. Ferdinand
and Archbishop Jimc^nez de Rada; the Franciscan
Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes, built in 1476
by Ferdinand and Isabella, to which is attached a
church and cloister in ornate Ogival style, and which
has recently been richly decorated; the church of the
ancient ho.spital of Santa Cruz founded by Cardinal
Pedro de Inguanzo (1824-36) published some works Gonzdlez de Mendoza, dating from the early part of
in defence of the rights of the Church and of ecclesias- the sixteenth century, is one of the most beautiful
tical discipline, and commenced the great seminary examples of the Plateresque of the early Spanish
building. Renaissance. Of great interest also are a number of
Cardinal Juan Ignacio Moreno (1875-84), in his the churches of Toledo in which remains of the Visi-
youth professor in the Notariado, published a work gothic period are preserved, and others built in the
entitled "Tratado sobre el ortorgamiento de poderea Moorish style, called mudejar by the Spaniards, which