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Christie Hall, recently, has made accommodations for an additional one hundred and fifty students.

J. C. McGinn.

B. De Paul Uriwersily, Chicago, is the outgrowth of St. Vincent's College, which opened in Sept., 1898. The university was incorporated, 24 Dec, 1907, by ten Vinccntian priests and five Catholic laymen. Besides tlic u.'^ual collegiate studies, De Paul offered, at the time of incorporation, courses in mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering, also special work in science. Thirteen priests and six laymen constituted its faculty. The origin of St. Vincent's College may be traced to the desire of Archbishop Feehan to have a Catholic institution for young men on the "North Side" of Chicago. The "Vincentians had been here for twenty years, and the Very Rev. T. J. Smith, CM., wnth three of his priests, became incorporated as St. \'m- cent's College in June, 1898. Among the first pro- fessors were; Rev. Thomas Finney, C.M., T. F. Lcvan, CM., P. A. Finney, CM., J. Murray, CM., M. Le Sage, CM., P. H. McDonnell, CM., and D. J. McHugh, CM. In Jan., 1899, Rev. P. V. B>Tne, CM., became president. A man of high ideals, he soon desired to enlarge the educational work, and was warmly seconded by Rev. J. A. Nuelle, CM., prefect of studies. Engineering courses were accordingly begun in Sept., 1906. No expense was spared in equipping for scientific pursuits the building erected the following vear. Pre-medical studies were then undertaken, "in July, 1910, the Very Rev. F. X. McCalje, CM., LL.D., became rector of De Paul rnivcrsity. With the approval of Archbishop (^uiglcy, De Paul entered a new field in 1911, that of enabling women to gain credits and university degrees. The summer school of 1911 was attended by one hundred sisters and lay teachers. Twice this number are now pursuing extension work. The students numbered 5.50 in 1911. The faculty includes sixteen Vincentian priests, and almost the same number of laymen. In the spring of 1912 the Illinois College of Law became the Law Department of De Paul, and liljrary and classes were removed to the university buildings; 150 students were thus added

Daniel J. McHdgh.

C. Fordham t/nicersi/!/ developed out of Saint .lohn's College, founded by Bishop Hughes upon the old Rose Hill Farm at Fordham, then in Westchester Count>', and formally opened on St. John the Bap- tist's Day, 24 June, 1841. This same year the theo- logical seminary of the New York diocese was moved from Lafargeville, JefTerson Co., to Fordham. In .April, 1846, an act of incorporation passed by the New York Legislature granted it the power to "con- fer such literary honours, degrees or diplomas as are usually granted by any university, college or seminary of learning in the United States' . In June, 1846, the Fathers of the Society of Jesus purchased the property from the diocese. The first Jesuit president was the Rev. Augustus Thebaud who, with other members of the early Jes\iit faculty, came from St. Mary's Col- lege, Marion Coimty, Kentucky. St . Mary's was prac- tically transferred to Fordham, and, as it had been incorporated in 1S20 with all the powers of a univer- sity, the history of the present college must be con- sidered to begin with its foimdation in that year. T'ndfr such presidents as Fathers Thebaud, Larkin, Tellier, Doucet, and Tissot, S.J., the college rapidly gained in attendance. In the early fifties there were 200 students. There was a falling off at the time of the Civil War, but in the year 1869-70 there were 257. .Vfter a phase of less attendance in the late seventies, there were .327 in 1899 and 1890. The number rose to 500 in the early part of the i)resent decade.

Many Fordham students of the early times reached distinction. Among them were: .lohn La Farge the painti^r; Ignatius Donnelly, the author; John R.

G. Hassard; the MacMahon brothers, James, Arthur, and Martin, two of whom died nobly in the Civil War, while the third, though badly injured, sur- vived for distinction on the bench in New York City; Thomas B. Connery for many years editor- in-chief of the "Herald"; Gen. James O'Beirne; Judges Morgan O'Brien, Amend, Hendricks, of the Supreme Court; and many weU-known law- yers, Anthony Hirst of Philadelphia, Phili]) van Dyke, and William B. Moran of Detroit, the latter on the Supreme Bench of Michigan at his death; John A. Mooney of New York, a well-known writer; Ignatius and Thomas McManus, of Mexico, and Michael F. Dooley, of Providence, bankers. Many of Fordham's brightest students have entered the clergy and reached positions of great influence. Among them are Cardinal Farley, Bishop Hoban, Bishop Rosecrans of Columbus, Monsignori Van Dyke (Detroit), O'Connor (Charleston), Lynch (Utica), Mooney (New York), and many distinguished Jesuits. On 21 June, 1904, with the consent of the regents of the University of the State of New York, the board of trustees of St. John's College, during the presi- dency of Father (now Bishop) John Collins, author- ized the opening of a school of law and a school of medicine. The law department rapidly increased until, in 1911, there were 2.30 on its rolls. The university now (1912) mmibers 548 students imder 124 professors, distributed as follow's: law, 224 stu- dents, 12 professors; medicine, 164 students, 96 pro- fessors; academical department, 160 students, 16 professors. The Fordham LTniversitj' Press, whose historical publications have a wide diffusion, completes the university organization.

jAs. J. Walsh.

D. Loyola University, Chicago, is the outgrowth of St. Ignatius College, founded by the Jesuits in 1869 for the higher education of the Catholic youth of Chicago, and empowered by the Legislature of Illi- nois (30 June, 1870) to confer the usual degrees in the various faculties of a university. On 21 Novem- ber, 1909, Loyola University was chartered and St. Ignatius College became the department of arts and sciences. The law department was established in September, 1908, and is now located in the centre of Chicago's business district. The engineering depart- ment opened September, 1911, with cour.ses in civil, electrical, chemical, and mechanical engineering. The medical department was founded in 1868 and became a part of the university in June, 1909. The pharmacy school has taken its place among the recognized institutions of the country. The private library of the institution, consisting of 47,000 volumes, is meant primarily for the use of the faculty and the allied schools.


E. Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana, is (1912) the only Catholic university in what is popu- larly designated "The Old South". From a small college of arts and sciences founded by the Jesuit Fathers in 1904 it has grown into an institution with plans under way to organize all the departments of a modern university. The corner-stone of Marquette Hall, the main building of the university group, was laid, 13 November, 1910, by Archbishoj) Blenk, as- sisted by fourteen membersof the American hierarchy. On the same d.ay ground was broken for the Louise C. Thomas Hall by the Apostolic delegate, Monsignor Falconio. The building dedicated to Father l\Iar- quette will always bear witness to the generous co- operation of the clergy and laity of the .Archdiocese of New Orleans, who, on the invitation and under the leadership of the Rev. .Albert Biever, S.J., president of Loyola College, formed an association on 17 Feb- ruary, 1906, known as "The Marquette As.soeiation for Higher Education", which made it its aim to