Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/120

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—y Herrera, Dionisio del-272c Alcester, cell V-648c Alcfrid. See Aldfnth „.

Alchas, Bishop of Toul ^r®80» irrrrPMY I-272d; Alhertus "^M^nus I-26oa; 265d; Berthe- lot on I-273b; coinage XI- 157a; Schmieder on 1-2731).

AlSfMs^ip^^Pale^o Alche/'of Clairvaux, on man AlcUrith, ICing of Northumbria. N«- Alclfrith tji7=;k.

Alchindi, philosopher l-oioo,

AlJhmund, Saint. See Alcmund A l'c i"atT' (ALCIATUS), AN-

t:u^tiims ll-Ulod .

—Giovanni Paolo, Socinian III- 197d; XIV-113C

Alciato, Francesco, cardinal. Bishop of Civitate XIII-453c; and Ireland I-159b; and Saint Charles III-619a .

Alciatus. See Alciati

Mc bSdes, the Athenian, blas-

nhemv II-.595d; Cyzicus, bat-

?le"ri(5 B. c.) IV-598C; at

P?oconnesus XII-449d; at Se-

Ivmbria XIII-C92d _-<rf Apamea, Elcesaite leader

V-S72a ^

Alcidamas, tyrant of Reggio XII-717b

Alcimedes, Bishop of Silandus XIII-789d

ALCIMUS, high priest I-273d, IX-494c; and Assideans I-800b

— Eccdius, Saint. See Avitus Alcison, Bishop of Nicopolis XI-71b


—King of Saxony V-295c

XII-298d —Military order «* X-27Ja Alcobar, Juan, martjT 111-6704,

AlM«rfbattle (995) III-411b ATCOCK JOHN, Bishop of "-Rochester V273d;X'III-102c;

at Worcester XV-704a —Sir Rutherford 1117684b Alcohol, in altar wine I-359a, consumption XIV-482b; Swiss t°U.e XIV-4S6b; Villanovanus and X-127d ,

ALCOHOLISM I-274a; and divorce V-68b; and eugenics XVI-39b; 39c; and imagina- tion VII-673b; and leprosy IX-182d; and psychotherapy XII-552b; and psychosis XI- 542d; and temperance Alv 481d; temperance movements XIV-4S2a; 482b; 486c , —General German Union for

Combating XIV-4S4d Alcolti. Francesco, jurisconsult at Pi»;i XIl-112b

Alcora"; little (1096) IIM12C Alcorn. James L, governor 01

Mississippi X-3y^c

Alcot, religious foundress VII-408d

633a; De virtutibus et vitiis XIV-61Sa; on confirmation IV-219C; and Eanbald 1 V- 224b- on Echternach XV- 645c;' and education I-276c; III-350C; on Egbert y-32bc. and Einhard V-366d: and Ethelbert V-554a; and Ethel- hard V-355b: Ffoulkes on II-34C; Forster's edition \ 1- 145a: and Fredegis of Tours VI-252b; homiliarium VU- 448a; aa hymnodist VII-602b

448a; aa hymnoaist > "-""r"' on kneeling VI-423d; librarian IX-229d; and Latin literature IX-30c; and liturgist I-2;^9a; IX-312a; on logic IX-32tic. and Saint Ludger IX-il.)D; manuscripts IX-618a: minia- ture painting lX-fa24D, on MissaUs libellus ^^rlf^J ""j Mozarabic Rite X-611d; and Osbald XI-335a; and Paulmus II XI-5S6b; on philosophy vTT_ot;i1- T^lnin chant Xll—

Alcott, Amos Bronson, Tran-

sccndenUilist XV-lSc Alcoutim, Peace of (1-571) X.11

301c . . , ,:,, ouqu

AIcov. Autrustinians at V llrr'^-^" ALCUIN fALBINUS; ALCHOIN, ALHWIN FLACCOS), «; hoar I-276b; at Aaohcu ll-.ioOa IV-4Sa; at Aachen, Council of (799) I-2d; on Adoptiomsm I-l.TOd; 151a; and Amalanus of Mctz I-376c; and Saint Angilbert I-49nb; '«"}»lj' {- r-j^'b- "11 arts, liberal 1-7626, Uedc' on 11-3868; on charity III-597d; and Charlcmagno VI-358d; on classic.i IX-33c; and Coclchu IV-92b; comes IX-19.5C; on confession -\i-

11 Al-OBOu; ou I-"-— ■.-/-■•• XII-25d; Plai" , *??A .^, hT 147a; prayer-books Xll-3oip. and Rabanus Maurus XU- 617a; Sacramentary 1-2 (90, on sin XIV-Sc; is theologian I-278a; at Tours XV-3b; \ul- gate revision IV-394<1; XV- 370b; 519a; Werner on U 131d; and Saint WiUehad XV- 628a; on Yorkminster XV- 734c- and Zacharias Chryso- politanus XV-743c Alda (Aude), Samt, and St. Cene-

vieve XI-489a —wife of Alberic IX-160a Aldabrand, discovery I-421a Aldama, Ignacio XVI-4od Aldana, Francisco de, writer

XIV-lMc Aldazor, Nicolas, Bishop of ban

Juan XIII-447a Aldberht. See Ethelbert Aldebaran, star, m Old Testa- ment ll-30d ^, ^. , Aldebert III, Venerable, Bishop

of Mende X-lSOb . ^ „. , Aldebrando Faberi, Saint,_Bi3hop

of Fossombrone Mrjaja Aldegarius, Viscount Il-b2B Aldegonde. See Aldegundis Aldegrin, Saint II-52od ALDEGUNDIS, Samt I-279b, foundation III-210C; X-98d; Binet on II-570a , _ ,. Aldemar, cardinal, and Ostiensia

Ald'enburg^. .Sfe Oldenburg Alderete, Diego Gracian de. See

Graci4n de Alderete, Diego — Jeronimo de, conquistador V-

Alderic, ^Saint, Bishop of Sens

Alderottj, Thaddeus, physician

ALDERSBACH, abbey I-279C;

architecture XI-520d Aldersgate, ,I;?u<l°J? I>^-3-42c,

destroyed IX-345b Aldetrude, Saint, Abbess of Maiibeuge III-210c; XV-434b ALDFRITH, King of North- umbria I-2S0a; and Saint Adamnan I-135c; 699c; monu- mpnt I-509d; XV-621d; at "hmore IX-284d; at Whitby XV-MOa; and Saint WUfrid \:V-621d; 622c Aldgatt Lindon IX-342c; de- ""sfroyed IX-34.5b —priory, suppressed IX-34.ia Aldham, John Placid. Sec Adol-

ham. John Placid Aldhame, church 11-22UA.

ALDHELM, SAINT, Abbot of Malmesbury, Bishop of Sherborne 1-280b; on altars XV-463a- on embroideresses V- 252a; and Geruntius III-494b; on Gregorian antiphony I-580d ; on Saint James IV-188b;, Latin works IX-30C; and Mail-dubh IX-572C: at Malmes-bury IX-572c; on metres I-280a; and Saint Osmounf XI-340d; and Sergius I XII-728c; at Sherborne XII-756b; on virginity XIV-5C3d; and Wessex III-494d Aldhun (Aldwin), Bishop of Durham V-211d Aldii IX-338b

Alditha, name X-675a Aldnestun, leper houses ix-

Aldo, Bishop of Piacenza XII-

Aldobrandeschi, family, and Grosseto VII-39d; at Savona XIV-16.5C

Aldobrandini, family, tomb XUl- 172d; Vatican fresco xy-29ob, villa, Frascati VI-244b; XII-

— Ippolito. See Clement VIII

— Pamplo, Bishop of Monte- Bascone X-529b

Pietro, cardinal. Archbishop ot

Albano. See Peter Igneus

— Pietro, cardinal. Archbishop of Ravenna, and Domemchino \ - 102d- at Ferrara VI-46d; and Leo XI IX-167b; at, Ravenna XII-6fi7a; at Sabina XIII-291C

Pallavicino, Isabella, academ>

Aldobrandinus of Este, Blessed,

Bishop of Adria I-15ob Aldred, glossator I V-5i 9c —Bishop of Chester-le-Street V-211d , , „,.,

—Archbishop of York, and Wil- liam the Conqueror X\ -643b ALDRIC, SAINT, Bishop of Le Mans I-2Sla; IX-143d; and forged Bull V-780b —Saint, Abbot of Fe"'^""-

Archbishop of Sens .> I-50a Aldringen, and Tillv XIV-/2.5d ALDROVANDI, ULISSI I-281b;

library II-643a Aldualdus, Saint, Bishop of

Bagnorea II-203C Alduin, Abbot of Angenacum

Aldulf, Bishop of Lichfield IX-

232d , T^ 1. «..

Aldun, Bishop of Durham. See

Aldhun ...

Aldus, Peter, Bishop of Bobbie

II-60,5d; 606b — Manutius. See Manutius

Aldus Aldwin. See Aldhun Aldwini, Bishop of Lichfield IX-

232d , . ^^. -__.

Aldwyn, foundation IX-5/'B ^e I-74c; adulteration. i-lbi!,

alcohol I-274d Ale mission V-568d . .

ALEA, LEONARD, polemicist I-

Aleandro (Aleander), Fratice_sco Archbishop of Bnndisi II-'f^8b

— Girolamo, cardin.-il, -^rctt- bishop of Bnndisi II-- 88a and Tharles V III-625d; and Erasmus V-512d; in Germany V-272b; IX-446a; XJ-163b; and Renaissance XII-/67d

Aleatico, wine VIII-228C

Alebrand, Bezzelm, Bishop of Bremen VII-12IC; cathedral

Alegam'^T^itar king XIII-216a ^EGAMBE, PHILIPPE, h.sto-

alegreI^fkancisco XAVIER,

historian I-281d; on Wadding.

Michael .\V-524d Alekseieff. "riter Xin-271b Aleman, Louis. See Louis AUc-

mand . vt\-

Aleman, Mateo, writer Xl\-

199b; 202d Alemanni. See Alamanm Alemannia. See Alamannia Alemannus, Fredericus, and

(;erman cemetery 111--20D Alemanus, Louis. See Louis

ALEMANY, JOSEPH SADOC, Archbishop of San Francisco I-282a; XIII-441a;XV 240b; at Baltimore Council II-235b; 236b; and education XIII-580c; at Monterey X.-532b; XIlI-440b; portrait l-282a; and tertiiries XIV-640c

—Agustin, Pefect Apostolic of Ucayali XV-117d

Alembert, Jean le Rond d', V- 418b- on astronomy II-26c; and Clement XIII IV-34b; and Deism I-622a; on Jesuits IV- 35c: as physicist XII-63a, portrait VII-499c; and Voltaire V-420a

Alemeth. See Almath Alemquer, Pero d', explorer IV-

Alencar, Jose de, dramatist XII-

Alenjon, castle, William the

Conqueror at XV-643a Margaret, Duchesse d'. See

Margaret of Lorraine, Blessed Philippe d', in Western Schism

XIII-539d —point, lace VIII--29d ALENIO, GIULIp, astronomer

I-2S3b; at K'ai-feng III-680a Aleph, in Hebrew alphabet V 11-

176c: mvstical meaning 1-

332d; in Old Testament XI\ -

Alepi.'^Greek Melchites XIV-60d

Aleppians. See Aleppmes

Aleppines, Maronite congrega- tion IX-6S4d; X^72d; in Svria XIV-J04C

Aleppo (Haleb), town, ancient name II-514a; discoveries_V 11- 30x; Persians at XI-716d:

— ARMENLAN ARCHDIOCESE OFI-2S3b: Basilian congrega- tion II-323d; statistics I-283C; XIV-404d: Syro Catholics XIII-86b

— Latin vicariate ApostoUc XIV-

— Maronite diocese IX-684a Melchite diocese X-lDia,

XIV-404b , .

Alerding, Hermann Joseph.

Bishop of Fort Wayne \ I-

151a; VII-741d .

Aleria, Ancient See of. Corsica

I-23Sd; ruins XIII;4o9c Aleric, Antipope I-08JD: ai

Alls.^'Adhemar d', on TertuUian ALESAND ^tIwIALBA, DIO-

CESE OF I-2S3d Alesio, Mateo Perez de, artist

Al^sa'ndri, family., tomb II-490a

— Alessandro degl., V tear Apos- tolic of Cochin China II-302C


Alessandrina, Vatican collection XV-296d , ...

Alessandrino, Michele, cardinal. See Bonelli, Michele

AUessandrius, Mfchael. Arch- bishop of Jerusalem \III-370a

Alessandro, Bishop of ForU VI-

— Prince of Parma, and England

— Vindoli, Blessed, Bishop of Nocera XI^8'a , ., .

ALESSI, GALEAZZO, architect I-284a: work, Genoa \ 1-4.0*

Giuseppe, populist leader XIU-

— Raffaele degli. Bishop of ALt^l?0,-DV(icErEOFI-284c;

5S-'c- Miridite .\bbey X-352C Alet, Diocese of III-332a; abbey

III-33'^a; Lazarists X-JolD,

Al^tSTc^'nosUcism VI-595C . ^ISodoris. See .^pollodorus Aleth of Montbard. and Saint

Bernird II-49Sd Aletin, Mocovl '*'oU.'^V 539c- Aleut Indians . I-248a, ^ -539<='

VII-754a: mission V-5401) . Aleutia and ^Alaska_,^^ Russian

—and' NOTth'Amerka,^ Russian

Aleutian Islands I-247a: natives 1-248a

—Version XV-374a

Alewich, Abbot of Reichenau XII-723b

Alexamenos, graffito I 793c; IV- 527b- Vl-718d: XIII-176c

ALEXANDER I. SAINT, Pope I- ^...rj. -^-TT_-i7'in ■ cemetery l-

2s"d7'xll-273a; cemetery I-

-h'^IaNSELM OF LUCCA). Pope I-2s6b; Xll-27*a; on \mbro«ian Rite I-39,-.c; .at B e I-379d; and Berengarms n-4S7c; on bination II-5fi8d and Cadalous I--86C, 111 129a; and Camaldoleso 111-

XI- Aiaii i.\.-,3oou ^ . — -