Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/137

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Vnthelmi, Charles, Bishop of

CraMsc I-553C -JOSEPH I-553b Vnthem. 5ef AntiphoD ^themius, emperor, consulate

.\lII-77Sb; and Pope Hilariua

\II-:ilSd; marriage IX-644b; VNTHEMI0S. prefect I-553d;

IV-:iii2d -of Tralles, architect XV-I6d;

St. ,-<.,phia III-94d: VIII-5S0a Lnthem of Puy XII-92d Intherius, Bishop of Tarajona

XIV-t52c Lnthesteria XI-391d Luthimus, Bishop of AIbi I-267b —Bishop of Basilinopolis II-329b —I, Patriarch of Constantinople

VI-761b: 762c; VIII-57nd; X-

491a: XV-427b: cecumcnical

title VI-759d; and Theodora

III-103d -IV, Patriarch of Constantinople

VI-740a; 769a; and Pius IX

VI-770C -Vn, Patriarch of Constantino- ple, and Leo XIII V-239d; VI-

770c —Patriarch of Jerusalem VIII-

368a -Bishop of Loryma IX-365C —Bishop of Nicomedia IX-739c:

XI-70a -Bishop of Parlais XI-504C —Archbishop of Salamis IV-o90b -Bishop of Sidon XIII-778a -Bishop of Trebizond X-190a;

-Bishop of Tyana XV-106c: and St. Basil II-332b: VII-llc

-Bishop of Uranopolis XV-20Sd

Lnthologia Palatina I II - 1 1 7c, epigrams III-11'.ta

LNTHONY, SAINT I-.553d ; Abraham Eccheleusis' life of I- 57d; and St. Ammon I-431a and St. Athanasius I-555b II-36b; as confessor IV-215b Coptic manuscript XVI-29b cross of I-555d; IV-521d Cursus Scottorum III-497d feast III-163b; and St. Hila- rion VII-347c; in6uence I- 555b; and Manichjeana IX- 59.5b; monasticism I-lOa; 554b; VII-280a; X-461d; 467d; XII-7.50b; XIV-.561d; Newman on I-555a: Palma Vcc- ohio XI-430b: and Paul the Simple XI-.501b; rule I-554d; I\'-(;s4d; XII-7i)0d; Seitz XIII lissa; writiiiL'M I-5.54C


-Saint, Congregation of, Maro- nitf- I-5.5.5C

-Saint, Disciples of. See Disci- ples ,,f St. Anthony

-Saint, Hospital Brothers of.

261c —missionary, in India XIV-6S347a; novena to XI-144b: office VII-603c; pilgrimage XII-94b; portrait I-556b: Titian XIV-742C; tomb, guard of IV-345d; works I-558a

—of Pisa, Bartholomite II-317C

— of Rotenhan, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg n-244a

— of Savoy, Abbot of Haute- combe VI I- 15 lb


. — of the Cross, Bethlehemite II- 535d ; 536a

. — of the Holy Ghost, Bishop of Angohi III-:i(i7c: XIV-62nb

—OF THE MOTHER OF GOD I-55Sd; XIII-402a; 403b

—of Valentia III-373a

■ — of Viterbo, painter XI-331d

— Victor, archduke IV-119b; X- 638b

Anthracite Strike Commission (1902-3). United States I-6S5a

Anthropoids, and man V-667b

Anthropolatry, as superstition XIV-339d

Anthropology, age of man XV- 706d; American works on I- 416c; .American Indians I- 409c; in apologetics I-619b; biblical I-129a: and cosmology IV-413c; XIV-584d; deity theorv IV-687c; DeULinger IV- 761d; Epicurus V-501C; French school I-529a; object X-226d; XII-620C; primitive religion theory I-528d; Theodore of Antiorh XI\'-.S72c: totemism XIV-7s9a; Wrrii.T II-131d

Anthropomancy XI\'-339d

Anthropometry, Clalton's work XVI-3'.ta

ANTHROPOMORPHISM I- 55Sd; I\'-tlsla; and agnosti- cism I-150b; oo9c; Anthro- pomorphites I-559d: in Cath- olic philosophy I-559b; philo- sophic I-559a; in Scripture I- 559a; theistic use of VI-613C

Anthropomorphites, heretics I- 559d; and Didascalia IV-782a; Epiphanius XIII-394b

Anthropophagy. See Cannibal-

Anthrdpos, in Gnosticism VI-

596b Anthropos, periodical, Salzburg



Anthusa VIII~452d; XIII-555b

Anti, trihe XIII-23.3b

Anti-Arcadia, literary academy VI-733b

Antiariats, tribe II-695a

Antibes and Grasse, See of VI- 37Sb

Antibes Legion X-702b

Anticamera Bassa, Vatican Pal- ace xv-2snc

Anticamera Segreta, Vatican Pal- ace .XV-280d

Antichresis, in Roman law IX- S4a

ANTICHRIST I-5.-)9d; Adso on I-161d; in Apocalypse I-560b; astrological theory II-23a; Belial as Il-lOSb; Commodi- anus on IV-16.5d; in Daniel I- 560d; in Druze theology V- 167b; in ecclesiastical language I-560d; cschatology I-560b; in Evangelists I-.560d; St. Gregory on I~.561d; in Jo- hannine Epistles I-560a; and Judgment day VII-552d; Na-

foleon as II-129c; Newman on -561b; Otto of Freising's works XI-3.59b; in Pauline Epistles

I-,560b; XI-576d; in Pereira's works XI-664C; Peter the Great as XII-649a; pope as I- 561a; III-534d; V-766b;proph- ecies concerning XII-476d; in Testamentum Domini Nos- tri Jesu I-613b; tj-pe of I- 560d ; Woodhead's treatise XV- 702b

— drama VI-520b; X-350a

Anticlericalism, France VII-8d; XI-67.=id; Portugal VII-8b; Spain VII-Sc; XIV-188b

Anticoncordataires. See Petite EEli,se, La

Anticosti, island, Joliet at VIII-


Anticythera, island Vni-91c

Anti-determinism IV-756d


Antidiolus, Saint, Abbot of Con- dnt XIII-341b

ANTIDORON I-562b; II-750b; Armenian Rite Xlll-SOb

Anti-Duelling Society IV-244d

Antietam, battle (1862) XV-172a

Antignano, Rinaldo d*. Bishop of Nocera XI-87a

Antigonia XI-43d

ANTIGONISH, DIOCESE OF I-.562d; cathedral (ill.) I-.563a; statistics III-238b; university ni-240a; XIII-568d; XV- 19Sd

Antigonos Dokimos, and Do- cilnium V-72C

Antigonus, King of Judea VIII- 34Sd ; beheaded VII-289d ; Herod defeats IV-798b; IX- 495b

— senator of Constantinople V- 606c

— Judean prince IX-495b

— Macedonian general. Arabian campaign I-666b; Gaza VI- 400c; Niciea XI-43d; Persia XI-713c; Sardes XIII-472a; Seleucus XIII-690a; Sm\Tna XlV^eOb; Troas X\-63b; TjTe XV-llla

—Bishop of Madaurus IX-512d

Anti-Janus, Hergenrother VII- 2.53a; 363c; XV-303d

Anti-Lebanon, mountains VI- 43na; XIV-399C; XV-97c

Antilegomena IH-271a; VIII- .543a

AntUia, island I-llld

Antilles 1-41 Id; aborigines I- 680c; ni-348a; Breton's mis- sion II-768d; Canadian trade XIV-4.39a; Capuchin missions III-327a; Casas's mission III- 397c; Danish colony 1-4 12c; Dominican missions XII- 36SHb; French colonization I-414b; V-.540d; government I-41.5d; Plumier's botanical expedition XII-169a; Propa- ganda XII-457b; Spanish col- ony I-412C

Antilion, pseudon\'m III-380b

ANTIMENSnJM I-.->63d; .34Sc; IV-316C; consecration l-3.Wd; .564a; origin I-.563d: use I-563c

Antimez, Rodolfo Vergara XIII- 462b

Antimiano, Ariberto d*, Arch- bishop of Milan IX-322d

Antiminsion. See Antimensium

Anti-Mission Baptist. See Primi- tive Baptists

Anti-Modernists XV-14.5a

Antimond, in Tcrouanne XII- 72.5c

Antimony, Becquerel on II-383a

Antin, Julie-Sophie-Charlotte de Pardaillan d'. Abbess of Fon- te\Tnult VI-I30d

ANTINOE, See of I-564b; art discovoriea XI-396a

ANTINOMIANISM 1-564 d; 56.5d; Cainitea III-143C; con- demnation I-566a; England I- .56.5c; Gnostic school VI- .599a; 599c; Lutherand Agricola I-.56.5a; opposition to I-566d; originI-56.5a; Plymouth Breth- ren XII-17.3a; practical I- 566a; Simonians XIII-797b; theoretical doctrine I-.564d

Antinomies, in Kant's philosophy VIII-604d

Antinous I-564b; IV-Sc; and Hadrian VII-104C; Pichler's painting XII-74C


—statue. Vatican Mu,seum XV- 2S2c; \illa /Mhani I-255c

ANTIOCH, THE CHURCH OF I-567b; all martyrs' feast I- 315c; Apostohc see I-634d; 640d; ascetics I-770a: Aure- han's decree II-108c; Christ- mas celebration III-725C

— Councils I-568d; 569c; Apos- tolic council I-569C; I1I-280C; XI-437C; (c. 251) I-569C; (264-269) I-708C; 755a; II- 37c; IV-447d; V-lOa; VII- 16a; 449b; IX-220b; (330) I-569d; V-619c; (340) I-569d; (341)I-569d;Vni-561b;XVI- 25a; Acacius of Casarea at I-81b; appeal allowed I-652c; St. Athanasius I-709d; Apos- tolic Canons I-571b; 637c; III-279C; Chorepiscopi decree IV-659C; creed I-81d; XIII- 693b; declaration of bishops VI-lc; Easter V-229a; Euse- bians at V-625d; Euatathius of Sebaste V-62Sd; Liberius IX- 220b; Lucian of Antioeh IX- 409d; on metropolitans I-691b; provinces ecclesiastical XII- 514c; on provincial councils XII-515b: (344) I-569d; XII- 43a; (358) I-569d; V-605b; (361) I-569d; (362) I-569d; V-605C; (363) I-80a; 569d; V-615a; Xll-174b; XIV- 746b; (378) I-570a: (379) I-80b; VII-17b; IX-508d; (388) I-570a: (390) I-S70a; IX-748d; (424) I-570a; (432) I-570a;XIII-727d; XIV-574d; (445) I-570a; III-557d; XIV-148a; (447) I-.570a; (451) I-570a; (471) I-570a; (478) I-570a; (481) I-570a; (482) I-570a; (508) I-570a; (512) I-570a; (542) I-570a; (565) I-570a; (1139) I-570a; 259b; (1204) I-570a

— E aster observance V-228d ; foundation Xl-74Sa; St. Igna- tius of Antioch's epistle VII- 645c; Latin patriarchate I- 669b; Liturtry. See Antiochene liturgj" Mc'iohite iialriarchate VI-7o5d; X-1.^9d:N"otitia epis- copatuum I-568b; Xl-125a; XIV-404b; Orthodox patri- archate V-232a; VI-754b; XI- 330a; XIV-404b

—Patriarchate I-5fi8d; VI-7S8C; XIII-535d: XIV-404d; Aleppo and Alexandria I-302a; 283c; basilica XVl-Sb: Constanti- nople V-19b; XIII-537a; de- cadence I-642a; VI-758d: XIII-536C; episcopal succes- sion VII-12C; Greeks VI-744a: 768d; jurisdiction VI-7S6C; 757a; 757c; Vn-324c; IX-18c; Juvenal of Jerusalem VIII- 358b; map V-following 612; Monophvsitism VI-762d; X- 495a; Nestorianism VIII-468C; patriarchal rights XI-.549C; patriarchal titles IX-084b; patristic writings \'I-6c; 7d; psalmody XII-543a; Purifica- tion feast III-245d; schism (330-41.5) I-80b; VI-744b; 758a; 762c; X-161c; XIII- 633c; XIV-26d; shrines I- 568b; Virgin Mary's feast XV- 461c

Antiocha Mygdonia XI-S4c

ANTIOCHENE LITURGY I- 571a; \'I-774c: Apostolic Con- stitutions. Liturgy I-57Ia; Byzantine Rite IV-312b; Canon of the Maiis III-258a; 259b; Confiteor IV-222C; dis- missal VIII-253d; evolution IX-310C; Gospel VI-6.59d: St. James' Greek liturgy' I-572b; Jerusalem Liturgy VIII-371d; KjTie Eleison VIII-716c; pres- ent time I-573d; "Suiyjlices" III-264d; Syrian Rite I-57.3b; VI-763b; XIII-S6b; XIV- 417d; use VI 77.5d

Antiochia V-2S2b

ANTIOCH OF PISIDLA I-570d; VH34a; St. Paul at I-570d; St.Thecla al XIV-.504a

—of Sams I-13.5d

—OF SYRIA I-570b; VI-434a; XIV-399C; 400a; 40Ic; St,

Roman numeral indicates voliune; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.