Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/166

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BANCEL, LOmS II-246b Banchini. See Dominici Banckaert, Julian, Prefect Apos- tolicof Kwango IV-235d; VIII- 712a Banco, Nanni del, sculptor XII-

601b Bancroft, Hubert H. VII-756c; on Acadia 1-9 Id; on Algonquin language I-312b; on Aztecs II- 17 Id; on California missions III-lSOc; on Calvert, Cecilius IX-757c; on Daniel, Anthony IV-621d; on Ducrue's work V- 183d; on Marquette IX-691c; on Pueblo missions XII-556b; on Payeras. Mariano XI-595d; on Pima Indians Xll-lOOb; on Riba's history XIII-30d; on Salvatierra XIII-406d; on Zal- videa XV-746b — Richard, archbishop XI-96b Banda Oriental (Uruguay) XV-

230d Bandarra, Gonjalo Annes, writer

XU~308b Bandel, India, church III-lo3a;

154b: interdict XIII-384d Bandelli, Vincent, theologian

X1V-7U2C BANDELLO, MATTEO II-246C; VIII-2oUd; X1I-307C; 767a; on Immaculate Conception VII-680a; on da Vinci XV-441C Banderillas III-52a Banderilleros III-52b Bandi, Giancarlo, Bishop of

Imola VII-fi93c Bandilovic, John, theologian


Bandinelli, Baccio, Leo X, tomb

of Xin-172d; portrait by

Piombo XII-105b

—Orlando. See Alexander III

Bandini, Francesco, Archbishop

of Bicna XII-74a — Ottavio, cardinal, Codex Amia- tinus IV-82C; and Domeni- chino V-102d — Salustio, library XIII-779a Bandino, Dominique, jurist XII-

112a Banditi, Francesco Maria, car- dinal. Archbishop of Bcnevento 11-47SC; XIV-.-..)7d Band of Hope XIV-4S3a — of Hope for German Switzer- land XlV-4Sic Bandol, Seraphin X-7Slla Bandra, institutions II-()4.")b Bandtkie, Jerzy Samuel, scientist

Xll-l'.isc BANDURI, ANSELMO II-246C Bandy, Amelia Ill-309a Bane (Bane Barach) VI-435b Baner, Johan, general XIV-655d: Tliirtv Years' War XIV-655c; vict,,rv VI-42a BANEZ, DOMINGO II-247a; .\11 :ii.sFd; XIV-607a; Car- mi-litcH l.\-3lsd; grace, system of ll-247d; VI-710d; X-436d; and Montemayor IV-238b; predefinition, theory of II- 248d; Probabilism XII-442b; on salvific Will of God XII- 383d; as Scholastic XII-32b; and St. Teresa II-247b; XIV- S16a; Thomism II-248b; XIV- S94a; 69Sc; 702d; on tyranni- cide XV-109b —John II-247a Banffy, Desiderius, baron, eccle-

siastiral policy II-13.5d Bang, Christian Stephenson XI- r'lc- on Church in Norway XV-t;4c —Herman, writer IV-731C Bangala, huigtiage XV-579d Bangalore, X-661d Bangor, Mainf. Bapst's mission n-2.")Sc; Coiitrregational scm- inarv IV-211a; Sisters of





- Ill 4'.>r.b: 4!l7b; 497c;

I),i I

Jib; Mila


(Ylli'.b: Ti. Unun XIV l6Sd —DIOCESE OF ll-21!id; 2f)la: lV-7',)Sa; X~lHSb; XV-.WGb: cathedral II-250a; liturgical hooka Il-250a —ABBEY, Ireland II-2.50c; 249d: IV-152d; 153a: Bobbio and II-249b; MS. III-498b

Bangor Abbey, Wales II-251a;

XV-5.s:!d: 586a: 586b: St.

Dinoth II-K3d: IV-79Sa; mas- sacre ll-S4a: 251b; IV-798b:

XV-586b —Controversy I V-349b ; VII-702c — Deilo, school, Llandaff XIV-

474a — Dunawd II-251a — Ltyd. See Llaniltyd — is-coed. See Bangor Abbey,

Wales — of the Dee. See Bangor Abbey,

Wales -Use ll-250a; XIII-479d BANGUELO, VICARIATE

APOSTOLIC OF XVI-79d Bangui, mission XV-llSc Bangulf, Abbot of Fulda XIII-

431c Banham, Richard, Abbot of

Tavistock XlV-407a Banialouka (Banialucus). See

Banjahika Banias (Baalgad) VI-435a

— iBalanaia) ll-21i'.a

— (Casarea Philippil III-135b — city of Uaii 1V-616C Banigan, Joseph III-455d; XII-

51 lib BANIM, JOHN II-251C; VIII-

12sa —MICHAEL II-252a Baniol, Hugues de, witchcraft

XV-l)75d Banishment, and heresy I-446c:

law, Roman XII-566C Banister, Adam XIII-2S0b — Henry. See Rutter, Henry —Robert XIII-280b BANJALUKA, DIOCESE OF

n-252b; G97b: X-599c: Servian

Church VI-755a; statistics II-

694d Banjyas, N., spring, Palestme VI-

430d Bankiewicz, Clement, Bishop of

Sandomir XIIl-437b Bank of England, Gordon Riots



OF 11-252C: discharge II-255a; English Bankruptcy Act II- 253a: fraudulent preferences II-2o4d; in Great Britain II- 255a; involuntary II-253c; partnerships, effect XI-510b; Political Economy and II- 253d; public II-254a; Scotland II-253a

— United Stales II-253a; 253b; 255a; 25.5b: courts 253c; state laws II-253d: voluntary II- 253c


Banks I-227d: national, Vieira XV-41l')a: rural, jurisdiction Xin-141d

— Edgar, .Assyriologist II-9b

— Thomas, sculptor XIII-64CC

Banna'i, poet X1-720C

Bannatyne, George, poet XIU- 625d . ,. ,

Banner of the South, periodical X111-2S2C: XVI-s.5d

Banners, Processional. See Pro- cessional Banners

Bannersly, William, mart.vT V- 47,sa „ .

Banneville,Gaston-RobertMorm, iliplomat X-7l)2c

Banning, Indian school X-533a

— Emilio, dijilomat IV-229b

Bannister, M., Vatican publica- tions XV-293b

Bannockburn, battle (1314) Xlll~016d

BANNS OF MARRIAGE II- 255c; denunciation II-250d; IV-733d; dispensation II-257a; England II-255d: 256b; and eugenics XVI-39C; fees II- 257b; history II-255C; in India II-256C; law, civil II-257C; marriages, mixed II-256b; minors II-257d; 256b; non- Catholic usage II-257b: omis- sions II-256d; origin II-255c; parish priest II-256a; XI- .53Sb; parochial registration XII-721d; publication II-256C; IV-lc; IX-692C; royalty II- 250c; sanctions II-258d; Tametsi XIV-441C; Tridentine legislation II-255d; 250a; in United States II-255b; 256d

Bannwart, Clemens, theologian

IV-737a Banquet (Plato) XII-160a — Sacred. See ^leals. sacrificial —of the Ten Virgins (St. Method- ius) I-576c: X-51b: XI-165d — theory, of Mass X-14b Bans, Emmanuel, missionary

XV-595d Banshee VIII-99C Bantry Bay, French expedition

X-609C Bantu, tribe I-182d; IV-231d; VII-497d; X-489b: XII-311d; 627b; Animism I-184d: char- acteristics XII-626b; Fetish- ism I-185b; language I-182c; VIII-591C; religion VI-54c; witchcraft VI-56d Banu-Gushashpnama, in Persian

literature XI-720a Banwell, monastery I-798C Banyoro, tribe XV-413b Banz, abbey II-245d Banza-Congo (San Salvador) IV-

234d Banziris, tribe XV-115C Banzus, tribe XV-115d Baoithin. See Baithen, Saint Baouit, convent XI-396a Bapchild, Sj-nod. See Baccanceld Bapheides, Phiiaretes, historian


BAPST, JOHN II-258b: 706b;

1X-.547C; X-3S6d: XII-2S8a;

and Knownothings VIII-679C

Baptifaud, Jean -Joseph - Marie,

missionary XV-73SC BAPTISM II-258d; XIII-299d; 301a; Abercius. inscription XIV-374d; ablution in II- 261d; threefold II-262b; and absolution I-61d: abuse of, and irregularity VIII-171d: aco- lytes, Roman I-107d; adjuncts of II-272b: and adoption I- 149a; of adults II-273c: Aetian form II-263b; affinity by II- 27()a: affinity previous to I- 17Sc; in African Church I- igiia; 198c; 334b; age for I- 2()8a; Alexander Ill's decree II-262d, St. Ambrose, work of I-387c; II-263a; 265c; in Am- brosian Rite I-403a; Amen I- 40Sb; Anglicanism I-»99c: II- 6S0d; Anomoean form II-263b; and Apocafastasis I-600b; of Apostles II-261a; Apostles' Creed I-630a; 632a; in Apos- tolic Constitutions I-637a; Apostolic Fathers I-639d; Archontic teaching I-697b; Arian controversy IX-220d; Arian method II-263b; Ark, type of IV-705d; in Armenian Rite XIII-79C; art. early V- 592c; aspersion II-262a; 264c; St. Athanasius II-36a; and attrition II-66a: Augsburg Confession V-760d; Austria, conflict concerning II-135b; Baius II-211b; Baltimore, de- crees of II-241a; baptistery II- 272b; 276c; of Baptists II- 2()4b: of bells II-273d: 420b; 421a: Beza's teaching II-2()lb; of blood I-386b; II-266C; Bo- gomili n-612a; in Britain XV- 584a; Bucer II-265c; burial. Christian III-71d: in B.yzan- tine Rite IV-319d; Calvinism II-261b: 265c: 2ti9a: III-202a; Campbellite teaching V-29d; 30a; candles, use of III-247a; Carthage, Council of II-2'0<:; catacombs, evidence of III- 422b; 514b; 708d; catcchu- nienate III-431d; Catholic rite XIII-64d: cathedral, privilege of III-440a; IX-1.5d; Celtic orders of III -502b; Celtic Use III-494C; ceremonies II- 27.3a; III-53Sd; in chupcis, private III-575b; character II- 2G8d; III-529C; 5S6d; of chil- dren II-99a; chrism III-696d; Christian institution XV-712a; circumcision as II-260a; _ in Clementines IV-41d; clinical II-26'2a; Clovcsho, Council of IV-69a; and Communion V- 590a; compulsory VIII-3c; XIV-762a; 762b; conditional II-264a; 270d; 271a; Congrcga- tionalists II-204C; and con-

secration ser\'ice I-365b; of converts I-}5c: II-264a: Creed, recitation of IV-479b ; in Creeds I-632a: .St.Cvprian on II-263a; daily VI-.596d; X-706c: dea- cons, administration by IV- 649c; deaconesses, admin- istration by IV-649c; 652b; 6o2c; for dead II-271c; de- ferred I-384c; II-84c: III- 431c; definition II-259d; dep- rivation of VIII-2C; of desire II-265b; 266a; VIII-577a; in Didache IV- 779c; by dis- ciples II-260d; 261a; disposi- tions II-268d; doctrine II- 258d; XIV-586b; in early Church I-195d; XH32c; at Easier I-398b; V-226a: effects II-259a: 267d; III-587c; El- ceaaite doctrine IV-42a; V- 372a; Epiklesis V-502c; on Epiphany V-505c; Episcopal- ians II-264C: Erastus, teaching of V-515C; et^-mology II-259c; Eugene IV, decree of II-25Sd: Eunomian method II-262c; exorcism I-143a; V-710d: "ex- tra ecclcsiam"XII-774c: XIII- 531c; "ExultateDeo"II-258d; Ezechiel's prophecy II-268a; of faithful V-769C; figurative use n-259c; form I-S73a: II-259a; 262c: formula XV- 711a; 711c; foundlings II-271b; Gallican Rite VI-364b; 365a; garlands VI-3S5a; in Gnosti- cism VI-596d: grace of II-26SC; in Greek Church I-382d; II- 262c: 272d; Greek Schism VI- 765c; Gregory IX II-2filc; heretical doctrines II-259a; 2Glb: 209a; by heretics I-232b; n-259a: 203b: 204b; 2e4d; VI- 80d: VII-2eib; of heretics I-44d; 4.5a: IV-586b: XIV- 31d: of the Holv Ghost II-266a; Huguenots VII-529d; immer- sion II-261d; I-7Sc; and im- position of hands VII-098C —infant II-270a: 271b; 273a; Anabaptists I-445b: Apostolici I-647c: Baptists II-278c; VI- 704c; Gerona. canons of VI- 530b; and justification VI- 704c; Mennonites X-190d; original sin XI-313c; Origen XI-30Sd; Pelagius XI-OOOc; PIvmouth Brethren XII-173a: Sabbatarians XIII-287b; and salvation VI-700a; Schwenck- feldians XIII-597d; Socinians XIV-114b —of infidel children II-271b; in- fusion II-26'2a; of insane II- 271a; VIII-42C; institution II- 260b; XIII-299d; James of Sarugh X-493d; Jewish II- 200b; of St. John Baptist II- 259b: 260b; VIII-48Sb; justi- fication VI-703b; 704c; VIII- 576d; XIII-40Sa; St. Justm III-430d; Keys, power of I-Old; kiss VII-663d; in I.aniaism XII-409c; lay II- 259a; 265c; 269c; and Lent I-69a; lights IX-246C; Lord's Praver IX-356d: Luther II- 261b; 269a; IX-14,5c; 462b; in Manicha-ism IX-,594b; Mar- cion, system of IX-647d; in Maronite Church IX-685a; and marriage V-37d: IX-700C; 713b; matter II-259a; 2Cla; ^Iaya rite, analogy X-252_c; among Mazatec Indians X- 93d; in Menandrianism XII!- 797c; Mennonites X-190d; metaphorical I I-273d: in Meth- odism II-204C: X-237d; mid- wives, office of X-287d; Mile- vis. Council of II-270C; milk and honev III -503c; 2fl5c; minister rt-259a; 209a- Mon- tanist method II-263b; _X- 524a; in Mormonism X-5(la: in mother-church I-697d; in Mozarabic Rite X-622a; name II-272a: X-673d: 674c; in Nasorwanism X-707c; among Nazarencs I-132C; necessity II-205a: III-752C: neophvtes. garment of I-251b; Nicholas 1 Il-263d; offering XII-4a)c; XIV-2a; oils ll-2"2b; 2i2c; VII-i22c; Saint Optatus V-

Large type indicates titles of articles; other tj-pcs, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.