Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/178

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410c; Belmont Abbey II-447d; St. Benedict Biacop II-441d; Benedictbeuren Abbey 11- 441a; St. Benedict of Aniane II-445a; 467b; St. Benedict of Nursia II^67c; Benedict of Peterborough 11-4724; St. Ber- charius II-486b; Bercheure II- 486c; Bl. Berchtold II-486d; Bernard of Clunv II-501d; Ber- nold of Constance II-512d; St. Bernward II-513a; Berthold of Reichenau II-521d; Bessel II-528d; Beuron Congregation II-lolc; Billv II-567C; Blosius II-604a; Bocken II-608b; Hocking Il-aOSc; Boeri II- 610b; Bohemia II-122c; Bohe- mian, in United States II-621c; 622a; 622b; Boso II-697d; Boao (Breakspear) II-697d; Bossu II-69Sb; Bouillart II- 71Ib; Bouquet II-715a; Brad- shaw II-727C; Braun II-746a; in Brazil II-449C; Brazilian, at Katanga XVI-68c; St. Bru- no III-14a; Bucelin III-25c; Buckfast Abbey III-27d; Bull Ill-tOc; Bullarium III-60c; Bursfeld Abbey III-84c; Burs- feld Union II-449a; m-84d; Bury St. Edmund's III-85b; Ciesarius of Prum III-138d; Cajetan III-145b; Calmet III- 189b; Camaldolese III-204c; 20Sc; at Cambridge University III-211d; in Canada III-239b; canonesa II-464C; Carlo\-ingian schools II^57b; and Carthus- ians II-463C BENEDICTINE ORDER, Cassi- nese Congregation II-447d; American VI-4Sld; of Primi- tive Observance II-44Sb; Val- lumbrosan reform XV-263a — Castelli III-408d; Ceillier III- 476c; Celestine V III^79b; Celestines IIH79c; XVI-19d; Saint Ceolfrid III-536b; Chan- telou III-573b; chants VI- 780b; chapters VI-412c; char- acteristic feature II-471b; Chardon III-588c; churches. Rome XIII-lVOc; 170d; 174d; 17ob; civilizing influence II- 456a; III-597d; Cluniac re- form IH45b; Cluny Congre- gation IV-73b; Columbaman monasteries IIH96a; Concep- tion Abbey XIII-357b; "Con- cordia Regularis" II-446a; confratres II— 153d; Constan- tine Africanus IV-29.5c; con- stitution, early II-444d; Corbie monastery IV-35od; Corker IV-372C; Cortese IV-lOOc; Corvey Abbey IV-402a; Con- stant IV-454b; Couturier IV- 456d; cowl IV-J63b; Cressy IV-486C; Croyland Abbey IV- 541c; St. Cuthbert's relics IV- 679b; Dalberg IV-604b; dead, commemoration of I-315d: definitors IV-677a; in Dela- ware XV-647a; Delfau IV- 697c; in Denmark X\I-64d; Desclte XVI-32d; Deusdedit IV-760d; Diemoth IV-785d: Dissentis Abbey V-47a; Dob- mayer V-70b; Douai II-447c; Downside Abbey II-447d; V- 149a; Dudik V-184a; Dun- fermline Abbey V-192b; Dur- andus of Troarn V-208b; Easton V-240d; Echternach Abbey V-270d; Eckebert V- 273b; educational work II- 456d; 460b; Einsiedeln Abbey V-3fi7b; Ekkchard I V-370a; Ekkehard II V-370b; Ekkc- hard III V-370b; Ekkehard IV V-370b; Ekkehard V V-370d; Ekkehard of Aura V-37!a; Ellis V-392c; Ellwangcn Abbey V-392d; Emmeram Abbey V- 406b; Engel V-429a; Engel- berg Abbey V-429b; Engelbcrt V-4.30C — in Engtand II-444b; 445d; 440d ; 44Sc ; 4.'57a : 460b ; V-435b ; X-S6C ; cathedral prior I I-447d ; lav brother IX-93c; Most Pure Heart of Mary feast X-600b; suppression II-447a — Erdington Abbey V-517d; Est^ icnnotdo la Serro V-551b; Eve-

sham Abbey V-64Sb; extension I-12a; Feilmoser VI-26c; Fey- joo y Montenegro VI-66b; Folke'stone Abbey VI-125c; Fontenelle Abbey VI-129a; Forster VI-144d; foundations II-463b; in France II-448C; 450a; 451a; 457b; IV-37c; VII-58d; Frigolet Abbey VI- 307b; Bl. Frowin VI-310d; Fulda University IV-604b; Furness Abbey VI-324a; Gall, St., Abbey of VI-347b; Gal- letti VI-350b; Gams VI-376d; Gebhard III of Constance VI- 402a; Gemblours monastery VI-407d; G6nebrard VI-!12a; St. Genevieve's Church VI- 414c; Geoflrev of Vendome VI- 428b; in Germany II-444c; 4.57b ;GlaberVI-574d; Glaston- burv' Abbey VI-579b; Godric I and II of Croyland VI-626d; Gordon VI-649b; Gottschalk of Orbais VI-682a; Gottweig Abbey VI-682c; Gu^ranger VII-58d; Guido of Arezzo VII-65a; Guitmund of Aversa Vll-SOd; habit II-460a; Haef- tcn VII-105C; hagiography VII-107d; hair shirt VII-114a; Haneburg VII-127a; Harlay's work for VII-137d; Haymo Vn-160c; Heriger of Lobbes VII-264d; Herrgott VII-296C; Hersfeld Abbey VII-296d; Higden VII-346b; Hirechau Abbey VII-363a; history II- 443a; Hohenbaum van der Meer VII-3S4b; hospitallers II-ir>4b: Hucbald of St. Amand VII-.MDd; Huddleston VIl".')llb; Hugh of Fla\-igny VII-519b; Hugh of Fleury VII-519d; Hugh of Remire- mont VII-521b; St. Hugh the Great VII-524b; in Hungary II-451a; hymnals I-393c; in Iceland II-446d; independent congregations II-463c; in India VII-730b; insane, care of VIII-39c; Invitatorium \III- 89b; in Italy II-448a; 448c; and Jansenism I-94d; at Jeru- salem VIII-369d; John of Fecamp VIII-471d; Jouffroy VIII-526d; JumiSges Abbey VIII-566a; Roller VIII-687C; Kremsmiinster Abbey VIII- 701b; Lambert of Hers- feld VIII-758a; Lambert of St. Berlin VIII-758d; Lamy VIII- 772a; Langham VIII-788b; Lateran decrees II-446c; 469a; Lauds IX-38d; lav brothers 1 1-4 53b; at LSrins II-4i4a; li- braries II-458a; IX-230C; Lies- born Abbey IX-237c; Ligugfe Abbev IX-247a; Lindores Ab- bey iX-270a; literary work II-456d; IX-30b; Lobbes Ab- bey IX-318b; Loccum Abbey IX-319b; Lorsch Abbey IX- 364d; Lumper IX-431c; Lupus IX^36c; Mailing Abbey XVI- 60a; Malmcsbury IX-572b; MS. transcription II-457d; Maredsous monastery XVI- 33a: Maria Laach (ill.) II- 451b; Maria-Laach Abbey IX- 658a; Marienberg Abbey IX- 668c; Mart^ne lX-721a; Mar- tin, Abbot of the Schotten- kloster IX-726b; Martinsberg Abbey IX-7.34c; Maryhelp Abbev II-452b; Matins X-52b; Maurists Il-450b; X-69d; Mavr X-91b; Mochitarists X- 102d; St. Mechtilde X-10.5C; Mehrerau Abbey X-146d; Mei- chelboek II-441c; members of note II-161a; Metcalfe X- 234b; Mezger, Francis X-270a; Mczger. Joseph X-270a; Mez- ger, Paul X-270a; in Mexico X-262b; Military Order of St. Stephen Pope X-306b; mili- tary orders II-463d; Milo Crispin X-317c; in Minne- sota X-331a; Miridito Abbey X-352c; missionary work II- 444b; 455d; 460c; Molesme, Notrc-Dame de X-433c; mo- nastic schools II-457C; monk X-488b; monk (ills.) II-444b; 445c; Monto Cassino Abbey

II-443C; X-526d; Mont-St.- Michel X-551b; Monte Ver- gine Abbev X-53Sd; Morimond Abbev X-570a; Muchar X- 625b;" Mundwilcr X-630c; Muri Abbey X-643b; Neugart X-765a; Nonantola monastery XI-95a; novitiate II-460a: XI-147a -Nuns II-454a; abbess I-<c; 10c; abbess (ill.) II-455a; Bar- ton II-319b; in Belgium II- 455b; Bl. Bertha de Bardi II- 519b; Butler III-91c; Elizabeth of Schonau V-392a; England II^54b; 455b; France II-454d; Germany II-454C; 455c; Ger- trude of Nivelles VI-533d; Gertrude the Great VI-534b; Greenland I-420b; St. Hilde- garde VII-351b; Holland II- 455a; (ill.) II-454a; Italy II- 455c; Jerusalem VIII-370a; in Manila IX-600b; El. Mech- tilde X-105c; More X-564b; notable II -463a; Pittsburg XII-125d; Poland XII-193a; Spain II-^55c; statistics (1906) II-461a; Sydney XIV-366a; St. Thecla XIV-563c; United States II-455C; VI^82c -Oblates II-453d; 464c; Oding- ton XI-208d; Odo of Cambrai XI-211b; Oettingen XI-215a; Olivetans XI-244d; Ostiensis XI-347a; Ottobeuren XI- 358b; at Oxford XI-366a; Paris, Matthew XI-499a; St. Paschasius Radbertus XI- 51Sa; in Pennsylvania XII- 123c; Peterborough Abbey XI- 756a; Peter Cellensis XI-762d; Peter Igneus XI-768c; St. Peter Urseolus XI-776a; Pez, Bernhard XI-785C; Pez, Hier- onvmus XI-785d; Pitra XII- 119d; Petit-Didier XI-776C; Pinna da Encarnacao XII- 103a; Pius VII XII-132c; Plus- carden Priory XII-171a; in Poland XII-184a; 189b; 192d; Folding XII-201b; Pontefract Priory XII-229c; poor-relief III-5"98b; XII-239b; popes II- 461a; Port-Royal XII-295c; in Portugal II— 149b; present condition II— 458c; present work II-460C; Preston XII- 402c; printing II-45Sb; prior XII^27d; priory XII-»28c; privileges in United States and England I-18a; Probabilism XII-442d; progress II-446c; Prum Abbey XII-519a; purga- torial society XII-574d; Ra- tramnus XII-659d; recruiting II-459d; Reding XII-687d; re- establishment X-514C; reforms II-444d; Regino of PrOm XII- 719c; Reichenau XII-723a; Remv, St., Abbey of XII-765a; Rena'issance XII-768c; retreat houses XII-796C; Richard de Bury Xlll^Sa: Bl. Richard Whiting XIII— 46d; Richelieu's reforms XIIH8d; St. Rimbert XIII-57a; Rishanger XIII- 63c; Rite IX-313a; XIII-72C; St.RobcrtXIII-95d;RocXIII- 109d; Roger Bacon XIII-1 lib; Roger of Wendover XIlI-U6d; Rudolf of Fnlda XIII-21Sa; Ruinart XIII-'223a; St. Rup- ert's convent XIII-229b; in Russia XIII-260C; Ruysch XIII-282a; Sadler XIII-323c; St. Augustine, Abbey of XIII- 333b; St. Denis, Abbey of XIII-343C; St. Luzi, Abbey of XIII-365a; St. Ottilien, Con- gregation of II-452d; Saint- Oucn, Abbey of XIII-366C; St. Placid, Congregation of II- 450b; St. Vannes, Congregation of II-450a; Salerno School XIII-397b; scapular XIII- .509d; Schiiftlarn Abbey XIII- 519d; Schenkl XIII-527a; Schollincr XIII-5,52b; Schot- tenklostcr XIII-589d; Schram XIII-590C; sciences II-458c: Scot XIII-610a; scriptorium IX-618C; seminaries XIII- fi9Sd; 700d; 701c; .Sfondrati XIII-74SC; Sherborne Abbey XIII-7.".6b; Sigcbcrt of Gem-

bloux XIII-783d; Simeon of Durham XIII-794d; among Sioux XIV-22C; Smaragdus XIV-58d; Solesmes Abbey XIV-133C; in Spain II-444C; 448d; 449b; on "Spiritual Exercises" XIV-226d; Stan- brook Abbev XIV-244C; sta- tistics II-44Gd: 460d; XIV- 273a; Staupitz XIV-2S3a; Stephen III (IV) XI\-289b; Stephen of Autuo XIV-290d; Subiaco XIV-321b; Subiaco (ills.) II-443b;XIV-facing322; in Switzerland II-444C; 449d; VI-348a; XIV-362c; Sylves- rine, in India, map Vll-facing 736; Tanner XIV-444C; Tassin XIV^63b; Tavistock Abbev XIV^66d; Taxster XIV-467d: Tegernsee Abbey XIV-471C; Temperance Society XIV- 485d; Tenebra^ XIV-506b; Terce XIV-515b; tertiaries XII-757b; Tewkesbury Abbey XIV-542d; on Thabor, Mount XIV-552b; Thorney Abbey XIV-706a; Tor di Specchi Congregation VI-205d; Tosti XIV-788c; toties quoties indul- gence IV-774d; Touchet XIV- 795a; Toustain XV-4d; TrinitA di Cava dei Tirreni Abbey XV- 45c; Trithemius XV-62b; Trokelowe XV-63d; Tyne- moufh Priory XV-106d; Uh- tred XV-119C; Ullathorne XV- 121b: St. Ulrich of Zell XV- 124b: in United States II^51d; 400b: VI-481d; XV-648c: Ur- ban VIII's action II^47b; Ursin V-206d: Usuard Martyr- ology XV-235b; Vaast, St., Abbey of XV-248a; Vabres Abbev XIII-108a: Vaughan XV-315a; Victor III XV-410b; St. Vincent's Abbey (ill.) II- 451c; St. Vincent de Paul's in- fluence XV— 437a; vows II- 460a; 469a; Vulgate edition XIV-533a; Vulgate revision XV-515C; 518a; Walmesley XV-539d; ■Walsingham XV- 542c; Wandelbert XV-546b; washing of the feet I-13a; 'ft'earmouth Abbey XV-572b: Weber XV-573b; Weingarten Abbey XV-576b : St. Werburgh XV-5SSb; Werden monastery XV-589a; Wessobrunn Abbey XV-591b; Westminster Abbey XV-598a: in Westphalia XV- 604b; Whitbv Abbey XV-609C; Bl. William XV-629c; William, Abbot of Marmoutiers XV- 629d; William, Abbot of Saint- B«nigne IV-795b: XV-630a; Williamites XV-644b: William of Gellone XV-633a; William of Jumieges XV-633b; William of Malmcsburv XV-633d; Wil- liam of Nangis XV-634C; Wil- liam of Ramsey XV-637c; Wil- liam of St. Thierry XV-638a; St. Willibald XV-644d; St. Willibrord XV-<)45b; Wilton Abbey XV-647c: Wimmer XV-64Sb; St. Winnebald XV- 644d; Winzet XV-€59d; St. Wolfgang XV-6S2d; St. Wol- stan XV-6S7b; at Worcester, England XV-703d; Wflrzburg Abbeys XV-721a; Zallwein XV-f45d; Zangerle XV-749d; Ziogclbauer XV-75Sa; Ziegler XV-7.iSb; Zinpcrle XV-760b Benedictines de Notre-Dame du

Calvaire V!I-.5d Benedictines of La-Pierre-qui-

Vire VI-17.'id — of Saint Laurence, .^'ic Bene- dictiii'-s of the Holv Sacrament —of Saint Odila XVI-.s5c — of the Holy Heart of Mary IX- 47lic

of the Holy Sacrament I-154b;

II-721a; Name of Mary feast X-673C — of the Sacred Heart of Mary

X-99b Benedictio, in Galilean Rite VI-

717c — MensfB XIV- 555c .

Benediction, in :'opt!c absolution I-66b. See I leasing

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.