Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/205

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  • Bryant, William Cullen, poet VII-215a
  • Bryce, James, on confiscation of Irish lands VIII-151d
  • —John VI-714b
  • Brychan. See Bragan
  • Bryennios. Philotheus, Bishop of Nicomedia VI-771d; XI-70b; Didahe IV-779a
  • Bryennius, Nicephorus. See Nicephorus Bryennius
  • Bryn Athyn, Swedenborgian institution XIV-356c
  • Bryndeholme, Edmund, Venerable. See Brindholm
  • Bryn Mawr College IV-110d
  • Brynolf (Brynolph; Brynolphus) Algotsson, Saint, Bishop of Skara XVI-75b; as hymnodist VII-604a: XIII-29c
  • —III Gerlaktsson, Bishop of Skara XVI-75c
  • Brynych, Eduard Johannes Nepomuk. Bishop of Königgrätz

VIII-688d; apologetics IV-600c

  • Brzeziny, deanery, Warsaw XV-556a
  • Brzostowski, Constantius Casimir, Bisliop of Vihia XV-432c
  • Brzozowski, Thaddeus, General of the Society of Jesus XIV-100a
  • B. Sc. abbreviation I-23d
  • Bshai, Agapius, Coptic bishop V-356b
  • Bu, measure VIII-322d
  • Buadan, Saint. See Baithen
  • Buanag. See Sioux
  • Bubale, in Bible I-517d; 520a
  • Bubalis, Flaminia de VIII-20d
  • Buaché. geogrpaher XlV-138b
  • BUBASTIS iBUBASTUS), See III-25b: in Bible VI-436c
  • Bubbewich, Nicholas. See Buburth. Nicholas
  • Bubston, Padre de. See Stephens, Thomas
  • Bubulcus, Bishop of Vindonissa IV-286d; IX-40b
  • Buburth, Nicholas, Bishop of Salisbury XIII-4O1b; as London bishop IX-347d
  • Buca (Termoli) XIV-518a
  • Bucareli y Ursúa, Antonio María, Viceroy of Mexico III-179d
  • —Francisco de Paula, viceroy Vll-47d; expulsion of Jesuits I-703d; XII-699b; on Reduction of Paraguay XII-695b
  • Bucaresci. See Bukarest
  • Bucca, mother of St. Ulrich XV-124c
  • —early .Sequence XII-485d
  • Bucciaielli, Darius, Archbishop of Scopia XIII-610a
  • Buccleuch, family X-171b
  • —Walter Francis Scott, fifth Duke of II-376d
  • Bucellæ VII-489d
  • Bucellani, Giovanni XIV-228a
  • Bucentaur, Arsenal Museum, Venice XV-335b: (ill.) XV-335
  • BUCER, MARTIN III-25d; IX-454d; on Antichrist I-561c: on baptism II-265c; Book of Common Prayer II-679c; 680d; and Calvin III-197a; Christology I-215c; and Cochlæus IV-79b; in England I-502d; on Eucharist III-198b; fanaticism II-75c; and Gardiner VI-384a; and Gropper VII-36d; on heretics XIV-769a: and Hermann V VII-37a; on justification VI-704c; VIII-577c; and Luther IX-4.56d; and Œcolampadius XI-214a; and Philip the Alagnanimous IX-455b; at Ratisbon V-36b; on Sacraments III-202b: and Sedgwick XlII-678d; "Simplex et Pia Deliberatio" I-503a: at Strasburg XlV-314a; on Thomas Aquinas X1V-673c
  • Buch, Henry Michel XII-773d
  • Buchan, Earl of. 'See Stewart, Alexander
  • Buchanan, George, writer, and Blackwood II-591d; at Coimbra IV-95d: and Latin drama IX-28c; at St. Andrews XIII-332b; writings XIII-625c
  • —James, President of the United States VIII-142d; XV-171a; Arizona I-719c; and Confederacy XV-171d; and Fillmore VIII-679a; and Hughes VII-517b
  • Bucharest. See Bukarest
  • Buchau, convent II-464d; privileges I-9a
  • Büchauer, Placid, Abbot of Kremsmünster VIII-701c
  • Buchberger, encyclopedia V-417a
  • Bucheck, Berthold von. Bishop of Strasburg X-67d; XIV-313d
  • Buchel, Anna van, Zionite XV-76la
  • B{{{1}}}chen, church XVI-70b
  • Bucherian Catalogue II-511b
  • Bücherwelt, Die, periodical, Bonn II-688d
  • Buchez, Philippe Joseph, politician. Carbonari III-331b; and Falloux V-772d; and Olivaint XI-243b; Saint-Slliionism XIII-378b
  • B{{{1}}}chi, Vatican researches VIII-64c
  • Buchholtz, Rheinhold, historian VI-510b
  • Buchiras, Isidore, Hesychast VII-302c
  • Büchlein, Paul. See Fagius. Paul
  • Buchner, Friedrich Karl, philosopher, on creation IV-472b; on good, highest VI-641b; life theory IX-240b, materialism V-407d; X-43a: XII-34a; on matter and force IV-472d
  • —Hans, bacteriologist X-138b
  • —Ludwig, materialist II-42a
  • — Luise, suffragist XV-693b
  • Buck, Remi de II-27a
  • —VICTOR DE III-26c; on ampullæ I-440b; portrait III-26x; and Verhoven XII-754a
  • Buckalew, Charles R., United States senator XVI-17a
  • Bucke, Catherine V-472a
  • Bücken Abbey VII-128b
  • Buckholt, Henry, Bishop of Lubeck IX-401d
  • Buckland, William, dean II-783c
  • Buckler, Reginald, on perfection XI-666a
  • Buckingham, Dukes of. See Stafford. Edward, third duke; Stafford, Henry, second duke; Villiers, George
  • —J. S., traveller II-9a
  • Bucklersbury, chapel III-364c
  • Buckley, James, Bishop of Port of Spain XII-291b
  • —John, Venerable. See John Buckley, Venerable
  • —R. A. XIII-121d
  • —Sigebert, Benedictine I-439b; II-447b; 462d; VIII-451a; and Mayhew X-86c; and Preston XII-402c
  • Buco, John de. See Bouchier, Jean
  • Bucolus, Bishop of Smyrna XIV-60c
  • Bucoras, Nubian see XI-148a
  • Bucovina, Rumania XIII-226c
  • Buda, town, castle (ill.) VII-553; chronicle X-67c; diet (1524) X-719d;founded VII-548a: Orthodox see VI-755a; St. Stephen's relics XIV-288a; synod (1279) VII-550c; XI-56d; Tvirkiah conquest VII-553b; Turks lose XV-392c. See Budapest
  • Budæus, Gulielmus. See Budé
  • Budapest, periodical VII-562b
  • —town, basilica (ill.) VII-550a; Bronzino's works I-325d; and Gran VI-721d; Parliament, House of (ill.) VII-5.55; population II-121b; VII-,547b; St. Matthias' Church (ill.) VII-559; seminary II-127c; VII-40b; temperance congress XIV-486a university II-124d; 126c; VI-722d; XV-198a
  • Budapesti Hirlap, periodical VII-562b
  • Budat, Iiniversity VI-722d
  • Budde, Jöns, author XIV-355a
  • —Karl Ferdinand Reinhard, Biblical critic IV-.502d; VIII-80d; on Kings VIII-650b
  • Buddha III-28d; 33a; Aristides, Apology of I-713a; footprints III-547c; XII-89d; Jnatriputra VIII-270a; legends II-297b; III-32c; 33a; pilgrimages III-547c; XII-85b relic III-548a; statue (ill.) VIII-305c; Vishnu as II-148c; wives I-773a; worship III-31a
  • —Charita III-29c
  • Buddbagosa, Commentaries of III-29b
  • Buddhi, in theosophic doctrine XIV-627c
  • BUDDHISM I-772d; III-28c; abstinence I-72c; in Africa I-186d; Amitabha III-31d; in Annamin-31d; in apologetics I-619d; asceticism I-772d; III-30c; in Asia XIV-279c; Avalokitesvara III-31d: beads, use of II-362C; Brahma III-29c; caste III-30d; celibacy III-30c; in Ceylon III-549d; charity III-32d; 593c; in China Ill-31c; 668b; and Christianity III-30c; 32c; 714c; and Confucianism IV-227d; conscience, evidence of IV-269c; continence IV-330d; eschatology III-29d; V-530a; esoteric XlV-627a; ethics III-30c; 33c; 34a; evil XI-741a; fate V-794a; founder III-28d; and Gnosticism VI-593c; gods III-30a; heavens III-30b; Hinayna III-31c; and Hinduism II-148c: hospitals X-125b; in India VII-728a; 728c; and Jainism VIII-269d; in Japan III-31d; VIII-304d; 311b; XII-410c; in Kafiristan and Kashmir VIII-591c; in Kandy VIII-596d; Karma III-33b; in Korea III-31d; labour III-32d; Lamaism III-32a; Mahayana III-Slc; marriage III-33d: metempsychosis X-235d; Matteyya III-31b; monasticism III-30b; in Mongolia X-480d; morality X-559d; Nirvana III-29d; nuns III-30d; object XII-739d; Osaka XI-333C; pessimism III-33C; philosophic system XII-31a; pilgrimages XII-8.5b; Polo, M,arco, Book of XII-218C; poverty III-33d; XII-324d; priesthood XII-409b; primitive Ill-29c; and Quietism XII-608d; sacrifice XIII-318a; scriptures III-549d; in Siam XIII-765c; soul XIV-153b; statistics I-779a; 782c; III-32b; XIV-276a; 281d; Sukavati III-31b; swastika IV-517C; and Taoism III-31d; XIV-448b; temples XIV-497c; texts III-29a; theosophic ideas X1V-626C; in Tibet III-32a; XIV-719a; transmigration of souls IV-475d

Buddhist Catholicism XII-409c BUDÉ, GOTLLAUME IlT-34b; and Calvin III-196a; Collge de France IV-113c: and Glarean VI-577b; humanism VII-541d

  • Budey, von, version of the Bible XV-369b
  • Budge, E. A. W., Egyptologist XI-304d
  • —Lucy, martyr V-478a
  • Budic, King of Armori. XIV-473d
  • Budimirovitch, Solovei XIII-266b
  • Budinoi, tribe XIV-44c
  • Budnseus, heretic XIV-113d
  • Budny, Simon, author XII-197a
  • Budoc, Saint, Bishop of Dol XII-772a; and St. Winwallus XV-659c
  • Budocus, Bishop of Vannes XV-271c
  • Budweis, town, battle (1620) VI-41a: pojnilation III-35a
  • —DIOCESE OF in-34c: religious orders II-1.36d: statistics II-614b
  • Bue, James de, Bollandist II-635b
  • Buell, Don Carlos XI-226c
  • Buenas letras, Academia de, Barcelona XIV-lS9b
  • Buenaventura, Gabriel San, missionary X-85b
  • —y Olivares, Antonio de San, missionary XIIl-424d
  • Buen Gusto, Academia de, Saragossa XIII-470b
  • Bueno, El, periodical XV-231c
  • Buenos-Aireans. See Portenos
  • BUENOS AIRES,cityIII-35c:administration III-3Ca; Brown's services II-S04a; climate III-35d; drainage system III-36b; foundation I-703d; history III-36d; hospital II-636a; institutions I1I-36C; Masonic council IX-776d; population (1907) III-36a; Reductions of Paraguay XII-696b; 698d; San Martin's tomb XVI-31d; statistics I-704a; university III-36C; XV-202C; waterworks III-36b
  • —Archdiocese of III - 37a ; cathedral (ill.) III-35d; churches I-705a; Franciscan tertiaries, congress XIV -642b; priests, confraternity of XII-421d; Society of Jesus XII-689b; Society of the Blessed Sacrament XIV-11 la
  • Buen Retire, palace, Madrid IX-516c: frescos III-345b;theatre II-156b
  • Bufalini, Leonardo, Vatican publications XV-293c
  • Bufalo, Antonio del VI-390C
  • —Gaspare del. See Gaspare del Bufalo
  • —Innocenzo del. Bishop of Camerino III-217a
  • Buffalini Chapel, Rome XIII-172a
  • Buffalo, animal, in Bible I-520a; in Kiowa religion VIII-661a: Sioux venerate XIV-24a
  • —town, A. P. A. I-426d: Lutheran synod IX-461b: statistics XI-31a: strike, Quigley's action I-684d; III 656,b
  • —DIOCESE OF Ill-37c; bishops III-39b; blind, school for V-319d: Canisius College XI-761d: cathedral (ill.) Ill-facing 38; Catholic settlers III-38a; charitable institutions XII-247a; clergy III-39a; erection VII-517d: Hungarians VII-546a; (ill.) Ill-facing 38: Italians VIII-206a; St. Joseph, Congregation of VII-512d; Louvain College I-425a: Maronite mission XIII-85a; missions III-37c: O'Reilly VII-145a: Our Ladv of Angels Seminary XIII-699d: Poles XII-205d; 211a; Polish congress (1896) XII-209a; (1901) XII-209a; Quigley's episcopate III-656b; Refuge, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of XII-712c Sacred Heart convent VII-134c: seminaries XIII-700b: statistics III-39c: XI-31b; XV-176d: Temperance Union XIV-491c
  • Buffalo Volksfreund, periodical VI-483d
  • Buffarello, Mosè, Bishop of Belluno Il-42ld
  • BUFFIER, CLAUDE lll-40a; IX-327d
  • Buffle, in Bible I-520a
  • Buffon, Georcps-Louis-Leclerc de, physicist XII-64d;656d;on evoloution V-656a; Houdon's portrait of VIII-499c; and Spallanzani XIV-209c
  • Bugallal, Alvarez, Spanish minister XlV-187d
  • Bugella (Biella) II-559d
  • Bugenhagen (Pomeranus: Pommer), Johann, Luteran VII-122a; XII-226b; XV-679a; in Brunswick III-19c; Copenhagen University IV-325b; in Denmark IV-725a; XII-706b; in Hamburg VII-122a; and Luther IX-457a
  • Bugge, Elseus Sophus, author XI-121c
  • Buggy, Kevin F., journalist XI-682a
  • Bugia, candlestick I-348b: III-247c; IX-245d
  • Bugis, tribe XII-626d
  • BUGLIO, LOUIS III-4Ob: missal XV-347d .
  • Buglose, pilgrimage XII-890

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.