Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/224

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CarroU, Henry III-381b

Henry King, statistician Al V -

279b — Tames, physician VIII-143a —James J., Bishop of Nueva Sego\-ia Xl-loOa ,

TOHN, Archbishop oi Balti-

moTe ill-3sld; II-232a; Al- bany I-257a| II-705a; Cana- dian Commission ^\-\f^: confirmation PP^J^^^.'xx- consecration XII-172a, XV 540b; Detroit IV-7o8c; and Domin V-135c; education XIII-560d; on Bishop Egan V- 324d; election IX-760b; and Emery V-402b; and Gallitzin VI-368C; Georgetown Univer- sity VI^58c; and Levadoux IX-205a; Louisiana TriooS'. Xl-lOd; on Maryland II-229b and Neale X-728d; New "iork XI-21b; and Penobscot In- dians XI-645b; PUladephia Xl-643b; Pittsburg XII-121C, and Plowden, Charles \ 1-47 /d; XI-22c; XII-167b; on Plow- den, Robert XII-16Sd; and Polish priests XII-205a; Port- land XlII-287b; and Fr Rich- ard IV-759a; at St Omers XIV-309d; seminary fomiaea XIII-698a; and Seton, Eliza- beth Xnl-739c; and feulpicians XIV-330b; Synod of 1791 U- 239d; in Virginia XIU-oUc, XV-457C; on Wappeler Vl- 477d; Washington, D. O. AV- 558d , ^ . „-

—John, Bishop of Lismore IX-


—John, resident priest ot ftt.

John XIII-355b —John, Bishop of Shrewsbury

XIII-760a —John D. III-452C —John Lee, Governor of Mary- land IV-25()b —John P., Bishop of Helena Vll-

203d; X-519a —Joseph W. II-801d —Martin II-800b -Mary III-3Slb ,-„, , ,,. —Richard, missionary X1U-441C —Thomas, in New \ ork II-801d Thomas, in Pennsylvania 111-

College, Wisconsin XV-(iMb

Carton, Guy-Toussaint-JuUen, and Lamennais \IIl--it)3a, London mission XV-594a —Julie I-437d . ■ t Y ^Thomas, Menominee chiet -v-

— du Villards, Ch. J. F., oculist

Carrowmore, Druid Stone (ill.)

Carry, Edward F. XIV-79b

CarrvinE of the Cross, in art "errSri) VI-i8a; (Solan) XIV-133b

Carshuni, version of the bible XV-369d . „ , J

Carson, Christopher, in Colorado IV-130a; Navajo Indian cam- paign X-72nb; in Nevada X-

Ca'rstares, William xni-332b

Carstens, Asmus Jacob, painter XV .'r_>lc

Carta ajgyptica IX-614C

—Cari talis. N,.- Charter of Chanty

— damascena IX-615b

Cartagena, town. Colombia 111- 384b; Masonic councu IX- 776d; pillaged IV-122d; slave market XII-627C; university XV~202b , . ,

—town Spain in-3S4c; founded XlV-17C,c; (ill.) in-384c

—ARCHDIOCESE OF, Colom- bia in-384b; Inqmsition in VIlI-.37a; St. Louis Bertrand IX-377b; map IV-facing

—DIOCESE OF, Spain in-384c;

XIV-172d; map XlV-facing

2(10 , „

—Alfonso de. Bishop of Burgos

in (i7c: and St. John of baha-

gAn Vlll-478a — Juande I\-.527a Carta Marina (l/jlG) l-*;:

Prcater John 8 IsinRdom Xll-


-Pergamena l-303b; IXrOlSa CartaphUus, legend IX-l^bC,

127a Cartas de un filosofo rancio, pe- riodical, Spain XI^9()a Carte, Thomas, on Peter Talbot

XIV-433d . J „

— Geografiche, GaUena deUa,

Vatican XV-277d; 29, c Cartel d' Asso, burial-place, vi-

terbo XV-487C —Period, Germany .xyi--22b Cartellion, and Calvm \ ll-^^-*^ Carter, Charles I. H., priest V U- 400d; XI-795a; on Spintual Exercises XIV-228C — GuiUermo Juan, vicar Apos- tolic of Tarapac4 XIV-4olc —John XV-630b —Thomas H. X-519b —William. See Wilham Carter, Venerable -innA.

Carteret, Sir George X-790d,

Xl-lOSd „„.

— Philip, explorer XI\ -138b —Sir PhiUp de. Governor of New

Jersey X-791a Carterius Vll-lOd; XII-1-4C Cartesianism IV-744C; St. Augus- tine Il-lOOb; Eucharist \- 683a; idea in VII-632b; ideal- ism VII-635a; immanence the- ory VII-6S3b; impact theory Xil-61b; and Occasionalism XI-195C; quantity theory Xll- 591d; R^gis XII-72 lb; subtile matter XII-59d; and theology XIV-594d ^ ^

Cartesius, Renatus. See Ues-

cartes. Rent!' Cartha VI-436d ^ ^ _^, Carthach, Saint. See Carthage Carthaee. town, .\fnca III-385D. Arabs take I-192d; III-104a: 105b; Balearic Isles captured TI-222a; excavations ill-38/a, fall (146 B. C.) XIII-166d ; X\ - 88d- founded XV-88d; llOc; Greek language l-194b; Oir- genti VI-571a; Jews l-185c: ^Ialta IX-575a; Messina X.- 216d; Piaano Xll-UOd; Punic inscriptions Xlll-710a; Sar-

amia XIII-474d; Sicdian -- XIII-773a; Sidonians Xlll- 777a; tithes XIV-741C; Van- dals n III-387b; XV-268C —ARCHDIOCESE OF III-38Db; arolvtes I-107a; Assembly (484") XIV-556b; Aurelius s episcopate II-108d; baptismal vessels I-334b; bas-reliefs I- 485c; calendar I-197d; III- 161d; cathedral I-181b; III- 387d; conference (411) II-88c; V-12Sb ^ ,

—Councils III-387C; St. Augus- tine's influence II-87c; (198- 222) I-199c; III-385c; 3S7c; on baptism I-232b;II-264d; 265a; Numidian bishops 1-191<:: (251) I-200a; 624d; VI-28a; XI-636d; (252) I-200a; VI- 28a7xili4o4a!(253)II-270c; (255) X-304C; XIII-230b; 771a; (256) I-198a; 199d; (345- 148) V-126a; on baptism 1- 200b; on usury XV-236a; (390) on appeals I-652c; on chrism III-697b; (397). on canon of Scriptures I-200C ; Ill-272d ; 278b; VII-183b; XIV-751d; canons III-283c; on ecclesias- tical trials IV-447d; on inter- cession, episcopal ^'JII"4- Jqu" Maundy Thursday fast X-faSb; on property, ecclesiastical IX- 117c- on satisfaction XI-629b, (398) I-107a; 107b; on aco- lytes III-247a; on alb I-251d; o"n appeals I-^.Wc; on arch- priests I-697c; on beards II- 363a; on ,-1 ,„ 1. .nni ^ I\ -lb; onecclesia.i. .in,,, I\ 1_ -d.

on exorcist,,., ,l., i, ^ . iic.

on hospi.'- ^ II l"^:. "^ hours, canoincal Vll ■^Hl*; o" Scripture, authorship Xlll- 636d; on suspension Xl\ -34oa ; on Viaticum XV-398b: (399) XII-140C; (401) I-199d; on advocatus ecclcsia; I-168C. on altars III-575a; on Donatists V-128a; on martyrs IX-744b; on tiieitre XIV-559d; (40.3) V-12Sa; (404) I-200a; Mil-

lie; (407) I-199c; on diocese V-2a- on trustees XV-71a; (412) II-88d; XI-605C; XII- 65c; (416) H-lOSa; VIII-12b; XI-606b; (417) II-109a:„>-I- 606d; (418) I-199d; XV-'6oa; on appeals I-200b; o94b; on grace VI-692b; 695b; on limbo IX-257a; on original sm XI- 3i2b; Pelagianism condemned XI-607a; XIII-703b; (419) I- 200b; Apiarius I-594b; Cimon of Scriptures III-2(2d; 278D, 283c; IX-61a; (420) I-200c; (424) I-200b; (525) I-199c; on ibbots XII-751b; (534) I- 199d; on abbots XII-751b on Arianism I-192c; 202d; (ooO) V-638d; (1890) III-387d. See African Synods — Eucharistic host mould V u 491b; Felicissimus schism VI- 27c; holy water font VII-434a; 435a; map I-facing 180; mar- tvTology IX-741b; persecution lll-386b; primacy 1-1880, 199b; III-387b; and Rome 1- 594a; III-386d; schisms XIII- 533b; White Fathers' scholasti-

-ISjoCH^iil), SAINT III- 384d; at Bangor Abbey U- 251a; church, Australia Xl- 566a; church, Canada XI- 565d; at Lismore 1X-284D, XV-565b; Moran 3 biography of XIV-367C; and St. Rouen XIII-180b; rule IX-284b Carthagena, John of. See John of Carthagena - . . ,

Carthage the Elder, Saint at Aran I-677c; and St. Carthage the Younger III-3S4d Carthaginians, in Andalusia 1 465c; at Capua 111-J19C, in Gibraltar VI-550b; m Spain XIV-176C . , .

Carthan. See Cariathaim Carthan Finn, Prince of Tho- mond I-699d , , ^ ,. „,

Carthusian, Ludolph the. bee

Ludolph of Saxony —ORDER III-38Sa; Albergati I-258d- St. Anthony's mfluence I-555b; badge III-390d; and Benedictines II-463c; Beren- ger II-i89a; Birnbaum II- 579c; Blomevenna II-M^O' Boniface of Savoy II-672b; bt. Bruno III-14b; Carasse XI\- 453d; cells III-634c; Certosa^di Val d' Ema (ill.) \III-21<c; charterhouse^III-634a; Char- treuse, La Grande III-63bd, Chauncev III-64ob; church, Rome XiII-174d; cloister regu- lations IV-63a; Consuetu- dines III-388C; corporal I- 355c; IV-387b; dead commem- oration of I-316a; Denys I\- 734d; development III-390C. Dissen V-46d; Dominic of Prussia V-112d; ejev-ation \- 380d; in England I.II-391b. fast III-390a; foundations III- 16c; founded III-14b; VII- 280c; X-475a; genuflexion VI- 427a; Gothic architecture VI- 667a; Guigues du Chastel V 11- 66a; habit III-390a; hair shirt VII-114a; Henry of Kalkar VII-236b; St. Hugh of Lincoln VII-519d; Introit VIII-Slc; Jacob of Juterbogk VIII-2blc: Houghton VIII-465C; Kram" VIII-697d; Lanspergius VIU- 793b; life III-389b; lay broth- ers III-390a; I X-93b; libraries IX-230c; liqueur III--390a. liturgy nl-389c; Ludolph of

428b; priory XII-428C; Reisch XII-731b; retreat houses Xll- 796d; rite IX-797b; St Rose- line XIII-192b; rule III-388a, 388d; Salve Regina XIII-409C, silence XIII-790b; and Society of Jesus I-767a; supP-'^sKm III-390c; Sunus XIV-343C, Switzerland XIV-362d; Bl. Thomas Johnson XIV-bSJD, Bl William Exmew XV-b3UD,


III-392a , . . ..,,

— Germanus, Bible revision XV-

-JACQTJES III-392C; 231c; X- 547c- Acadian claim 1-900, birthplace XII-773b; among Hurons VII-573b; missionary work X-378a; Mount Royal III-568a; in Newfoundland A- 782c; portrait III-392d; at Rimouski XIII-58d; at Samt- Pierre XIII-376b

—Warren A. XIV-79b

Cartography, Behaim .11-3910, Bchaim's Globe (facsimile) II- ■ioid- Clavus IV-9d; Cosa IV- 402c; Delisfe IV-7b0b; Fill- ^stre VI-74d; at Louvain IX- llsa; medieval VM49c;Ortel-

ius XI-328d; P'ol^^fj^S'oa'^ I-421a; Ruysch XIII-282a Society of Jesus VI-4o2b, WaldseemilUer XV-531a

Cartomancy XIV-339d

Carton, cardinal, Bishop of Lon- don XV-370d

—John XIV-398d

CMtouche, oval VII-244a; (lU.)

Cartuja" monastery VI-723d; VI-

Cartuyvels, Charles IX-397b Cartwright, John II-9a —Thomas, Puntan leader XI-

9.".d; 9l;a; 99b: XII-oSlc Carty, Praxedes, Sister of Loretto

ci^ana,^,F. X., Bishop of Malta Ca^s,Ma^cus Aurelius, Roman Emperor V-7a; XII-446C, Persian war XI-71ob

Paul, on Monism X— Jsoc,

panbiotism XI-446a ,

Carusi, Bartolommeo, Bishop of I'rbino VII-28.5a; XV -222b; birthplace XV-221C .

Carvacial luan. See Carvajal HaSvSjXl^ ERN ARDI N O LOPEZ DE, cardinal III-39Ja. m Prague VIl-.5S9c; in Sigu- enza XIlI-7SSb; 78Sc — GASPAR DE 1II-393C —JUAN lll-393d; and Eugene IV Xll-loSb; Vienna Con- cordat II-123d —Lorenzo Galindez de, chron- icler XIl-l."'>b — LUISADEIll-:W4d —LUIS DE III-3'.i4d; \ I-293a — Pedro de. Bishop of Coria Xll-loSa ._, . „. ,^ — y Lancaster, Isidoro de. Bishop

of Cuenca IV-562C Carvalho Didacus. See Didacua



liturgy iii-oo"-. x^"-.".,". -- SaxonvIX^iea; membcrslll- 391a; Molina, Antonio dc X- 43,5c; monasteries I-l 2d; monks X-t88b; Montreuil X-5.-)0c: in NImes XI-83d; Nominalism XIV-.')92c ^, , „ .,

— nurw III-391C; Blessed Beatnx of Ornacicux II-3 / od ; conse- cration of virgins II 1-3915 ; IV-6.5-2c; habit III-391d; prioress XII-428b

—Nuremberg X IM 69d ; « Mlicc ..I theneadXI-221b:CMhrrs I 3S9b; lll-.i'.">b in Poland XII T.Kic; V:*"" state III-390d; prior XII

—Jose de. See Ponibal

—Jose M. de. Bishop of Macao

IX-482a -Luis, Jesuit XIV-8Sb —Michael. See Michael Car-

— Paulo de, cardinal IV^SSb Carvallo, navigator IX-o.'7<; CARVE, THOMAS IlI--'9^)? Carver, Jonathan, traveller XIV-

Carville. leper-house IX-lS3d cl^inliwiod. S«Wood-Carv-

CaVT Arthur, Anglican clergyman

CARYLl!'JOHN, the Elder III-

-john. the Younger III-395b -Mary, al.brss 111-. 9od Carystia. >•;' < ar.\ >iu Carystius, Diodes, pn:

?ian X-

Carysfus. town, marble XV-OOtVc "v,^?"f'a,.dn,,.lcislll-5.^9a Carlo, Bishop of I'adua Xl 3'<.a

^— ^— ;^r^^^^^|;,;7^^^ (iU,)=iUustrations.