Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/232

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Centurione, Giovanni Battista,

Bishop of Savona XIII-490b — Luigi, Jesuit XIV-86c: and

Ricci XIII-33b — Virginia, foundress X-604b Century, in chronology III-741b;

in Roman army III-535d

Cenwulf, King of Mercia V-SoSb

Ceo, Violante do, poet XII-309b


SAINT ni-536b; and Bcde

II-3S4b: Codex Amiatinus I-

S09d; XV-51Sb; pilgrimage to

Rome VI-78Sb; de Rossi on

IV-82d; at Wearmouth XV-


CeoUach, Bishop of Mercia IX-

232d Ceolmund, Bishop of Rochester

XIII-102b Ceolnotb, Archbishop of Canter- bury III-299d; and Egbert V- 325c Ceolwulf (Ceolulph), King of

Mercia VI-626c CEOLWULF, King of Northum- bria III-o37a; and Bede I- 26gd Ceonwulf, Bishop of Winchester

XV-B.iOc Ceorbhall, King of Leinster IV-

373b Ceorl, in feudalism VI-60d Ceos, Se,. ,,f VI-73S;d CEPEDA, FRANCISCO III-537C Cephalenia. Sit Ccphalonia Cephalicus, in music X-768b Cephallenia. See Cephalonia CephaicBdium (Cefalu) III^76b Cephalonia, island VIII-91c; Greek see VI-738d; Guiscard VII-73d; and Venice XV-33Sb Cephas, Apostle. See Peter,

Saint —disciple V-29b; VI-339d Cephira. See Caphara Cephissus, battle (1311) II-45d Ceppo (Christmas) III-728b Cerami, battle (1063) XIII-77ob Ceramics I-175a; and criticism, historical IV-506b; Japan Vni-315a CERAMUS, See of III-537d Ceran, Saint, Bishop of Paris XI-

481d Ceraso, Angelo, Bishop of Bovino

II-724C Cerasoli. cardinal XIII-132b — CoUegio XIII-132b Cerastes I-518a; 520c Cerasus, town XII-234C; XIV-

14b CERASUS, See of III-537d Ceratus, Saint, Bishop of Gren- oble Vri-26c

Bishop of Paris. See

Cerball. Scr Ceorbhall

Cerbelloni, Cherubim, Bartholo- mite II-317C

Cerbonius, Saint, Bishop of Popu- Innia X-30a

Cerbuna, Pedro, Bishop of Tara- zona XIV-4.-)2d

Cerchi, Vieri de' IV-628b; and Boniface VIII II-063C

Cercle Catholique du Luxem- bourg VI-188b

— de Lille IX-2,52c

— d'etudes sociales, Louvain IX- 396c

— industriel, Louvain IX-SnOc

Ce roles d'ouvriers catholigues IV-243C

Cercusium (Circesium) III-77Gd

Cercyra (Corfu) IV-362d

Cerda, Juan de la IX-47b

—Luis de la, Duko of Medina Coli IV-141b

— Mesia de la, Marques de la Vego x-r,;-,nb

Cerdan, cnrdinid, Bishop of Lcr- idalX-lSSd

Cerdani, Antonio, rardinal Bish- op of M,..s>,inM X-217b

Cerda y Granada, Pedro de la. author MV I99c

Cerdic, King II-.57,Sb

Cerdo, Gnostic VI-508a: VII- fl93d: XII-126C; teaching V-

— Bishop of Alexandria 1-301 a;

V-3.51d; election V-3.5.3C Cere, tomb IV-S18a Citi, Henrietta X-078d Cerealia, Homan XIV-S56a

Cerealis, general VII-185a Cerebruno, Bishop of Siguenza

Xin-7S8a Cerecedo, Juan de. Bishop of

Oviedo Xl-363d Cere-Cloth l-352b; III-697d CEREMONIAL III-538a; of bishops IX-302C; in Domin- ican RiteXIII-76a; on funeral pall yil-322a; papal XI-287b; musical instruments X-658c: on Vespers XV-383b Ceremoniare, Papal, Vatican

archive XV-290b Ceremonies, Congregation of III- o3Sc; XIII-143C; patriarchs, decree on I-l.i8c; precedence, regulation of XII-371d CEREMONY III-538C; acolytes I-107d; Albigensian I-269c; Amalarius of Metz l-37bc; 377a; Byzantine III-122b; candles in-24Cd; in early Church I-197a; character II- 420c; Lamaistic III-32a; Mas- ter of, Byzantine VI-760C; post-Nicene development I- 197b; religious XII-742d; se- cret societies XIV-71d; 72a' Sikhism XIII-789C Cerenhir, Bishop of Llandaff IX-

316a Cerenza, Diocese of III-347d Ceres, deity, temple, Girgenti VI- 571c; temple, Sorrento XIV- 151b —planetoid XII-73a; discovered

II-26d Ceresole, battle (1544) VI-208a Cerethites, tribe VI-400a; and

Banaias II-246a Ceretti, Giovanni, Vicar Apostolic

of Ava and Pegu III-82b Cereum benedicendum XV-381c Cerezo, Catalina XV-386a — Maria XV-38Ga Cerfroid, monastery XV-46a;

founded VI-34a Ceriani, Antonio Maria, on Am- brosian Rite I-396c; Apoca- lypse of Baruch I-604b; As- sumption of Moses I-603b: Biblical Commission II-557C Cerignola, battle (1503) X-686b — Diocese of. See Ascoli, Satri-

ano and Cirignola Cerigotto. See Anticvthera Cerinthians, sect Vli-258a CERINTHUS III-539a; VI- 598a: 599b; X-30Sb; Alogion I-331c: and Apocalypse I- 595a; III-144b; doctrine III- 539b; V-243b; and St. John the Evangelist VIII -493b; millennium X-309c; and St. Polycarp XII-220d Cerisy de MalleviUe, Academi- cian I-8na Cerisy-la-Foret, monastery X-

71b; V-259d Cerizay, shrine Xll-lSa Cerkovnija Viedomosti, periodi- cal XIlI-264a Cermgecan, King of Cashel III-

401b Cema XI-535b

Cerae, Book of III-497b; author XII-351a; controversy III- 496a; date XI-529b —Abbey I-171d Cemeuf. See Sirenatus Cemicum, See of V-209b Cernojeww!, Iwan X-530a

teaching III-542b; direct III- 540c; doubt V-143b; Duns Scotus V-198c; faith as V- 753b; fideism VI-68c; and hope VII-467a; induction VII-781b; and knowledge VIII-673C; in knowledge of God I-219d; in legal cases I-339d; metaphysi- cal III-540a; moral III-S40a; 542d; XIII-518a; natural III-540C; philosophical III- 540c; physical III-540a; possi- bility III-540C; practical III- .540b; Pyrrho XII-5S7a; scep- ticism XIII-518a; spontaneous III-540C; supernatural III- 540c; 542d; truth III-541b Certissa, station IV-769d Certosa, Bologna II-641a — Ferrara VI-47a — Pavia XI-592C; altar (ill.) I- 346; Amadeo's work I-375c; Borgognone's work II-68Sd; facade (iU.) IV-60c; XI-592; S93; Porta's work XII-283C; Solari's work XIV-132d; Vis- couti's tomb XIV-774a — di Calci, Pisa XII-llOc — do Pontignano, Siena XIII-


— di S. Martino, Naplos(in.) I V-60

— di Val d' Ema, Florence, .\ccia-

juoli's tomb I-9Ub: (ill.) VIII-


Certum Consilium, Encyclical of

Pius X XIV-267C — tenentes ordinem, hymn XII-

783a Ceruelo, Antonio de, Bishop of

Minorca X-332b Cerularius, Michael. See Mi- chael Cjerularius Cervantes, Antonio de, mission- ary XV— 155c; and Montesino X-534C — Juan, cardinal, II-337b — Juan, inquisitor X-263a — de Gaeta, Gaspara, Archbishop

Cernyi Peredel, periodical XI-

75c Cemuus, Abbo. See Abbo-Cer-

Cfironne, Saint XIII-682C

Cerota, Saint IX-144b

Cerralba, Mexican viceroy XVI- Hlb

Cerretani, Giovanni, Bishop of Nocera dci PaRani XI-S7b

Cerreto, Abbey of IX-322d

— Sannita, Sie of XlV-476d

Cerro Cora, buiilo (1870) XI- 471a

—Gordo, battle (1847) II-377C: XIII-7.'>8b

Certain (endowment), in British Cliwrch IV-fi.'->7b

CERTITUDE 111-.5.39C; absohite Xlll :,; a|,Ml„eeticsI-01Sd; SI. AuKiisliirc V-507c: Cartes- ian method IV-745C; and certainty III-,539c; Church's

of Salerno XIII-398a; at Tar- ragona XIV-J60d — SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE III-543a; XIV-199b; birth- place IX-518d; "Don Quix- ote" III-692c; and Fielding V-466d: Franciscan tertiary XIV-642a; portrait XIV-194d: ransom XV-46c; ami Ruiz de AJarcon y Mendoza Xin-223c; tomb IX-518b — SALAZAR, FRANCISCO III-

545a Cervara, monastery IX-199c Cervati, Lituardo, Archbishop of

Cagli III-140b Cerveira e Sousa, Jose Xavier da.

Bishop of Vizeu XV-497c Cervelli, Ilario, Franciscan VI-

287a Cervellione (Cervello), Mary de. See Mary de Cervellione, Saint CerveUon, Dalmau de Mury, Archbishop of Saragussa XIII- 469c —William de IX-7S3d Cervera, Bishop of Teneriffe

XIV-.507b — Francisco Maria, Vicar Apos- tolic of .Mor.K-c. XVI-82b — University lI-2'.K)d — y Topeti, Pascual, admiral XV-

17Sc Cervetri (Cffirc), Diocese of XII-

290d CERVIA, DIOCESE OF III-545b Cervini, Antonio, Bishop of Mon-

tepulciano X-.532a — Cinthia 11-4110 — Marcello degli Spannochi. See

Marcellus II, Pope Cerycus, Saint XIV-46Ic Cesa, Federigo, cardinal III-620a Cesales, shrine XIV-79.Sa Cesalpinia, plant Ill-.vll.b CESALPINO, ANDREA III- .Mr.b; X lL"lc; Xll-.-|3d; XIII- 17Sb; at I'lsa I nivor.sitv XII- 112b Cesa-Pagni, Giulia VII-6c Cesare, Bishop of Tortona XIV-

7s.-,b — Giulio, Bishop I-22."ib Cesari, Antonio, author VIII-

2.-,2b Cesarini, Alessandro Sforza, Bishop of Viterbo and Tosca- nella XV-489b

— GIULIANO, cardinal III-546b: and Andrew of Rhodes I-474c at Basle IX-726a; XI-60d, and Capranica III-312d; cru- sade IV-305b; 554c; at Ferrara VI-47b; 112c; at Florence VI- llld; at Frascati. VI-244c• and Nicholas of Cusa XI-60c; papal legate VII-565a — Virginio, library I-S4d Cesarotti, Melchor XI-386C Cesconi, Antonio, Bishop of Op-

pido-Mamertina XI-262a Ceseleth-thabor VI-437a Cesena, town, Italy III-546d; Albornoz captures VI-559a; (ill.) ln-.-,4r,d; massacre VI- Sdiic: XIII '«,d —DIOCESE OF III-546d: Or-

siiii II-4:iic Cesi, Bartolomeo, librarian XV-

289d — Federico, Bishop of Palestrina

XI-421d — Federico, Roman prince I-84c — Pomponius, Bishop of Nepi

and Sutri X-750d Cesil VI-437b Cesion III-475d CESLAUS, SAINT III-547a Cess, controversy IV-461C Cessa, Saint, Bishop of Limoges

IX-264a Cessatio a divinis VIII-73c; 74d CESTRA, See of III-647b Cestrensis. See Higden Cesy, Pietro Xin-134d Cetina, Gutierre de, author XIV-

202d Cestui que trust (beneficiary)

XV-72a; 7.3a Cethim III-547c Cethites. See Hethites CethUs VI-437b

Cetinje, town X-531b; monas- tery X-530a; palace (ill.) X- 529 Cette, Dominicans at X-546d Cettiwayo, Zulu chief XV-766d Cetura, name X-676C —wife of Abraham I-51d — mother of Madian IX-513d Ceuta (Abyla), town VI-550b; Portuguese conquest (1415) II-162b; VI-39d; XII-301d — Diocese of XII-302a; and Cadiz ni-131d; map XIV- faeing 200 Ceva, battle (1796) X-6S7d — Alessandro, Camaldolese III-

207b — Enrico da, Franciscan VI-246C — Giuseppe di. Bishop of Ivrea


— T H O M A S , mathematician

XVI-24b — Tommaso, poet IX-31d — Biblioteoa, \atican XV-288b Cevenncs, Camisardsin III-218b CEYLON III-547C; caste III-

549c —Churrh i„ VIII-269a; Holy

F;iiMil. ^: I. I- \II-10Sa; in-

^^tl , : Lius III-550d;

r. .: , \IN7!llid; sem-

b; XIII-700a;



Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.

. Vincent de

1';mi1 Si. h » \lll-390c

— E.lur;,ll..l. Ill .■,49c

—deouniplt'i: C-Qlombo IV-124b; Galle VI-,349d; Jaffna VIII- 269a; Trincomalee XV-45C

—Histaru III-S47d: Polo, Marco XII-217C; 21Sc; Portuguese domination IV-124C

— LegisLilion III-548d; divorce IX-696b; government III- 548c; marriacc III-549a

— Mi.^-siotK-! I-7Slb; Dominican XII-3i;sGd; St. Francis Xavier XIV-94C; Society of Jesus (19121 X1V-103C

— polvanilrv IX-8g4c; popula- tion {19111) III-548b; products Ill-.'.47d —H'liilii.ns III-.i49d; Buddhism

I-779a; ni-29a; VII-72Sa — Catholic Messenger XI-187a Ceyras, pilKriniaKC X-n46d C. F., ahbr. I-2(lc Chaambas, tribe VI-5420 Chaban, town \II-7(16d CHABANEL, NOEL III-551a; Vll-.i75d; and Brfbeuf II- 751d; among Hurons VII-577a;