Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/237

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Charles IV, King of Spain XIV- 184d: foundation XVI-43c; Goya's portrait VI-687b; leg- islation XIV-186d; Louisiana IX-381d; and Pius VII XII- 133d —V, King of Spain. See Carlos, Don, Spanish pretender VII. King of Sweden XIV-351b —VIII, King of Sweden XIV- 352b; and Bengtsson II-478c; 479a; Denmark IV-728a —IX, King of Sweden XIV-353a; armour (ill.) III-facing 490; re- ligion IX-460a; and Vadstena XV-249a —X, King of Sweden XI-416b; XIV-353b; and Christina III- 722d; death III-723c; Den- mark IV-728c; Lund Univer- sity IX-435c; and Poles XII- 186a; and Starowolski XIV- 250a —XI, King of Sweden XIV-353b —XII, King of Sweden XIV-353b; Aitranstädt treaty (1707) II- 763d; Lemberg IX-145a; Po- land XII-186b: Russian war —XIII-247b: 375a; and Swedenborg XIV-355b —XIII, King of Sweden and Norway XIV-353b; Order of XIV-347d —XIV, King of Sweden and Norway XI-120a; XIV-353b; 353c;and Napoleon X-688c; 698b;Pontecorvo XIV-265a —XV, King of Sweden and Norway XI-120a; XIV-353c —I, Count of Anjou. See Charles I. King of Naples and Sicily —II, Count of Anjou. See Charles II, King of Naples and Sicily —Archduke of Austria, at Aspern VI-509a; and Napoleon X-688c; and Schlegel XIII-542a —Grand Duke of Baden II-195c —II, Margrave of Baden II-195b;and Pistorius XII-118b —Duke of Burgundy III-69c; Bruges III-a; Chastellain III-637c; Commines IV-163c: Delacroix's painting IV-690c; and Frederick IV of Germany VI-498b; Lorraine IX-364b; and Louis XI IX-370c; Normandy XI-104b; 106c; and Olivier de la Marche XI-246b; St. Claude pilgrimage XIII-341d; Swiss League XIV-360a; tomb XIV-773d; at Tours XV-3c —Duke of Calabria VI-107b —Count of Flanders VI-95a; murdered III-211a. —Cardinal of Guise. See Guise —I, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel VII-300b —II, Duke of Mantua III-410a —II, Duke of Parma XI-506a —III, Duke of Parma XI-506a —I, Duke of Savoy, Jerusalem VIII-363b: Saluzzo XIII-406b —III, Duke of Savoy XIII-493a —Archduke of Styria XIV-318d; death VI-40d; Graz University VI-733d —Count of Valois, Aragon VII-459d; and Boniface VIII II-663b; and Clement V IV-21a; Constantinople IV-304d; XII-5b; crusade VI-168a; at Florence II-663d; IV-628c; VI-106d; in Giotto's fresco VI-566d; wife VI-168b —Archduke of Austria, Bishop of Breslau II-763c; 765c —Josephine, foundress VII-408d —Robert Henry, exegete I-602d —Thomas, Methodist X-241a —Albert, of Bavaria. See Charles VII, Emperor —Albert, King of Sardinia XIII 476b; Accademia di Archeologia I-87b; and Audisio II-70b; at Custozza XIV-266a: Fundamental Statute VIII-234c; and Gioberti XIV-265c; Piedmont XII-78c; Salesian Society XIII-398d; and Serbati XIII-195a; and Waldenses XV-530b —Alexander, Duke of Würtemberg XV-716d —Augustus, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach XIII-495d; Illuminati IX-776b —Bernard, Archbishop of Genoa VIII-262b —BORROMEO, SAINT III-619a; Academy 1-84b; and Adorno I-154d; alb I-252a; and St. Aloysius I-331d; altar-breads I-350a; altar-steps I-356d; Ambrosian Rite I-395c; Ambrosians I-404b; and St. Andrew Avellino I-472c; Angelicals I-483a; Antoniano I-584d; Avona statue VIII-216c; and Barnabites II-302a; heards II-363c; and Borromeo, Federico II-688a; and Campion V-294a; and Capuchins III-324b; Cardan III-332c; centenary XII-139b; charity organization III-602b; Christian Doctrine Confraternity III-711c; Commendone IV-157b; conferences, ecclesiastical IV-213c; and Coton IV-422b; councils, provincial XII-515c; and Dolfin II-760d; ember-days V-399d; and Eustachius V-626d; feast I-398c; and St. Felix of Cantalice VI-33c; fonts VII-435c; Forty Hours' Devotion VI-152a; and St. Francis Borgia VI-215c; and Gagliardi VI-334d; games VI-376b; and Gifford VI-553a; Giussano's life of 1-405c; Godeau's life of VI-623a; and Goldwell VI-632b; and Gonzaga VI-635c; homiletic work VII-446d; hospital VII-487c; on host, Eucharistic VII-491a; humeral veil VII-542d; and Humiliati VII-543b; and In Coena Domini VII-718b; and Lilius IX-250d; in Lucerne IX-407d; and Melchior IX-438a; at Milan X-301a; 301d; music, ecclesiastical XI-422c; at Nonantola X-414c; Oria XI-302a; and paintings, religious XI-401b; and Paleotti XI-419a; and Pius IV XII-129d; and Pius V XII-130c; Pius X commemorates XII-138c; plague III-623a; Poor Clares convent XIII-135c; poor-relief XII-239d; portrait (Crespi) III-620; prisons XII-431c; and Protestantism III-743d; and Bl. Ralph Sherwin XII-636c; retreats XII-796a; Roman Catechism V-79c; XIII-121a; S. Prassede Church XIII-173c: Santa Casa di Loreto XIII-455b; seminaries XIII-696a; and Shroud, Holy III-567a; and Sirleto XIV-27b; and Society of Jesus XIV-84d; 86d; on Spiritual Exercises XIV-228c; and Sylvius XIV-373d; tabernacle XIV-424c; testament IV-774c; as theologian, pastoral XIV-612b; Thomism XIV-202d; 671a; tomb X-301c; at Trent III-619d; at Ugento XV-119b; and Ursulines XV-228d; St. Veronica Office XV-363a; vicars forane I-698b; and virgins, consecration of XV-459c; works III-624d; —Borromeo, Saint, Oblates of. See Oblates —Borromeo, Saint, Sisters of II-415d; Aachen I-2c -Borromeo, Saint, Society of IV-7878 Charlesbourg-Royal III-393a Charles Edward, Young Pretender. See Stuart, Charles Edward —Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha XIII-494c —Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia XIII-476a; and Benedict XIV XII-78a; and Clement XIV IV-36a; Marchesi's statue of IX-643c; and Martini IX-730b; territorial acquisition XII-77a —Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia XIII-476a; abdication XII-77a; Piedmont XII-77a; and Pius VII XII-133d; Savoy XIII-493b —Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy, Camaldolese hermitage III-207c; and Philip of Spain VII-5a; at Saluzzo XIII-406b: and Shroud, Holy III-567a; territorial acquisition XII-76d —Emmanuel III, Duke of Savoy. See Charles Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia —Emmanuel IV, Duke of Savoy. See Charles Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia —Eugene, Duke of Würtemberg XV-716d; character VI-506d; school XV-83d —Felix, King of Sardinia XIII-476b; Ogliastra XI-223d; Piedmont III-331a; XII-78c; Turin XV-94b —Ferdinand, Prince of Poland, Bishop of Breslau II-763c —Frederick, Duke of Baden II-195c; at Heidelberg VII-198a —Frederick, Duke of Cleves tomb 1-514d; XIII-175c —Frederick, Duke of Holstein XIII-248b —Günther, Prince of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen XIII-594c; 595b —Gustavus. See Charles X, King of Sweden —Joseph, Archduke, Bishop of Breslau II-763c; and Olmütz XI-248b —Knutsson. See Charles VIII, King of Sweden —Louis, Arehduke of Austria XV-577c —Louis, of Etruria, and Lucca IX-406a —Louis, Duke of Parma XI-506a —Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III —MARTEL, mayor of the palace III-629b; I-126b; and St. Agilulfus I-211a; Amorbach Abbey I-433b; and Austraaians VI-241c; Bavaria II-354c; and St. Boniface II-657b; and Boniface VIII II-662c; and Carloman X-527a; charity III-597c; and St. Chrodegang III-730a; Dissentis Abbey V-47a; and St. Eucberius XI-318d; St. Gall Abbey VI-347b; and Gregory II VI-788b: and Gregory III VI-789b; and St. Hugues of Paris XI-482a; and Mohammedans X-425a; Ordines III-538b; and Pepin the Short XI-662d; and Poitiers XIV-178c; and property, ecclesiastical VI-486b; St. Rigobert XII-725d; Saracens XII-180c; States of the Church XIV-259b Martel, King of Hungary VII-550d; and Celestine VIII-480a —of Blois, Venerable, Brittany XII-773a; XV-271d; death II-602c; and Montford XIII-340d; Nantes X-682a —of Durazzo. See Charles II of Naples —of Lorraine, Bishop, at Metz X-249d; at Strasburg XIV-314b —of Lorraine, Duke of Lowe Lorraine III-21b; VI-167c; IX-363d —of Luxemburg. See Charles IV. Emperor —of Montegraneli, Blessed VI-71a; Hieronymites VII-345c —of Nevers. See Gonzaga, Carlo I —of St. Conrad, Vicar Apostolic of Bombay II-644d —of Salerno VII-459d; 4608 —of Sezze, stigmatic XIV-295b —of Viana III-412d —Pius, of Savoy, Bishop of Sabina XIII-291c —Quint. See Charles V, Emрегог —Robert of Anjou, King of Hungary. See Charles I, King of Hungary —Theodore, Elector of Bavaria XI-170d —Spinola, Blessed XIV-110a —Sverkersson. See Charles VII, King of Sweden —the Bad, King of Navarre. See Charles II, King of Navarre ―the Bald, Emperor. See Charles II, Emperor ―the Bold. See Charles, Duke of Burgundy ―the Fair, King of France. See Charles IV, King of France ―the Fat, Emperor. See Charles III, Emperor ―the Good. See Charles, Count of Flanders ―the Great. See Charlemagne ―Theodore, Elector of Bavaria II-355a; and Ems, Congress of V-409c; 410b; at Heidelberg VII-197d; Illuminati VIII-8c; and Mayer X-86b; monasteries X-453c; as palsgrave XI-416d: and Schoenberg XIII-547a; Tegernsee XIV-472d ―the Single. See Charles III, King of France ―the Young III-615b; 616d; death III-6178 Charleston, town, South Carolina, Baptist church II-279d; convention (1860) XV-171c; earthquake III-631b; exposition XIV-159c; fire (1861) III-631a; siege II-377c ―DIOCESE OF III-630c; apostolate III-454a; cathedral III-631b: England's episcopate V-470c; Leopoldine Society XVI-52c; seminary II-312a; V-471a; statistics XV-176d Charlestown, town, Massachusetts, riots VIII-678a; Ursulines II-705b; XV-230a Charleton, Louis, Bishop of Hereford VII-255d ―Thomas, Bishop of Hereford VII-255d Charleville, town, France, Capuchin convent III-326d; canonesses, convent of VII-4278 CHARLEVOIX, FRANÇOIS-XAVIER III-631c; VII-660d; X-710b; XII-320b; on Bourgeoys, Marguerite XIII-566a; Leclercq IX-109b; and Mismi Indians X-271d: 388d; on nature worship XIV-791b; on New Orleans IX-379b; XI-6c; 7c; Thomism XIV-703a; on Tonica Indians XIV-778a Charlier, Arnauld le VI-530d ―de Gerson, Jean le. See Gerson Charlock. See Mustard. Charlot, vice-prefect of St. Pierre XIII-376b ―Marcel, anticlericalism VI-177a Charlotte, Queen of Cyprus VIII-363b ―Empress of Mexico, portrait VI-392b ―Princess of Tarento I-291d ―of Brunswick X-414a; XIII-248a ―of Denmark, queen mother, tomb III-225c ―of Savoy VIII-327d ―of the Resurrection. See Anne-Marie-Madeleine Thouret Charlottetown, town, Canada, college III-240b ―DIOCESE OF III-632b; institutions III-238b statistics III-632d; ―Herald XI-673b Charlton, Catherine XIII-7398 Charmarlin de la Rosa, Spain, Jesuit institution XIV-175d Charmetant, missionary XIII-327c Charmot, Nicolas, on Chinese rites III-672a Charmouth, battle (825) V-325c Charms I-220b: XIV-341b Charnay, Geoffroy de, Templar IV-22d Charnel chapels III-577d ―house III-507d Charner, Admiral, in China III-683d Charnier, Cemetery of the Innocents, Paris III-508a Charnisay, colonist I-91b Charnock, Job III-153b ―Robert, Arehpriest controversy XVI-4c Charobert, of Naples II-664d Charon, historian VIII-771a Charonne, monastery VII-138b

Charpeigne, battle XV-254d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.