Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/245

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743d: map XlV-facing 364; present status XIV-364a; sup- pressed II-351C Church (building) III-41a; ac- tioQs forbidden III— 44a: altar, privileged I-34Sc; archdeacon, duties of I-694a; Australian statistics Il-117b; blessing III- 42d; 43b; IV-2S0c; IX-291d; burial IU-506a; cloister, laws of IV-60C — collegiate: annates I-53Sa; and episcopate, medieval II— 5S3d; erection III-42a — consetralion IV-2S0c; III-42d; Ambrosian Rite I-403b; anni- versary III-43b; Celtic Rite lll-504a; chrism III-697c; diagram for IV-281d; Greek Rite I-360a; Litany of the Saints IX-292a; loss of IV- 748d; minister XII-406c; mis- erere X-353b; relics XII-737a; Bait, use of XIII— 404a; vigil III-13b — corner-stone XIV-303b; deco- ration by Iconoclasts VII-622a — dedication I-197d; 365a; IV- 673b; to angels I-486a; to Beati II-598C; ashes, use of I- 776c; ceremonial, origin of I- 334a; feast XVI-14b: relics I- 364d; to Virgin Marj-XV-462a; water, use of XV-564C — defilement III-43c: defined Ill-lld; desecration III-43c; erection II-108c; III-42a; fab- rica ecclesise V-744b; history III— 41a; immunity III-44a; VII-690C; insurance III-12d; maintenance III^2c; monastic I-13d: music, secular VII- 140b; origin V-257d; X-20b; parish III-41c; 575c; patronage XI-562b; repair III-12c; subsi- dies XIV-322c: succursal, in- cumbents I^37b; and temples, pagan n-»4a; XIV-498b; Way of the Cross XV-571a CHURCH, THE III-744a; Albi- gcnsian theory I-2ijSb: anath- ema I-45fia, "Anglican theory I-499C; 642b; 643c; Antichrist I-561a; 561d; in Apocab-pse XV-469d; Apologetics I-61Sc; 619d; Apostles' Creed I-630a; Apostolic Camera I-633b; Apostolic examiners V-675d; Apostolic Fathers I-637d; 639c; Apostolicity I-648b: III-759d; Apostolic organization III- 747d; Apostolic See I-640d; Apostolic Succession I-641b; Aristotle's philosophy 1-7 18a; Aasumptionof theBlessedVirgin XIV-585b; Augsburg Confes- sion V-760d; St. Augustine II- 88c; 92c; authority III-7o4b; I- 618d; Baltimore. Councils of III-763b; 764c; Bible II-543d; 545b; and blind V-306d; body III-753a; 7.56a; Body of Christ VII-333d; Bradlaugh on XIII- 676c; Branch theory III-7.58a; Breviaries II-774a; as bride of Christ III-752a; calendar III- 511b: Calvin's teaching III- 19Sd; 2nOd; 202d; cardinal vicar 1 11-34 Ic; catechumens III-430C; catechism V-86d; Catholic, title III-449a; Cath- olicity Ill-l.iOc; 757c; 759c; censorship of books III-519d; censures I-646d: III-527d; ceremonials III-538a: Chair of Peter III-551d: charity I-330c; III-764a: clergi', restrictions III-76-4d: concordats IV-202C; Constitution III-745d; Con- tinuity theory III-757a; con- versions III-420b: definition III-745a; and democracy IV- 709a: diocese called V-lb; divi- sion XV-145a; divorce IX- 697a; doctrines, e\*idence of the catacombs III-420d; and dogma V-90c: donations V- 116d; dower V-146a —Earlu III-747a: 7G2b; VII- 33l)d: .almsgiWng I-32Sd; Apos- tolic Canons III-279c; auto- ccphali II-142d; buildings V- 2.57d: burial society III-505C; charity III-594a: communism IV-lsba; confirmation IV- 217a; Discipline of the Secret

V-32a; Eucharist XIV-586d; forcible conversions XIV-768a; frequent Communion VI-278C; hierarchy VII-326a; hosts, Eucharistic VII-494d; images VII-666a; irregularity VIII- 171b; Judaizers VIII-537b: Lapsi IX-lb; liturgj' I-40Sc: mart>Tology IX-741b: obla- tions XI-217C; morning office IX-38d; onolatry I-793b; or- phans XI-324d; penitential canons XI-636C; prayer I- 194d; XI-219b; and prisoners XII-431a; tonsure XIV-779a; unity XV-133C; 135d; Virgin Marv XV-469a; witchcraft XV-^74d -Eastern idea V-240a; ecclesia, term III-744b; educational work V-301b: elect V-374b; endowment III-762c; V^21c; Erastianism V-515d; and eu- genics XVI-3Sd; excellence V- 573a; excommunication V- 678b; "fabric" of XV-71a; and faith, freedom of XIV- 765a; faith, rule of V-767b; Febronian theory VI-23d; fig- ures III-751C; foundation VI- 157c; VII-790b; XV-308b; funeral dues VI-321C; and geography VI-447b; glebe VI- 582d; Gnosticism Vl-tiOla; government XIV-537a; heresy VII-261d; XIV-761d; 767d; and the Hex£emeron \II- 313d; hypnotism yil-6q9d; Immaculate Conception \ II- 680c; incense Vir-717a; in- come I-633d: indefectibility III-756a; Indians I-415b; and Indifferentists Vn-760c; and individualism VII-761b; indul- gences VII-783d; infallibility III-754d; VII-790b:__ intoler- ance, dogmatic XIV-766a; in- visible ni-754a: V-762b; in- ward life III-751C; Jesus Chnst III-751a: Jews VIII^03c; XIV-768a; St. John Chrysos- tom VIII— t57a; jurisdiction III-528d: 755a; IV^47c; VI- 153c: VIII-567b; as Kingdom of God III-647a; 745d; and Knownothingism VIII-677a: labour question XII-783b; Latin literature IX-32a; law, international IX-74a; legacies IX-11.5C; legislative power I- 94b; IX-68b; Leibniz IX- 134d; Liberalism IX-213b; and Ubraries IX-228b; magisterium XV-Sb; Marian prophecy XV- 464Db: marks III-758d: mar- riage I-687d; IX-698b; 700b; 705b; and Alasonry IX-785a: members III-755C; Micheaa, prophecv of XV-464Da; mili- tant Ili-744d; minors, legis- lation on X-331C; missionary countries III-763a; Modernism III-452a: XIV-370b: monag- amy IX -695c; necromancy X-736d; ordeals Xl7277a; 278a; organic disposition VII-343C; and pagans XIV- 762c: painting, religious XI- 395a: parables XI-462c; Patristic teaching III-452b; Pauline teaching V-486a: VII- 330b; XIV-732d; penal laws XIII-653d; penitential canons I-73a;XI-636b;XIV-605c:St. Peter XI-746a; poor-relief XII- 236b; 329c; pope XV-309a: PrecariaXII-371c; Protestant- ism I-621c: 623b; Protestant theories III-750a; 752b; 753d; Quesnel X I I-603c: reform, pow- er of III-756d; rights. Divine VII-34.3b; Roman Congrega- tions XIII-136a; and salvation III-752C; XIV-767b; sanctity III-759b; XIII-428c: and schism VII-256d; schoolsXIII- 554d; and science II-.57.3d; XIII-.59SC; 601b: 003c; XIV- 581b: XV-2S6d; and Scripture XIII-fi.39a; 640a; and sects XIII-675a; simony V-6.89d; XlV-la: slavery lX-66d: XII- 627c; XIV-36a; as a society III-751a: 760a; XIV-7,'ia;77b; soteriology XIV-585b; soul III-753a; 756a; suffering III-

744d; Bymbolical representa- tion (ill.) IX-624a; symbolism IV-705d; V-144d: 145a: XIV- 375c; teaching body VII-257b; XIII-604a; 604d; and temper- ance XIV-18Sb: temporal rights V-688b; triumphant III-744d: and theatre XIV- 561a; and theology XIV-580d; tithes XIV-741d: toleration, religious XIV-761b; treasury VII-7S4d; unitv I-236b; III- 753c; 758c: 7o"9a; VII-257a; XV-126a; 179c; imiversality III-757C; vicesgerens III-342c; Vienne, Council of XV-424d; Virgin Mary X V^72b ; virtus, practice of I-768d; visibility III-753b; witchcraft XV-675a; worship, obligation of XV- 710c; WycUf XV-723d

— ^Architecture of. See Ecclesias- tical Architecture

— Art of the. iSee Ecclesiastical Art

— Benjamin, general I-91c

— College of the, Russia X- 429b

— Commandments of the. See (Commandments

—Filial. .See Filial Church

—Heraldry of. See Heraldry, Ecclesiastical

— Hierarchy of. See Hierarchy, Ecclesiastical

— History of. See History, Ec- clesiastical

— Latin. See Latin Church

— Liturgy of the. See Liturgy

— Low. See Low Church

— Mystical Body of the. See Mystical Body of the Church

—National III-75Sa: authority I-493a; primates XII-423d; Testem Benevolentise XIV- 538a; Wessenberg XV-590d

. — Peace of the. .See Peace of the Church

— Richard William XI-372d; 373d

— Rites of the. See Rites

■ — States of. See States of the Church

— Statistics of. See Statistics, Ec- clesiastical

— and State. See State and Church


— Property, Incorporation of. .See Incorporation of Church Prop- erty

— shot. See Dues

Church Temporalities' Act, Ire- land I-733b

Churchwardens V-745a

Churchyard cross III-507a; IV- 534 c

Chflri-episcoupe, in Eastern XJniat Church VII-325C

Churinga, in Totemism XIV- 702a

Churoyan Indians Vn-758a

Churriguera, Alberto de, archi- tect XV-2.Wa

— Jose, architect XIII-392a

Churrigueresco, architecture XV- 2o9a

Chus. See Cush

Chusa, steward of Herod IX-583C

Chusffi. See Cusa!

CHDSAI III-765d; and Absalom I-o9d; VIII-648C; and Achi- topel I-102d

Chuttusgelis. See Soledad, Mis-

Chu Yuan-chang X-481c Chwang Siang-wang, emperor

III-6Slb — Ts'in-wang, princely family

III-606a — tze, philosopher III-668a;

XIV-447C —Yuan, title III-6B7a Ch'wan Lu, title ni-667a Chytraeus, David, Protestant the-

olciRi.'in'.lc; II-125C CHYTRI ICHYTRIDES), See of

Ill-7r,t;a Ciaconus, Petrus, calendar re- form IIl-lB9a; IX-249d Cialdini, Enrico, general VI-333c;

at CnsteUidardo VIII-767d;

and Napoleon III X-701b Ciamberlani, Luigi VII-96b Ciampas, tribe VII-766b: XII-

02fid: kingdom VII-766C ClAMPINI, GIOVANNI GIUS-

TINO III-766b: Biblioteca

XV-288b; and Bollandists II-

633c Cian, Vittorio, writer XVI-3c Cianciarelli, Francesco, musician

XVI-17d Ciani, Eusebio da. Bishop of Marittima X-30b

— ^Beacon, periodical, Alexandria CiantU Ignazjo,^ Bishop^of Sant'-

— Corporations. See Corpora- tions, Ecclesiastical

— Discipline. See Discipline. Ec- clesiastical

—Discipline Bills, England XIII-

91<1 „ .

Churches, Apostolic. See Apos- tolic Churches — Union of. See Union of Chris- tendom

Church Extension Society, Cath- olic. See Societv, The Catholic Church Extension

Churchill, John, first Duke of Marlborough V-139c: and Bouillon, Cardinal de 11-71 Id; Bruges III-6b; English Revo- lution XIII-Sc

CHURCHING OF WOMEN III- 761b; Baltimore decree II- 237b

CHURCH MAINTENANCE III- 761d: Apostolic times ITI-762a; ways and means in-765c

—Missionary Society IX-400b; Africa I-187c; 187d; IV-236b; Persia XI-725a; Zanzibar XV- 751c ^ , .

— Music. See Music, Ecclesias- tical

—of Christ, Indiana VII-742a; Japan VIII-309b; Tennessee XIV-510d

— of England. See Anglicanism

—of God, Adventist I-167a; In- diana VII-742b; Winebrenne- rians II-2S1C

—of Rome, term IX-22d

— of the East, S\Tian Nestorians XIV-113d

— of the Living God, Indiana VII-742b

— Pragmatic, Germany XV-206C

— Progress, periodical, St. Louis XI-695b

— Property. .See Property, Ec- clesiastical

Lombardi XIII- 459b

Ciaxan, Saint. .See Kieran Ciardi, Giulio, painter XV-340c CIASCA, AGOSTINO (PAS- ODALE), cardinal III-766c; VII-28.5b; Arabic New Testa- ment XIV-o33a; on addresses, ecclesiastical I-138a Cibals, battle (314) IV-296C Cibft, Alderano, bishop, at Jesi VIII-372d; at Porto XII-290d ^Aran, senator VIII-19d — Cesare, Bishop of Turin X\'-

94c — Giovanni Battista. See Inno- cent VIII, Pope ^Iimocent, cardinal III-217c;



Cibola, Zufii pueblo IV-380a

CIBORrUM (vessel) III-767a; I-357d; for Benediction V- 714b; St. Clare IV-5d: corporal I-3.55b: desecrations I-3f58b; etymology III-767a: Euchar- ist, reservation of III-767c; (ill.) III-767b: X-facing 220; material III-767b; name, origin of II-217d; in processions XI- 345b; shape III-767b; taber- nacle XIV-124a: use III-767b. .See.Mtar canopy; Altar-curtain; Baldachinum



Cibsaim VI-437c

Cibyra, era of III-76sb

CIBYRA, .«ec of ni-7rtSb; mira- cle \'-50.5a

Cicarelli. See Sogarelli


Cice, Champion de. .See Cham- pion de Cice

Ciceri, Alessandro, Bishop of Nan-King VIII-633C

Cicero, John, Elector of Branden- burg II-739b

Roman ntuneral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.