Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/254

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Colleoni Chapel, Bergamo I-375d CoUes, Christopher VIII-141d Collet, Luke, niissionao' XII-

I21b; XIII-357d — Peter, theologian X-35Sc;

359d; 363c; and TournSly XIV-

800c CoUetine Poor Clares. See Poor

Colleton, John X-648a; XI-236d CoUette of Corbie, Saint. See

Colette CoUetus, version of the Bible XV-

374c Colli, Matteo, Bishop of Marsi

IX-718d CoUier, Jeremy XI-99b — Laurence, iiuirtvr V-47Sb — William IX-51sa Collimator, Zenithal, invention

Vl-L'llb Collin, Conrad, Dominican VII-

4S9c Collin, Marie- Jeanne- Joseph,

Notre-Dame twisters XI-129C Colline Gate, battle (83) XIII-

166d CoUingridge Arthur II-119b —George II-119b — Peter Bemardine, Vicar-Apos- tolic of the Western District,

England II-20Sa CoUingwood, Cuthbert II-9a Collioure, France, pilgrimage XI-

700d Collins, educationist V-626b — ^Anthony, deist IV-493a; 6S0a;

6S2a — Dominic, martyr VIII— 166d ;

XIV-93b — Edward T., pioneer priest IV-

56a; XIV-760a — ^J. D., Methodist missionary

X-240C — John, martyr V-477d — John Joseph, Vicar Apostolic

of Jamaica VIII-273b — Mother Mary Angela XII-397C — Michael, Bishop of Clovne and

Ross IV-72d — Patrick A., lawTer II-707b;

VIII-143a CoUis Hertruscus. See Colle di

Val d'EIsa Collivacinus, Petrus, cardinal

IV-671b Collomb, Jean-Georges, Vicar

Apostolic of Solomon Islands

XIV-lSSc: IX-751b CoUomiati, canonist IV-394a Colloquy, in prayer XIl-349a CoUoredo, Jerome, count, Arch- bishop of .Salzburg XllI— 414d Collot-d'Herbois, Jean -Marie,

revolutionist XIII-15a CoUucianists II-37a Colluthos, pseudo-bishop V-5S9b Colluthus, Saint, martjT VII-

289b — Aurelius, n ill I-564c — of Alexandria, Monophysite V-

16b Coll y Prat, Narciso, Archbishop

of Caracas and \'enezuela XV-

329c CoUyridians, sect, priesthood

XII— 4i7b; sacrificial offering

VIII-71b; XV-480C Coll y Vehi, Jose, author XIV-

201d OOLMAN, SAINT, patron of

Austria IV-lioc; shrine X-

167a — SAINT, Bishop of Dromore

IV-115b; V-lfiOd; VI-77C — Saint, of Dubh-chuilleann IV-

115b — Saint, Apostle of the Franks.

See Coloman —SAINT, Bishop of Kihnac-

duagh IV-114d; VI-373a — SAINT, Bishop of Lindisfarne

IV-115b; IX-269C; Galilean

Rite, theory VI-357b; Ma.vo

School VI-464C; X-89b; XV-

81a; at Whitby Synod XV-

RlOa; and St. Wilfrid XV-B22a —SAINT, of Templeshambo IV-

11.5a —Saint, Waterford and T.ismnrc

XV-.'ilific — Nicholas, Irish pioneer A'lll-

l.Md —WALTER IV-115d —ELO, SAINT IV-ll,5c


11. ")C

—MAC LENINE, SAINT, Bishop of Clovne IV-115a; 72c

— mac Murchan, Saint, hvmno- dist III-498C; 504b

— mac ua Cluasaigh, hvmnodist III-lb2d: 504b; IV-372a

Colmanellus, Saint. See Colman Elo

Colmar, Germany, battle (378) VI-729C: charitable institu- tions I-344d; chronicles XII- 365d; societies, Catholic I-345C

—JOSEPH LUDWIG IV-Uod; IX-235d; at Mainz IX-552d; XV-20od

Colmenares, Diego de, historian XIII-685C: tomb XIII-686b

Coin. See Cologne

Colo (Kol), Bishop of Strengnas XM-77a

Coloane Island IX-J82b

Colobium, tunic IV-384b; XII- 713c; XV-87C

Colocynth XII-lo3a; I53d

Cologan, William H., and Cath- olic Truth Society XV-77d

COLOGNE, town. Germany IV- llfib; bell II-419d; Diet (1056) XV-tlOa; guild VII-69c; and Hagen VII-105d; Hanseatic League VI^98a; VII-70d; Pacification of (1579) VI-500d; Reimchronik VII-105d; War VI-501c; and Wilhelm of Herle XV-623c; and Zell XV- 754b

—ARCHDIOCESE OF IV-U7d; VI-396a; apsidal chapels I- 660c; arms (ill.) Vll-facing 246; Benedictine canonesses II^64d; Billick's activities II- 566d; blessing of bread II- 750d; and Bremen II-756d; St. Brigid's relic II-785b; and St. Bruno III-13d; CiEsarius of Heisterbach's Catalogue III- 138a: Carmelite convents III- 358d; XIV-660C

— cathedral IV-117C; architec- ture VI-676d; .\rnold of Co- logne's work I-747b; bell II- 423d; (ill.) IV-facing 118; Lochner IX-319d; measure- ments XIII-371b; Mohr X- 432a; Rainald of Dassel XII- 635b; Schmidt XIII-o46b; Shrine of Three Kings X-221d; XII-762d; Steinle XIV-285C; tabernacle in reredos XIV- 424c; Zwirner XV-775C

— Catholic Society III-309d; cen- sorship of books III-521a

-•Councils: (346) I-341d; XIV- 214d; XV-708a; (1281) XIV- 424b; (1413) XIV-152a; (1423) XV-46Sd; (1452) V-713d; (1536) VII-36d; (1536) XIII- 558c; (1560) XIII-5.58C; (1860) IX-729b; XIII-558d

— Deharbe's catechism IV- 67Sb; Dominican atudium gen- eralel-264b; XII-361b; Eliza- beth associations V-389a; Fischer XVI-40d; Innocent XI VIII-22b; lamp (ill.) V-144d; and Lorraine IX-362d; map Vl-facing 514; museum X- 647c; nunciature V-409d; XI- 161a; Old Catholic Congress (1872) XI-235C; and Otto IVs election VI-492b; and Pader- born XI-384b; pilgrimage XII- 90b: Poor Child Jesus Sisters XII-251a; Poor of Saint Fran- cis Sisters XII-257d; Reforma- tion III-26b; IV-121a; VII- .H7a; relics, inventory XII- 73Sa; Rite IX-312c; St. Pan- taleon, monastery 11 1- 13d: Society of Jesus XII-654a; XIV-90b; sotlalities of the Blessed Sacrament XIV-121d: statistics IV-119d: temporal power IV-117d; St Ursula and companions XV-225d; reliquaries (ill.) XII -lacing 738; Vatican documents XV-2SSa; 28Ha; Visitation, of XV-»SIa; St. Wal- IniPKii's relics .\V-527a; and \\:il(lcck .\V-.-)27c: and West- phalia .\llI-49Sd: XV-602C — John of. Sit John of Cologne —Kingdom of lV-71d; VI-239a

-UNIVERSITY OF IV-120d; colleges IV-109d: discontinued IV-117b; foundation XIII- eOOa: Groote VII-36b: Crop- per VII-36C; Humanism VII- S41c; and Immaculate Con- ception VII-680b; and witch- craft XV-676C

Coloma, Luis, Jesuit XI-690d; XIV-201b

— Luis, .\ugustinian I\'-239a

Coloman (Colonat), Saint, Apos- tle ot the Franks II-355c: VIII-639d; XIV-712C

— King of Hungary IV-511a; VI- 624d: VII-549C; XIII-436d

Colomb, Jean, artist VI-163a: IX-259b

— Jean, chronicler VI-351a

—Michel, sculptor IX-259b; X- 0S2b: XIII-646a; XV-4a

COLO MBA OFRIETI,BLESSED IV-121b; birthplace XIII-54a; cult confirmed XIlI-1.3Sb; (ill.) IV-121C

Colombel, Augustin, scientist III- «74c

Colombella, Antonio, Bishop of Smigaglia XIV~13d

Colombet de St. Amour IX-47.5a

Colombey, battle (1870) X-24,Sa

COLOMBIA, REPUBLIC OF, IV-121d; I-415d; aborigines I -410a; 410b; 411c; III- 652d; area IV-122a

—Church in IV-123a; Cassani's chronicle of Jesuits III-403c: Concordat (1887)III-5Slc; IV- 123c; 171c; 197d: 204d; XI- 439b; Institute of Brothers of the Christian Schools VIII- 60d; map IV-faeing 122; nun- ciature XI-161d; Pius IX's allocution XII-136b; Poor Clares XII-254b; priests, con- fraternity of XII-421d: retreat houses XII-796d; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-390c; Salesians XIII-399b; statistics XIV-281a

—education IV-123d

— Geography IV-121d: Bogota, Santa Fe de II-612c; Calf XVI-16b; CaquetA III-328b; Cartagena III~384b; Casanare III-396b; Choco XVI-68b; Garzdn VI-390b; Goajira VI- 606b; Ibagu6 VII-613a; In- tendencia Oriental y Llanos de San Martin VIII-69a; Popa- y4n XII-25SC; MedelKn X- 116c: Santa Marta Xni-458b; Socorro XIV-118c; Tunja XV- 90c

— History IV-122b: Acosta 1- 108b; Arias de Avila I-711b; development, material IV- 123d; discovery IV-!22b; Ec- uador V-279bi VI-380d; ex- ploration IV-122c; Panama secession XI-439a; Pizarro XII-UOc; settlement IV-122c; slave trade XII-627C; Span- iards lV-122d; and United States XV-179a

—legislation IV-123b: literature XIV-205a: Masonic council IX-776d

—Missions: Franciscan \a-298c; Jesuit (1912) XIV-103d: Re- demptorist XII-6S4C

— population IV-122a

Colombier, town. France, pil- grimage X-604a

—Cardinal de. See Bertrand-


. ,1p


Colombini, Angela VIII-458a

— John, Blessed. See John Co- l.niihuii

—Peter \in'4.")Sa

Colombo, town. Ceylon, muni- lipal lIl-5-lSd; Portu- ci.tsi- lll-."

—ARCHDIOCESE OF IV-I24b; st'itislics VII-73()b; vicariate Apostolic ni-.WOc: Vlll-260b

— Christoforo. S<f Columbus, <'hri»l<.i>licr

— MATTEO REALDO IV-125b; .\ IL'ild; l:i(lb: :incl Cesalpino III .Vl.-.b; at I'.sa .\ll-112b

Colombres, Jose XV-S5b

Colon, anatomy, Aristotle I^SSa

— punctuation XIV-215d

— town, Panama XI-438d; Ma- sonic council IX-776d

Colon, Bartolome V-llla

— Cristoval. See Columbus, Christopher

— Fernando. See Columbus, Ferdinand

Colonade II-59a; in basilicas I- 3B4b; in Egyptian temple XIV- 497b: in Greek temple XIV- 497d

Colonat, Saint. See Coloman, .St., Apostle of the Franks

Coloni, serfs I-227b

COLONIA, .Armenian see IV- 125c; XVI-27a

—town, Cappadoeia IV-125d

—town, Uruguay XV-232d

— John of. .See John of Colonia

— iElia Augusta IX-3c: Mercu- rialis Thaniitana XIV-553b

— Augusta XIII-777b

— Augusta Julia Philippensis Xll-Sa

— Claudia Aprensis. See Theo- doisopolis (Thrace)

— Claudii Casaris I-llOd

—Concordia IV-206d

—Julia XI\-736a

— Julia Augusta Felix Ninica Claudiopolis IV-Sb

—Julia Cassarea XIV-14b

—Julia Curubis IV-575b

— Nemetum XIV-214d

—Patricia I\'-359b

— Samensis Milevitana X-304b

Colonization, .\merica I-6S0d: United States XV-lo7c

COLONNA FAMILY IV-125d; XIII-169a: and Alexander VI I-291b: 292c: and Benedict XI IH29d: and Clement V lV-21a; and Clement VII IV- 25b; and Eugene IV V-601b; and Julius II VIII-562b: Lat- eran columns IX-15c; Metella tomb, Rome XIII-176b; Nepi X-750b: and Nicholas IV XI- 57b; Orsini wars XI-325d; pal- ace, Rome II-684d: at Perugia conclave III— 179d; piazza, Rome (ill.) Xlll-facing 170; and Redi XII-6S7b; Tivoli XIV-747C

— Agapito, cardinal IV-126C

— Ascanio, cardinal IV-126d

— Carlo, cardinal IV-127a

— Cattarina XIII-726a

— EGIDIO I\'-127a; at Bourges II-720C: epithet V-74b; and papal supremacy XI— 454c; on political economy XII-215a: and projectiles XII-51C; Scho- lasticism XII-32b: XIV-591b; school VII-18C: as theologian XIV-606C: and Thomas of Strasburg XIV-696a; as Thom- ist XI\'-702c; and Unam Sanc- tam XV-126a: as writer VII- 2S4d

— Fabrizio ni-622d

— Fabrizio, general IV-126d

— Francis (Poliphilus), Domini- can XII-33SC; work XII-367b

— Gaspare, .Archbishop of Bene- vente II-47Sb

— Giacomo IX-154c

— Giacomo, cardinal IV-126b; VI-245b; IX-652C

— Giordano IX-725C

— Giovanni, cardinal IV-126C


— Giovanni, the Elder, cardinal IV-12lia

— Giovaimi, the Younger, cardi- nal IV-120a: VII-lS3a

— Girolamo, cardinal (d. 1666) IV-127a: and Mazarin X-92a;

— Girolamo, cardinal (d. 1763) IV- 127a

— Jacopo, cardinal II-663d

— John of. See John of Colonna

— Landolfo ll-664a: 664b

— Lorenzo IX-72.5c

— Marcantonio, cardinal (d. 1597) IV-126d; and St. Joseph Cala- sanctius VIII "il'ia; ■'< l':iles- trinaXI-ll-M.l: i s ,1- , ,: , Mll- .39Sa: at Tin ■'■'" M\ llb; Vnticanm:..,,. ...p.- W 296b

—Marcantonio, ."ir.linal (d. 1803) IV-127a

— Marcantonio, naval commander at Lcpanto IIl-«22d: IV-127a; Sicilian war XUI-776b

I.argo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^illustrations.