Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/263

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Communion IV-31Sb; in Cor- sica I~239a: Cyrillic alphabet VI-576a; Cyrillic Missal (fac- simile pagel XIV— 4(jd: Deo Gratias IV-737b; division, in Orthodox Church VI-753d; and Eastern Churches VI - 753a; Epiklesis IV-317d; Eucharistic servic- IV-:U4b: Eu.-hulogion V-.V,l.')b; (lh.n:i \l .iSiic CONSTANTINOPLE, RITE OF, Gospel Vl-UJUd; bonk cere- mony VI-<j61d; in Liturgy VI- 660b; singing of VI-6Ulc — Gradual VI-717b; Grottafer- rata VII-41b; Host, Sacred Vn-495a; 49od; images VII- 670a; Intercession IV-318a; Italy VIII-206d; KjTie Eleison VIII-716C; language VI-746b: 753d; 774c; XIII-70d; XIV- 41b; Lauds IX-3Sd; lessons IX-193d; 196b; litanies IV- 317b: Little Entrance IV-317b; liturgical books IV-315d; IX- 303a; Liturgy IV-310d; Liturgy of the faithful IV-317C; Lord's Prayer IX-3o0d; Lord's Pray- er, Embolism of IX-215a; mar- riage rite X-5c; Melchites X- 159b; Menaion X-177c; Mixed Greek rites VI-776b; modern use IV-315b; monas- ticism XII-761C; music IV- 316c: offering, preparation of IV-317a; Offertory IX-793b; XI-218a —Office, Divine IV-315a; 319b; 761c; Creed IV-179C; lessons IX-199a; origin IV-314d — oil of catechumens II-272d: ordination XII-il6d; Ortho- doxy, feast of XI -330c; in Otranto XI - 352a; pallium (omophorion) XI-429b; patri- arch VI-771b: and Pius X V-239d; Presanctified, Liturgy of the IV-318d; and Presby- terian missionaries Xil-393a; processions XII-448a; and Propaganda XII-457b; in Reggio di Calabria XII-717C; Resurrection, Congregation of the XII-794C; ritual XIII- 90a; and Rome XIII-65d; in Rome IV-774C; at Rossana XIII-203b: Ruthenians VI- 748c; XIII-277b; sacraments IV-319d; Sanctus XIII-133a: Synaxarion XIV-382C; SvTians in United States VI-752b; United States XIII-82c: ves- sels, sacred IV-316C — veslmenls IV-316b; XV-389d; blessing XV-391b; epigonation IX-602C — Westminster V-594a Constantinus. See Constantine, Constantius I, emperor. See

Constantiua Chlorus — n, emperor. See Constantius

Flavins Julius — in, emperor XV-255C — biographer, on St. Alban I- 252d; and St. Censurius XIII- 718b; on Christianity in Brit- ain XV-582C; on St. Germanus of Auxerre IX-31.5c: on lights, use of IX-246d; at Lyons IX- 472d — Roman general VII-461b; XII-

142c — Manichffian IX-596a — I, Bishop of Faenza V-7Slc — n, Bishop of Faenza V-751C —Bishop of Malta IX-576b — Bishop of Mela X-4'22a — Bishop of Milan X-.300c — Bishop of Oporto XI-260b — Saint, Bishop of Perugia XI-

736d; XIV-234d —Bishop of IzSs XI-83b — Chlorus, emperor V-7b: Con- stance IV-2Sr,d: anrl Constan- tine the Great IV-29.-)d: in G.aul VI-341b; and .St. Helena VII-2(l2c — FLAVTUS JULIUS, emperor XVI-27b; IX-217d; and Aca- cius of Cffisarea I-Slb; in Acta Eusebii V-61.1C: and Acizanes II-163b; V-282a; Arianism I-709c; 710a: VII- 258b; XIII-693b; 693c: and St. Athanaaius II-.38d: and St.Ba8UII-331b;coiii3 I-33.3b;

and Constantine the Great IV-296d; and Cyril of Jeru- salem IV-595d; and divination V-49c; and Eusebius of Samo- aata V-615a; and St. Eusebius of Vercelli II-560a; and St. Hilary of Poitiers IX-221d; and Himyar I-670c; and Julian the Apostate VIII-558d; and Pope Liberius IX-218d; 219a; 220b; and Macedonius XII- 174a; Milan, Council of (355) V-614b; IX^lOb; religious policy III-700a; IV-301b: V- U25a; Salamis XIII-393C; Sardica, Council of XIIW73a; Semi-Arianism I-79b: XIII- 57b; and St. Serapion XIII- 726b

Constanza. See Constance

Const. Ap., abbr. I-24a

Const, bus., abbr. I-22d

Constellation, astrology II-22a; Blood Indians II-603C

Constituent Assembly, French VI-172d; XIII-9d; and the Church VI-356d; guilds VII- 09b; Huguenots VII-535a: La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt IX- 5a

Constitutio, Papal letter IX-202d

— Antoniana III-328C

— criminalis Theresiana IX-6G4b

— de fide Catholica, Vatican de- cree XV-3U.Jd

Constitution, periodical, .\tlanta VII-142C

— Civil, as contract II-141C; and Hegel VII-193c: inviola- bility XIV-772a; of the Third of May, Poland XII-198b

— 0/ United States XV -164b; amendments XV-173c: and bankruptcy II-253a

Constitutional Act, Canadian (1791) III-234d

—Church, France XIII-534C; XIV-624a

— Convention, United States (1787) XV-167C; (1865) XIV- 538c

Constitutionalist, periodical, Augusta XVI-Sod

Constitutionals, in Pennsylvania III-346d

Constitutiones Alezandrins VI- 283c

— Benedictins VI-168d

— Catarcenses VI-284a

— Clementis V IV-672d; IX- 226c

— Farineriae VI-284a

— Hirsaugienses XV-629C

■ — imperiales VI-2.nrta

— MartiniauEe VI-285a

— Narbonenses 1 1 (Mgd : VI-282d

—per Hippolytum VII-361d

— Sambucanse VI-286C

— Urban» IV-345C

Constitutionnel, periodical, Can- ada V-220a; XI-675d: XIV- 635c

Constitution of the French Clergy.


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of the

•h Cl.TKV

CONSTITUTIONS, ECCLESI- ASTICAL IV-320d; and Refor- mation XIII-654a

—PAPAL IV-321a; IX-203C; Ad futuram rei memoriam I-18d; Ad militantis I-653a: Ad Ro- mani Pontificis proWdentiam I-99b: Ad Romanum spectat IV-63d: Ad universalis ce- clesiffi I-128c; Ad vitanda III- 528c; iEquam reputamus IV- 601b: Ambitiosa; XII-471b; Apostolicae Romanorum XIV- 324d: Auspicato XII-757b; Commissi nobis I-18b; Con- ditse XII-758b; and Congre- gations. Roman IV-321d: Con- sulturi IV-192d: Contingit III-312a; Cum illud IV-'209c: Cum inter multiplices XII- 4.5fid: Cum nuper Xll-l.Wd: Cum primum apostolatus II- .59.5d; Cum sacrarum IV-fi.3d: Cum semper oblatas X-23b; Decet IV-63d; Decet Roraanos XII-232a; Decnri IV-63c; De- cretum illud IV-63d: De ec- clesia XV-306c; De fide XV- 30.5d; definition III-.53a; IV- 32Ib: De Romano Pontifice XV-306C; Diu quidem eat I-

18b; Divina I-29b; Diviuo afflatu XVI -13d; Dominici gregis XIV- 115a; Dura intra Xn-437d: Durum nimis III- 312a; Ecclcsise catholicaj III- 312a; Ecclesise militantis III- 323b; Ecclesiam IX-7S6C; Etsi alias III - 13:ia; Felicitate quadam IV-346b; Fulgens ut Stella III-7S2a: Gr.ave nobis IX-117d; In Apostolicae I-29a: In conferendis IV-209b; In omnibus XIII-148b: In prteci- puisXVI-71b; In singulis XII- 757c; In supremo Xn-407a; Inter apostolicas III-312a: In- ter cetera (1748) XII-614b; Inter ceteras (1659) XII-387a; Jam fere sextus IV-391C; Licet de vitanda XII-271d; Licet per apostolicas Utteraa IV- 192d: Lubricum vitie genus XII-752C; Maxima eura XIV- 3S8d; Maxima vigilantia I- 696d; Maximo I-30a; Multi- plices inter XV-304b; Novella IV-63b: Nullis omnino IV-63d; Nuper XII-515a; Nuper in sacro XII-437d: Officii IX- 117d; Omnipotentis XV-677a; Orientalium ecclesiarum digni- tas XV-148C: origin IV-321a; Pastor seternus XII-260d; Pastoralis regiminis 1 1 1-31 2a; Pastor bonus XIII-14Sc ; Per binas alias IV-62C: Periculoso IV-62b; Post diuturnos III- 217c; procedure IV-321c; Pro- mulgandi XII— 154c; Pro\adas IX-786C; Quamvis justo XI- 165b; Quanto fructuosius XII- 753a; Quod sancta XII-269d; Quo graviora XIV-72C; Regu- laris disciplinse IV-62c; Regu- larium IV-63d: Religiosa sanc- torum III-335C; Rerum eccle- siasticarum IV-214d; Romani I-29d; Romanum decet XII- 456d; Sacrosancti apostolatus IV-357d: Salutare IV-62c; Si principum IV-lOOc; .Si qua est XV-596d: Sollicitudo III- 312b; Summi sacerdotii XII- 453a; and theology, pastoral XIV-612C; Ubi gratia; IV-63C; Universaj ecclesia) I-29c: Ut bonus paterfamilias XII I-148b : Ut periculosa XII-756d; Va- cante sede apostoUca XIII- 1.52d

— Religious XII-761b; Domini- cans XII-355C; and history, ecclesiastical VII-370d: Jesuits IV-3.3a

—of Clarendon I-802b; VII- 221c; XIV-677a

— of the Apostles. See Apostolic

Constitutio prima de ecclesia, ■ Vatican decree XV-3U0C — Romana V-599a — super ordinatione regni Siciliee,

Bull "f Honorius IV VII-159d — Waldemariana .\'III-.54:Jb Constitutum, of Pope \'igiliu3XI-

602c: XIV-70Sd — Constantini. See Donation of

Constantine — Silvestri XIV-370d; 378b: on

acolytes I-106d Consti'tutus in speculo. Bull of

Nicholas V II-290d Constiaint, as impediment VII-

696b Constructio farfensis, annals I-

533b Consuberi, Tommaso, Bishop of

Pennc and Atri Xl-l'.3Sc Consubstantial. .\riMTiism I-708a;

Niciran Co.infil 1 Tndb; Socin-


322b: condemned V-.580a: de- nial XIII-651C: imnanation

VII-694b: Luther IXHIolc;

458b; Wyclif XV-723d Consuetudines, of Chartretise

III-388C; VII-6(ia —of Dominicans XII-3.Mb — Cluniacenses 1 1 -.'>() Id Consuetude bononiensis IV-638a Consueverunt, Bull of Clement

VII III 521c Consul, Saint, Bishop of Como

IV-lS3d Consulat de Mar XIV-186d

Consulenti tibi, letter of Innocent I V-731C

Consulta, palace I\'-31b

~de State XI I- 135b

Consultores cleri dicecesani VII- 32oa

Consultori nati, of Holy Office XIII-137C

CONSULTORS, DIOCESAN IV-323a: ni-439d; appoint- ment IV-323a; Baltimore de- crees II-23.5c; 238a; 241a; rights and duties IV-32;ia

— in rehgious orders 1\'-H77a

— of Roman Congregations II- 71a: address, form of I-13Sd; consistory XIII-139C; councils XIII-141C: Holy Office VIII- 37d; XIII-137C; Index XIII- 143c: Propaganda XII-459a; religious XIII-142C; rites II- 367d: XIII-144d

Consulturi, Constitution of Pius IX IV-192d

Consumer, economics VIII-728a; XII-214b

Consummation, apocryphal Gos- pel VI-.599b: 656d

Consumption. S>r Tuberculosis

Contact theory, Volta XV-5U3d

Contakia \il-.")'i'*a


Contareno, Domenico, Doge of Venice XV-.iifl.d

Contarini, Caterina Gabrielli, poetess VII-55C

— Eleoaora, foundress I— 104d

— Francesco, Bishop of Paphos XI-457d

— GASPARO IV-323d: and Pom- ponazzi XII-227b: at Ratisbon V-36b


Conte, Giovanni del, Archbishop of Mrosia lV-:,9l)d

Contelori, Felix \\-2S7b

CONTEMPLATION IV-324d; 329a; and abandonment I-6a; acquired IV-325C; Alvarez, Balthazar I-373c; Alvarez de Paz I-374C: and body IV-327b; definitions IV-324di ecstasy IV-325d: 327b; Gerson VI- 532d: Guyon VII-93a; and happiness VII-132a: Hesy- chaam VII-301b: and imagina- tion IV-32Gd: knowledge of God IV-326C; as mystical union IV-325C: 326a: Nights of the .Soul IV-327C: possession, interior IV-326b: and prayer IV-325a; presence felt IV- 326a; quiet, prayer of IV-325d; XII-608b; Quietism XII-608C; revelations IV-327d; Scholas- tic rationalism XIII-550a: St. Teresa IV-327a; states IV- 325a: in theoloE\-. mystical IV- 324d: XIV-r.2la; and unitive way XIV-2.^>l'a; 2.'>7b: visions IV-327d; and will IV-326C; writers on I\'-32sd

CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE IV- 329a: Otto of Passau XI-359d; of religious IV-341a: XII- 75:3d; silence XIII-790b; St. Thomas III-599d

Contemporains, periodical XI- 676d

Contemporaneo, periodical XI- 683d

Contemporary, periodical XI- 7.')C:XIII-274c

CONTENSON, VINCENT IV- 3.30c: ll-lOld; XII-368Ga; XIV-.W4a; Pn.babilism XII- 442c; on St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-671b; Thomism XIV- 702d

Contents of ancient Bibles. See Capitula of Bibles

Contestatio, in Galilean Rite III- .W2a: VI-302d: 364b: XII-385d

Contestation, in ecclesiastical courts IV-152b

Conti, family VII-l.58a

— missionary III-S3a

—tower. Rome XIII-170d

— Augusto .XMMIa

— Bernardo M., Bishop of Tena- cina XIV-:.lsd

— Francois- Louis de Bourbon, Prince de, and Polignac. Cardi- nal de XII-212C: and Mme. de S6vign« XIII-744a

eral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.