Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/275

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Crucifixion, in art: Angelico I- 483d; 484a; Burckmair III- 6oa; catacombs III - 517c; Cornelisz IV -375b; Engel- brpchtsen V-431a; Ferrara XV -221c; Gcgenbauer VI- 403d; Grunewald Xl-lOOb; Lotto IX -367b; Messina X-216b; Missal IV-535C; Perugino XI-73Sa; Perugino (ill.) IV-facing 518; Rabulas M. S. (ill.) VIII-773d; Raphael XII-d41b; Reni XIII-174C; Reni (ill.) IV-facing 528; San- Bevertno XV-221c; in Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome III- 517c; Tintoretto XIV-737d; Vanni XV-272c; Veldzquez XV-324d

— Calvary, Mount III-191a; cen- turion in-133d; Chapel of, Jerusalem III-192a; date I- 542d; III-737a; V-229c; XIV- 34Ic; day VIII-37Sb; Diony- Bius the Pseudo-Areopagite on V-13d; Druze theory V-167b; early representations VII- 666d; Gnostic theory II-327b; history lV-519c; and Mass XIV-S86d; Oberammergau (ill.) Xl-facing 530; and orien- tation I-365c; in soteriologj' XIV-585b; in symbolism VIII- 756d; XIV-374b; Virgin Mary at XV-468b; in Way of the Cross XV-569b; Zacharias's prophecy XV-742d

Crucifix of Pardon, Pious Union of the .\1V-I23d

— of St. MarceUus, Confraternity of XI-i5:isb

Cruciger, Kaspar, Lutheran the- ologmn XV-i;79b

Crudelis Herodes Deum, hymn XII IH. sue

Cruden, Alexander, Biblical con- cordance IV-196C

Cruelty, and divorce I-164b

—TO ANIMALS IV-512a; Brah- minism l-772b

— to Animals Act, England VII- 734d: XV-495C

CRUET IV-.WSa; in acolvte's or- dination I-106d; 108b; basin for II-334a; in burial in-76c; metal-work (ill.) X-facing 220

Cruice, Patrice, Bishop of Mar- seilles IX-716C

Cruimthir-Nathi. See Nathi O' Kara I-102d

Cruindmelus, grammarian III- 3.51b

Cruise, Francis XIV-662d

Cruithnechan IV-136a

Crum, W. E., archaiologist XI- 30.")a; 347c; on Bible XVI-79d; 80d

Crummin IV-635c

Crumpe, Henry, Cistercian IX- 33:!b

CRUSADE, BULL OF THE IV- 543b; debt, remission of IV- 6Wb

— of Rescue XV-595d

Crusaders, Military Order of XIV-lMa

Crusaders' Church, Beroth XV- 40,5d; Jerug.ilem VIII-.306a; Sephoris XV-464Fa; Tvre XV- Ulc

Crusaders of the Red Star, Mili- tary Order of II-.535a

CRUSADES IV-543d; VII-3fiSc: Acre I-UOd; Adam of Per- scigne I-134a; and African Church I-188b; Agiles I-210d; Alberic of Ostia I-259C; against I-268d; Alexandria I-300b; Ambrose of Siena I- 388c; Antioch I-567d; 569b; Apro3XIV-577d; ArcffiI-6S7c; and arch I-690b; archseological exploration IV-544C; Arme- nians in I-738d; Ascalon I- 766b; Ass'zefl of Jerusalem Il- ia; Athens II-45b; Athos. Mount II-48c; Baldwin of Can- terbury II-221d; St. Bernard II-.500d; III-702a; Berthold of Ratisbon II-521b; and Byzan- tine Empire Ill-llla: Cpaarea Palestine ni-134b; St. Cath- erine of Siena III -447a; Charles of Aniou IV-S51d;

Children's Crusade IV-550c; and chivalry III-691d; 692a; and Christianity in East I- 7Sla; IV-552d; Christian states in East IV-546b; 547d; 548c; chronicles IV-.544C; Clement III IV-lSd; collections lor IV- 105c; Conrad III VI-491b; Conrad of Marburg IV-259b; Constantinople IV-304a; 550a; 554d; cross IV-537c; division IV-544d; documents IV-544a; Dominicans XII-360b; East, attitude VI-766b; Edessa V- 2S3a; St. Edmund Rich V- 294d; effects IV-556C; Eleu- theropolis V-380a; Emesa V- 402c; Emmaus V-405a; and England V-437b; fifteenth cen- turv IV-554a; Flanders, Counts of VI-94d; Foulquede Neuilly VI-I57a: fourteenth centurj' IV-S52b; St. Francis VI-224d; Frederick II IV-550d; Fred- erick Barbarossa IV-548d; VI-492a; Genoa VI-^19c; and geography VI-448b; and Ger- man literature VI-51Sa; God- frey of Bouillon VI-624C; Greenland tax 1-4 18d; 420b; VI-77Sd; Gregory VII VI- 793c; XIII-412a: Gregory IX VI-796b; Gregory X VI-799a; Gregory XI VI-799d; and his- toriography I-534c; 535a; and hospital work VII-483a; Hu- bert Walter VII-508d; influ- ence IV-55.5b; Innocent III IV-549C; VIII-16a; Jacques de Vitrj-'s history VIII-2C6b; Jerusalem IV-.547a; Jews VIII- 393a; and Latin literature IX-27d; Leopold V II-123b; Leopold VI II-123b; leper hospital IX-96d; and leprosy III-598d; literary results VI- 766c: and logic IX-327a; Louis VII IV-548a; Louis IX IV- 551b; Lyons, Council of IX- 477d; maps IV-following 554; Military Orders IV-547c; Montfort, Simon de X-540d; Mopsuestia X-555a; Nicholas V XIII-413C; object IV-543d; Olivet basilica I-767a; Oriental research IV-544C; origin IV- 545a; Ottoman invasion IV- 553b; and Passion devotion XI-529C; Pastoureaux XI- 539a; patriarchs XI-5.50d; Pe- ter I of Cyprus IV-553c; Peter the Hermit XI-775c; Philip Augustus IV-549a; and pil- grimages XII-9Sb; Pius II XII-128b; PortugueseII-162b; Ra\Tnond IV of Saint Giles XII-669C; Ravmond VI, Count of Toulouse XII-670a; Ray- mond VII, Count of Toulouse XII-670b: as redemption, penitential XII-682d; Richard I II-I23b; IV-549a; XIII-41d; Richard de Wvche XIII-44b; Saladin IV-548b; Stephen II Nemanja XIII-732c; Suger XIV-326b; summary IV-556b; survival IV-556a; Tancred XIV^42c: Tarsus XIV-461c; Tasso on XIV-463c; taxes, col- lection I-634a; tapes, France I-795C; Templars XIV-493a; term IV-543d; Teutonic Knights XIV-541C; Thabor, Mount XIV-552C; thirteenth century IV-550c; Urban II IV- 546a; XV-211a; Urban V XV- 215d; Villehardouin XV-430d

—Firsl IV-.54fia; XV-211a; Al- bert of Aachen's history I- 261d; Baldcric's histon,- II- 219a; Gesta Dei per Francos VI-539b; historj' XIV-132a; organization I\'-54b; 546b

—Second IV-5.t7d; histori- I-; preaching of Xni-719b; William of TjTe's historj- I- .534d

—Third IV-.548C

— Fourth IV-549c; Akominatos' history I-239d ; Villchardouin'a history VI-192b

—Fifth IV-550d

—Sixth IV-.5.50d

— Seventh IV-551b

—Eighth IV-551d

Crusay, monastery III-291d

Crusca, Academia della 'Vl-llOa;

founded VIII-251a; Giusti VI-

.574c Cruse, Thomas X-.ilOb Crusius, Christian August, Prot-

csdiiii tli.,,l,,m:,ii .\IV-<;04b:

C(.niln.'lilar\- <,ii tlic Bii.l,- IV-

16L>a:niillciKirianvKwsX-30'.ld — Martin, philologist XV-83b;

147a; and Jeremias U VI-770C — Martin, Protestant theologian

IX^58d Crussol, Gerard de. Bishop of

Valence IX-371b Crustulae farracese VII— 4S9d Crutch, liturgical (ill.) I-7Sd CRUTCHED FRLARS IV-557b;

Dowdall V-145b; established

VII-!84d; habit IV-557b; in

London IX-343a; name IV-

557b Cruto, Prince of Mecklenburg

X-108a Cruttenden, Ch. J., explorer I-

663d Cruveilhier, L6on-Jeaii-Baptiste,

physcian X-140a Crux, scapular XIII-508d —shrine, Jerusalem VIII-357b — de Cruce XII-476C — fidelis, hymni VI-644a; MI-

704a — See Cross Cruz, periodical, Curacao IV-

570b; Mexico XI-686d; Portu- gal XI-689a — Agostinho da, poet XII-30SC - — Apolinario de la, Philippine

rebel XII-13a ■ — Bernardo de la, chronicler II-

324b; XII-30Sd —Felipe de la II-324b — Francisco da IV-76d —Caspar da, missionary III-

670b; 674d: XIII-34d: and

Portuguese literature XII-30Sd —Juan de la X-390d; XI-3S5b;

Xll-eOlc; in New Mexico XI-

2d — Laureano de la, missionary


XIV-200d —San Juan de la. See John of

the Cross. Saint — dos Milagres, church, Goa VI-

605b — e Silva, poet Xn-309d . — Sardinas, Alfonso Maria de la.

Bishop of Hudnuco VII-50i;b Crwth, musical instrument X-

6o7a Cryf ts, Johann XI-60c —Nicholas. .See Nicholas of Cusa Cryphius, in Mithraism X— 403d CRYPT IV-558a; apse form I-

660a; Gloucester cathedral

chapel III-576d; in St. Peter's

XIII-372d Crypticism XV-117C Crypto-Calvinism XIV-766d; in

Germany VI-501d; in Saxony

XIII-500b Crypt of the Nativity. See Na- tivity, Grotto of Cryptography, medieval XI— 109c;

of da Vinci XV-444a Crypto-Monophysites I-20:ia Crystal-gazers, prophecies XII-

47.5a CrysUlIography VII-152b Crystals, on altar front als I-

353c; in altar-lantern I-3.54d;

XIV -307a; Fizeau VI-S8d;

Fresncl XII-65d; Hauy VII-

152b; Huygen XII-61b; lu- nette I-358c; monstrance I-

35Sb; Pasteur XI-536C Csaholy, Franz, Bishop of Csandd

IV-55Sd Csajaghy, Alexander, Bishop of

Csandd IV-55Sd Csak, Lords of, feud XV-392C Csaky, Albino, Hungarian minis- ter VII-5.5Sb — Charles, Bishop of Waitzen

XV-525b — George, .\rchbishop of Kalocsa-

Bacs Vni-,595c — Gosf Emerich VII-40c — Nicholas, Bishop of Csandd


.5.5Sb; cathedral (ill.) IV-558d Csaszar, Barbara. See Husgar,




Csaszka, George, Bishop of Zips XV-761C

C. S. B.. abbr. I-27c

C. S. C, abbr. I-27c

CS., C.O.S., abbr. I-26c

Csernekhegy, monastery X-634b

Csiky, Gregor, poet VII-561d

Csipkes, George, version of the Bible XV-373C

Csokonay, Mihaly Vitez, author VII-561C

Csorna, Abbey of XII-391c; (ilL) XII-390

C. S. P., abbr. I-27C

C. S.S., C.C, abbr. I-27d

C. S. Sp., abbr. I-27d

C. S.S. R., abbr. I-27d

C. S. v., abbr. I-27d

Ctesias of Cnidus, historian Il-Sa ; X-123b

— of Syracuse, orator XIV-397a

Ctesibius XI-297b

Ctesiphon, Apostle of Spain XIV- 177a; and St. Jerome XI-605d

— town XI-714C: Arabs capture XI-71Sa; Romans capture XI- 715b

Ctibor of Gymburg, Governor of Moraiia X-563a

Ctistolaters V-63oc


IV-399b; X-2.53a; 254b

Cualann, Iri.^h tribe XI-424d

Cuanach, Book of IX-2S4d

Cuanan, Saint XV-565b

Cuanna, Saint. See Cathaldua

Cuaran, Saint IV-515b

Cuaresma. See Lent

Cuaspud, battle VI-381a

Cuarteron, Charles, Prelect Apos- tolic of North Borneo II-678b

Cuaz, Marie- Joseph, Vicar Apos- tolic of Laos VII-777d; VIII- 795a

CUBA IV-55Sd; I-415d

-Church in ,III-770c; IV-560d; Augustinians Vn-282c; Fran- ciscans VI-298b; Institute of Brothers of the Christian Schools VIII-60d; organiza- tion IV-561b; property IV- S61a; statistics XIV-2S0C; 281a

— education IV-561C

— Geography IV-5.59a; area IV- 659a; Camagiiev XVI-34d; Cosa's chart IV-402d; Havana VII-15,3c; MafanzasXVI-36a; Pinar del Rio Xll-lOlb

— History IV-559c; aborigines I- 680c; colonization IV-559C; De Soto IV-753d; discovery IV-143a; 559c; independence IV-560b; XV-178d; Ponce de Le6n XII-228a; revolt (1877) XIV-186a; revolution (1895) XV-178a; Spanish dommion IV-559d; United States ac- quires XV-178C

—Literature XIV-207b

—Missions: Chapelle III-579c: Lazarist X-364d; Society of Jesus (1912) XIV-103d

— Population IV — 560d: Jews VIII-399C

—slavery IV-559d; transporta- tion IV-560C

Cubagua, island. Church in XII- 292d

Cubero, Pedro Maria, Bishop of Orihuela XI-3I.5d

Cubicula III-417d; altars I- 346d

- — Callistus, Catacomb of III- 421d; (ill.) III-418; 419d; ornamentation III-426a; 426b

Cubillas, Garcia XIII-686a

Cubley, Sandra, martjT V— 47Sa

Cubricus. See ISIani

Cuccagni, Luigi, rector of Irish College, Rome VIII-1.58b

Cuce de Boisgelin, Jean de Dieu Raymond de. .See Boisgelin

Cuche, on prisons XII-433C; 4.i3d; 434d

Cucherat, khbk XII^76b

Cuchuimne, hj-mnodist III~504b: VII-602a

Cuchulainn, Irish hero VIII-99a; 119a; 119d

Cuckoo I-.521b

Cucufatis, mart>T XIV-177b

Cucujaes, Benedictine monas- tcrv II-449C; 451d

CucuUa (Concublio; Cucullas). See Cowl; Hood

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.