Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/307

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ethical teaching V-2G8a; in Hebrew version VII-17Sa; lan- guage XIV-52SC; MSS. dis- covered V-264C: in Office of the Dead XI-220d; prologue V-263d; Schurer'3 view V- 267c; Septuagint version and Masaoretic text XIV-529a; Sahidic Version XVI-79c; Testament, Old, in Canon of III-270d; text, original V- 264b; text, style XIl-176a; textual criticism XIV-529a: title V-26.3C: translations, earli- est XIII-723C; versions V- 265b; wisdom in V-264a; 268d

Ecctesius, Saint* Archbishop of Ravenna V-251a; XII-663d

ECCLESTON, SAMUEL, Arch- bishop of Baltimore V-26i)c: II-230d; 232d; XIV-332b; and Cincinnati cathedral XII- 570d; consecrated ll-231b; as President of St. Mary's Col- lege XIV-331a

—THOMAS OF, V-269d ; on Elias of Cortona V-3S4C

Ecclis., abbr. I-22d

Eccobriga, derivation VI-336C

Ecdicius, general XIII-778C

— Prefect of Egypt, and St. Athanasius n-39d

— ^Arian, Bishop of Parnassus XI-507C

— See Claudianus Mamertua

Ecfrid. 6'te Egfrid

Ecfwald, King of Northumbria XI-334d

Ecgbeald. Bishop of Winchester XV-GoOb

Ecgberht. See Egbert, King of the West Saxons

Ecgbryht. See Egbert, King of the West Saxons

Ecgferth, King of Mercia XI- 215c

Ecgfrith. SeeEgfM

Ecglaf, Bishop of Dunwich XI- 121d

Ecgred, Bishop of Lindisfarne V-211C; IX-269C

— Northumbrian Prince, death V-326b

Ecgwine, Saint, Bishop of Wor- cost.T XV-'iOSd

Ech, Wady el M-433d

Echa (Rabba) X-2s7b

ECHARD, JACQUES, V-270a; on Alan do Kupe XIII-186C; on Politi, Lancelot XII-213a; on St. Thomas .\quina3 XIV- 66Ga; Thomism XIV-703a; on Titus Oatcs XI-174a

ECHAVE, BALTASAR DE, the Elder V-270b

Echeandia, Governor of Califor- nia, and missions III-182C

Echeria. Sec Silvia of Aquitaine

Echeverria, Esteban, Argentine writer XIV-206d

— Francisco de Borja, economist and sociologist XIII-462b

— Jaime Jose de. Bishop _ of Santiago and Louisiana XI- ,Sc; and Sieni X1II-7S2C

— S. J. VII-154d

Echgfrid. See Egfrid

ECHINUS, See of V-270C; VI- 738c

Echiquier XI-106C

Echo aus Knechtsteden, periodi- cal XIV-r21c

- — z Polski, periodical, New York

^ XII-211C

EchSs, in Gre»k Divine Office I-106a

Echos de rOrient, periodical II- 104c; XI-<i76d

Echter, Julius,__ Bishop of Wurz- burg. See Echter von Mcs- pelbrunn

ECHTERNACH, ABBEY OF V-270c; dancing procession V-270d ; evaniieli.-irium V-» Do mi II go de la

— Jusaph de, Spanish Jew XIV- lS2d

ECK, JOHANN V-271d; IX- 320c; 453c; XIV-593a; and Amort I-230a; on St. Anne I-53SC; Baden, disputation of XII-70.5d; XV-774a; on Bibli- cal introduction VIII-81b; and Burkard III-79b; Carlstadt, controversy with IX-444b geographical work VI-451d at Hagenau V-35d; at Ingol- stadt University IXH142d; Leipzig disputation V-35b; IX- 139c; and LutherIX^44c; III- 273c ; and Lutheranism V-272b ; Vni-8a; and Melanchthon X-151d; and Murner, Thomas X-645c; and CEcolampadius, Johann XI-213b; at Ratis- bon V-36b; and Reisch, Gregor XII-731b; on Schatzgeyer, Caspar XVI-73d; on Synoptics XIV-392a; works V-273a

— Leonhard von, Chancellor of Bavaria Vlll-Sa

— Simon Thaddaeus, and Peter Canisius XI-7fiOc

Eckard. See Eckhart


— of Ders, Bishop of Worms XV- 70Sb

Eckbert, count, Bishop of Bam- berg II-243C; VII-189a; and St. Elizabeth of Hungary V- 390b

ECKEBERT, Abbot of Schonau V-273b" 392a

Eckenlied' VI-519a

Eckenvort, cardinal, tomb I-514d

Ecker, Alexander, scientist VI- 2G9c

Eckemibrde, battle (1849) IV- 729c

Eckersberg, Christopher Wilhelm, painter IV-732b

Eckert, Frantisek, hagiographer IV-GOOd

Eckhard of St. GaU. See Ekke- hard I (Maj..rl

ECKHART, JOHANN V-274a; condemned XINGOOb: Joannes Eriugena V-521d: on evil V- 65Ia;immanenceVII-683a;and John XXII VIII-433b; mysti- cism VI-520d: X-664C; XII- 3.5Sc; 360c; 3G8Ec; and Nich- olas of Stra,sburg XI-64d; philosophy XIII-549b ; regener- ation XII-715a: supernatural order XIV-3.38a; Tauler XIV- 4fi5c

—JOHANN GEORG VON V- 273c: antiphonarv I -580a; chant V-780b; and Pez XI- 785c

— Meister. See Eckhart. Johann

Eckhel, Johann Anton V-274d

—JOSEPH HH-ARIUS V-274d; XI-152a: portrait V-275a; Thundering Lcgi.m II-109d

Eckstein, Apocatastasis I-GOOd

Eclair Comtois, periodical XI-

— de I'Est, periodical XI-677a

ECLECTICISM V-276b; Alain de risle I-245a; Balmes II- 225c: on happiness XII-587b; philosophic system XII-31c; Plato XII-161d; and Scholas- tifisTii Xlll-.'iisd: and Severua Al..\,in<l. r XIll 7i:ic

Eclectics, School of the IH-375a;

!7C.a; .'^icna XV-272d

EcUpse, ancient calculations II- 19c: Bab\ Ionian astronomy II- 2.5c: Chinese II-2.5b; Dungal V-192c: Irish records, ancient VIII-120d; in Old Testament 1 1 -30a: photographed II-28a

EcUptic Ill-ieSc; obliquity XII- .ioa

Ecluse, battle (1340) VI-168d; M-10i',a

— Charles de 1', physician X-129C

Eco del Litorale, periodical XI- (184 b

— delle Romagne, periodical XI- (;s4a

— de San Francisco, periodical vn-15.ia

— di S. Tommaso d'Aquino, pe- riodical XI-084d

— d' Italia, periodical XI-GS3d

Ecole commerciale des Francs Bourgeois, Paris XI-492b

— de la garde nationale, and Lesueur XVI-53C

• — des beaux arts. See Beaux Arts, Ecole des

— des hautes etudes IV-744a: XIV-150C; Bvzantine museum X-647d

— du lis, Louvain IX-34b

— et la famille, periodical XV- 400a

— Frangaise, Rome X-640c: his- torical researches VIII-G2d; Papal RcKc.ita XII-7Ilid

— Niedermeyer Ill-f'.Otib

— royale de chant et de declama- tion III-l'.!IGb

—Saint-Leopold, Nancy IV-G34b

Ecoles d'Orient VI-175c; Cauchy I11^57c

Economi, Maronite church IX- 0S4c

Economica, Union of XII-139a

Economic Geology and Technol- ogy, Bureau of. University of Texas XIV-544C

Economics. See Political Econ-

Economy, Political. See Political Economy

Ecouen, ch&teau X-544d

ECSTASY V-277b; St. Alphonsus I-339b; Arabian philosophy I- 676b; St. Bonaventure II-652a: Cardan III-332c; and catalepsy V-277C; St. Catherine de Ricci I11^44c; characteristics IV- 327b; elements V-277b; false views V-277b; and hypnotism V-277d; and inspiration VIII- 46c; Mohammedan teaching X-422d; and mystical union IV-325d; and narcotics V- 278b; and prophecy XII-474b: and revelations Xn-743d; of a saint V-277d; and somnam- bulism V-27Sa: and stigmata XIV-295a; unitive way XIV- 256a

Ecthesis (Heraclius) III-lOSc; VII-453b: condemned IX- 724a: Maximus of Constanti- nople X-78d; nature X-505b

— (Pseudo-Epiphanius) XI-124d; XII-226d

Ectopic gestation I-47b; Roman decree I-48a

ECUADOR, REPUBLIC OF V- 278c; aborigines, language I- 411c

— Church V-279c; Augustinians VII-282b; Christian Brothers Vlll-eOd; Dominicans XII- 368Ed; ecclesiastical map IV- facing 122; Most Pure Heart of Mary, Feast of the X-600b; papal representative XI-161d; patron XI-566b; Poor Clares XII-254b; pro\'incial council (1580) IX-332C; Redemptorists XII-684C: religious statistics XIV-281a; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-390C; Salesians XIII-'399a

— Geography V-278C; Canelos and Macas III-249c: Cuenca IV- S62a; Ibarra VII-613b; Guaya- quil VII-54d; Loja IX-332b: maps XVI -84d; Portoviejo XII-294d; Quito XII-615C; Riobamba XIII-61d; Zamora XV-749d

— History V-279a; Alvarado, Pe- dro de I-373a: capital punish- ment XII-569d; and Colombia IV-123a; concordats (1851) IV-204d: (1862) IV-197C; XII- 136b; (1863) V-279d

— Conquest: Anazco I-461b; Gar- cia Moreno VI-379C; 3.80b; Inca wars I I-32a ; independence V-279b; I^

— Literature XIV-204C: Balboa, Cabello de III-126a

—Missions: Ferrer VI-49c; Fran- ciscan VI-298d; Jesuit (1912) XIV-10.3d; Jfbaro Indians VIII-40.5a; university XV- 202b

Ecumenical Council. See Coun- cils, General

Ecuy, L', Abbot of Pr6montr6 XII-392b

nodical Al-iiS4a Aii-ayzD

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.

EDDA V-280b; VII-618a; Elder, Voluspi XV-507a ; legends VIl-619a; magic XI-199bj Sturluson XIV-61a

Eddington, Pennsylvania, indus- trial school V-1.59d

Eddius, and St. Acca I-93c; St. Wilfrid's biography XV-622d

Eddo, Bishop of Strasburg. See Heddo

Ed-Dome (Edom) VII-638c;

— (Ruma) VI-444b

Edelbert. See Ethclbcrt

Edelen, Leonard VI-459d

Edelfelt, A., portrait of Pasteur XI-faciiiK .536

Edelin, faiiiilv. Marvhmd ll-229b


—GERARD V-2Sla; and Nan- t.iiil x-r.s.ja: portrait V-281C

—JEAN V-2Nld


Edema Vi-43Sb

Eden, town. See Adon

— Garden of. See Terrestrial Paradise

—Joan IX-138d

Eder VI-438b

— George, Roman Catechism XIII-121C

Ederigo I, Imperial Vicar of Montefeltro X-528d

Ederonio, Bishop of Orense XI- 295d

Edersheim, Alfred, Christ, life of I-622d: Jewish Passover XI- 513c; priests, anointing XII- 407d

Edesia, Andreino d' XI-593b

Edesius, Saint, martyr I-593b; V-i:isd: XI-437b: 709d

—SAINT, Apostle of Abyssinia V-281d; in Himvar I-670b

—Bishop of Claud'iopolis IV-8b

EDESSA V-2S2b; XI-710b; Christianity II-293b; XIV- 401d; chronicle of X-493b

— Church in: Abgar legend I^3b; 609d; V-2S2b; Addai, doctrine of V-S8b; St. Alexius I-307d; and Antioch I-56Sd; ascetics I-770a; council (197) V-282c; Holy Face of I-43c; II-317C: James of Sarugh VIII-278a: monastery, relics V-498b; ori- gin I-136d; see VI-738C; St. Thomas, Apostle, relics I- 611b; XIII-3S3a; XIV-6S8C; 679b

—fall of (1144) V-600b; founda- tion XIII-690b; Godfrey of Bouillon VI-625a; language XIV-408d; Lucius V-379b: Persian invasion XI-717d; plague VII-481C: school III- lOOd: V-232d; X-157c; 758b; XI-7]5b; XIV-409b

— Countship of. See Rohez

Edgar, King of England II-347a; beards II-363b; and St. Duns- tan V-200d: ecclesiastical re- forms I-507b; and Edwy V- 324a; Ely Abbey V-396C: law, revival III-307a; and Saint Odo XI-209d: and St. Os- wald XI-34Sc; Our Lady of Gla.stonbury XIII-760C; Peter- borough Abbey XI-756a; Thomey Abbey XIV-706a; in Wales XV-584C; and West- minster Abbey XV-598a; and Wulfrid XV-747d

— Bishop of Hereford VII-2o5d

— Bishop of London IX-347C

— King of Scotland XIII-61Sa

— John, temperance work XIV- 48Sb

— Atheling, prince, flight XIII- 614d

— County (ill.) Catholic mission VII-657C

Edgbaston, Oratory school II- 414a; V-S57C: XI-273C

—Henry Vn-.>14d

Edgerton, Sidney, Governor of M..iilaiia X-.-.17d

—Bible Case, .l.iision XV-66.3d

EDGEWORTH, HENRY ES- SEX V-283b; portrait V-283C

— Maria VIII-126C; portrait VIII-125

—Robert V-2S3b

— Ussher V-2S4a

Edginton Lane, Wheeling, West \'irginia, home XV-<J06b