New Mexico XI-4a; New York State XI-31d; Niagara Uni- versity, New Yorli XV-204b; North Carolina XI-lOOc; offi- cers V-305d; Ohler XI-228a; Old Testament V-299a; On- tario XI-256a; Oriental V- 296b; Overberg XI-362d; Ox- ford University XI-365d; Pad- ua University XI-387a; pagan V-29Sd; XI-3S9C; parables of Christ V-299d: parents XI- 479b; patron XV-464C; penal lawsXIII-123d; Pestalozzi XI- 742c; Pfister XI-7S6d; nhilan- thropinism XI-796b; PhUip- pines XII-16d; Piacenza, uni- versity XII-7 la ; Piarists XIII- 588a; Piarists in Poland XII- 195a; Pisa, university XII- 112a; Plato I-761a; V-297d: Xll-lSld; Poles, United States XII-209b; popular, and astrol- ogy II-23b; Port -Royal XII- 296c; public, and Prussian Cen- treXVl-22a; XII-342b; Presentation Broth- ers Xll-399d; Presentation Order XII - 397a; priesthood XII-419a; purpose \-296d; Quebec XII-596c; 599a; Ratio Studiorum XII-654a; Ratis- bonne XII-659d; Reforma- tion V-303c; reUgion V-304b; religious orders IV-lOSc; v- 303d; Rhode Island X1II-22C; Rice III-710c; ritual \-301d; Robinson XIII -99c; Rolf us XIII -118d; Roman I -761b; V-29Sb; Roman Colleges XIII-131b; Rome, university XIII-177b; Rosniini XIII- 197c; Ross, school XIII-202b; Rostock, university XIII-205C; Russia XIII-234a; 241c; Sa- cred Heart, Brothers of the XIII-305b; Sacred Heart, Re- ligious of the XIV-113d; Saint Andrews, university, Scotland XIII-332a; St. Augustine, uni- versity, Arequipa XV-202b; St. Bonaventure, college, Italy XIII-339a; St. Francis Xavier 3 Universitv, Canada XV-198d; St. GregoW the Great, univer- sity, Quito XV-201d; St. Isi- dore, college, Rome XIII-352C; St. John's University, Minne- sota XV-204C; St. Joseph s Col- lege, university, Canada XV- 199a; St. Louis, university of XIII-363C; St. Mark, univer- sity, Lima XIII-365b; XV- 201c; St. Omer, English college XIII -365d; Saint Thomas university, Manila XIII-381d; Salamanca, university XIU- 392b; .Salerno, university Xlll- 298a; Salesians XIII-398C; San Antonio Abad, university, Cuz- co XV-201d: San Cristobal, Guamanga XV-202b; San Ful- gencio, university. Quito XN 201d; San Luis University,Peru XV-201d; Santa Cruz, univer- sity XV-202b; Santiago, uni- versity XIII-160a; SanVago de Chile, university XIII-461d; XV-201d; 202b; Santo Domin- go, university XV-201C; Santo TomAs, university, Peru X\ - 201d; Saragossa, university XIII-470a; Schola Cantorum XIII-547C; Scholasticism V- 303b; schools XIII-o.54d; Schools, Apostolic XIII-583C; Scotland XIII -578d; 579a; Scots College XIII - 632a; seminary XIII-694b; Seneca V-298C; Seville university XIII-74Bb; Siena, university XIII -781d: Siguenza, uni- versity XIII - 788d; Slom- sek XIV-o7b; Socrates XIV- 120b; Sophists V-297c; Sor- bonne XIV-149b; South Amer- ican College, Rome I-42.M; South Carolina XI\-lo7d; South DakotaXIV-l(jlb;Spam lll-413b; Spart.,n V-296d; Spencer's definition V-SOlb; State control, FC-nelon VI-38b; State, dutv of V-.i64d; Stony- hurat College XIV-309b: Sucre university XV-202b; Summer Schools XIV-334b; Sweden
XIV-347c; Temperance move- ments in schools XIV-483a; 487d; Tennessee XIV-610C; Texas XIV-545b; 551b; -To- ronto,universityXI-256c; Irm- ity College XV-57d; Trujillo, university XV-202b; Tuam, school XV-82d: Tubingen, uni- versity XV-S3b;.Turm X\- 94d; Turkish Empire XV^JOOc; United States VI-477b; XIII- 560a; 579d; XV-165c; and uni- versities XV-188d; Upsala,uni- versity XV-208b; Ursula of the Blessed Virgin, society XV- 228a; UrsulinesXV-228c; 229c; Ushaw College XV-233c; 234b; Utrecht, monastic school VU- 21c; Valence, university XV- 251b; Valencia, university XV- 253b; Valladolid. university XV-259C; Vaughan, Cardinal XV-313a; Venezuela XV-328c; Vermont XV-356a; Verreau XV-364b; Viatorians XV- 400b; Vienna, university XV- 421a; Vienna Conference XIII- 596c; Vierthaler XV-425a; Vis- itation Order X'V-lSSa; Vit- torino da Feltre Xy-i90b; of wards VII-52a; West Point Academy XI-32a; 'Wimpfeling XV-649a; of women XV-by4a; 696d; of women. National Un- ion XV-694a; Wilrzburg, uni- versity XV-720C; Xaverian Brothers XV-728b; Xaverian University, Peru XV-201d Education Act, England (1S7U) XV-59.ia; (1902) XIII-574d;
— Act.'scofland (lS72)XIII-579a EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIA- TION, THE CATHOLIC V- 305a; Bulletin y-3q6a; incOT- poration V-305b; Walsh XII-
— Council, CathoUc, Great Britain V-457d; XIII-559C; 575d
— Society, Lithuanian, Catholic XVI-5.5d
—Union, CathoUc XIV-334d
EDUCATION OF THE BLIND V-306a: (ill.) V-:)10a; 311a; 314a; arithmetic V-313b; Bar- bier method II - 73od; blind- deaf V-315b; 319d; Braille method II-735C; V-310b; con- temporary V-309a; deaf-hlmd V-319d; early Church V-306d; earlv methods V-307a; em- bossed print V-309c; in Eng- land V-309d; 310b: 310c; Fry- Alston system V-309: geog- raphy 313b; Hauy V-308c; VII-152C; history V-306d; in- dustrial training V-314b;Lana- Terzi method V-307b; libraries V-314d ,. ^ , ,
— literature, Cathohc: England V-315b; United States V-3.15a —manual alphabets V-320a (ill.)
Clement V IV-23b; and clergy
IV-34SC; Clericis Laicos IV-
50d; confessor XIV-695C; cru-
sade IV-552a: and Dunferm-
line Abbey V-192b; epitaph
VI-63d; and Gregory X VI-
798d; and Grosseteste VII-
39c; and Honorius IV VII-
4()0a; and Houghton VII-500b;
Saint Hugh's relics XII-73SC;
and Jews VIII - 394a; and
John XXI VIII-lSOc; at Lin-
dores IX-270b; mortmain X-
SSOa; nationalism HI - 703a;
Palmersdene, shrine XV-637b;
Pecham XI-599d; pilgrimage
V-320a; manual training V-
314d; modern V-308b; Moon
system V-310b; music V-313d;
NewYorkPoint systemV-313d ;
physical training V-314d; sign-
lariguage, V-317b; statistics
V-306a; 320b; United States
V-306b; 319b; Wait system
V-311d; writing V-312b
V-315d; aids V-318d; auricular
method V-318b; B^hian II-
379a; Bonet II-655a; com-
bined system V-318c; Ep6e V-
317b; 484b; Germany V-31(b;
history V-316b; manual al-
phabet, method V-318b; man-
ual method V-318b; oral
method V-31Sb; Sicard V-
317c- XIV-79Sa; United States
V-317d: Wisdom, Daughters of
-Question, Baden ll-197c; 19Sd
Edulf, Bishop of Hereford VII-
— .iVbbot of Malmesbury IX-
Eduyyoth, T.ilmud XIV-437b Edward I, King of England III- 7.303; \'— I30b: and .^ccursms the Younger I-IO(-)d: advowson I-lfi9d; Alhertini I-26.3b; and Boniface V III 1 1 -66.5a; canon-
- al provision XII-516d; and
XIII-761a; XV-543a; policy
III-703a; Quia Emptores Yi-
eld; Richard de Wyche, relics
XIII-J4b; Scotland XIII-
616d; statutes VI-62b; and
Thomas of Hereford XIV-695a;
Wales XV-584C; and Walter
of Winterbum XV-544d; and
Westminster Abbey XV-599b;
year books XIII-120b
— n. King of England, baptism
II-250a; and Bicknor II-558c;
coronation XV-599b; corona-
tion order IV-384a; deposed
V-321b; Drvburgh V-167c;
dubbing III-692C; and Foun-
tains Abbey VI-161a; and
John XXII I-159a; and Kel-
lowe VI-322a; Oriel College
XI-369a; Peterspence XI-
774d; pilgrimage XV-543a;
Pontefract Priory XII-229d;
Rufford Abbey XIII-221a;
scapular XIII-SOOc
EDWARD HI, King of England
V-321b; and Bicknor II-558d;
and Boniface IX 1 1-67 lb; and
Burleigh III-81a; Chartres
III-636b; and Chaucer III-
642c; and Clement VI IV-24c;
crusade IV-553C; Garter, Order
of the III-692C; VI-454d;
X-306b; XV-655a; and Greg-
ory XI XV-722C: guilds VII-
67'c; and Islip Vin-191c; and
Langham VI I I-788C ; and Louis
the Bavarian VI-S9.5a; Nor-
mandy XI-106a; pilgrimage
XIII-761a; plurality law XIII-
651c; provisors, statute of XII-
516c; and Richard de Bury
XIII-43a; seal of confession
XIII-652d; and Simon of
Sudbury XIII-799b; and
Thomas of Bradwardine XI\-
693d; tomb XV-.W9b: trusts
XV-72b; and Urban V V-322a;
XV-215C; Vienne Council IV-
425d; and William of Wyke-
ham XV-641b; Windsor Castle
XV-655a; year books XIII-
—IV, King of England III-739a;
XV-641a; attainder, bill II-
59c; and Bourchicr II-717a:
and Charles the Bold III-69d;
XIII -761a; and Sherwood
XIII-7.58a; and William of
Wayneflete XV-641a; Windsor
Castle XV-655a
— V, King of England, and Alcock
I-274a: slain IX-343C —■VI. King of England V- 443d; 447c; Blue Coat School IX- 351d; Book of Common Prayer II-678d; XIII-90d; 654c; and Bucer III-26b: and Catholics IV-39b; chantries III-.574a; and Henrj- III of France X- 67.5c; homilies XIII-655a: and Ireland VIII-102b; liturgical changes I-501d; XIII-68a; and Mary, Queen of Scots II- 373a; IX-764a; and Map' Tudor IX-766d; Ordinal I- 491d; ornaments rubric XIII- 90d: and Pole XII-20.3b; poor law XII-2.55b; primers XII- 352d; 426c; Protestantism XIII-654C; Reformation XII- 703a; religious policy X\- 143d; sacraments XIII-300a; schools V-443d; XIII-571d; and Tallis XIV-43.5b; tem- pcrance laws ^lY.rlS;*' T h o r n e y Abbev XIV-706a; Uniformity Acts XV-127b -Vn, acclamation I-98c; and France VI-lfi2a; and Germany VI-515b; and Leo XIII IX-
171b; Royal Commission XV-
595b; Wales XV-534d
—I, King of Portugal VI-39d;
VII-239d; XII-302b; Tangier
II-162b ^ ,,^
— Bishop of Aberdeen I-41d —Abbot of Croyland IV-541C —Prince of Wales (Black Prmce) III-692b; and Boni Homines II-673b; Cahors, university XIV-797C; Court reforms V- 322b , „
— Prince of Wales (son of Henry VI) II-717a; Tewkesbury XIV-542d Edwardes, Francis XII-636C Edward Fortunatus, Margrave of
Baden-Baden II-19.5b Edwardine Ordinal I-!fl4d; 495d; 602a; Champncy I-493d; Irish Church I-733a; Leo XIII and I-497b; origin I-492a; Pole, Cardinal I-644d Edward of Savoy XIII-492d —of the Kings, mission III-365a — Outremere IX-655d „.,. — Powell, Blessed, martyr XIII-
44d; ti.V.ld Edwards, James Famham, Notre
Dame du Lac XI-13'2c — Justin, Temperance movement
Edwardsville, mission (ill.) VII-
SAINT, King of England V-
32'2d; 431b; and adulteration
of food I-16-2b; burial (ill-),V-
322c; Canterbury Cathedral
VI-673b; common law IX-C9c;
and Leo IX IX-162b; ecclesi-
astical policy I-507c; prophecy
XII-475d; regalia XII-713d;
and Richard II of Normandy
X V-643a ; and Robert of Jumi-
iges XIII-97a; Rolls Series
XIII-120C; Seal (ill.) V-322a
—shrine XII-96b; XIII-761d;
(ill.) IX-facing 352; mosaic X-
-translation Xni-3S9a; and
Westminster Abbey IX-342b;
XV-.59Sb; Windsor XV-654d;
and St. Wolstan XV-6S7c
—the Elder, King of West Saxons
IX -602a; common law IX-69a;
confession XIII-649d; and
Saint Odo XI-209d; Oxford
of England V-3'23b; 201a;
translatimi V-201b
EDWIN, SAINT, King of North-
umbria V-.!23c; VII-241d;
3.50b: 1 'a XT "lOa; and
Bonifa.T \ II '^U ; convcr-
^iQJl I- - ;i \\ 7:1a: mar-
riage X 1 ->h: "I- - XII-738C
—Earl of Mercia, insurrection
XV-643b —Abbot of Westminster XV-
•5flSb „ ,. , „
EDWY, King of the English V-
- i'ta- <l.:itli lll-307a; and St.
Ilmisiin V-2(K)c; and Saint (i.lo Xl-L'OOd . , .
Edzard. Count of East Fnesland,
and Luther XII-704C Eeckhout, Jean d', preacher IX-
2.51d Eem, Theodorus van der, martyr Vl-«51d ,
Eenhan (Alost), Flanders, and
Baldwin V, of Lille VI-94d Eerdmans, and Biblical criticism
XI-6.57C . ,.
Eestermans, Fabian Anthony, of Lahore VIII-<.43b Eetvelde, Baron Van, n""";'^/ IV •.'Hltd:and BrairCf 1\ '.'.lOb Efeurankcn, i,<rin,li,M X\-.-.i«b Effari-locum XlV^9.-,d Effect III-J.59b; in ana ysis I- 4.51b- Scholasticism III-4t>2c; ' and the voluntary XV-.506C Effectus impetratorius. See Im-
pctralion Efficacious Grace. See Graco Efficiency. S. •■ Power Effingham, Bishop of Cloync IV-
— Charles Howard, Baron. See Howard Charles, first Earl of
EfflJit'AtT'.lo I-716d: Torri- celli XIV-784C
Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b. c, d. quarter of page.