Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/333

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5a; and Colossians, Epistle to IV-132d; Comma Johanninum VIII-436b; commentaries, Bib- lical IV-159a; Vl-lUb; on compensation, right ol IV- ISob; on confession XI_-C27a; on confirmation IV-217d; on conscience IV-270a; consensus of Vl-td; Coptic versions V- 35Sa; and Councils VI-3d; on creation IV^Tla; XII-4Sb; criticism, textual IV— 192b ; 500b; Cross of Christ IV-520a; St. Cyril of Jerusalem VI-7b; on dancing IV-619b; definition Vl-la; on divorce V-56d; on dreams V-155d; Dupin's edi- tion V-204b; East and West contrasted Vl-Ud; edi- tors VI-15b; 15c; 15d; 16b; 16d; and St. Ephraem VI- 8a; St. Epiphanius VI-7b; era VI-7a; XII-765b; and Erasmus V-513c; ethics _V- 559a; on Eucharist V-577b; XIV-586d; Eusebius of Cae- sarea VI-7a; Eutychian con- troversy VI-9d; exegesis V- 702d; 703a; 7U3c; Fessler 3 definition VI-3c; florilegia VI- 121a; on free will VI-260a; Gelasian lists Vl-Ja ; and good VI-C37b; Gospels, canonical VI-657a; on grace VI-092d; 695d; XIV-555a; Greek, Latm translation I-388b; Gregory of Nazianzus VII- lOd; on hell VII-208a; 209a; on heresy V 1- 5d- VII-259b; historians V I -9d; on Holy Ghost VI-707d; VII- 410c; 411c; 4Hd; and infalli- bility, papal VII-798a; on in- tercession of saints \lll-iia: introduction, Biblical V 111- 790d; Irenseus VIII-130C; on Isaias VlII-lS4b; St. Jerome Vl-Sb; VIII-341a; on St. John, Gospel of VIII-439d; Jonas, Book of VIII -49Sb; and Jo- sephus VIII-523b; Josue, Book of VIlI-525d; on judgment, general VIII-5o2b; on judg- ment, particular VHI -J51a: on keys, power of \ IIl-b32a, language VI-llc; Latin litera- ture IX-24d; Lferinese School VI-9d; letters, papal VI-9d; on limbo lX-256d; on Magi IX- 528b: on Marian prophecy X\ - 404Dc; on marital fidelity 1- 164a; on marriage IX-708d; on Mass X-llb; on St. Matthew, Gospel of X-o8d; on merit X- 204d; on Messianic prophecies XIV-.597b; Migne on VI-16c; oa Millennium X-308b; Minu- cius Felix X-336a; and miracles X-345d; Nestorian controversy VI-9c; Origen and Origenism

Xl-SOec; o° of'S" A'^-j'M" 313a; on orthodoxy XI-330b, on penance XI-620c; on Pen- ance, Sacrament of XI V-587b ; on Pentateuch XI-652C: Peter of Bruvs on XI-781a: philoso- phy X"n-31d; and Platonism XII-161a; on political economy XII-214d;preac,her3VI-lla;on predestination XII-383a; 3S4b; Sn priesthood XII-416a; Proverbs, Book of XII-.5g6d; on Providence, Divine XII- 512c; on Psalm titles XII- 536d; on purgatory Xn-577a: ransom, theory of XIV-585a; on reason I^SOc; on redemp- tion XIII-678d; on sacrifice XIII-316C; and Scripture XIII-636C; Septuagint XIII- 722b: on seventy weeks I\- 625c: on Sext XIII-747b: and sibyls XIII -77nb; sign of the cross XIII-785d: sixth century Vl-lOa; on soul IV-»76a: study of VI-17a; Sv-nac trans- lation XIV-41.3C: and the thea-

FATHERS,'/Woi;u VI-12d: XIV- o80c; dogmatic XlV-.5.88b: mo- ral XIV-603b: 604d; mystical XIV-621a; and pastoral XIV- 612a .^„,

— and New Testament XIV- fl33b: Tobias, Book of XIV- 7.52b; and tradition. Apostolic XIV-581d; Trinitarian teach

ing XIV-S84C; XV-51a; and unity of the Church XV-I35d; ISOd; on usury Xy-23.5d: Vatican library MSS. XII- 766b; St. Vincent on VI-3b; on Virgin Mary VII-675d: XV-44SC; 466c; 466d; on voca- tion, religious X V-500c; on Wis- dom, Books of XV-666d; and witchcraft XV-677b; and woman X-691b

— of the Desert X-468a: Pacho- mius XI -581b; Rosweyde's Uvea II-<)31a: sayings I-623d: Thebrid XIV-561d

— of the Divine Word. See Divine Word, Society of the

— of the Faith of Jesus. See Sacred Heart of Jesus, Society of the

— of the Heart of Mary. See Ui'iiTl of Miirv. Fathers of the

— of the Holy Ghost. Sec Holy Ghost and the Immaculate Heart ol Mary, Congregation

— of the Holy Sepulchre. See Holy Sepulchre, Fathers of the " — of the Oratory. See Oratory

of St. Philip Ncri — of the Sacred Heart. See Sacred Heart of Jeaus, Society of the —of the Victory X-325d Fatima, daughter of Mohammed

X-424b Fatimidi, in Sicily XIII-775a . Fatimites, d>-nasty XV-89a; in

Damascus IV-612b — Mohammedan sect X-125C Fatinelli, Pietro IX-405d Fattore, n. See Penni. Francesco Fauboulvin, Notre Dame de. See Notre Dame de Fauboulvin Faubourgs, (Euvre des, Pans


Faucher, theologian XIV-668c

Fauchet, Claude, Bishop ol Bay-

cux II-358C; on Fredcganus

VI-251d; at Nevers X-778C

Faucon, College du, Louvain IX-

391d; X-326C Fauconberg, Eustace ae IX-

347d —Thomas, Lord II-394a Faudoas de Belin Vll-79b Faughart, church II-Ts.-.b Faulhaber, Michael, Bishop of .Speyer XIV-21ub; professor at Straaburg university XIV-215b Faun, in Bible I-522c; 522d;

523c Fauno, Casa del, Pompeu, mo-




Vlisc Fauquier, Francis, Governor ot

VirKiiiia XV-4.'>()b Faur de Pibrac, Guy de VII-76a;

XIll-33i;a Faura, Frederic, Jesuit IX-601a Faure, Charles, and Abbot of St. Gen-vieve III-294d; VI-414d; Xin-347c .

— Franjois, Bishop of Amiens 1-

430a ,„, ,,

— Fransois I, Bishop of Glandcves

IV-793C — Fransois-Felix VI-17Sd; 179a;

Xl-4S.ib — Stephen, missionary IV-fi93d Faurie, Vicar Apostolic of Kwei-

chou VIII-714a FAURIEL, CHARLES-CLAUDE VI-18d; and Manzoni IX-C34b Fausset, exegete IV-161b Faussol, Joseph III-.329C Faust (Goethe) VI-524d; IX-

128b —legend IV-39d; IX-127c; Cal- deron's drama III-1.57a: and Sts. C>T>rian and Juslina IV- 583b: in German literature VI- .521c; Hroswitha's writings VIl-504d — John. See Fust, John Fausta, wife of Const ant ine IV- 300c: IX-Mc; XIV-745C; XVI- 27b Fausti, trial, Rome XIII-169C Faustianus, martyr XIII-742a Faustillus, Saint, martyT XI-

89d Faustin I (Sonlouque), Emperor of Haiti VII-114d

Faustina, Roman Empress III-

44.5b — Annia ll-109b: IV-l(i6a —and Antoninus, Temple of,

Rome XIII-17Cd Faustinianus, Bishop of Bologna

II-640a — brother of pseudo-Clement IV-


I-25Sd; II-760C —legate I-200b; 594b — martyr, Rome XIV-3d: tomb

ni-513a — Luciferian priest IX-410d — Bishop of Lyons IX-472C; and

Novatian VI-395C Faustus, martyr, Alexandria XI-

709c — martyr, Cordova IV-359b — Bishop of Panemotichus XI-

441d — Bishop of Thumbarbo Majus

XIV-710a —of Mileve IX-595c; and St.

Augustine II-85b: 87d; 90a — of Monte-Cassino X-72b —OF RIEZ (REJI) VI-19b; IV- 396d; 793d: VII-471b; XIII- 778c; Aries, Council of (455) I- 727b:andClaudianusMamertu3 IV-8a; and St. Fulgentius VI- 317a; XIII-706c; and Latin literature IX-25c; and Lucidus XII-377d; and Maxentius XIII-706b: and Petrus Diac- onus XI -783c; Semipelagian views XIII-705C; Xy-439d; and Sidonius Apollinaris XIII- 778c: at Tarbes XIV-453b Faux, Robert VI-144b Faux-bourden, in Carmelite Rite Xnl-74a: origin IV-436d; VII-139b Fava, Amand- Joseph, bishop, at Grenoble I-189d; XV-751b; and missionaries of La Salette IX-9a; at Martinique IX-731C Faveau, Paul Albert, Vicar Apos- tolic of Che-Kiang XVI-SOb Faverches, Rychold (Recholdis)

de XlII-7(,0d . Faverney, abbey, miracle YU-

493b FaveroUes, Franpois X-540b FAVERSHAM ABBEY Vl-lSd Favier, Alphonse-Pierre, Bishop ot Peking lll-670a; X-365a; on clergy, rank of lll~677a Faviers, France, pilgrimage Xll-

91a Favila, prince XIV-179d Favorino, Varino, Bishop of

Nocera XI-87a Favre, Guichard in-52d — Jules X-700d; and Bcrryer II-

S17d: 518a —Marie Jacqueline XV-481C — Peter. See Peter Faber Favretto, Giacomo, painter XV-

340c Fawkes, Guy, VII-82a: 82d Fawn, in Bible I-522c; 523c Faxon, Eben, architect II-231b Fay, Andras, scholar VII-561c — Charles-Frangois de Cistemay

du, phy.iicist XI1-63C — E. A. V-31Sb

Faydit, Pierre, Trithcist Xy-R2a FAYE, H E R V E - AUGUSTE -

ETIENNE-ALBANS VI-20a Faye's Comet lX-2D.5d Fayet, J. B., Ardibishop of Santa

Fe Xlll-4.i7b FayetteviUe, battle I-72.5C FayoUe, Francois-Joseph-Mane

Ill~fi9fib —Pierre-Marie, Coadjutor \icar of Southern Sze-Ch'wan XIV-


Fayflm (Arsinoe), EgjT>t I-75.5a; XVI-78d: ancient art XI- 396a; geological remains V- 331b: MS. found IX-633b: monastery XVI-28a: reservoir V-332b ..„,

Fayflmic dialect V-3.i7a; XVI- 7Sd' vcrsinri!- of the Bible XV- 36sb; XVI-Si'd , „ •

Fazini, Lucio, of Scgni Xlll-6Ma ,. ,

Fazio, A., Vicar Apostolic ot Aleppo XIV-J0.5d

— GiuUo, Jesuit XIV-246b

F.C., abbr. I-26d

Fe, periodical, Brazil XIII-456C


Fe, periodical, Spain XI-B90b Fea, Carlo I-S7b Feachnaus XI-632b FEAR (canon law) VI-20c; and contract lV-333a: and mar- riage VI-21d FEAR (moral) VI-21a: and attri- tion II-65a; and character III~586c; and despair IV- 755b: and devilworship IV- 767d; and free will XV-446d; and justification VI-701d: as passion XI-534C: XIV-616a; and religion XII-740c; 745a; Scripture on II-65b: servile II- 65d: and sin XIV-8a; as spir- itual motive I-769c; and vio. lence XV-446d Feargus. Sec Fergus Fear of the Lord VII-113C Feast, The, in Orthodox Church

IV-315d Feasts,' Anglican II-079d —Buddhist Ill-Sla — Chinese in-U87d —ECCLESIASTICAL VI-21d; agape I-20Ud: St. Alexander of Alexandria I-296b: St. Alexan- der of Jerusalem I-295d: All Saints I-315c; All Souls I- 315d: Ambrosian Rite I-398b; Anglo-Saxon Church I-SlOc- Annunciation I-542c: apodosis 1-61 5b; Apostles I-629b:_in Apostolic constitutions I-637b; in Armenian Church XIII-79a: Ascension I-767b: Asses I- 798d; Assumption II-6b: Boni- face VIII changes II -669c: Breviary II-770C; calendars II- 771a; Candlemas III -245c: in catacombs III-505b: Christ- mas III-724d: Circumcision III-779c:CistericanRiteXlII- 74c; classification III-165C: in Coptic Liturgy XVI- 28d; 29a: Corpus Christi IV- 390d: and Council, congrega- tion of the XIII-141d; of the Cross IV-532a: Crown of Thorns XIV-706b: dating IV- 638a: of devotion III-105d: of Doctors V-75a; Dominican Rite XIII-76C: early Church I-195b: Epiphan^■ V-.504c: Es- pousals of the Blessed Virgin V-543b: eve of V-647b: Ex- pectation ot the Blessed Virgin V-712b: of Fools VI-132a: funeral. See Agape: Guardian Angels VI I-50b : Heart of Mary VII-|16 9b; heortology VII- 241c; Holy Innocents VII- 419a: Holv Name VII-420a; Holy Office XIII-138b: Im- maculate Conception VII- 677a: St. Joachim VIII-406c; St. John the Baptist VIII- 490d; St. John 111' rviiiii'.list VIII-493b: St. .1" ■ I'li \ 111- 506a: lesson- I \ r'~> >t. Markl-69d; M:i ' - lA -'"'a; St. Matthew X-.>7c; r<t. Mi- chael the Archangel X-277a: m MicrologusX-285a ; miraculous medal X-115d; Most Precious Blood Xn-373a: Most Pure Heart of Mary X-GOOa; Mount Carmel, Our Lady of X-C04c: Name of Marj', Holy X-673b; Nativity ot the Blessed Virgin X-712d" —of ohUgnlinn XII-780d: Puis XIV-342C; Urban VIII XV- 219a: Wcssenberg X\-590d —Office, reform XVI-14a: or- thodoxy XI-330C: Our Lady, Help of Christians XI-3b0d; Our Lady of Good Counsel XI-361b;' Our Lady of Perpet- ual Succour XI-699d: Our Ladv of the Snow XI-361d; pagan influence XI-390d: Pas- sion of Christ, commemora- tion of XI-526d; Patronage of Our T.iidv XL r.r.nb: St. Paul XI-.^T:;a '-I TM r xi-75lc: St. n. ■ ■ ■ ' ^"d Pope

VTI- li I iic Church

tVnf^c, l. ' -. ' ' l.rist XII- i54b: pr,-..,.,i,„c.. ol XVI-14b: Presentation XIl-4(X)a: Ran- dom, Our Lady of Xll-WOa: Redeemer, Most Holy Xll- ■677b- relics Xll-738d; Re- ■■ quiem Mass forbidden III-74b;

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.