Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/344

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Foulon, Bishop of Nancy and FO^OLQui' DE NEUILLY VI-

157a —of Nerra Xn-92a FoulQues, Abbot of Pontron X-

— Archbishop of Reims II-428b; XI-187a; XII-726a

—Bishop of Toulouse V-107a, XIV-638C

Guide. See Clement IV

—deVillaret. See ViUaret

—of Anjou, King of Jerusalem V- 380a- VIII-362a; and Almanc XII-388d; XV-210d; excom- munication IX^73b: founda- tion II-454b ^ ^ ,^

of Beauvais, Abbot of Bee ii-

— of Deuil, and Abelard I-38b —of MarseiUes, A^hbisbop of

Toulouse I-2r,8d; XI\-79ba Foulquois IV-lHb FOUNDATION \ I-l^J.'.'jP**"'™;

FoindatfonVof'BeUef (Balfour)

Foundltion Stone. See Stone.

Corner, or Foundation Founder's Day, Georgetown VI-


-Hospital, London VI-160b; IX-345b ,,,, ,„„„.

FoundUngs, in-606a; XV-436a baptism of n-271b; patron ol XI-.WBc; in sub - Apostolic times XII-238d „i,„„,.l

Foundry, Tlie, Methodist chapel, London X-238d j:ii:„..

Fountain, miraculous, ArdiUiers I-700C , , ,,iiT

—Gate of the, Jerusalem VIII-

-4f^_tlie Virgin n-536d; III-

^f Youth XII-.228C Fountains, in Scripture XV-SSlb FOUNTAINS ABBEY VI-161a,

I-172d; XUI-98b; XV-629a;

vvl-'^".c architecture VI-


161b; 102b; IX-t.-bc; xi

399d;Xy-4a —Leon, missionary \^}il Hm,

X-383a; 383d; XIV-142a 238b -Nicholas XI-608d; and Puget

XII-557d; and Savary Xlll-

Fouquler-TinviUe, Revolutionist

Four, number XIV-376b —Charles du. Abbot of Aulnay

-Apostles, Durcr (Ul.) V-facing


Four Nations, College of the I 90a; IX-20ob; founded X-9dD

Foumet, Andre Hubert, founda- tion XVI-31C

Fournier, apostate VII-702C

— AJfred, physiological research

— C.T V°atorian XV-400d

— Frantois Ernest, Commodore

III-684C , ^ ,,.

— Georges, hydrographer V 1-

— Jacques. See Benedict XII —Marie-Nicholas de la. Bishop

of Montpellier X-5-16a —Michael, missionary VUl-

624a; IX-386C; XII-121C — Thomas le, monk IX-/i/a — Ursule XV-364C — Virginie XI-699b . de Flaix, statistician XIV-

276a; 276d , .. • . I'Americain, Revolutionist

Fo'urnival, Richard de II-530a

Foumy, Caille de I-476c

Four sonnes of Aymon, legend

Fourteen" Holy Helpers, church VlII-789a

—Holy Martyrs II-S92b

— Holy Martyrs, church, Balti- more II-232C J c „

Fourvieres, Notre-Dame de. bee Notre-Dame de Fc)urvi|re3

Four Years Diet, Poland XII- lOSa; constitution proclaimea

Fousa Kwanyin. See Avalokites-

362c; X-6b; (ills.) Ill-facing 426; V-591b; VI-165; St. Pr.s- cilla, cemetery ,«>/, / " 590d, Wilpert, work of III-7(57b Fraczon, John, Bishop of Viviers

-Articles, Declaration of the.

See Declaration of the French

-cLus'^'s, of Aristotle III-460b —Chapters, of Sicily yil',""" , SSrchegu, A., Archbishop of

FOUR^CROWNEli MARTYRS VI-lli:ia; l>a^ili<a. Home VI- 16.Sc; t.mib HI .M.^a Fourcriy, Antoine F^^n?";^; Comte de, scientist \.i-ii'>-a. 31.'-,c; educational policy \ i- 182b . .. _„,j

Fourdrinier, Jemima X '794a Fourean-Lamy, expedition ot

1KU8 Xlll'.328a Fourier, Charles, so™f 'J" 181a- X-236C; XUl-J'oa. 389b'; XIV 705c .

—Jean Baptiste Joseph, physi- iist XlI-6-4b; and metempsy-

— Peter Vi-t Peter Fourier, Saint Four Kiights of the Apocalypse,

Cornolius ( .) lV-.i77a -Last Things. *'■ E»^-^??g —MASTERS, ANNALS OF THE

V-171d; 172d; \1^212d XI 203c ; .\ 1 1 1 -;'.5;ia ; sources V 1 1 1-

Fo'uraent. Helena XIII-215b Fourmond, missionary X-3S^

Fowl, in Bible I-517C: 523a Fowler, A., scientist IV-SIC —JOHN VI-164C — WiUiam VI-84b Fox, in Bible I-523a; 524b —Catherine, medium XI V-2-10 -Charles James V-472a; Cath- olic Emancipation XIU--125a and Mrs. Fitzherbert Vl-SSb, Irish policy VIII-107d; XV- 393c; and Napoleon X-689C —Edward, schismatical Bishop of Hereford IV-26a; VII-25od; -v-TT_'jnb -Georie VI-304d; XII-581d;

— GustavusV, captain XIII-450d -Joseph J., Bishop of Green

iay 1-425C; VI-777C -Margaret,, medium XIV-.21d —Martin, missionary IX-b90D

Nirholas Vin-281d ZRlcS^d! bishop V-211d; 214a; 70qa- XI-239d; 368d; Xll- 767c;' XV-650C; and Wolsey XV-'685b ....

Tilbury, dermatological in\e.s-

tiaation X-Mla Foxe, John 11 r.Slc; on Bonner n-(,7:>d Xlll-l22b; Book of marlyrs l-47.-.b; VII-503b Forford, school XIII-578C Fox Indians VII-739d; X-388a, XII-320b; 321b; XIV-lSc, XV-657d; 662d; language 1- 411b- Mascoutens, aUiance with'lX-76Sd; Ojibwa. wars with Ill-690a; Potawatomi, war with Xll-320b Foxton, Anthony III-357a Foy, James XV--234d -Peter L. lV^250a; 2.50b Foyatier, Denis, statue of Joan of

Arc (ill.) VIlI-412b . . Foyer, Jacques de la, missionary

X1II-4S7C . — Canadien, periodical Xl-b7-C Fr., abbr. I-23a; 24b Fracan XV-659C tj;i,u,.o1

Fracassini, Mgr., on Biblical Commission II-557C

Ppcgre froicnes in M. ijaw

?cncr'xlll-170a; Bl. Peter

Canisius (ill.) ->1 'i' 7o8

Fracastoro, Girolamo, P 'V»'^'a°

^F'^A. ^^;S^i^^^ • ^l{^n^"bISvii.cul™fii-

W la in(rMicanHil.-VI-363b; ■„.,!c,', Xi .541c; in Roman Muss lX-797a; in Syrian Rite, East XlV-lL-id .

Fractional Currency, United St-ili-s XV 174a


XV-493d Fraga, siege III-412C Fragaise, Saint IV-456b Fragmentary Targum XIV^57a Fragment Hypothesis, of Penta- teuch IV-493b; Alexander Geddes XI-655a Fragmentum Fantuzzianum Ai v -

260a — Laurentianum IX-2-oa Frago, Pedro del. Bishop of Jaca

VIlI-2«lb . ,..

Fraimbault, Saint IX-144b; Xi-

319a ,,, ,_,

Frambach, James VI;477c Frame, of windows XV-654C

New Testament commentator

IV-163b , .

Frampton, George. sculptor

XIII-647b ,„.

Franc, coin XI-155a; lo6b Franca, Saint XI-229C Francais, periodical Xl-b/UD FRANCE VI-166b — Archilecture: Dominicans, work of XII-368a; Flamboyant style VI-679d- XV-654b; Gothic VI-168b; 670b; 674c; 680a; medieval Vl-666a; Rococo style XIII-106b; windows, ec- clesiastical XV-654a; windows, rose XV-653b —Art: Academy, Rome I-90b, Attiret II-61d;. Callot III- 188b; Charpentier III-633a, Correggio's influence I--318C , Cousin I V-453D ; u r e v e i , Claude V-159b; Drevet Pierre V-158d; Drevet, Pierre-Imbert V-159a Dupr6 XVI-36d; Edel- inck V-281c; Ernulf V-524C, Flandrin VI-96b: Eouquet VI-- 161b; Fromentin V1-30HD, Gaillard VI-335b; Girardon VI-570a; glass-paintmg X 1 \ - 243a; Greuze VII-29d; He.m VII-199C; Houdon VII-499b, Ingres VIII-8d; Jeaurat VIII- 328b ; Jouvenet VII I-528C ^^ace- makiiiE VIII-731C; La Fosse VIII-740C; La Hire VIII-742b; Lebrun IX-106b; Limbourg IX-259a; Lorrain lX-JI;ia. LuUy IX-429d; M^gjiud IX- 522d; Meissomer X-149C, Mig- nard X-289b; Millet X-310C. Nanteuil X-682c ; Poussin X 1 1- 322d; Puget XII-557d; Puyis de Chavannes XII-584d; sculp- ?urV XlII-643d; 644a; Tissot XIV-741a; Wattcau XV-568a -Church in ■Vl-177d; abhot^s I-- 19d; 20b; address, ecclesiastical I-139a; ad limina visits 11 588d; Adoration, P."P>?t'l?'/r 153d; Alexander ^" I-294d. AW.on's labours 11-luoc, Amende Honorable I-409a; Angelus bells I^88c; Anges, Notre Dame des W90a; Anne d'Aurey. »■?" 17539^. f°<^: clericalism VI-177d. \ U 80, Antiphonarj'. Gregorian 1- 578c;appealsI-652b;Arcachon. p Igrimage I-687a; Ardilhers shrine I-700C; articles, organic 'l-756a; assemblies of the clergy I-795C- associations cultuelles VI-185b; 185c; Assumptiomsts II-104b; Augustinians V U- 284a; Avignon, papal residence at XV-215a; Baunard s worKs II-352b; Bauny's "ork U-^ 352c; Benedictines II -44ba. 448c; 450a; 451a; 454d; 45,b VII-58d; Bertrand . II-52™j Berrver II-517c; Boniface \ III II-665b; VI-168C; Bougaud s work II-710d; breviaries 1- 578d; ll-776b; Brothers Hos- p tallers of St. John of C.od II- 802d; Bulls III-50d; Camal- dolcse III-207C; Canons regu- lar III-294C; Canonesses regii- lar III-296C; Capuchins 1- 690d; Carlovingian period VI- •j(nK- riitfchisms \-8UD,_f^r.

III-518C; chaplains III-580a; 581b ; V-706d ; VI-187d ; charity III-602d; Charity, Sisters of III-605b; 609d; 610a; Chris- tian Instruction, Brothers of III-711d; Civil constitution ot the Clergy VI-172d; clergy, need of VI-lS9c; clergy privi- leges XIH39b; 439d; clergy, state aid of XIV-297a; Com- mandments of the Church IV- 155b; Compagnie du Saint Sac- rement IV-184b; Congresses, Catholic IV -243b; Convention VI-173b; deaneries l-b98c; desservants VlII-173d; devo- lution, right of IV-768c:. dio- ceses VI-177c; Domimcans XII-358d;368Cb;368Hd;pu- panloup V-202b; Ecclesiastical aflairs, congregation tor XIU- 145d; exclusion, right ot v 677b; Fabric III-44b; Fesch VI-51a; Franciscans vl-2Soa, 286b; 289a; XIV-643d; G_a li-- canism VI-169b; 171a; 3olc; Good Shepherd, convents of VI-648a; CJrandmont, Order of VI-725d; heraldry VII-244d, holy days III-166a; \I-22c; holv week VII-436d; Honorius HI" VII^58c; Hospital Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus \n- 489a; infallibility, papal XV- 305b; influence VI7I6/C; Xll- 502a; intrusion in benefice VIII-82C; Jansenism L-l^sa. VIII-285C; Jesus. Mars', relig- ious of VIII-3s5d; and 'aws, civil VI-183d; lay abbots IX- 92c; Lazarists X-Sb^lc; Louis XIV VI-171d; Lourdes, Notre Dame de IX-389c; Magda ens IX-524a; Mantellate ,X111- 737b; Mazarin X-92a; Rlerov- Wan period ylr353b; nuliW orders of St. Michael X-272d. Minims X-325C; Modernism X^18c- 420b; monasteries, suppressed XV-604c; Mondaye Abbey (ill.) XII-388; Mon- Sgnof (title) X-.5Wa; nomina- tion, ecclesiastical XI-94a, Norbertine Nuns XII-391d, nunciature XI-160d, Ifalb, 163b; XV-289a; organization VI-177C; 187d; Pa>° b^"' i" 562c; Palm Sunday XI-432C, Paray-le-Monial XI-4.6d Par- dons of Brittany XI-47 - b , Pas- sionists XI-524b; patron saints XI-564b; 566b; PetCTspe^ce XI-775a; Phihp IV 11^1120, VI-168C; XII-5C; pilpimages TT ,r,ej. VTTT-JOa: Pius X

MSb- catechisms ^-80b; St^ Cfttherine, devotion to 111 445c- c"libacy 1II-48.3C; CeHic Rite III-493b; cemeteries 111- .507c; Ccnacle, Religious of tlic^

II-105d; VIII-40a; Pius -. I-325c; VI-lS.5d; XII-139b. plabi Chant XII-146b; Poor Clares XII-253b; 2Mb; Pragmatism XII-335a; Pre- monstratensian Abbeys All 390c; Presentation Sisters AU- 399a; present condition IV -- 206b; priests, confratermty 01 VTT-4-Mb- primacies Xll- ^'la Fv. iViK-'tinn of the Faith X"ll-li.ld; H.dcmptoristines XII-tis:ia; Rcdimptorists Xll- 6S4b; Reformation VI-170b; religious congregations \1- 179d; XIII-678a; during Rev- ilutiinVI-172d; retreat houses XII-796C; Richelieu XIII-47C, Roman Rite I^279a; and Rome \'i i77fl- St James ot *^oni- nosteltt 'Oder of XIII-353C;


Schism 'Vl-169b; XIII-334C;

•^-""^ "-^tm" XIIM96b; \'!rt -;';',' ',,i I. .n' law VI-179C; I'sVa l^"h l-^sd; Sequences VIT is-.d l-'i'b: Servants of U,e Most' Blessed Sacrament XIII-731d; Sixtus 1\ XIV- 32d; Society of Jesus 1\ -32a vr isoa- XIV-8,Sb: 97b; 100c. WSa- Socieiy of the Blessed Sac?<lment XlV-llla; Society of the Sacred Heart "r(^¥:

, \i lVu:\lV---7-.'a;27Sa;

1 \|\ ,;l la; Svllabusof

V'ln' 1\ M\ .ii..'-d; tabernacle

XIV-124C; Tametsi IV-2b;

i3a FRACTIO i-ftiii3 v^-'"-^-^ - _j_ —

LZ^gTType indicate, titles-^ «tio.cs7^thi7Vpe. topic, treated; (U..)=tUustrat.ons