Aquasparta X-53b; Mayron,
Francia de X-91c; Maximilian
of Bavaria X-76d; Medina,
Miguel de X-144C; Mendieta.
Jer6nimo X-185d; Michaelites
VI-246d; Michael of Cesena
X->74c; Miaimi (Minims)
\-;l:2.Sa; mission-house iii-
•"-"li ITT
FRANCISCAN missions lU- ISla; X-393b; Abyssmia I-/bd; 77c; Africa, statistics I-lUla; Albania X-352d; Apache In- diana I-592a; Arawak I-<>81b; Argentine Republic 1-7051); Arizona Xll-lOOb; Bosnia II- 697a; BrazU VI-i51a; CaWor- nia lV-785a; XIII-439d; Cali- fornia, Lower III-178a; 179c; California, Upper IlJ-lSOa; XII-106a; Canada III-239b; China III-675a; Congo IV- 233a; Guaicuri Indians VU- 45b; Holy Land VII-428a; XV- 570c; Honduras IV-151c; Hope Indians VII-»69b; India IV- 76d; VII-729a; Indians XIII- 424c; in Japan VIII-30Sd; IX- 745c;JlbaroIndian9VIII-405d; in the Levant XII-4SSd ; inAIa- nila IX-599d; Mbaya Indians X-96a; Menominee Indians X- 193c; in Mexico; X-254d; 601o; XI^52a; XIV-449a; 748b; XV-768b; in Morocco X-o74d; Moxos Indians^ X-608b; m Mozambique X-610d; Orm- oco XIV-140a; in Paraguay VII-18a; XI^70c; XII-699c; Feba Indians XI-399c; PhUip- pines VII -287a: XII -12c; Philippines statistics Xll-lob; Pueblo Indians XII - 5oob; Quiche Indians XII -604b; in Santo Domingo I11-3USO; slaves XIV -39b; in South America XIV-749d; statistics XIV-275d; in Tepic XIV2-513c; in Texas XIV-547a; 54<d; Ti- cuna Indians XIV-722b; Timu- cuaIndiansXIV-734c; inTurk- iah Empire in Asia XV-101d;in United States III-182b; VIII- 205b; Utah XV-238d; in Venezuela XV-329b; Zufli In- dians XV-769a „ ,„.^ — Molina, Alonzo de X-43ol) Monies Pietatis III-599C; Mo- tolinia, Toribio de Benavente X-601d; at Nazareth X-726b; and Nicholas IV XI-57b; and Nominalism XIV-592b; Nu- gent, Francis XI-150b; at Nuremberg XI - 169c; and Obregonians XI-193b; and Oc- tave XI-204d; and O'Devany XI-207b: Odoric of Pordenone XII-281b; O'Hussey XI-228d; O'Lcary XI - 240a; Orbelha. Nicolas d- XI-275b; Otto of Passau XI -359c; at Oxford XI-366a; Pacificua XI-382b, PaciBcus of Ceredano XI- 382d; Pacificus of ban t^e- verino XI-383a;.in Palestine VIII-368d; Papini, Nicholas XI-459d; Pareja, Francisco XI-478d; and Pans, Uni- versity of XIV-664d; Parkin- son XI-504b ; St. Pascal Baylon XI-512C; Payeras. Mariano XI-595C; P6rcz. Juan XI- 664d; Persico, Ignatius XI- 725d; and St. Peter Baptist XI- 755d; St. Peter of Alcintara XI-770d; Peter of Aquila XI- 772b; Peyto, William XI-785a; St. Philip of Jesus Xll-bd; Piano Carpine, Giovanni da XII-71c; Piconio, Bernardine XII-75C; in Poland XII-184a; 194a; 195b; in Pomerania Xll- 225d; in Ponce XII-227C; Pon- tius Carbonell XII-234a; poor- relief III-598b; XII-239C; Por- ter. Francis XII-285c: Portmn- cula XII-286b; Portugal XII- 299c; poverty Il-646b; XV- 723b: on Precious Blood -VIJ- 372d; Primadicci, James VIII- 279a; privileges I-6.57d : and Probabilionsm H'w KniH°^ vedo. Juan de XII-603d: at Raumo XIV-349b: Regalado, Peter de XI-766C: Regina C<e1i XII-718<1; Reiffenatucl, Ana-
cletus XII-724d; Retreat,
Houses of XII-796C; Richard
of Cornwall XIII-45a; and
Richard of Middletown XIII-
45b; Risby, Richard XIII-63b;
rite XIII-76d: rosary IV-540b;
rules XII-761C; XIV-520d; m
Russia XIII-260C: St. Pat-
trick's Purgatory XII-580c;
Salimbene degli Adami XIU-
400d: Salve Regina XIIWMc;
SAnchez, Jos6 Bernardo Xlll-
427c; S. Isidore, church of,
RomeXIII-171d; Santa Maria
in Ara Coeli XIII-171d; S.
Praasede, Church of Xlll-
173c; Scalimoli XIII-506c; and
Scallan XIII-356b: scapular
XIII-508d; 509d; Scholasti-
ci'm XIIW02a; XIV-590d:
Scotism XIII-611C; in Scotland
V-194C; seminaries XIII-698d;
700d; Seflan, Jos6 Francisco de
Paula XIII-713b; St. Seraphim
of Montegranaro XIII-726a;
and serfdom III-598b; Serra,
Junipero XIII-730C; of Siena
XIII-781b; Sieni, Cyril XIII-
782c; Sitjar, Buenaventura
XIV-30d: and Sixtus IV XIV-
32d; Sixtus V XIV-33c; in
Spain XIV-176a; 182c; Spina,
Alfonso de XIV-216b; and
Spinola XIV-216d; Spirituals
VIII-431b; Spirituals and Re-
laxti II-649C: Sporer, Patritius
XI V-236b ; and Stations of the
273a; status X-488b; in Swit-
zerland XIV-362d; Syndic
Apostolic XIV-385a; in byria
XIV-406a; Tapis, Esteban
XIV-450a; tertiaries XIV-
641d; Testament, New XIV-
532b; at Thabor XIV-552C;
Theodosius Flprentini XIV-
578d; third orders X|V-641a;
Thomas of Cclano XI\-694b:
and Thomism II-99d: Torru-
bia, Jos6 XIV-784d; Tncpssm,
Charles-Joseph XV-40b;Uber-
tino of Casalc XV-116a; Vega,
Andreas de XV-319d; Viader,
Jos«XV-397a; Viel, Nicholas
XV-41fid; Visitation, Feast of
the XV-464Hb; 481a; Wall,
John XV-537C; Walsh, Peter
XV-541a: Ward, Hugh XV-
5.50b; Wav of Cross XIV-123d;
XV-5l)9d'; 571a: in Westphalia
XV-603d: 604b: and Wild
XV-621b; William of Ockham
XV-636b: William of Saint-
Amour n-649b: William of
Ware XV-640b: in Wisconsin
XII-269d; Woodcock „.Xy-
702a: Zegers XV-753C: Zierik-
zee XV-758C; Xim^nez de
Cisneros XV-729d; ZaKndea
XV-746a; Zumarraga XV-
-Order, Second. See Poor
—Antonio. See .\ntonio Francisco
— Ano de los Dolores Xl\ -77Sc
— de Assisi. .See Bourbon, Fran-
cisco de Assisi .
—de Jesus Maria, theologian
Xin-402b — de Nino Jesiis, monk Av-
— de'Santa Ana, philosopher
Xni-402b — de Santa Maria X-19.Sa — de todos Santos VII-345d — de Toledo, Viceroy of Peru
XI-734b; and Acosta I-lOSc
Trent, Council of XV-32C — See Francis . . ^ i,
Franciscus, Antonius, epithet V-
74d „
—a Sancta Clara. See Davenport
FiSciW'DE GERONIMO, SAINT VI-218C: Xl\-Sbb; 440d; and St. Alphonsus 1-
— DE^SALES, SAINT VI-220a: XVI-63C; and M^re AngSlique I-744c; as Bishop of Annecy I-540b: and associations \T- 221c; Mother de Ballon II- 507c; and Barnabitcs II-302b; in art, by Bayeu II-358b; and Beza VI-220b; and Binet U- 570a: and Camus III-225d; Canada, churches in XI-5b.ic; in Chablais XIII-493b: Chris- tian Doctrine, Confratermty of III-711C; deaf mutes \-31fad: editions VI-221b; in Geneva IX-42b; and Hamon Xlll- 380c; Heart of Mary, Devo- tion to VII-169a; on homUy VII— t47a; and Ignatian h-xer- cises XIV-228C: and St. Jane Frances de Chantal \ lU- 283a; Le Gras. Louise 1X-- 133c; and Lcssius IX-192b; and Blessed Marie de 1' Incarna- tion IX-667d; on meditation XII-349d; as mystic XIV- 622c; at Notre -Dame des Vertus XI-48Sd; Oblatcs XI- 187b; XV-647b; and Olier X1-- 240d; at Paris XI-i89c; and Paul V VI-712C; perseverance XI-712b; and Bl. Peter Cani- sius XI-760C: and Port-Royal XII-29.5d; on predestination XII-383d; on Quiet, prayff of XII-BOSc; retreats Xll- 796b; Sacred Heart, devotion to VII-165d; and Santa Casa di Loreto XIII-455b; and Teyssonnier, Mane XV-251a; _. .i,„i„„;„T, TV-39SC: XIV-
Franciscans, Spiritual. .See Ca- puchinesses; Capuchins; Con- ventuals: Friars Minor; Poor Clares: Third Order of bt. Francis. Spirituals Franciscan Sisters, Aachen l-2d; Buffalo. New York XIV-646d: Canada XII-241b: Congo IV- 237b; founded X-682c; Ger- man, in United States VI- 482c: German Hospital Sisters in United States VI--482d; German SchoolSistersmUnited States VI-482d; German Ter- tiaries in United States VI- 482c; in Germany XIV-fl43b, Japan Vni-308d; Jerusalem VIII-.370a; Manila IX-600b; Molokai X^46a: Pittsburg XII-125d: Puvallup Indians XII-58RC; Saint Rose of Viterbo XIII-19.3b: St. Loui.s, Missouri XIV-646d; in Vene- zuela XV-:i3 Id —Sisters of the Propagation of the Faith. .See Propagation of the Faith. Franciscan bisters of the . , . TT
Franciscans of the Leonine Un- ion. See Friars Minor FRANCIS CARACCIOLO, SAINT
VI-21Sa , _
Francisco, Adam IV -77b
as theologian IX-398c: XI\
612b; 619d; and St. Thomas
Aquinas XIV-671a; as Thom-
ist XIV-702d; United States,
churches in XI-565a: and Vis-
itation Order VI-220c; XV-
481b; Volk's life of X\-502a;
works VI-220d
— de Sales a Matre Dolorosa,
Vicar Apostolic of \ erapoly
XV-34.5d , „. V I
— Estaing, Blessed. Bishop of Rodez IX-474C: Xlll-lOSa —Ferdinand, Duke of Austria
and Villa d'Eate XIV-747b —Joseph, Emperor of Austria VI-392b: X-599c: XV-418c: and Anima College I-515a; as Viceroy of Bohemia XIV- 712a; concordat II-130b; ec- clesiastical policy II-130a: at Holv Sepulchre VII-427c: _a3
^■°Lrus?leTvin-1l9d; iubilee Il-13.ib; and von Kct- teler VIII - 630b; reign \I- 511a: Schleswig-Holstem XIII- S44d: and von Schmidt XIII- ,546b: and schools IV -466c: Tuscan policy XV-104C; and Wettingen XV-607b: and Worndle XV-709b
— Mary Leopold, Duke of Cala- bria lX-667a
—Mary of the Cross. Father. See Jordan. Johann Baptist
— Nonnatus, Saint, cardinal, ana Gregors- IX VI-798b
— of Antioch, Bishop of Palermo XI^20c
—of Apt, Franciscan: and bt. Louis of Toulouse IX-385d
— of Ascoli, epithet V-74d
and B. ^i;gidius I-170c: and
Agnellus I-212C: and St. Ag-
nes 1-2 13b; alb VIII-730C; and
animals IV-o42b: and St. An-
thony of Padua I-556d: 557b
—in art: Carracci III-375a: Ci-
mabue (ill.) VI-225: Delia
Robbia XIII-95a; (ill.) VI-
223; von Diepenbeeck IV-
786b; Domenichino XIII-
171b: Echave V-270C: Ghir-
landajo VI -546c; Giorgione
(ill.) Vl-facing 564; Giotto
VI-565d; 567d; XI-398b; (ills.)
VI-227d: facing 568: VII-
facing 458; Goya VI-686d;
Gozzoli VI-688d; Herrera the
Younger VII-295d; (ills.) VI-
facing 220; VIII-731d; X-
facing 644; Murillo (ill.) VI-
229: Vanni XV-273a
—at Assisi I-801c; baptismal font
I-801d: and Bartholomew of
Pisa II-316C; and St. Berard
II^85c; and Bernard of Besse
II-498a; St. Bonaventure, leg-
end of II-649a; St. Bonaven-
ture, life by II-649d: 652d; and
Buddha III-29a; and Csesar of
Spever III-139a; call VI-222d;
Canada, churches in XI-565C;
Canticles VI-229d; and St.
Clare IV-4b: VI-223d: XII-
251c: and Colonna the Elder
IV-126a: cord of III-776b;
and cribIV-489c; VI-225d;
XIII-54a; at Damietta IV-
615c; and Saint Dominic V I-
224c; and Elias of Cortona
V-382d: VI-225a: England,
churches in XI-563c; feast
VI -227a; Fioretti \I-78b;
first companions Vl,-222d;
and Friars Minor VI-223b;
XII-368Ca; Gebhart s life
VI— 402c; generalship VI-220D;
and Gregory IX VI -225b:
797c; habit III-321a; and
Honorius III VI-224b; VII-
458c; h^^nn on VII-6(^3d,
and Innocent III VIII-16C,
La Vcma I-702b; VI-226a;
XV-358b; and Brother Leo
IX-173a; literary influence VI-
229b; and Maria Celeste I-
336c; novena X;i-143d; Octo-
ber devotion X-543a; XII-
276a: Office VI-797d; VII-
603c; VIII-558b; and Orsim
XI-.56b: 327d: and Pacificus
XI-382b: 382c; Paris, Chapter
of II-650a; Passion, devotion to
XI-529C: Penitence, Brothers
of XII-358a; and Portiuncula
VI-222d: 223c: XII-2S6a; Por-
tiuncula indulgence \ I-224a;
portraits VI-229c: and poverty
XII-32.5b; and religious life
XII-751d; resurrection XV-
116b: and retreat XII-795d;
and nile VI-209b; 211c; at
St. Damian-s VI-222b; and
sanctity xni-129c; on scap-
ular X1II-.509C: statue l-801a;
stigm'ata I -288b: VI -226a;
XIV-295a: and stigmata, Othce
of the VI-46fla: and sul-
tan VI-224d; S.vnan project
VI-22.3d; third order VI-229a;
Third Order of St. Domime
XIV-638C; tomb IV7345d.
United States, churches m XI-
5fi5a' writings XV-.'j22d
-&haes, Blessed XlV-inSd
-^ITsSlsi. RuTe OF SA NT
Vl-20.sd; Ciiitcnts \I-210d:
fasting VI-2U)d;Fel.c,anmins
XII-194a: importance XU
761c; interpretation yi-2Ua,
order organization V1-2110,
- veVty #I-211a; 211c; 212b
213b; preaching yi-21 b of
1209 VI-209a; of 1221 VI-
209c; of 1223 VI-210b —of Brunswick-Luneburg in
Smalkal.lic I.,.,,cue >1\ -58b
=?$f'"^f"abr1aNO, BLESSED VI-2.fOd; and Samt Bnnavcn- ,„ro Tl-r,.V.'c: I'..rlmncula In- dulKf-nr,- XI 1 -'Sbd -o fesi, Capu'-hin ITI-323a Z5f PAULA, SAINT VI-231c; and Bnurdeillcs II-719d; eom- munions IV-774d; and Louis
Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.