Franzoni, Jacob, '••"dj^'. Ar<^hj
618d XII-122C: and Societv XIII-39Sd Frari? church. Vcmce, a^hitec- Se VI-678b; Pesaro. tomb o XIV-774b; Pesaro, tomb C n.) XIV-77-4a: stalls ("1-) :Jbt|. facing 212; and Titian XIV-
Frlscati, to^-n. Italy VIII-219C TiIOCESE OF VI-243a; MI-
-?o'd° Xrv%4b; Baldinu- ll-219b: cathedral (ill-) ^.J 2^3; church of the Gesi XI- 429d; Jesuit •'""'^^-/,^^' XIV-98d; map Mll-lacing
FrItcoUa, Bernardino M.. Bishop
of Fosgia Y.I-123C Fraser, Angehque I?i-^M° _G., Franciscan XIV -t)-14C —Hon. Mrs. G. M., and blmd
_^mii^?brshop Vll-USa; at Aricd-562d; at St. Andrews
XIII-332C; 617a —river, Canada III-22,a. i-v
253b:XV-2C7c Pra<;er's Magazme XII-o04a F^Shokeretif in Zoroastr.amsm
FRASSEN, CLAUDE VI-2«c, ^XIV-595a; and Alexander Na-
talis I-297C; and Scotus XUl Frisstaeto, town, Albanians in Frast"f|n'*von, Abbot of Zwettl FrSerii"Correction. See Cor- FrMerta^d^arfisericordia.
Arczzo >^VI-.2a ^[■Slfu^ve^seUe, periodical
XIV-024b VTV-
Frateniities, membership Xl\
Fr"a?emus, Saint Bishop of
Auxerre XIII- 'ISO
Fratj.. See Fnars Mjnoj^
F^flCELLf Vl-2«d; Angelo
^ Clareno VI-245a; and Car-
honell XII-234a; and Casalo
xTll"7Slb; in Florence VI-
Mod- diotio VI-568a; impns-
^ntnt (1466) VI-^^9a;^and
'^?I^-431^ and Louis tte Bavarian VI-247b; Michael- ites VI-246C; name V ll-f i°: 'i Naples VI-246a; Nu^holas
controversy^ V 1 -*' \ „„,,
m reserved cases VI-250b; XV-72b; in -ilchcraft XV- Frautnberg, Austria, pilgrimage -pSa, cathedral V-523b; FraueSf^wy'lwit-rland, diet FrauenSe, Copenhagen, Thor-
waldsen XIII-646C Fr?j:^chVn?6dof,Laaeh Friue'S. See Heinrich von Frai'enwi°rtschaf.. periodical, Ger- ni-inv XV-503b
Fraumunster Abbey, suppression VV-773d: and Zurich X\
739b ; XII-520b : ID Berlin 1 1-
493C crusade in Bohemia VII
589a; and Francis Nugent XI
n°Marerave of Brandenburg n-739bf XII-520C; and BerUn
-infMargrave of Brandenburg See Frederick I, Kmg of Prus
aumiinster ftooey, »ui,^.^.~--
XV-773d; and Zurich X\
Ftl^berg, JosePl'^ Maria von^
Archbishop of Bamberg U
^ vi-2Mc ; and Frank Sig.smund
VI-233d -o in
Fravashis, hs-mns Il-loJa.
Zoroastrianism , 1I-1-]2J,„,,.;„ Fravitas, Patriarch of Alexandria.
See Flavitas _„,
Frayne, Mother IIrs"la>^7Vw Fravsse, Vicar Apostolic of New ^'Caledonia, and'^New Hebrides FRAYSSINO0S. DENIS DE VI- 251a; Xlll-lOSd; and Colin IV-lOla; and Rauzan V-
Frlz« James George, on Ant ™?!f'.-'lT';Rlc: and cxogam
llJi-liereV-ScU^o^ 'V-
-^^Ldarii. See Kalands
Brethren ,. Z5e™Mon"e'Dei. Ad. authorship
VII-«6b ,
zSlS^B^^^tLl:^^^ Bri-
and charity nl-o99a — Saccati II-673a M.nius
Sancti Ambrosu ad wemus.
"1^ imb^«an Brothers FratricelU. Sec FraUcelh
Fratry, """^f*"'.?;,'. and Pisa Fratta, town, itai>. »"^
WoW ^ VI-13.3b; of the Lw VI-2.50a; in papal rescript XII-783C; private- act s 1-ll.ia.
-n7er Tames ueoi6'=, "" ,
?hrist^-561c; arid exogamy VIV-794a; on primitive reli ^!.„ T-529d- on Totemism SlV-789aT 790b; 791a; 791d;
Frlri«; «sign.,and Fort Du- quesne Xll-l-Ia
I'rl^SIir -d"' B?o.h-,b "'
church at X-639b FrecuUe, Bishop of L'ff=
•^^^rt- and Ebbo \--41c Fred«ius" Bishop of Lausamie
Friddtr^^Henry. at Goshenhop-
-DiVc'ese'of, Denmark. Catholic population IV -72W . .
Frederick, town. ^aj^X v- chapel IIr229a;. church V 178b; Jesuit mission XIV ^a^ Visitation nuns Il-23Za, -vi
-llessed. abbot feast XIII-
77c- relics II-6(4d _i. Archduke of Austria II-
-nf Vhduke of A"?t™ "; ,A-,,. „n,1 Krain VlU-bHic,
n, ArchduKe oi 'V!?;y:j.„7c.
123c; and Krain VIII;«9,c^
Mainz, Peace of (123o) Xm
-S^iSroPAlsTria. .and John
X'xill IV-289a; IX^07b —IV Emperor of Austria X-
-f(^m^amI:^iis). Grand Duke — HYvuimi" , Liberals
■iV, Margrave of Brandenburg
Bishop of Magdeburg IX-52od
-I, King of Denmark IV-724d, 728b; and Reformation XU 706a; religion of ,Ix-:469a, Schleswig-Holatem, division of
I%^fi Denmark IV-728b; XI-120a; and Commendone IV-157a and Formula y-762a and Hadersleben, diraion of XIII-543d ,„
-in. King of Denmark IV-7J8C. XI-120a; Bremen episcopate
_iv King of Denmark iy-729a; mi^stonfry society II-544C; and
Pietism XII-81C _V, King of Denmark IV-7i9a,
X'l-120a , „ , ,,,„,
—VI, King of Denmark IV, -7-9* -VII. King of Denmark IV-
729b; XI-119b; ^-IH-^t ,v —Vm I-iing of Denmark IV-
^b; 73pl; and Scble|w,g. m-
corporation of X1U-344D —I, BARBAROSSA, emperor VI
I-261a- and Alexander lU l l87aTlI-743c;andAnastasius
IV I-455a; and Ancona \ 11> 220a; and Arnold of Brescia
XIII-168d; and Austria A =i7qc- and Besancon council 11 f2ld;'and Bobbio II-606a; and Charlemagne III-618a. anu gtroSotOttodeFreismgen I-534C; and Church XI W' i". indComo IV-183C; and Conrad II xni-412c; Conrad of Zahr- U xlii-ii'>->^ „. 2,52d- J
told II^87a; droit de regale X I-713a; and Eberhard I of Salzburg XIII-112C; and BL
Eugene III, Pop? ^'•^^■f \ 600d; excommunication oi i
- d^V?ancif'rVI-20Vbtand
?^et?v"A^9'c; and Geoffrej
°Jod^ro1"vityri-^fl-62l; Hahita II-641C; and Henry VI Vf>233c,^d Henry the Lion X-108b; 323c; and bere'ics VIII-29b: Italy, expeditions TX-339d- and Lateran Council IV-IIsc; We by Otto de Frei-
irngenXII-ma^ombardcX, ?rX V "MdlLiibeck IX- 40Tb and Pope Lucius III IX- 412d: marriage X.V'-719C. ana MilakX-299b;andMorav.aX
562b; and Moslems IIl:lll|: Nuremberg castle ^I l^^f: and Bishop Otto "-l^Ja. ^i 359a; and Otto of W>"«lf^'b. il--?54d- and papacy Vl-^io*"- Vll-sni'- XIV-263C; papacy In" Roman law XII-766a;PoW icv, ecclesiastical VI-2-Wa. anu
^1^ VIT-234b- Prestcr John moll XU •""vrr/fiod; and letter from ^^l{^5fiL635a;
XIV-233C; and Teobam Bishop of Gubl«oVn^5^^.
kTv^^J^n^rrb^.lllii^c; kxm2i: Wibald XV-616a
TTBFDERICK n, emperor VI
^5a 492b; and Blessed A.gnes
SrBohemia I-213d; and Al-
bert II I-2C0d; and Albert von
Behaim II-391a; Aquila, foun-
dft^^n of VIII-220C; and
154d; AuEUstalis ('";> ^.^f I- ing 152; baptismal font of 1 801d; at Bologna J-III-'°a; Bolo^a, war n-639c; bust o^ I-lOla; Cairo XII-401C, ana Cathari Ill-»36b; characteris^ tics, mental VI-255d, and church property taxation XII 440a; and clergy taxation XII 439b; Constance VII-57d, ana Cremona IV-483d; and the cros"lV-550c;andDom.n^ans
XII-360b ; droit d"f f'^^^^ . 71 -^a- and Eberhard II lX7^9a, "ectionVII-265d;andE.asof
Cortona V-383c; and 4',.^° gelbert of Cologne V--i30a ex communication VI--256d Vll 57d- and Fcrmo VI-14a. and llor'ence VH06b; and Fogg a VIII-222a; and Gaeta vi Po^andGenoa_V^9c^and_
J.^T'^at'UlLrrataVII- 41a- and heresy V111-3M, Ind heretics VIIIr29dj XIV: 768d; and Honorius III VII 457b ; impersonation Vn-7TOb , and Innocent III , ^P '"„: vlTI-nd- 14d; and Innocent 1^ I-127d; VI-256d; VIII-17b; IX-476d; knd Italian literature
VIII-246C; and Jej'u.^a.lf ?1 VIII-362c;364d;atJesVIII
372c; and John III ni iiij-^ 112b; on Joseph .II.Af,.
g^.^^nlSkr^lk-Uo^] ^nd' £othair VI-491a; and Louis I of, Wjttelsbac^ VII
390c; on ^'ana Theresa A 288d; marriage, 6rst V 1 ^'>'>a^
?',\td^axt'X Ind'Mess"t 5:l1lM;U Milan X-299b:
Tn'd ^'i^n^erBXp^of|-^
NVembergXI-16 b, andOdo^
^"/^"of"caW III-i95a:Tna
^'^».U XI-278C; founds order
!^a^'^aS^?lu'^Vl"^ltlVll; x\l 36SCb privilegium fon
I^W i*-45Sd Xill-397b; and school I-4o8d, All 1 ^^^
SaUmbcne XIU -iwu^
l-k^fcTnT l'x"^62r;and
it"K°'=krri?hTnckUia5 Xm-397°d°seal of ("'-> VI-255J and Seckau Bishop of X11I_ 672b; and &.c.lyVI-255c-^.^
^^""2^^ Vm-6i2arand So- vl;a xiV-lte'-andSpoe^o }v-5d; and ^'e^'ngers XIV J.01.1 «nd TeutonicOrder Alv S^b'- and S. Thomas Aquinaa
XlV^eeSd; 664c; '»"*', <'H ^I-256;andtorn.reVII3^3.^
at T""{'-„ XV-103d; and Tuscan <:'?™ ^5^. ' at Vi'"- y^^^X^^isI^ and Westpha- lia XV'M2i\ and ■yv-624a; and V^olff X" ^'ab; Veit. portrait by XV- 322b