Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/353

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Froude, Richard Hurrell X-796d-, XI-373C: and Newman X- 796a; at Oriel XI-371b; in Oxford Movement I-503d; X- 371c

Froumund, xn-iter XIV-472b

FROWIN, BLESSED, Benedic- tine VI-310d; and Berchtold II-486d

— ^Blessed, Cistercian XIII-396a

Fructidor III-740C

Fructification, in title XII-lGCib

FRUCTUOSUS OF BRAGA, SAINT VI 311a; Xone regu- lations XI-!i>b

—OF TARRAGONA, SAINT VI- 311b; VII-356a; IX-23d; XI- 700c; XII-518a; XlV-177a; 459b

Fniela I, King of Aaturias XI- 383c; XIV-I79d

Frog, Simon XIU-274C

Frugif er. Saint, Bishop of Trieat- Capo d'Istria XV-!5b

Friihwirth, Andreas, Dominican XII-369b

Fruit, Amos' vision of I— 436b; blessing II-601b; 750d; St. Dorothea V-135d; in sacrifice XIII-310b; in South America 1-4 13c

—forbidden I- 130b

Froition, Divine attribute I-65Sd

Fruits of the Holy Ghost. See Holy Ghost. Kruits of the

Frum., abbr. I-23a

Frumence, Brother VIII-58c

Fnunentius, Saint V-281d; in Abvssinia l-76b; XV-368b; and St. .■Vthanasius II-3Sa: Bible revision V-570b; and St. Constantius II-163b; in Him- yar I-670b; mission XV-llld

—Bishop of Thelepte XIV-566b

Frunimius I, Bishop of Le6n IX- 175b

— n. Bishop of I^6n IX-175b

Frosius, Antonius XIV-224d

Frusta, perio«.lical, Italy XI- 6S3b; 6S.ib

Frotos, Saint XIII-685a

Fruttuaria, iii..n;isterv VIII-758a

Fry, Edmund \-:i09d

—Elizabeth XV-l>9;jb

— Alston V 3n9d

Frye, Joshua XV*-1.39a

Fryer, Andrew, Tnart\'T V-478a

Frvth, John XIV-b93a

FS., abhr. I-2i;d

Fu \'III-300b

Fuad Pasha, Sultan of Turkey XV-9SC; on religions VI-176b

Fuca, Juan de, explorer XV-


port III-6S3C;

—Vicariate Apostolic of irl-67Sa


— Leonard X-I29c; at Tiibingen University XV-83b

— von Domheim, John George H, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg II- 244 d

— von Rugheim, George IV» Prince-Bishop of Bamberg

Fuegians, race XII-626d; Fritsch'fl classification XII- 62.5c; stature XII-620d

Fuego revolto (San Benito) X- 2l>3d

Fuendetodos, church, frescoes VI-686d

Fuen Leal, Sebastian Ramirez de. See Ramirez de Fuen Leal, Sebastian

Fuenmayor, Alonso de. Arch- bishop of Santo Domingo XIII-403d

Fuente, Mateo de la, founda- tions II-.'i2lb

— Encalato, Pedro Fernandez de XIII-.3.5.3d

Fuentes, Francisco de IV-777a

Fuenzalida, Daniel, Vicar Apos- tolic of TarapacS

Fuero XIV-184b; of Castile XIV- IKfib; of Lf6n IX-17.5C; of Se- piilveda XIV 52.5c

— Juzgo XlV-lSlib; 190d

—Real XI\' isilb

— Viejo XU'-ISI-.b

Fuga, Ferdinando, artist XIII- lfi9b; Iffld

Fugatio, Anthony, martyr V- 47Sa

Fiiger, Friedrich Heinrich V-256c

Fugger, family I-233b: Antwerp I-589b; benefactions II-77d; commerce II-75a; and Jesuits in Augsburg II-76a

— Anton Ignaz von. Bishop of Ratisbon XII-658d; and Gasa- ner VI-392c

—Hans II-78a

— Jacob, and Aichinger I-233b

— Jacob, Bishop of Constance IV-2S.Sa

—John Jacob, andSchedel XIII- 52.-.b

— Sigmund, metallurgist XI— i6Sb

Fugitive Slave La«r XV-663C

Fugixima, Denis. See Denis Fugiximus

Fu-hi, Emperor of China III- 6Slb; revelations III-667C

FtfHRICH, JOSEPH VI-311d; II-131a; XV-7II9C; and Pius VII XII-!33d: Mary's Journey (ill.) Vl-facing 312

Fuhrmaim, Matthias, historian XI-.5SSa

Fuidirs II-754a

Fuister, Agnes, martyr V"-478a

Fujina, porcelain VIII-315a

Fuji-San, Japan (ill.) Vlll-facing 302

Fujiwara, regency VIII-311C

— Motomitsu, artist VIII-314C

— Seikwa VIII-314a

— Tsunetaka. artist VIII-314C

Fukaye no Ura (Nagasaki) X- 667c

Fu-Kien, China, Dominican mis- sion III-675a: Jesuit map XII- 720c; persecution III-670d; stipulation concerning III- 685a; vicar Apostolic, resi- dence III-(i7Sb

Fukuzawa Yukichi, writer VIII- 314b: university founded VIII- 302d

Fu-kwo Tsiang-Kiun III-665d

Fulah tribe I-183a; ethnological classification XII-626C

Fulbe tribe I-183a

Fulbert, canon I-37b

— Abbot of Maria-Laach IX- 658b

—OF CHARTRES, SAINT VI- 31 2d; II-J87a; III-635b; X- 71,3a; and Adelmann I-141b; as hvmnodist VII-fi02d; on rh\1hmical offices XIII-29a; on Virgin Mary XV-164Ed

Fulc. See Foulques

Fulcher, Patriarch of Jerusalem VIII-368b

Fulcold, Lord of Leisterband VII-190C

Fulco Scotti, Saint, Bishop of Pavia X1-593C

FULCRAN, SAINT VI-313b; X-.54.5b; 546b

Fulcuinus, Bishop of Fosaom- bronc VI-1.5.5a

Fulda, town, battle VII-299b

— Adam of. .See Adam of Fulda

—DIOCESE OF VI-313C; XV- 20.5c

—Abbey I-279b; II^56a; VII- 296d; 29.Sd; IX-550d; X-474b: XIII-431b; XIV-712C; abbot's powers I-18d; annals I-534b: and Benedict IV II-428b; St. Boniface II-658c; 658d; and Bursfeld Union II-446b; Gott- schalk of Orbais VI-682a; and Hersfeld VII-297a; and Hesse- Kassel Vll-300b; library II- 458a: IX-34a; 2.30a; and Phila- gathus VI - 790d; Rabanus Maurus XII-617a; school III- 350c ; I V - 539c ; X I n-555c ; Strabo II-457C; St. Sturm XIII^98b

— Barthel II-312C: bishops' as- sembly (1869) X^42a; XV- 303d; clerics, education of XIII-69.5C; council (1872) I- 2fi4c; and Deharbe's catechism IV-678b; and Frankfort VI- 237a; and Freiburg VI-265d; general chapters VI-412c; in- stitutions VI-315b; map VI- facing 514; minster of V- 2.59d ; and Saxe- Weimar-Eise- nach XIII-196b; and Saxons XV-618a; seminary VII-2d; XIII-697a; statistics VI-315a: university IV-<504b; XII^19b XV-197d

— Ludwig, dramatist VI-528b Fulgentius, Abbot of Afflighem

I-1.80a —SAINT, Bishop of Ecija VI-

315c; V-75d; VIII-1S6C; IX-



193c; XII-383b; XIII-230b;

XIV-56()b; 589c: exile III-

139d; on faith VI-702b; and

Faustus of Riez XIir-706c;

and St. Galla VI-348b; on

limbus infantium IX-25Sa; on

orthodoxy Xl-330b: and Pe-

trus Diaconus XI-783c; and

Vandals I- 192b — FERRANDUS VI-317d; Bre-

viatio Canonum III-283c;

IV -392b; on Christ's knowl- edge Vni-676d; and Eugip-

pius II— il9b; formulse II-

100b; Three Chapters XIV-

70Sb Fulginium (Foligno) VI-124d Fulgore, Cajetan Maria de II-

li20d Fulgosus, Baptista, wTiter IX-

573a Fu-Un III-682b Fulk, Archbishop of Gnesen VI-

590d — See Foulques Fulke, WiUiam, on Antichrist I-

561c; on word "Catholic"

XI II- 122b; Douay Bible V-

140d; and Fowler VI-164d;

and Reims New Testament II-

142a Fuller, Andrew, Baptist II-279C — Margaret, Transcendentalist

XV-lSc — Melville Weston XII-294a — Robert, Abbot of Waltham

XV-.54.-ib — Sarah Margaret III-lc —William Vll-702a Fuller's Bat I-i;2fid Fullers guild \'II-I>7c FULLERTON, LADY GEORGI-


III-GOOb; XII-2.'i.Sb; as Fran- ciscan tertiary XIV-642a; .and

Mother Taylor XIV-4(iSa FuUo, Peter (The Fuller). See

Peter Fullo Fulness of Being, in Gnosticism

VI-594C Fulnum, Stephen de, Archbishop

of Tuam XV-82a Fuhad, abbot III-64c; XI-S86d;

XIV-132a; and Pepin I-237d;

and .St. Vitus' relics XV-491b Fulthering, John, martyr V-476c;

and Wclhournc XV-578C Fulthorpe, John, martyr V-477d Fulthrop, Edward, martyr I-468d;

V-476C Fulton, Robert, inventor VIII-

142a Fulvian basilica, Rome. See

^milian Fulvio, Andrea, archaeologist IX-

164b; XI-421C Fulvius, Roman consul XIII-

406a Fumi-ye X-668a FUMO, BARTOLOMMEO VI-

318c Funai, Diocese of VI-603a FUNCHAL. DIOCESE OF VI-

318d: and Lisbon IX-2,S3a;

map I-faring 180 Funck - Brentano, T h e o p h i 1 e

XIII-9d Functions, theory of, Cauchy on

IIH57d Fund., abbr, I-24b FUNDAMENTAL ARTICLES'.la; r-rred XIII-5.32b;

Ni.-..l<- M-ii9a — Instrument, Germany XV-

206c —Law, Holland II-397C; Mexico

VII-.54C; of Papal States XIV-

266a —Orders, Connecticut IV-253d — SUtute, Italy VIII-234C Fundgruben des Orients VII-

124d Funds, educational XI1I-.59RC —of the Holy See XTII-1.53b FUnen (Fyan; Fyen), Island of

IV-722d; XVI f,4b; dialect IV-

10a; massacre III-307c; and

Bishopric of Odenae VII-141b


— Mlii, Lutheran diocese IV-723c Funeral, ampulla; I-439d; bells II-421d; Buddhist VIII-306d; candles I-347d; III-247a; cat- afalque III-427C; and domicile V-106a; of Franciscan tertiary XIV-641c; garlands VI-385a; inscriptions XIII-711a; Kyrie Eleison Vin-716a; Libera Me IX-214b; magic nails I-443C. Monophysite Coptic book IX- 303d; monuments V-144d pagan I-528c; IX-246d; pas- tor, rights of XI-503a; 538b in Rituale Romanum XIII- S9d; Theophilanthropists XIV- 624c. See Burial —Banquet I-201b —DUES VI-321a: XII-470b —PALL VI-322a; XI-423d FUnfkirchen, town, university II-

124c —DIOCESE OF VI-322b; cathe- dral (ill.) VI-322; von Schmidt XIII-546b Fungal, Bernardino XIII-779d; Fonteguista, work in XIII- 779d; San Domenico, work in XIII-779d Fung hwo Tsiang-kiun III-665d — ngen Chen kwo-kung lll-665d — ngen Fu kwo-kung IIl-665d — ngen Tsiang-kiun lll-665d — Pin-cheng. .See Mailla — shui Ill-(;r>9a Funji, ncfrri) XI-MSa Funk, B. Xlll .-..-lid —FRANZ XAVER VON VI- 322d; Xl-ti7.Na; XV-S4b; on Apostolic Constitutions I-636d; Apostolic Fathers, edition of I-640a: on Apostolic Ordinance I-635d; celibacy investigation III^83d; and Hefele VII- 191c; on Schism, Western XIII-541b; on usury XV-237d Funkentag XII-589a Funzione X-348C Fuoco, Guardia del, Vatican XV-

301a Fur, medieval dress XIV-344b Furca, gibbet IV-5I9b Furdek, Stephen X1V-.55C Fureiro, Francisco XIII-121a Furet, nii.ssinnary V1II-307C Furetiere, Antoine V-415d Furey, F. T., journalist XI-694a —James I1-799C FUrich, Anna von X\^-710a Furies, in the Iliad V-,530d Furlong, Thomas, Bishop of Ferns

VI-4«b Furnaces, Tower of the VIII-

352d Fumes, St. Walburga's relics

XV-527a FURNESS ABBEY VI-324a; Cis- tercian rule XVI-2.5d; and Waverly Abbey XV-568C FURNI, See of VI-324c — Gate of. See I'rusi. Gate of FURNISS, JOHN VI-324c; on

catcchiHiii V-S2d: S4b Furnivall, \kM-a,U Xlll-i.24d Furqan (Koran) \lll-«l2b FURSEY iFURSA; FURSEUS), SAINT, Abbot of Lagny VI- 324d; V-,386b: Vlll-lOOd; and St. Sigobort XIII-783C Fiirst, J., Biblical commentator

IV-196a; VlII sib FUrstenberg, alibcv XI-lOOc —Counts of 11 l'.l4d —FRANZ FRIEDRICH WIL- HELM VON \1 :i25d; V-161c; XV-i;(itb: :iii(l (lallitzin VI- 3fi7c; :iii.l Miiiivti r Diocese X- 638b; anil Muii.-tiT University X-639c; 639d; i;40a; and Over- berg XI -363a —Ferdinand von. Bishop of Mun-

ster X-li3.Ka — Ferdinand II von. Bishop of

Padcrbcrn Xl-3S4d — Franz Egon von. Bishop of

Padcrborn Xl-3S4d — Theodor am, Prince-Bishop of Padcrborn X-224C: XI-384d; and Counter-Reformation IV- 442b — Wilhehn, cardinal Vni-22b Fijrstenfeld, monastery I-279d;

III-7S3b FUrstenUg, Frankfort VI-238C FUrstenzell, monastery I-279d Furzal. See Zahle

XVI.— 22

Roman numeral indicates volume: arabic, page: a, b, c, d, quarter of page.