G«n^us Henncus Mar^eUus.
cartograpberiv J j^,^^^^
_Johajiues. |« %\'^^iins Ger- —Nicolaus. ^se ^"-
"f^Swtlaud. Saint lV-456b
■^"'?-'!? fiSOa- Medieval VI- 666a; R^^^^'l^wa XV-6d3c 106d; RftC^aM, Theodore
William I-lU«'°(i ii-513a; II-220b; .S'-„°^™ui-64d; Cor- Burckmair Sans 1^ lV-370b:
0'='"?^' hLS IV-666d; Deger. Decker, HaQ3 J- \ p^je^, Al- E'-^' ^^M9d Ensingen, Ca3-
526c; Fr^'al^, MK j^
round VI-23aD, " 6 3^.
?o3ef Anton von Vjl, VII Heeremann yo°f "^ vll-385b; WOb; Holbem, Sans V ^^g,,. Ittenbach. Fran| VUi^ VIII_ Kaaer, Jobann Mairu'^ , ^^ l-gfaTkUnkowst-m Fn^to ^_
August ™° /i\,5d; Liesborn. Adam ^^JJioask; Lochner, Master oy^jgd; Mengs, An- Stepban p.-^'x-isgc; M'""' tbon Rafael \i|joa. Mobr, Ferdinand v^n,^. ^^t,',,, Karl Cbnstian \7*^-f ' .3 I-175d; X-629C; Nwarenes^^j^j^ Neumann, J onan ^ ; ^ijieh
gust A.llr^,,„„hr, I^arl
Friedrich XUi - Scbadow,
John . >;lMeTm XIH-SlS'j Friedricb WUheim ^^^^d
Schaufelin, ^iJongauer. Mar- tin XUl-as^'^, schwan-
Jobann XIIl ^«^jiiii_593a; thaler, L"dm| von - scvlpW'^ XiroiUan XUI- ^rrt'bble, .Joseph XIII-
feTa-: veit. pb.i;pp ^^iri;
|^;«¥ooi:-,TotnrElmund vrXV-TOb ^„_i2ve;
—Church JI-**Z,u' 3 II-658C; 230C-. 232c; abbeys l^^^^^j abbots I-20b. age, j^^ HI
a"418)IX-72|c; Concordat oj
°'v, VI-663b; conversions tribes XI °£^,,' ,e^.Reforma-
- C?ests^l-247c: co'romemora-
fions I--316a; Dioceses IV
^"S ^.Tcjr^dona^i^'nt'v' fl^lEuSbethAssociaUonsV:
388d; Empire and Pa^aeyv.^ 489d; Evangelization VI _
,eudalsysteinVI-48oC,,^* g
lants Vl-ay^' tiQQK- and VI-"°*'ni°XlV-643b', funeral Franciscans XIV "^ nenver- customs III-75C ,0 Yj j_
eine VI-SSSc, ^J jj_22Sa; 130c; and Henry II Vi^j.^^^^
heraldry ^^\.Z yieek VII-
499d; In^'Wfili Inquisition torical Vlll-b'^a' ' ^ jjj_
VIII-35a; "'^^?*'ied !l-198b; 84d- Jesuits excluded U^^^pj
i"nf fos" Lazarists X-364C; VIII-VUJO, 1^ roarnage.
Liturgy .l.^- ,:: TV-4a; mar- dispensations {or '^9^. roedie- "T/Cft ^^chael X-276d; va I-9a . ="■■ '"^ . Modernism Minims X-32oa. » x-453b; X-418C; monasteries A MontesP.etatisX-536c..^^^^^
ciature XI Y,3a- Nunciatures, reports Xl-locsa, ' xV-2B9a; Vatican Archive? AV ^^^ Palm Sunday ^^1 XIV-262C;
R?^305b 307d; • Pascjal tide llsmVpassionWay^M^
^jTii_ina-. andrius" ,„«..
Carlovingian Schools III-349d2
Sathobc students BO«eUes^^^
^ HSmlnis^ VU-5«b;
f,^T,!il-7l7" plus associa- higher 1 7a'^^. ^- Associa- tions Xll-1'5^?; .t,,,_,.oa tions. Academic XII 14U^ X- -K-'IgTb- 297° ^Argentina
Empire. II-121b',^f^to Canada
?itS;.r4|^nivi/-lB"m'^|tvil XII VIII-40a; andPiu^v 3g^
133a; P'uslfi,- Pius Asso- Pius X ^rll 1?5°: Plenarium fltT64^;PrHa'.4maidso.
Jesus. Christ XII -54c..j^^j.
PositivismXU 3i| vil-22a;
ormation , P'^'iou ,,,j_4ioa;
paesthood, ancientjai^l.j^
Priests. Confraternuy 421d; Primacies in All p-rinces,eccles.ast.calXV 14^^^:
"'-'^ ^'fK? Faith, Society Propagation ol fa j j^^^gi, .
«°'j^"'^i^nists XII-683C; re- Redemptionists - 7,03. re- ligious decline i Hgious UgiousordersVI 5j6D_.^. ^jj,
'5°o'2t™R™aiiance XII:7|VC;
Retreat, Houses °f_^4Yb/sa: and RjucWui VJ " ii,283d;
"^ '^'"Schauenberg II-74d; and von Schaue^^^^ seculari- schism XUi Sequences
f{n|d\sodety3°f -^
2b., Temples MV^9oa;j,^^^,_
tonic Or5er XIV 54^^^. y.
ogy Xlv-saoi., v xV-69a;
742a; Truce. of. God ^,l,ggd.,
Turkish "is^'^^^^xV^llsb and Ultramontamsm XV ^,^^
^'""'pnu^U XV -303c;. vest- tn.f XV-390d; vicissitudes ^l^lob; Virgin Mary XV- ^ROr- Visitation Nuns av tllcl Visits ad. Limmyl fsid; Volksverem ^^ ^^^ .
Western Schism - _ g 7 7 b ;
„Hch-burmngs X v^^^^j State
witchcraft XV-^','jI_f„,8a Vl-4Sr.a; first »>"?Viv-lS2b; _CommeT.e:acohol.XIV704.., Argentina, . vv-236b; Japan
and in'"r'Tnrkev XV-99d VIlI-317b; Turkey Av^^.__^^
■EducaMn XU ■' ,_
r3\3bf -%--,. ^^uV-
riraV^^atSI^?oV; 657a; Rft zebu^g j^^.Te^burg ?.nf 207C Saie-Altenburg
»=-^fin97^; Schaumburg- ony XlIl74«V3d; Schleswig yPP,%4^c SohwarzburgXIII- XIII-542C.. ".^.^ji^goc; Speyer 594a; Silesia XII Wyu. ^^^_
XIV-214d; .='"."xiV-712c; 313b; T'luringia ^.V^iine Trier XV-^a. ^PPxv-527b; XV-205C; Waldeck ; .^itten- Westphal.a XV bu . • ^^^^ g
Lorraine 1 4?TV-182a: Annals of Castile XIV i°- ; g VI- I-532d;Peaceof AugsBuK ^^ 500c; black death VI ,yj_ Carlovingian ™Xe glands t«I^!rfce&arY4VI-
20c; CharlemaBne {n-625a; VI-486b- Charles V U ^^^^^^^ chivalo:VI-49iaj^a g
VI-487b; Churcn a ^^ j.jjg VI-486a; >;- o " ■- , ( worms IX-725C; Concordat 01 VI-490C; Congo As«°'^ g,„,,e lV-229a; Congo Yvi-491b; IV-229C; Conrad III Yi,3728; Coronation f^^^ XUI ^_^^.
"aaTFSeA of cologne
nance r<lVJ'^„8d. pranoonian France VI-49»0. 1 yj^sSc;
(Salian) E">P7A85b; Fred- Frankish Sta^V ^^^.
erick I VI-2^-<=; ^^sa; 256c; ""■H . V ni VI-497b; and Frederick III V' Golden Sfvl-49^,b;Gregorianrcfor
staufen Vl--iJ-^^^j;______- —
prars.XIV^_9*^-^-u'- Jbe
Bavarian Vl-494o^j^^^^g.
Pious .^I-^P°r' tv VI-495b; Bohemian dynasty » _
Maria Tberesa^X 6b^^ .^j^^^_
r'^f X-109d; ^unieipality, burg X iu3"j vT_493a; New development of_Vl-49i:jl2d; Empire H**/l xl-20a; New New Year, date Xy North- ^■'=lV°r6b;"ryisXI-278a; ?)Tto^\x|-355d;Otto V«-:_
^^ f^'^war IX-450b; XI- Peasants ^ar 'a prance
597d; and Plul>P ^ ^-'ii XV- Xll-ld; and Pius ^'j_ig2b; 206b;. and Polana A
Prussia II-738c^. f- ^^-^^ { Dassel XII-634a^ droit
1191 VII-234a' Ke^ .^jii_ t^d'^RudoIf of HabBburg
421b; aud Si":* A jj_784c:
ismund Vl jw ^^-438; and
Slavs, ';a'^7xiV-359a; Thirty Switzerland XIV 3M _
Years V(ar VI oVf"' xV- 648b; 650b; and Turto_^^3,^.
XTV-576b; and "turgy a RQc in Switzerland xn-35»c _fefli.SHo«- adoption I-14&..
f^^^lff-SoTc Ca?hoUes,. civU law III ?" vT-516d; coinage,
-Siev^ i If ^ ^^
^^i^r.o^^^-^^ . rrvuf-.^i^iiv.
723b; marmge, age 1
l^^cinSo^feS 267*',X»°^sea^' of confession
5UT^rfi4c- serfs, emancipa- X1II-664C. |er , ,^.
t!ou of^ I^l-'d usury I-227c; "°,° ^.„ alociations II-2C voluntary asso' Angelus
-Liferolure VI ow , ^■^,■^^^i. Silesuis I:;***°'V,4l5a- Baader encyclopedias V r^^l^fsb; Bible II-173a; Balde U ■J'*"' gj^e XII-3b3c; XV 3' ^ Bolan- eriticism lV-493b^^^
den 1.1 0-0 TT_744a; Brentano Brassicanus 11 '■»'*ajj^ gt. II-759b- Bru^k IIW_a. ^j
Bruno I", ,u_i37b; Celtes "if i'^492dt CharleLagne in iy-vl2c;^elass^c period^Vl
drama, Chnstmn Xn.^
D«^l.i. VTdnrter V-241d; Eb- lS4a; Ebcudorler V V-242c;
niann \on ^...u. Hcinric Hansen ^.1 „ viili99c; Hen '»•"b'vo"^"aurenb"gVII-«)0 W'nricVvon ^Ie--^.^,^4 inOc- Heinrich ^"i' .' -yi ^'";-"Aiin"d"vl-"05c;H ■^e^"^•^I-397c; Kaisercbro,
, types, topics treated; (lUO
Large t