Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/375

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Godfrey the Bearded, Count of

Uraliant IX-.i(i3d — the Bearded, Duke of Lorraine

V1-624C; IX-363d; X^9b;

XIV-290b; and Alexander II

VII-63b; excommunication

IX-161b; marriage VII-230a;

XIV-233C — the Hunchback. See Godfrey

III, Duke of Lorraine Godgifu, Countess. See Godiva Godi, palace XI-423d Godin, Pierre, cardinal XII-

3i;2b — Simeon, Abbot of Etival VII-

— des Odonais, Louis, explorer IV-210b

Godinez. See Wadding, Michael

Godinus, Mendo, Bishop of Lamego VIlI-701d

Godiva, Lady, of Coventry II- ai;2a; XI1I-185C: XV-588d; .'■nd Coventrj- Church XIII- Ttidc: and Evesham Church XIII-760C; XV-4li3a

Godjam. See Goggiam

Godkiu, Edwin Laurence, jour- nalist VIlI-U2d

Godman, John D., physician I- 44Sc

Godmarus, Bishop of Vich XV- 4()iia

Godmother. See Sponsor

Godo, Saint, hermit VIII-790b

Godolias, Je^\nsh governor I- 232d; 433a: II-lS4a; III-316d; VIII-34Sa; X-C07a

Godolphin, Sir WiUiam, ambassa- dor X-201d

Godongwana. See Dinghiswayo

Godoni, Guglielmo de, .\rch- bishop of .Salem XIII-397d

Godoy, Don Manuel, Prime Min- ister of Spain XIV-lS4d; and Moratin X-561a

— Cruz, church, San Juan XIII- 447b

Godparent. See Sponsor

GODRIC I, Abbot of Croyland VI~r,26c

GODRIC n. Abbot of Croyland VI-626d

Godrycz, John, and Polish Col- lege XII-2n9d

Gods. See Deity

Godschalk, Adrian, Bishop of Bois-le-Dur II-I.2.M

Godsdienstig, geschied-en let- terkundig Tijdschrift, period-



Godsdienstige en zedekundige mengelingen, periodical XI- Osuc

Godsdienstvriend VII-391b; XI- fisnc

Godshuizen, in Bruges III-6b

Godthaab, Greenland 1-4 18a; 419d; VI-77Sb

Godts, Francis Xavier, Redemp- torist XII-6S7a; and Castclein XII~3Slc

Godunoff, Boris. See Boris, Taar

— Irene. .See Irene, Tsarina

Godwin, Bishop of Lichfield IX- 232d

— Bishop of St. Martin's III-301b

— Earl, and Si. Edward the Confessor V-323a i and Robert of Jumi^ges XIII-97a

— Francis, bishop, on Boniface of Savoy II-672d

—William, the Elder XIV-63a; and Carey III-347b; and Mal- thusXII-277b; and von Baader II-173a

Godwine, Saint. See Elphege

— I, Bishop of Rochester, Eng- land XIlI-102b

— n. Bishop of Rochester, Eng- land XI II-102b

Goebel, G. J., mission of V-


Gochl, Honoratus, Abbot of Otto-

bcuren .\I 3.5Sc Goel, Rights of VHOOc Goemare, Mary, Dominican

XlII-}41a Goennoc. See Gonoganus i«ry). Saint, Bi -2i)7b: 732c; Xl

.34 .lb Goes, Benedict de, missionary

lll-f,70b: VI-4.51b Goes, Damilo de, humanist XII-


Goesbriand, Louis de, Bishop of

Burlington IIl-81d; IV-50a;

VI-271d; XIV-760a; XV-

357a; portrait III-Slc

Goethals, Henry. See Henry of

Ghent — Paul, .\rchbishop of Calcutta

III 1.54a — Therese - Josephine, Superior- General of Notre-Dame de Namur XI-129c

— Memorial Orphanage, Kurse-

ong III-l.>4c Goethe, Johann Wolfgang VI- 524c; Baumgartncr's biography XVI-9a; on Canticle of Can- ticles III-304d; Cellini III- 490a; on evolution V-656a; on faith II-132a; and Gallitzin, Ad41e VI-367C; and the Illum- inati VII-662a; IX-676b; and Kauffmann, Angelica VIII- 610b; language V-246d; on de Lorrain IX-362a; Marchesi statue IX-t>43c; and Masonry IX-7S4b; and Mickiewicz X- 283b; von Miller statue X- 310b; on Passion of Christ XI- 527d; Renaissance, estimate of XII-769d; and Schiller VI- 525a; and Schlosser XIII- 545b; and Stolbcrg XIV-300a; at Weimar VI-507C

Goetsenhoven, Gerard van, ab- bot XI-504a

Goette, Atbanasius, Vicar Apos- tolic of Northern Shen-si III- 677c

Goetz, Edmund, Jesuit XV-747a

—Joseph VI-62i;d


Goeze, Johann Melchior, and Lessing VI-523d


—William, regicide VI-627b


GOG VI-628b; in Apocalvpse I-597b; in Ezechiel V-73Sc; See Magog

Goggiam, .Abyssinian province I-70a

Gogocki, philosopher XIII-275a

Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievitch Xin-272a

Gohard, Saint, Bishop of Nantes X-lisld

Gohegan, Patrick III-77.3d

Gohier, Louis-Jerome, President of Diroctorv X-6S9b

Giihl, Mathias, Abbot of TepI .\IV-514a

Gohr, in Egyptian cosmogony IV-407b

Goidel, Milesian chieftain VIII- 98d

Goidels, in Wales XV-,532c

Goioguen, town. See (Inionen

Goioguen-aga, t ribe V 1 11 1 (;8d

Goisfred, archbi.iliop .XIll-211d

Gojau, Bohemia, pilgrimage III- 35b

Golan. See Gaulon

Golanczewski, Mathias, Bishop of Wloclawek XV-fiSlc

— Zbilut, Bishop of Wloclawek


Golao, Manoel Sanches, Bishop of St. Thomas of Mylapur .\III-384d

Golasecca, cemetery, crosses IV- 518c

Golaszewski, John Clement, Bishop of Sejnv XIII-6S8b

Golconda, kingdom VII-.592c; 592d; 72.5a; 725b; Theatine mission XIV-557C

Gold, and alchemy I-273a; 273d; altar I-346C; altar of incense I-361d; altar-piece I-356a; amulet. Christian I-443c; anlependium I-365d: 366a; on Ark I-721b; 724c; in Cal- ifornia III -172a; and emi- gration III-17.3d; XIII-439d; Canadian output III-22Sb; chalice I-357b: Ill-.563a; ci- borium III-7tJ7b; ciborium veil I-3.5Sa; rnieta IV-.54.3a; on canopv, Laterun I-364a; mon- strance I-3,58b; in Peru XII- eOfib; Reductions of Paraguay XII-n93c; Russian currency XIII-242d; Russian output XII l-240a ; Spanish exploration I-413a; United States output

XV-157b; wedding dower IX- 706c — Cloth of, altar-cloths I-352a; on pall I-355d; screen of I-356C; vestments IV-135b — Henry, martyr V-477c; XIII- 63c

Goldardus, Saint, Bishop of Rouen XII-209b

GoldcUff, monastery IX-316a

Gold Coast, Fetishism VI-56a; Protestant mission I-187b; vicariate Apostolic, map I- facing 180

— Democrats, United States XV- 178a

Golden Alliance. See Borromean League

—Ass (Apuleius), IX-512d; XI- 199b; XV-60b

— Book. See Libro de Oro

— Bull. See Bulla Aurea

—CALF VI - 628c; VII - 637c; Aaron I-3d; adoration of XI- 649a; altar I-360a; in art I- 517a; Jeroboam II-532d; and Moses X-597a

— Canon IV-319C

— Catena. See Catena Aurea

— Church. See Lateran, Saint John

—Fleece, Order of the III-6a; C'.ic, i.OJc: lX-2.-,1d: X-306c; liia-^ vc-lr,i.i,l, \--)(llld

—Gate, (■(.iisiantin..pip iV-303a

—Gate, Freiburg, reliefs Il-343b

—Gate, Jerusalem VIII-353d

— Gate, Jubilee ceremonial VIII- 533c

—Gospels, MS. XV-519C

— Horde, Kingdom of the, Russia XIII-244d

— House. .See Domus Aurea

— Kite, Order of the, Japan VIII-298d

Goldenkron, monastery III-35b; VII-198d; Xll-340a

Golden Legend (Jacopo de Vora- gine) I-,538c; n-297b; VIII- 262c; I.\-743d; XII-364d; Ephesus legend V-496d; Long- follow II-420d; VIII-263a; Saint George and the Dragon Vl-4,54c

—Manual XII-354a

—Militia, Order of the IV-668a; 668c

—Numbers V-481a; 482d; table V-}83a

— Psalter. See Psalterium Au- reum

— Room of the Parliament (Gio- condo) VI-563d

— ROSE VI-629a;IX-I61c; XII- 30.3a; bles.sing of VI-6.30b; de- sign VI-629b; and Henry VIII VII-222C; institution VI-629d; Mary, Queen of Scots XIII- 619b; papal envoy IX-120d; recipients VI-630C; significa- tions VI-629a; value VI-629C; and WiUiam the Lion VIII- 418b

—Rule, Confucianism IV-226b; Didache IV-779b

—Sequence XV-342a

— Seville. See Sevilla del Oro

— Spur, Order of. See Golden Militia

—Vale, Ireland III-401a

—Year. See lubilee. Year of

Goldfinch, Madonna of the (Raphael) XI-400d

Goldfuss, Georg August, and Forater V1-I44C

Goldhagen, Herman, on introduc- tion. Biblical VIll-80d

Goldie, Richard, Cuncolim niar- tvrs IV-r>ri9a; Irish persecution VIII-ir,4a

GOLDONI, CARLO VI-631a; XII-6.56d; and Goizi VI-68Sb; and Italian comedy VIII- 252a; portrait VIII-251a

Golds, race, classification XII- 626d

Goldscher, monk V-594d

Goldschmidt, Meir, writer IV- 731b

— L., pnifesaor VII 19.'ib

Goldsmith, Ohver V 466d; 467c: VIlM2(lb; Fol.v's statue of XIlI-fi47a; portrait Vlll- facing 12s

Goldsmiths* college, London IX- 351b


—Guild, London IX-346d ; patron

V-201d; 386c Goldtman, Joseph Joachim, Bish- op of Sandomir Xni-437b Goldwell, James, Bishop of Nor- wich XI-122b —THOMAS, BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH VI-631C: VII-4.38C; IX-300d: Xin-333b; XIV- 557c; XVI-4b: and Clcnock IV-48b; missal X-357a; and Winzet XV-660b Goleniscey Collection, Egypt IX-

621a Golenishef Collection, Coptic

manuscripts XVI-SOc Golenishsheff - Kutuzoff, Arsen-

ius, poet XIII-274C Golfi, Gaspare, bishop III-140b Golgi, Camillo, professor at Pavia

XI-.i<)4b Golgotha, meaning of III-191a — Ad Crucem, church IV-536b. — .See Calvary, Mount Goha, Francesco, painter and

musician XIV-747C Goliad, Texas, church XIII-

425b; XIV-547c; 548d Goliards IX-29a Golias, poet IX-29b Goliath, and David IV-642C;

miniature (ill.) IX-622b — Tower of, Jerusalem VIII-

355b Golightly, Charles Pourtales and

Newman XI-375a Golikof, Ivan, and Russian American Fur Company I- 246c Golius, Orientalist I-476b Goll, son of Morna VIII-120b Gollancz, Israel XV-i62d Goller, Vatican research VIII-

6.5b GoUheim, battle II-664d; VI-

494a GoUingen, monastery, and Blessed

Gunthcr Vn-8.5a GoUmayr, Andreas, Archbishop

of Gorz VI-655a Golo, tribe XIV-325C Golos, Oliver, astrologer IU-366d Golscher. .See Goldscher Goltz, Hubert, numismatist XI-

152b — Leopold, physiologist X-139c Goluchowsky, Agenor, count,

foreign minister II-135d Golvinus, legendary abbot, Brit- tany XII-612a Golyzin, Adele Amalie, princess.

See Gallitzin Gomado, Bishop of Oporto XI-

260b Gomanak. See Gbmenek Gomar, Francis, and Arminius I- 741d: at Dort, .Synod of III- 203c: on Psalms XII-.54Ib GOMARA, FRANCISCO l6pEZ DE VI-632b: chronicle of III- 663b: on Indian tribes VII-756C Gombald, bishop II-683d Gombert, Saint XII-729c: founds

iiionaslcrv, Reims XII-728a —Nicolas, niu.-'ician IV-12d Gombette Law, date IX-208b Gomel, ina.asacre in Russia XIII-

251a Gomenek (Comana) IV-151b Gomer, son of Japheth, and Ar- menians I-736C —wife of Osee XI-337b Gomera, island. Canaries III- 243b; XIV-,507a; Columbus IV-145b; De Soto at IV-753d Gomes, Bishop of Oporto XI-

261a —Bishop of Vizeu XV-496C — Diogo, explorer VII-240b — Joao Guerino VI-145d — da Silva, Jose Tomas, Bishop

of Aracani .XVI-.34b — DE AMORIM, FRANCISCO

VI-fi32d Gometius of Lisbon, Scotist

XIII-612C Gomez, Estevan, explorer II- 79Sd; VI- 116c; VI1-393C; IX- .54.5c: .Xl-2llb —Francis, coli>nizcr XV-t55c —Gabriel, martyr X-390d; XV-

45.5c — Juan Vicente, President of Ven- ezuela XV-331b — Torrijos, Bishop of Teneriffe XIV-507b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.