Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/380

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Qrande Chartreuse. See Char- treuse, Grande

—Digue, College XIII-569a

— Encyclopedie V— 116c

Grandees, Spanish XlV-lSSa

Grande Mademoiselle. See Montpensier, .\nne-Marie

— Munus, Encvclical of Leo XIII IV-.WL'c


Grande Ronde Indians Ill-U89b; agency VIi-74oc

— Sauve entre Deux Mers, mon- astery Il-l)S3d

Grandes Chroniques XI-4S7b

— Cyclades (New Hebrides) X-

— Heures I.X-620C

Grandet, Sulpician XIII-SSOc

Grandeur, title I-139a

Grandfather Egor, publication XI-75d

Grandfontaine, Governor of Aca- dia I-91b

Grandi, Guido, historian III- aOlia; XII-112C

Grandidier, Charles, missionary IX-2j:Jc; .XIV-431a


Grandier, Urbain Vll-701b; IX- 144b; Xll-lsiJd

Grandin, Martin, theologian .xn'-oO.-.b

— Vital Julien, Bishop of St. Albert Ill-23t;d; X-382b; 3S2c; XIII-329d; o71b; XIV-428a

Grandi non immerito XII-300b

Grandison, John, Bishop of Exe- ter V-70Sd; 709a: VII-26b

Grandis Vallis, chapterhouse III- 63d

Grandjean, missionarj' XIII-



Grandlieu, St. Ghish VI-547d

Grand Masonic Lodge IX-776d; of England (926) IX-77oc; (1717) I.X-771d; Royal York 1X-776C

Grand-Master XII-427d: inher- itance I-272C

GRANDMONT, ABBEY AND ORDER OF VI-725C; Il-llild; 672d; X-47.5a; XIV-291b: Boni Homines, chapter II- 673a; in France IV-37c; VI- 721b; lav-brothersIX-93b; and St. Vincent de Paul XV-i37a

Grand Portage, mission XIII- 4S7d

— Pouvoir, Nctre-Dame du. See Xotrc-Uamc du Grand Pouvoir

— Pre, dispersion XIlI-376b

— Pre, monasterv XV— 431d

—RAPIDS, DIOCESE OF VI- 726c; Baraga II-2S2d; chari- table institutions XII-247b; Polish population (1907) XII- 211a; Providence, Sisters of XII-oOSc; Redemptorista XII- 6S5b; seminary XIII-701a; 701c; statistics VI-726d; XV- 176c

— St. Graal, romance VI-719d

Grands Anglais, at Douai XV- 233c

Grand Saturday. See Holy Sat-

Grands Augustins, church, Paris

I-797b Grand seminaire XIII-694c:

Montreal X-548d; Ottawa

XIII-700a Grandsire, Anne-Barbe II-442a Granet, Dominique, Sulpician X-

.>4Sd Grangeon, Vicar ,\postolic^ of

Eastern Cochin China VII-

777d Grange-over-Sands, .\postolic

School XIII-.iS7b Gran Giornale d'Europa XI-C,S3b Crania Uaile, toioli XV-Slb Granier, Claude de, Bishop of

Gi-iicva VI 22(la; 220c Granite City, Illinois, Bulgariiin

population XlV-r>ld Granito Pignatelli di Belmonte,

Gennard, cardinal XVI-lSa Granja, La, .Segovia. See San

Ildefonso Granjon, Bishop of Baltimore II-

231c — Henry, Vicar Apostolic of Ari-

lona XV-84d

Gran Madre di Dio, church,

Turin XV-93b Grannan, Charles, on Biblical

Commission II-5o7c Granovski, Timofei, philosopher

XlII-272d; 27oa Gran Poder XIII-746a Granson. battle (1470) III-69d;

\I\'-360a Grant, Asahel, missionarj- XI-

724d —Bernard VI-726d — Colin, in .\ntigonish I-563b — George Monro, on Archbishop

Connolly Vll-llSb —Hope III-6S3d — Hugh J., Mayor of New Y'ork

XI-34b —Ignatius IX-321d — James, in Antigonish I-563b — Johann, Archbishop of Bremen

II-757b — John,Gunpowder plot IV-792c;

VII-S2b — John Peter, Governor of Ja- maica VIII-273C — Patrick, and Kenraghty VIII-

617d — Richard, Archbishop of Canter- bury III-299d; and Halley's coniet XII-159C; XIII-608b — THOMAS, Bishop of South- wark VI-726d; IX-350b; XIV- 163a; and Morris X-S77a; and Wegg-Prosser XV-576b —Ulysses S. VIII-142d; XIII- 506d: XV-174C: on Cedar Creek XIII-737C; in Ci\-U War VII-657a: XV- 17 2b; and Deshon IV-750d; Indian Peace Policv VII-74.5C; XIII-5S4c; on Thanksgiring Day XIV- 556a Granth XIII-789b Grant-in-Aid Schools, Ceylon

1II-549C Grantstown, house (ill.) II-205d GRANVELLE, ANTOINE PER- RENOT DE, VI-727b; IX- 280c: .\rras episcopate X-555d; and Charles de Lorraine VII- 75d:andEgmont V-327d; and Gregorv- XIII VII-2a; Mechlin episcopate II-209d: X-104d; 105a; and Philip II X-761a; at Worms conference V-35d Grape, altar-wine I-35Sd; bles- sing I - 767c; Mohammedans I - 790c; Nazarites I - 77Ic: pressing, Sabbath XIII-287d; use I-274C; See Vine —Wild. See Cockle Graphaus, Wilhelm, writer IX-

28b Graphia, in Celtic monasteries

VlII-90b Grapte, in Shepherd of Hennas

VII-269a Grapti. .See Theodorus and The-

ophanes Grasbock, Theobald, Abbot of

Wilhering XV-fi24a Grashoffer, John Baptist, mission- ary VI-478a: XI-3d Grass, in Bible XII-1.50c; 1.54a: as spiritual communion IV- 649d Grasse, Count Alexander de.

Marquis de Tilly VI-728d — Diocese of XI-48c; and Go- deatt VI-622C; and Vence VI- 622c —FRANCOIS -JOSEPH -PAUL, Count and Marquess de Grasse-Tillv VI-728a: Ameri- can Revolution XV-163b: 456c GRASSEL, LORENZ VI-729a:

II-2.30C: VI-477C Grasselli, Ant. M., Bishop of Viterbo and Toscanella XV- 489b Grasse-RouviUe, Francois de.

Marquess de Gra-sse VI-72Sa Grasshopper, in Bible I-523c:

523a; Benno II II-4S2b Grassi, Giovanni Antonio de'.

Bishop of Fnenza V-751d — Gregorio, bishop, martyr IIl-

G71c: IX-74.Sa: XIII-7.52b — John, and Barber ll-287a: at Boston II-7n.'ib: Georgetown University VI-459C Grassia, Baldassare, physician

XI-421«  Grassis, Achille de, cardinal VI- 729b

—Antonio de VI-729b —PARIS DE VI-729a; and Cieremoniale Romanum III- 53Sb Grat., abbr. I-24C Gratarol, Pietro Antonio, writer

\^I-6S8c Grates tibi Jesu novas, hymn I-

393c Gratise gratis datse VI-5.54a Gratiam agimus. Bull of Clement

VI VIl-42Sa GRATIAN, Roman Emperor VI- 729c; IV-3Sla; VII-12a: XV- 255b; and St. .\mbrose I-386b; apotheosis I-6o0c: and Arian- ism XIV-578a; and Ausonius II-112C: and Damasus, Pope IV-eiSc; and Donatists V- 126c; Ilh-ricumOrientale XIV- 634a: and infanticide VI-159c; and Jews VII 1-39 la; and Mele- tian schism X-163c; and un- worthy poor XII-239b; and pope XII-26Sb; and Priscil- lianists XII-429d; and Theo- dosius I XIV-57Sa; toleration, edict of VII-17b — Bishop of Parma XI-506b — Baltasar. See Gracidn —JEROME VI-729d; III-362a; constitution IX-318d: and St. John of the Cross VIII-480C: mvstical theology III-367c; as visitor III-361C; XIV-516c —JOHANNES VI-730C: IV- 392c; IX-88c; 202d: 216b: on abductionsI-33b: and Bologna University II-642a; on crimin- ous clergy II-476d; on confes- sion XI-626a —Decretum I-287a: IV-671b:IX- 57d; XIII-649c; Augustinus II-106a: Bartholomew of Bres- cia II-315c; Baysio II-361b; Berardi II— 185d; Bernard of Pa\-ia II-504a: Decretists IX- 62c; Constantine V-120d; Du- moulin V-190d; John of Torquemada XII-365C: nup- tials, celebration IV-lc — at Holy Hermitage III - 205a; and Orange, Council of (441) XI-266d; on Holy orders XIV-320b; and lay confession IX-94d; on laws, quoted XII- 4.54c — John. .Sec Gregorj- VI GRATIANOPOLIS, See of VI-

730d Gratianus Bishop of Cagli III-

140a — Bishop of Dax XVI-32C — Bishop of Nomentum XIII-

— Bishop of Palermo XI-420b —Bishop of Toulon VI-270a — Johannes. See Gratian, Jo- hannes — Ortwin. See Gratius Gratien, Felix IX-643a Grating (cloister) IV-tUd

Gratiosus, Bishop of Parma XI- 5n6a

Gratitude XV-473C

GRATIUS, ORTWIN VI-731a: VII-.541C; at Coloene IV-121a;

GRATRY, AUGUSTE-JOSEPH- ALPHONSE VI-73Ib: I-89b: on Honorius I Vn-455c: and infallibility, pnpul XV-:?(li'.b: .307d: and (lr:ii -m, \ ,'inh; XI-274d: portrini \ 1 / -l

Grattan, Henry, parli.imr^ii.iii.m vni-106b: Ciitholu r.lui V- 454a; X-316b: Xlll-127c: 129a; 129c: XV-39.3c; statue XIII-647a

Gratti, Gian Pietro, Bishop of Viterbo and Toscanella XV- 4S9b

Gratus, Saint, martyr Xlll-lOSd

—Bishop of Carthage I-192a; ni-3S7c; V-126a; IX-61c; Carthage, Synod of (345-34S) l-200b: 3\Tiods I-200C

—Bishop of' C(5rdova IV-S-TOb

— Saint, Bishop of Oloron II- 3G0d

Gratz, Austria, college II-)4Sa

—PETER ALOYS VI-732b: on Ecclcsiaates V-24Sa: on Herod the Great VII-2S9C; on Luth-

er's treatment of Jews VIII- 397a: on Book of Tobias XIV- 7o3b

— CoUege, Philadelphia VIII- 403b

Grau, Frederic. See Nausea, Frederic

— Notre-Dame de. Sec Notre- Dame de Grau

— R. F., Biblical inspiration, VIII-49C

Grauer Bund XIV-360b

Grauert, Hermann, editor XI- 680a; on Donation of Constan- tine V-120b

Graun, Godfrey a, s-\-ncretic sys- tem VI-713C

— Karl Heinrich, musician X- 601c: XI-526C

Graunger, Agnes XIV-689C

—Thomas Xn'-6S9c

Graus, Joh., editor XIII-672d

Grave, altar-tomb I-357a: bless- ing of IlI-50Sd

Grave-diggers, order XI-279a

Gravel, Elphege, Bishop of Nico- let XI-(J9a

Gravelines (Gravelingen; Grave- linghe), battle (1558) I-72Sd; V-327d; XII-3a; French pos- session XIV-<i56a

Gravelotte, battle X-248a

Gravenhage. .See Hague

Grave nobis. Constitution of Pius IV IX-117d

Gravenor, John. See .Altham, John

Graves, Christian. See Ceme-

— Robert James, physician X-

140c . — de communi, Encyclical of Leo XIII IV-708d: 710b: IX- 172c: XII-216a: on almsgiving I-329b Gravesend, Richard de, bishop

IX-2G7a: 347c — Stephen de. Bishop of London

IX-347C Graves et diutumae, Constitu- tion of Clement VIII VI-152a Graveson, Hyacinthe de, theolo- gian VII-376d: XII-36SGa: XIV-703a: on Divine reproba- tion XII-383C Gravez, Bishop of Namur VI-

648c GRAVIER, JACQUES VI-732d: 1 1-4 15a: III-653C: Vll-660d; 741b; X-3SSb; 391c; XI- 662c; 662d: and Kaskaskia Indians VIII-608d: and Miami Indians X-271d: and Tonica Indians XIV-777d GRAVINA, DOMINIC VI-733a;

XIV-702d — Geronimo de, missionary \ III-

633c —GIOVANNI VINCENZO \I- 733b; VIII-251d: XIII-17Sb; 593c; XV-95b; "Arcadia" I- 85d — Ludovico, Bishop of Castellam-

mare di Stabia III-t08b — Pietro, cardinal. Bishop of


DIOCESE OF VI-733C Gravis, accent X-766C Gravissimas inter. Brief of Pius

IX X-602d Gravissimo, Letter of Benedict

XIV IV-63d Gravissimo oflBcii, Encyclical of Puis .\ 11I-44C; IV-206b: VI- is.-.d: ls9a Gravissimum, Bull of Leo XIII

Vlll-762a Gravita, Oratory XIII-307a Gravitation, Law of IX-53b: as- tronomy II-25b; Newton XII- 62a Gravity XII-.50d: .56b: Archim- edes XII-»Sa; Buridan XII- 51b; centre of XII -51a; Commandino XII-55d; Coper- nican theory XII-.'>4a: 58c: Galileo IV -343a; XII -56d; Newton XV-lS4d: law oSU- 26b; 27b: Maurolycus XII- 5.5d: and plurality of worlds XII-51b; da Vinci XII-52d:

Gray, Asa, bot.anist VIII-142b; and Agassii V-658b; and End- licher V-421b

Large tj-pe indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.