Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/397

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Hart, John, physician VIII-143a;

IX-3S6C — Nancy VI-462b —Richard, martyr \-l/!5a — Robert, customs mspector iii-

  • iS5C . „ -CT'll-

—William, Blessed. Sec « ilham Hart . , .

Hartenfaust, Louis Alexander, Baron of Laach III-Hc

— Peter Bruno III-Uc

Hartford, town, Connecticut Iv-

— DIOCESE OF VII-144a; IV- 257b; apostolate III-4o3d; ca- thedral XIII-767a; deaf mutes, school for V-317d; French Catholic organization V1-274C; Galberry VII-U5c; institu- tions II-379a; XI I-247b; Ital- ians VIII-206b; Leopoldine Society XVI-52C ; Louvain College I-425a; McFarland Vn-145b; McMahon \Ii- 145c: Mercv, Sisters of XV- 554a; O'Reilly Y II-l."*; P rochial schools VI-27oc; Poles XII-211a; present condition

■VII-r46a;' religious VI-275a. seminaries XIlI-701a; (01c; statistics XV-!7fic; T'eroey VII-14od; Tyler VII-1.44C Hartfried, Abbot of Hirschau

Vn-363a , ^ ,^.

Hartgar, Bishop of Tongres IX-

23l>c Hartig, missionary .\I-^o"<;„. — Edmond, Mettermch X-24Cb Hartker, monk of St. Gall vi-

347d; antiphonarj- 1-5 /So Hartleben, Otto Erich, dramatist

VI-52Sb Hartlebury Castle, episcopal res- idence VI-551C Hartleib, F., missionarj- II-b24D Hartley, David, philosopher as- flociationism II-4b; All-.s-c. Hedonism VII-lS8a; good, theory of VI-641b; sen- sualism XII-28d; Utilitarian- ism XV-242a — Tames Joseph, Bishop of Co- lumbus n-325c; IV-150a — Thomas, Swedenborgian XIV-

356b — WILLUM, VENERABLE VII- 146b- and Shcllev, Ven. Ed- ward X!n-7.5.5d . Hartmann, Abbot of Gottweig

— Bishop of Lausanne IX-40d — \hbot of St. Gall, hymnodist

VII-602d .

— Anastasius, vicar apostolic i- 316c; II-645a; and Persico XI-725d ,^. ^,,

— Bernhardine von lX-57ia

Eduard von (Karl Robert),

phil"S^phc^. on annihilation of universe VII-684a; causality, theory of III-465d; cosmo- logical theory IV-414d: ethics V-559d; 560a; on evil V-6.50C; on existence V-.^45c; on imma- nence V1I-683C; on ins'mct VIII-Slc; on justice XIII- 602d; Kantianism Xll-.i4a: and metaphysics X--232b; and naturalistic liP'>.°'"<=i?™ .-AT 718b; on parallelism XI-47.5b; on pessimism Xl-741b; 742a

— GEORG VII-146d

— Joseph V 519a

— Moritz, poet \ I--527a

Hartmanni, Henricus, Bishop of AbMVl-7r,d

Hartmann of DiUingen, Bishop

of ViicsWure n-74c —VON AUE VIl-146d; VI-518C Hartnell, Edward XVI-6b Hartpury Court, Dominican con- vent ll-Toac Hartsoeker, Nicolas IX-240d Hartung, John yi-268a Hartvik (or Arduinl. Bishop of Gyor VII-94C; Stephen s life

HartweU, town, Ohio. Poor of St.

Francis. Sisters of XII-2.58a Hartwich, Bishop of Ratisbon

Xn-6.5.8a — libbot of Tepemsee XlV-472a Hartwich I of Stade, B'*op of

Hamburg-Bremen II-.iJHd;

757b; VII-121d; X-108a; XVI-


— n of TJltede, Archbishop of HamburK-Bremen II-757b; VII-121d

— .s-fc Hartwig; Hartwik

Hartwig, Bishop of Bamberg 11-

— Bishop of Brixen II-793d

— Prince Bishop of Eichstatt V-

— .\bbot of Hersfeld VIII-758C Sec Hartwich , „ , ,

Hartwik, Archbishop of Salzburg,

coin^ XIlI-412a; St. Wolfgang

XV-683b ,^. ,

Harty, Jeremiah J., Archbishop

of Manila IX-598b Haruko, Empress of Japan VIII-

29Sb „ „

Harun-Abu-Ja-afar. See Haroun

al-Raschid . .

Haruspicia, and Valentinian 1

Harvard°College IV-107d; UOc; X-27a; XV-196d; astronomical discoveries II-26C; 29a; course IV-Ula; Divinity school XV- 156c: elective system I-757c; medical sehool I-461a

Harvest, periodical XIII-400C

Harvest, periodical Xni-40 — Feast of, Greek XIV-556a — Feast of, Jewish. .See Pente-

— Home, English XIV-556a — of the Firstfraits, Feast of.

See Pentecost Harvey, Bishop of Ely V-396C — John, Governor of Virginia

IX-756d „. ,

— Mother Josephine, bister oi

Ch.-irity XIV-28C — Thomas, missionary' I-257a;

V-1.30d; X-779d; 792a; XI-

2nd; XIV-95d; 397d — WiUiam, physician I-460a; 11-

,573a; X-131C; XV-495a; axiom

of IX-241b; portrait X-125c Harvington Library, Oscott XI-

336d Harwood, Thomas, martyr V-

Harzl, Theodor, Zionist XV-

HASAK, VINCENZ VII-147b Hasami, porcelain Vin-31.ia Hasamu-no-mikoto. .See Jimmu

Tcnno Hasan Ghaznawi, writer XI-

720b Hasar Enan. See Enan — hattikhon. See Fichon, House



Hassan, general I-192d

Hassanbeyli, Phoenician inscrip- tion Xin-710a


Hasse, Johann Adolphe, musician X-iiiilc: XI 27(id

HasseUus, Jean. Sec Leonardi, Jean

Hasselt, Ida van IV-463C

Hassemon VI-440b

Hassen, EUzabeth IX^Sad

Hassenfratz, Jean Henri V-312d

Hassett, Thomas, Vicar-general of New Orleans VI-118d; XI- 9d ; in Florida X I-9a ; Louisiana Xl'-lOb


Hassoun, Anton, cardinal. Catho- lic Armenian patriarch I-792a; and Bulgars V-239c; at Vatican Council XV-305b

Hassun Pasha, Mayor of Tripoli XV-59C

Hast, Johann, philosopher VII-

Hastati, in Roman army III-535d Hastings, battle (1066) V^31c;

VIII-784d; XI-105a; 210a;

XV-643b; and Battle Abbey

II-350b — Buckley, conversion II-706C —Lord Henry V-lU7d — Hugh J., journalist VIII-142d —Lady Sophia III-S9b Hastings-on-Hudson, New York,

orphan asylum XI-323d Hasy, Wady el-, Palestine VI-

431b Hat, erclesiastical VII-245a; in

Greek Church IV-320C: of pil- grims XII-96C Hatamoto, Japanese Class VIII-

312b Hat and Cloak Riots, Spanish

XIV-1S4C „ ^ ^

Hataraha (Hatarika). See Had-

Hasarsuhal IV-445c; VI-440b; X-r>7sb

Hasarsusim IV-445c; X-67Sb

Hasas S H-iy

Hasbany! Nahi el VI-430d: VIll-.'iDIa; IX-790a


HascuU, Irish King \-li4a

Hasdai, Jewish statesman Vlll-

Hasdmbal, general V-785a: XII-

70b: XIV-176C Hasdfl II-293C Hase, Jean III-86b .

— Karl, Lutheran historian VI 1- 379c- lX-462d; on Lollard movement XIV-763a; on Syn- optics XIV-391b Haserim VI-44(lb ,„ ,,^ , Haseroth VI-440b: IV-445c: Is- raelites at I-4b: VIII-19.5C Hasersual. .See Hasarsuhal Hasersusa. .See Hasarsusim Hashish, and psychosis Xl-54^c Hashishiye. .See Assassins Hashmon IX-493d Hashmonah. See Hesmona Hasidim. .See Assldeans Hasinai. .See Hainai Haskell Institute \ nl-600b Haskins, Charles Homer VIU-

filb — G. F. II-700d

Hasmoneans, family XII^13b; in Assumption of Moses 1- 603b; Machabces IX-493d: Messianic ideal X-214a: palace VIII-3.53a; in Psalms of Solo- mon I-60.5c: in Testament of Twelve Patriarchs I-600a Hasner, Josef Ritter von, physi- cian X-141C Hasom IX-58.3d Hasor. .See A

Hatch, Edwin, Biblical concor- dance IV-196a; on Christianity III-714d; on primitive church government II-581c; III-750b Hatcliffe, John. See Spenser,

John , ^

Hatfield, Council (680) I-506b;

XV-703C , „ ^

— Thomas de. Bishop of Durham

V-211d Hathaway, Jesuit VIII-272d Hathersall, WiUiam, Rector of Engli-sh College. Rome V-473d Hathor, deity IV-407d; V-344a; 3,Wb; XIV-512C; (ill.) V-346b; temple V-154b , „ _, ^ Hathumar, Bishop of Paderborn

XI-384a Hathumod, Abbess of Brunshau-

sen lll-19b: IX-30d Hatifi, writer XI-72nb HATRED VIl-149b: in Cartesian system IV-747d: Christ's ■iCords I-769b: of damned VII- 210b; lawfulness III-.593C; and love IX-397d; as passion I- 6.56c; XI-534C; XIV-616a: in Schism, Eastern XIII-536b Hatscher, Redemptorist VI-479b Hatsze Beg, title XV-9.5d Hatta, Abbot of St. Vaast XV-

445c Hattenberger, catechism V-81b Hattenberger, A., missionary V-

isod Hatti. .See Hethites — Humayoun (1856) XV-98C Hattin, battle (1187) IV-/9Sc; VII-lS.^c; X-726b; XIV-552c: 7ir,c; XV-212b — Homsof. Sec Beatitudes,

Mount of . „ , c

Hatto, Bishop of Ba.sle. .See

Haito , ,, .

HATTO I, Archbishop of Mainz VII-149d; V-393a; IX-55!a; at EllwangenV-393a; at Reich- enauXII-723c — n. Archbishop of Mainz IX- 551a

Bi,hop of Vercelli. See Atto of


Hatton, Edward VII-1.5na —Edward, priest. .See CoBin



150a —Richard, martyr V-478a Hattfi, deity Vll-305d Hattusil, Hethite King VII-306C HatuncoUa, Stone Pillars of,

Peru (ill.) XII-G0.5a Hatzfeld, Franz von. Prince

Bishop of Bamberg II-244d — Frederick von. Bishop of Wurz-

burg XV-72Ua HAUARA, See of VII-150b; V-

Haubas, deity XIII-2S6b Haubs, Franz Anton VI-25a Hauch, Johannes Carsten, dram- atist IV-73lb Hauchard, Madeline XI-7a Hauck, Albert, Lutheran histo- rian X-4SSc; XII-356a; 4S7d; XV-645d Hafld, 'Ain el-, spring, Palestine

VI-431C HAUDRIETTES VII-lSOc Haudry, Etienne VII-lSOc —Jeanne, foundress VII-150C Hauff, Wilhelm, novelist VI-526d Hauffe, Frederica, spiritist XIV-

Haug, Augustinian abbey XV- 719b

Hauge, Hans Nielsen, Norwe- gian revivalist XI-120d

Hanger, Collegiate church XV- 719a . ,.^

Hauge Synod, Norwegian IX-

Haughery, Charles IX-652d

— Margaret. .Sec Margaret


Haugwitz, Frederick WiUiam von,

count IX-664a _

— John of. Bishop of Meissen X-

149b; XIII-500a; 502a Hauicu, battle lV-380a Hauksbee, Francis, physicist

Xn-f'4d Hauk's Book I-417c HauUeville, Baron Prosper de,

journalist XI-071a Haumont, monastery X-9Sd Haupt, Paul, ..nentalist V-289b;

IV-llWb; XI~304b; XV-653d Hauptmann, Gerhart, dramatist; and Polish literature

XII~201a Haura, Jacobite see VII-150C Hauran, as land of Hus \ 11-

584b; Maronite diocese IX-

684a; Melchite see X-161a;

name X-678a _ Hauranne, Duvergier de. bee

Duvergier de Hauranne HAUKlAU, JEAN BART^-

LEMY VII-150d; 523d; VI-

351b; on Achard Xin-389b;

Nominalism XII -38b; phil-

osoohv, history of XII-33c; on RoJcelin XIII-189d . . Haurvatat, in Zoroastrianism II-

Hau'sa's, tribe XI-74a; Xn-626d Hausberger, battle (1262) XIV-

313d . „. . ,

Hansen, Friedrich von. Bishop of

Culm IV-566C —Wolfgang von. Bishop ot Ita-

ti.sbon XII-(55Sc Hausenstamm, Sebastian von.

Elector, Archbishop of Mainz

Hauser, Anton, catechist V--87d Hausfreund, periodical AiV-

Hauska, Martin, heretic VII-

Hausrath, Adolf, on Iilelander IX-4.5.5d; Galatians, Epistle to VI-330d- on Luther lX-440b; 440d; 441a: 447b; 449d; 450d; 4.52a; 455d: 4.57a; IX-439b Hauss, Karl, politician XV1-.J..1C Haiisser, Ludwig, historian \ u

Haussonville, Joseph Etherin Bernarde de Cleron, Comte d , French .\cademician 1-890; V-189d . ,

—Madame d', portrait, Ingres VIII-9d ... ,,

Haussy, dc, Belgian minister 11- 40(ld . Y

Haute-Bruyere, monastery a-

HAUTECOMBE, monaetcry VII~151a; IIl-507a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a. b, c, d, quarter of page.