XIII-615d; Seal (iU.) VII-221; and Theobald XlV-SeVd; and St. Thomas Becket yil-221b, XIII-719b: XIV-676d; Tour- aine XV-2d; and Wace XV- 521c; and William of Conches XV-632b; and Bishop of Wor- cester Xlll-lUb ^ , , ,. Henry IH, King of England V- 438c; VII-458a; and Adrian V 1-1590; and Bl. Agnellus I- - 212d; and Alexander iV l- 28Sa; and Bartholomew ot BragangaII-315b;Canterbury. See of XIII-44a; and St. Ed- - mund Rich V-295a; France IX-36Sd; and Grosseteste VII- 39b; and Henry of Seguaio VII-23Sb; and Innocent IV VIII-18a; XV-213b; and John of Parma VIU-475d; and Louis IX IX-3fi9a; .Magna Carta X-579c; and Pans. Mat- thew XI-499a; pilgrimage XIII-761a: and Raymond \U, Count of Toulouse XII-670C and St. Richard nl-657d; tomb XV-599b; Tore 's statue of XIII-614d; and Urban IV XV-214a; Waverly Abbey XV-568d; Westminster Abbey XV-59Sb; Windsor Castle XV-
_IV. King of England, and Adam of Usk I-134Cb; alchemy I- 273a; and Alexander V 1-2880, and Chaucer III-643b; and Chichele III-657a; coronation XV-650b; and Monstrclet_X- 511a; and Repington XII-/76a V King of England, and tier- land II-492d; charter-house III-391b; 034a; and Chicliele lll-657a; France Vl-lbso. and Harcourt XIII-209d; and Hardyng VII-136b; St. John of Beverly II-540b; and Kemp VIII-616b; and Netter X- 764d; in Normandy Xl-lObb, and Plantagenet XII-148(1. Syon Monastery II-786C; XIV- 394c; tomb y-253d; Xy-599b —VI, King of England III-739a, and Bourchier II-716d: Caen University III-132d; college III-214d; coronation Xl-4boa, Gilbertines VI-557a; Golden Rose VI-630c; and Louis of Luxembourg XIII-209d; mar- riage XIII-717d; and Netter X-764d; pilgrimage XV-54Ja, fnd Plantagenet XII-148d; and Thomas of Beckington XIV- 693c; Westminster Abbey AV- 698c; and William of Waj-ne- flete XV-640C; Windsor Castle XV-655a , , ,,_, — Vn, King of England VU- 222a; accession II-376a; and Adrian of Castello I-160d; and Alcock I-274a; AndrSs history I-469b; and Bainbndge 11- 207d; and Bourchier II-717a, and Cabot III-127a -chapel III-577C; Xy-598f; 599b; architecture l-14a; VI- 675d; IX-343d; (iU.) Vl-facing
—aid Edward, Earl of Warwick XIX-201d; and Ferdinand of Spain VII-222b; funeral palls VI-322a; and James IV ol Scotland VI-134C; Masses, be- quests for X-31a; and Morton X-582b; and Oldham XI- 239d; pilgrimage XV-543a
239d; pilgrimage XV-o^o.,
Savoy Chapc-1 "I-S'Sfvonr-
Bl. Thomas More Xiy-690'=;
tomb V-253d; XV-599b; and
Vergil XV-353C; and Wolsey
XV-685b , r- 1 J
HENRY Vin, King of England VII-222a; V-442a; AH™, I- 321c- Anglican ntual AIU- C8a; attainder n-.i9c; and Bainbridgo ll-207d; and Bea- ton VIIl-680d; and Bclclnam n-394c: and Bellay XI-483p, Bible V-443C; bishoprics II- 790c; III-64«d; and Boleyn, Anne V-445c; Vl-38fid; VIl- 223a; and Bonner Il-67.->a Brigittines II-786d; and Brookby n-798b; and Buck- ingham VII-222d; bulla (ill.) III-58b; and Cabot in-127b;
and Campeggio III-223a; and
Catherine of Aragon V11-222D;
XIV-659C; Caversham, shrine
XIII-760b; Chantries 111-
574a; and Charles V III-62Sa;
Chester III-649c; XIII-759C;
XV-733d; and Clement VII
VII-223b; and Cranmer Vll-
223d; and Cromwell VII-224a;
defender of the faith II I-58c
-^imrce IV-25d; yn-223a;
Campeggio III-223d; Luther
IX -454a; Pole XII-2U2D, .
Venusti XV-344C
-and Douglas V-144a; Dublm
V-174d; Durham V-213a;
XIII-43b; and Bl. Edward
Powell XIV-659d; and Eliza-
beth VII-224C; Field of
Cloth of Gold VII-222d; and
Fisher VIII^62c; and Francis
I VI-207d; VII-222C; and
Gardiner VI-383a; Golden
Rose VI-630d; Hal, shrine
XII-91d; Holy League VU-
222c; Ireland VIII-102a; 163d;
and jurisdiction, ecclesiastical
IX-7Ub; XIII-654a; and Leo
X IV-51a; and Luther vll-
222d; IxU48b; XlII-300c;
marriage dispensation III-o7b;
martyrdoms y;475b; 477c,
VIII-165d; and Mary of Guise
VII-76C; and Mary Tudor IX-
766b; Masses, bequests for X-
31a; monasteries I-776a; VU-
224d; X-4o5b; Mortmam \-
580d- and Murner X-645c;
and Peyto XI-785b; Pilgrun-
age of Grace I-792c;yiI-225a;
pilgrimages XII-87d; Poland
W-Tsid: and Pole XII-201d;
policy, religious I-501b; U-
477a; XV-143d; portrait VII-
223; primers XII-352d; 426c;
professorships III-212c; Ref-
Srmation XII-703a; and Reid
VIII-659d; and Sampson lU-
6.58a; XIII^22c; schism XIII-
534b schools XIII-571d; 576b;
Scotland II-372d; 374b; and
Bl. Sebastian Newdigate XUl-
668b; Six Articles VII-225a;
XIII-654b; Supremacy, Act of
I-500a; VII-224d; Supremacy,
Oath of XI-177a; and Tallis
XIV-435b; and St. Thomas
Becket XIV-678C; and Bl.
Thomas More XrV-691b;
Trent, Council of XV-31a;
trusts XV-72C; and \ives III-
602a; XV-492d; Wales XV-
532d; o34c; Walsingham Priory
XIII-761a: XV-543a; and
Warham XV-554d: -Wear-
mouth Abbey XV-572c; West-
minster Abbey XV-599a; and
Wolsey VII-222d; Xy-6S5b;
St. Wulstan s shrine XIII-7bia
— K, King of Great Britain,
France, and Ireland. See btu-
art, Henry Benedict
I. King of France V-617a; Con-
cordat III-701b; Eucharistic
controversy II-4S7c; and Leo
IX IX-161b; signature IV-
526c; and William the Con-
queror XV-643a
— n. King of France VI-lJOc;
XIII-717c; abortion I-49a;
and Amyot I-445a; and Charles
V III-628d; Clouet's painting
IV-68b; and cousin IV-453d;
and Dor4 V-134a; Lorraine
IX-364b; marriage IIlT^Wa;
and Mary Stuart ,yn-76d,
Matz X-247c; and Michel de
I'Hopital IX-209C; and Mont-
morency X-544b; and Morit^
of Saxony XH-^OSa: and
Orme XI-321b; and Pari XI-
478a; and Paul IV yll-74d;
and PcUis.sier XI-609d; and
Pole XII-203b; Protestantism
IV-i42d- Vll-529b: at Rouen
XI-lOGd'; Society of Jesus
XIV-SSc; tomb XI-48Sa,
Trent. Council of XV-.i3d
—in, King of Franco yi-171a.
X-675C; and Amyot AUi
71Sc- assaa'iinntion IV-442d;
Ind Auger ll-73a; XlV-88d;
Avignon IM..'.)b: and Cath-
erine de' Medici 111-44 la; and
St Charles Borronieo lU-
62'3a; 024c; and Cliarle
Lorraine VII-78d; Chartres
III-636a; XIV-707b; College
de France IV-114a; and Com-
mendone IV-157b; and Cousin
IV-453d; and Duperron V-
203d; Feuillants VI-b5b; Gold-
en Rose VI-630d; and Henry
IV VII-79a; Holy Spirit. Order
of VII-416c; X-306C; Hugue-
nots VII-532C; and Karn-
kowski VIII-60Sb; lace-making
VIII-731C; League of Peronne
IX-98d; Penitents VI-92a;
Poland XII-lSoc; and Thou
XIV-706d; and Vieta XV-425C
HENRY rV, King of France and
Navarre VII-225C; VI-171a:
VII-80b; X-722d; abjuration
XI^87d; absolution IV-442d;
VII-226d; and Acquaviva the
elder I-109b; and Ahmed 1,
XII-488C; assassination VI-
354c' XIV-769a; and Baronius
II-366b; and Beaton II-375a;
and Beaune II-377a; and B6-
ruUe II-524C; and Clement
VIII IV-27d; VII-226C; and
Champlain III-567d; and
Charles of Lorraine VII-80C;
and Charron III-633C; atid
Coefleteau IV-91d; College de
France IV-114a; conversion
IV-456b; VII-226b; XIV-88d;
coronation 111-6303; XIV-
707b; and Colon IV-422b;
duelling V-185a; and Duperron
V-203d; and Eleanor ol Bour-
bon VI-130d; excommunicated
VII-78a; XIV-707b: and St.
Francis de Sales VI-220b; and
Gfnebrard VI-412a; and Gondi
XI-48.3c; and GregoiT XIV
VII-4C; and Guast IX-545d;
and Harlay VII-137a; Hugue-
nots VII-532b; and Joyeuse
XIII-210a; and LefSvre IX-
li3c; and Leo XI IX-167b; Ly-
cfe, Paris (ill ) XIII.-34S^; and
Margaret of Valois IV-28a,
VII-531d; XIII-334a; and
Medici, Ferdinand de .XV-
104a; and Medici, Marie de
IX^74b; X-121d; and Monts
l-90d; and Cardinal d'Ojsat
n-358c; XI-342C; XII-/..ld;
and Pithou XII-119b; pohcy,
domestic VII-227a; policy,
religious XI1-707C; portrait
VIl-225' Rohan XV-272a.
Rouen, Edict of VII-227b; St.
Bartholomew's massacTe XIU-
335c; St. Peter's, marble relief
XIII-372d; Society of Jesus
XIV-85b; 89b; Thirty \ears
War XIV-648C; and Thou
XI V-706d ; and Cardinal Toledo
XIV-760d; union, scheme 111-
704c; and Urban VIII XV-
218d; and Vieta XV-420C; and
St. Vincent de Paul XV^35a
—I. the Fowler, Emperor of Ger-
many VI-487d; IX-160b; XI;
354a; and Arnulf I-7olc. 11
354c, and St. Bruno 1 1 1- 13b
Denmark XIII-542d; and
Gorm IV-724C; VII-141a; leg-
end IX-125a; Lorraine IX-
363b; Pomerania Xll-J^oc,
and St. Matilda X-49a; Sax-
ony XIII-498C; Slavs II-738d;
X-107c; Toul VI-466a
— n, SAINT, Emperor of Ger-
many VII-227C; y.l-*|^b,
Aachen cathedral I-2b. XU
564c; and Aribo I-711d; Bam-
berg II - 194c; 243a; Basle
cathedral I-366a; and Benedict
VIII ll-428d; XIV-262d; and
Bemo ll-512b; and St. Bruno
lII-lSc; and Burchard . ol
Worms III-64b; canonuation
II-243C; charter of Louis the
Pious III-616a; Dithmar s his-
(orv V-48a; and Gerard 111-
and Gregory VI (antipopc) V I-
791c; (ill.) Vll-lacing 220,
Jewi-ih Vnlicy Vin-392d; and
St. Kunigunde l\-46bd. and
Meinwerk of Pa<lerborn X-
148b; at Pavia Xl-592_d; and
Saint Poppo XII-27oa; at
Sal.burg X;ill-412a; Savoy
X1II-192C: Saxony Xin-498c,
Slavs II-738d; and St. Stcpheii
V1I-54SC; XIV 2S7d; and
Thangmar XIV-554d; tomb
XIII-52C; and St. WUligis XV-
64Sd; and St. Wolfgang XV-
683a: Wiirzburg XV-719b
— m. THE BLACK, Emperor of
Germany VII-228c; VI-252C;
488d; VII -230b; and Adal-
bert I-126c; and Alexander U
I-280b; and Bl. Altmann I-
307a; and St. Anno I-541b; and
Benedict IX XII1-168C; and
Benno II II^82a; Burgundy
III-68b; Catharists III-436C;
and Damasus II IV-614C; and
Gebhard I V-364d; and Greg-
ory VI VI-791b; on Hugh the
Great VII-525d; and Hun-
fredus of Ravenna XII-606C;
and Leo IX IX-161a: Magyars
XV-417b; and Matilda of Can-
ossa X-49b; and Papacy II-
429b; IV-17d; VIII-84d; XIV-
263a; papal nominations XI-
456c; XII-271C; Precious
Blood relics X\-576d; St. An-
drew's Abbey XV-721b; Seal
(ill ) VII-229a; Servus seryor-
um Dei XIII-737d; sign (UU
VII-229d; and Stephen X
XIV-290b; and Victor II XV-
409c- and Williram XV-646b
HENRY IV, Emperor of Germany
VII-230b; VI-489C; and Adal-
bert of Hamburg-Bremen I-
126d; and Adalbert of Mainz I-
127a; and St. Adalbero XV-
719c and Agello XIII-397d:
and Alexander II I-280d- and
Altmann I-307a; and St. Anno
1-54 lb; and St. Anselm I-o5^;
at Autun II-144C; and St
Benno II-481c; and Benno II
II-482a; and Bonizo of Sutri
II-673C; and Burchard of Basle
II-339a; III-63b; at Canossa
III-29Sa; XIV-203c; and
Conrad of Utrecht IV-261b;
Cremona IV-183C; and Geb-
hard III of Constance \I^02a;
and Godfrey ot Bouillon VI-
624c; and Gregory Vll VI-
792d: 794b: XIII-lOSc: 291b;
and Guibert of Ravenna V 11-
63c; 03d; and Heni-y II of
Paderborn XI-3S4a; _and
Henry II of Augsburg II-<-lb;
and Hugh the Great ylI-o25b;
(illsl VI -793: MI -231c;
Investitures VIII-84d; XIV-
2e3b; Lucca IXjlOoc; Man-
tua IX-OUc; and Matilda of
Canossa X-49d; and Odo of
Cambrai XI-211C: and Otho
of Lagery XV - 210a: papal
elections XII - 2 ad: Pisa
Xll-llla; Poland -XII-182d;
regency . I-286<^^.„ ^^^-^Ig":
Rome, siege of M1-73C, oa
lerno XIII-397a; Viterbo XV-
487d: and W enrich of "Trier
XV-588a: Westphalia XV-
002d; Worms Xin-412b; and
Wratislaw II of Bohemia Xll-
HENRY V, Emperor of Gertnany VII-"3a- VI-490b; Adalbert of Mainz I-127a; and Callistus II III-lSSc: IV-203b: corona- tion XIII-412b; Cremona IV- 483c; and David Scotus IV- 646a; andErlung of W urzburK X V - 7 1 9 c ■ excommunicated ilI-lS5b; x;il-728a; and Geb- hard III of Constance IV-2S7C, VI-402a: and Gelasius II VI- 407b; and .Hono"Us '1 Ml- 456c: Humiliat. II-403c: (i 1.) V-371a: Investitures VIII- 84d; 87a; and .•rnerius VIII- 16Sc: Karinthia Vlll-bO'd, and Matilda yil-'220d; Mun Abbev X-043b: and St. Nor- bert XI-U)0b and papacy
TIFNRY VI. Emperor of Ger- HtnKi »i, ^ > vj_255a;
Jrusare lV-M9b; (ill.) .VU- 234- and I.eo 11 of Cilicm X- 7:,4d; Li^ge IX-230d; marriage