Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/415

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War XIV-650b; 656d; 657d; treaty (1839) Il-lOOb HOLLAND, Legislation: (1806) VII-389C; (1810) VII-386d; (1814) VII-390a; Fundamental Law II-397C: punishment, cap- ital XII-569C; trustees, lay XV-71C — Religions and Sects: Anabap- tists I— i46c; Infralapsarianism XII-37SC; Jews VIII-399C; Lutheranism IX-460c; 463b: Mennonites X-190d; Socinians XIV'-114a; temperance XIV- 485a; 485d — stalisfics XIV-S82C; 484a. See

Netherlands: Low C^ountries — Henry, and Clark, John I- 467c; and Mavne, Cuthbert X- 87a —Hugh, death V-477d — John. See Sergeant, John — Richard, writer Xni-623c — Robert, death V-478a —THOMAS, VENERABLE VII- 393a; Corbie, Ambrose IV- 355b — Thomas Erskine, on contract

IV-333d: 334a — Amerikaan, periodical VII-

39.5b HoUandere, Cornelis de V-431a HoUanders, m Canada III-229b —IN THE UNITED STATES VII-393b; 394b; XV-158b; Catholics VII-394C; character- istics VII-395d; communities and churches VII-395b: his- tory VII-393b; journalism VII-395b; organization VII- 394d; schools VII-394d Hollandicus, Stephanus, medal- list XI-158d Holland v. Alcock XVI-61C HoUaz, David, Lutheran theolo- gian IX-462d: on Preadamism XII-371b HoUe, Eberhard von, apostate

IX -402a HoUerius, Jacques. See HouUier HolleweU, Prior of Bath II-347C HoUJday, Richard, martyr V-

47Ub HolUgen, town, hospital II-508b HolUman, Ezekiel II-279d HoUow Syria. See Celesyria Hoilweck, J., canonist IX-65d HoUy, on Sanctorum Meritis

X 11 1-4 .30a Hollywood, hospital, Galloway

VII-484C Hohn, plant, in Bible XII-154b Holman, Lady Anastasia, and

ChaUoner III-564C —George, and Challoner III-

564c: and Gother VI-665a Holme, Orkney Island XI-316d Holmes, George F. XV-^57d — Germain, death V-47.Sb —JOHN VII-.39<ia; XIII-756d — Mrs. Lavalette Floyd, conver- sion XV-457d —Oliver Wendell, and Dnight XVI-37a: and obstetrics X- 141d — Ptacida III-91d — Robert, Biblical scholar IV-

499d — Robert, martyr V-477b — Thomas, and Englefield V-

471d Holobolos,Manuel,poet III-119b HOLOCAUST VII-396b; altar I -SOOb ; 36 1 a ; X I V-499C ; burnt offering XIII-314a; Chanaan- ites VII-396C: classes VII- 396d: derivation VII-396b; Hebrews VII-396d; XIII- 313c; in Job VIII-414d; kinds VII-396d; Pentecost XI- 661d; Phcenicians XIII-311d: purposes VII-396d; ritual VII- 396c: and sacrifice XIII-318d: vicrims VII-.396C Holofemes, Bethulia, siege of XV-581b: and Judith VIII- .5.54a Holon, Mount, Juda VI-440C Holowczyc, Stephen de Holo- wczyce, .\rchbishop of Warsaw XV-.555d; at Sandomir XIII- 437a Holowinski, Ignaz, Archbishop of

Mohileff X-429C Holste, Lucas. See Holstenius, Lucas

Holstein, Duchy of, Catholicism IV-725C: and Prussia IV-729d; and Sweden XIV-352a; St. Vicelinus m XV-404b. See Schleswig-Holstcin

— Lucas. See Holstenius, Lucas

Holstein-Gottorp, House of XIV- 353b

Holstein-Ledreburg, Count, con- vert IV-726a

Holsten, Karl Christian Jo- hannes, theologian XV-S4a; on St. Paul XI-569C

HOLSTENIUS, LUCAS VII- 397a; and Anima College I- 514d: and Lambeck VIII-756d: on Liber Diurnus IX-216b; on rules XII-761d

Holszanski, Prince Paul, Bishop of Vilna XV-432b

Holt, Worcestershire font (ill.) II-facing274

— John, Lord Chief Justice, on privilege XIII-656C

—Joseph VIII-129a

— WilUam, and Heywood, Jasper VII-319C


Holty, Ludwig Heinrich Chris- toph, poet VI-524b

Holtzendorff, Ernst Conrad, sur- geon X-133b

— Father von, on equal suffrage XV-692a

— Franz von, encyclopedia V- 417c

Holtzmarm, Heinrich Julius, exe- gctc IV-162b; 495d; XIV- .531Bb: on Biblical introduction VIII-80d: on Colossians IV- 1.34a: on early Church II-581C; III-750b; encyclopedia V- 417b: on miracles X-344b; St. James, Epistle XIII-162b: on St. John's Gospel VIII-442b: on St. Luke's Gospel XV-449d: on St. Matthew's Gospel X- 64a; on St. Paul's Epistles V- 4.S9a; on Synoptics XIV-392a; 393c; on II Thcssalonians XIV-632b: on Virgin birth of Christ XV-450C

Holub, Emil, writer IV-600d

Holwell, Z., and Ticffentaller, Joseph XIV-723a


— Agony, Sisters of Charity of the. See Charity of the Holy Agonv. Sisters of

—ALLIANCE VII-398b; I-ld: VI-509C; VII-399b: and Aach- en, Treaty of VII-399a; and Alexander I VII-399a: Church and State VII-398C; and Met- tcmich VII-398d: 399c: relig- ious character VII-398b: and Spain XIV-18.')C: and United States XV-167a

— and Iimnaculate Heart of Mary, Congregation of. See Heart of Alary, Congregation of the Holy and Immaculate

— Angels, church, Constanti- nople, Michael Cffirularius, tomb X-274a; college, Buffalo III-39c; (ill.) Ill-facing 38

—Apostles BasiUca, Metz, St. Arnulfs relics I-7.52c: church, Constantinople IV-30.5C; XI- 668c: church, Naples X-683c: convent, Rome XI-9d

— Apostles Peter and Paul, col- lege. Rome XII-458a

— Apostohc See. See Holy See

— Blood. See Precious Blood

Holybush, John. .See Joannes de Sacrobosco

Holy Catholic Church of Japan, founded VI II-309b

— Cave, church, Hebron VII- 185b

—Chair. See Holy See

— Childhood, January devotion X-.543b

—CHILDHOOD, ASSOCIA- TION OF THE Vn :!09d; VI- I33c; 17.5c; X-:i7.'.c; .\I V-12fia; in Austria lI-l:Md; in China III-r,7fia; Indo-China VII- 779a; statistics VlHOOb; in Inilcd States VII-400b

— Childhood. Sisters of the, Ver- sailles XV-3fi7a

— Childhood of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the. See Jesus and Marv, Sisters of the Holy Childhood of

— Childhood of Jesus and Mary of Ste-Chretienne, Sisters of the. See Jesus and Mary, Sis- ters of the Holy Childhood

^Childhood of Mary, Sisters of the X-681b

— Child Jesus, Hospice of the, IVlontreal, founded II-72]d

— CHHD JESUS, SOCIETY OF THE VII-400C; in England IV- 343c


— Argenleuil VII-401d: 402a; XII-88C; tradition VII-401d

—Trier I-230d; Vll-JOlb; XIII- 534d: XV-42c: authenticity VII-401a; Clemens, Franz Jacob on IV-12c: pilgrimage XII-96a: tradition VII-400d

HOLY COMMUNION VII- 402b: Addeus and Maris, Lit- urgy of I-137c; administration VII-402d; Alexandrine liturgy I-304b: altar bell I-349b; Amen I-tOSa; 408d: Apostolic Constitutions I-572a: Armen- ian Rite XIII-79d: 80b: 81c; Byzantine rite IV-318b; in early Church IX-307d: cibor- ium III-767b: clerics deprived of XIV-345d: to dead V-59na; dispositions VII^02c; distribu- tion IV-6Slb: XIM22c; at Easter XI-517b: effects V- 586d: among Franciscan ter- tiaries XIV-641d: Good Friday VII^37d; Greek church VI- 765c; 769c: host I-350a: VII- 496c; of insane VIII-42c; St. James' liturgj- I-572d: kinds VII-402b: and Mass X-6d: 14b; 19b; Mass, Nuptial X-6a: Mass, Roman IX-799a: minis- ter VII-402d; Nasorffianism, analogy in X-707c; necessity VII^02c: of nuns XI-166C;

fastor's rights XI-538b: paten II-767b: Pius X XII-137d; of pope IX-799C; XII-233C: pray- ers in Primer XII-126b: pre- cept VII-402C; private IV- 176c; reception, unworthy V- 587b; reed, use of III-562b; reparation I-633a: ritual VII- 402d; sacramental VII-402b: Sarum Rite XIII-180b: Scot- tish Church III-i95d; sin, re- mission of XlV-lOd; spiritual VII-402b: symbolism V-591b; as Synaxis XIV-383a: Tertul- lian "XIV-525a: Totonaco rite, analogs' in X-252c: Tunkers' rite XV-90d: and Way of the Cross XV-571C: and wine, un- consecrated Ill-563b. See Communion: Eucharist; Fre- quent (Communion

— Convocation, day of II-556C

Holy Cross, Dominican Province XII-.368Ed

— Cross, Franciscan province XII-286b

— Cross, island. See De Monts Island

— Cross, mission, Alaska 1-24 7b; 250d

— Cross, mission, Algeria VII- 404b

— Cross, church, Augsburg II- 78a

— Cross, monaster^*, Austria X- "70a

232c — Cross, cathedral, Barcelona II-

2S9d — Cross, monastery, Bordeaux

XI-142d — Cross, cathedral, Boston II-

704a; 706d: (ill.) Il-facing 704 —Cross, church, Breslau II-762a —Cross, college, Clonliffe IV-

r,nr,c: V-177a; XIII-578b — Cross, Mount of, Colorado (ill.)

IV-facing 130 — Cross, church, Dresden V-157b — Cross, abbey, Eichstatt V-

3f.6a; XIII-590a ■ — Cross, church, F^ichstiitt XV-


— Cross, monasterj', Haiden- schaft VI-655a

— Cross, church, Jerusalem V- 505c

— Cross, college, Jerusalem I- S74a

— Cross, institute, Patagonia XI- 541a

— Cross, abbey, Poitiers III-137a

■ — Cross, church, Segovia (ill.) XIII-684d

— Cross, shrine, Strata Marcella XIII-33:ia

— Cross, church. Tours XV-3a

— Cross, church, Vilna XV-433b

— Cross, abbey, Waltham IV- 637b

— Cross, church, Warsaw XV- 55fic

— Cross, college, Washington III-456b

— Cross, hospital, Winchester VII-4S4b

— Cross, college. Worcester, M.1SS. II-597C; 705d: VI-84d: 459b; XIII-699a; XIV-102a: 237a

— Cross, Brotherhood of the VIII-25i:,d

— Cross, Canons Regular of. See Crosiers

—CROSS, CONGREGATION OF THE VII-403a; ni-295a; VI-175d: in Canada III-239a: VIH04d: constitution VII- 403c: establishments VII— 104d: Gillespie VI-560d; in India VII-730a; in India, map VII- facing 736: Sorin XIV-150d

— Cross, Daughters of the. See Cross, Daughters of the

— Cross, Dominican Congrega- tion of, Brooklyn. New York XIV-040C

— Cross, Franciscan Sisters of the (liiKcnbohl; II-199C; 340d; XIV-l.4.ic

— Cross, Franciscan Sisters of the (Mciizingen) ll-341a; XIV-579a; C43c

— Cross, Knights of the. See Knights of the Holy


—CROSS, SISTERS OF THE VII-40.5C: III-239C; America VII-406a; Polish members XII-210b; work VII-J06C

—CROSS ABBEY VII-406d; (ill.) \ni-facing 100; XIII- 679c

— Cross and Passion, Congrega- tions of the Most. See Passion, Congregations of

— Cross and Seven Dolours, Sis- ters of the III-239d; XIII- 565b

—Cross Cemetery II-799d

— Cross of Fonte-Avellana VI- 128b

— Cross. See Sainte Croix: Santa Croce: Santa Cruz

— Crown. See Crow-n of Thorns

— Crown, Priests of the I-40.5a

— Days. See Feasts, Ecclesiasti- cal

—Directing Synod VI-740a: XI- 551d

— Epistasia, council XV-lOlb

— Face, Archconfraternitv XII- 775d; XIII-514b; XIV-123d: feast XI-526d: pilgrimage. Tours XV-4c; sanctuao', Ali- cante XI-3I6b

— Face, Priests of the XV-4c

—Face of Edessa I-43c; II-317C

—FAITH, SISTERS OF THE Vll-107b; X-.3G.5d

—Family XV-J65C

—in art: Baldung II-220C: Bar- occio II-30.3C: Boccaccino II- 607a: Bordone II-<!84c: 684d; Burckmair III-65a; Callot III-18Sd; Carpaccio III-374b; Carracci III-375b; 376a; Credi (ill.) IV-476b: Dossi V-137b: Echave the Elder V-270b: Gcnga VI-11.5c; Giulio Ro- mano I-514d; VI-.572b; Imola VII-6fl4a; Ittcnbach VIII- 2.56b: Michelangelo III-62C; Montiigna X-51Id; Miillcr X- 629d; Murillo IX-517c: X- 644c; 045a; Navarette X-723C; II Parmigiano XI-507a; Ra- phael XII-616C; Sassofenato

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.