Hyrache, abbey II-296d
Hyracotherinae V-665a
Hyracotherium V-665a
Hyrcanus I John, King of the Jews VIII-34SC; 38Sa:(IX- 495a; at Bethsan II-537a; and Edomites VII-638d; and Idumsans VII-289c; in Sa- maria XIII-416C
— n, King of the Jews VII-289d;
63Sd; VIII-34Sd; IX-495b;
and Ariatobulus II VIII-388a;
and Herod IX— 495c; and San-
hedrin XIII-445a
Hyrtakenos, Byzantine writer III-117d
HYRTL, JOSEPH, Austrian anatomiist VII-611a; X-137b; portrait X-137; Vienna Uni- versity II-130d; on vivisection XV-J95d
Hyslop, James H. XIV-223a
HYSSOP vn-612a; XII-154b;
and altar I-349a Hystaspes, Bishop of Edessa and
Bardesanes II-293b Hystera, in Gnosticism III-143C Hysteria, and anseathesia I-448a ; and exorcisms XV-601b; and hypnotism VII-606b; and in- sanity VIII-41C
Hyvemat, Henry, Orientalist, on Coptic religion I-66b; Coptic research X 1-3 05a; and hagiog- raphy VII-107C
Hywel Dda. See Howel Dha.
Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.