ecdesiaatical VII-742a; Tem-
nerance movement AlV^wlCt
as territory V1I-656C; univer-
sity VII-739a _
Indiana Harbor VI-/ola; V ii-
73Sc —Mound ni-7S7b IndianapoUs, town, Bulgarians XlV-old; charitable institu- tions XII-247b; Greek Cath- olics VI-751a; juvenile court VIII-oSSc; roles Xll-^llb —DIOCESE OF Vll-741a; /41d; Italians Vill-llinib; Provi- dence Sisters XII -oOSc; semi- naries' Xlll-701a; statistics XV-170C; Tametsi IV~2a Indian Institute, Oxford Univer- sity XI-3i;8b . —Missionary Associabon, t-atno-
— MISSIONS, BUREAU OF CATHOLIC VII-745a; XII- 421d; XV-560a; achievements VII-748d; benefactors VII- 747b; funds VII-746d; gov- ernment plan VII-745C; in- corporation VII-745b: organ-
• _.: \7IT_'ri^*1' nrierin and
I-461c; Baraga's works II-
283a; Barcena's works U-
291a; Betanzos's work II-
630c; Duponceau's work V-
203d; Brst books VI-119C
— Lillooct IX-253b: liquor traf-
Bc 1 1- 149a; XIV-491a; Lo-
rette IX-3liOb; Loucheux IX-
367d; Lul« IX-428d; Lumnii
IX - 431b; magic XI - 198d;
Maina IX-541b; Maipure IX-
5o3c; Maliseet IX "Vnb: M:i-
meluco IX-.i7vl , \I:.im1iii 1\-
587a; Marqiiiti. I .j-u.' X-
691d; marriauf \ li ' '-J: 1-^^
698a; Maryland IX-To.a, .Mas-
coutcns IX-768d; Mataco X-
40d; Maya X-82b; Mayo X-
89d; Mayoruna X-90c; Maza-
tec X 'i"t AII':'va X-95d;
ization VII-745d; origin and
purpose VII-745b; priests, con-
fraternity of XII-421d; pub-
lications VII-747b; schools
VII-746b; societies VII-747a;
support VII-746b; work \II-
— National Congress Vn-726c —Old Point, n.i.-.-ioii X-38bb INDIANS, AMERICAN I~409c; V11-747C; XIV-7'JJb; Abi- pone I-44b; Abenakis I-39b; d'Aillebousts, Barbe I-23ac; Alabama I-240c; 242c; Alaska I-247a; Albany I-256c; AlKon- quins 1-31 Ic; amusements VI 1- 751b; animism I-o27d; anthro- pological characteristics Xil- 623a; antiquity VII-747d; A. P. A. I-428a; Apaches I-o92a; Araucanians I-679a; Arawaks I-680C; Argentina Republic 1- 703d; 704d; Arizona 1-7 19c; arts VII-750b; astronomy II- 2.5c; Atahualpa II-32C; Auries- viUe Il-lUb; Aymard II- 164d; Aztecs n-169b; Black- foot II-590d; Blood II-603b; Bolivia II-629b; British Amer- ica VII-749a; Buffalo III-37c; burial VIII-753d; Caddo III- 129a; California Missions III- 177d; California Missions, map X-371b; Canada III-229c; 231d; 240d; X-378b; XV- 267c; Caribs III-.348a; Cas!^, Las 1II-397C; Cayuse XI- 290d; Central Amenca \ U- 756a; Cherokee III-646a; Chib- chas III-653d; Chinooks III- 688c; Chippewa III-690a; X- 512b; Choctaw III-692d; arid churches I -415b; citizenship III-130a; Coeur d Al^ne IV- 93a; VII-629C; Crec IV-477b; Creeks IV-479d; deity II- o30c; Delawares IV-695b; de- population VII-7.54d; ne Smet l\'^732a; De Soto I\-7?4c; domesticated anuiuils VU 750b; English a"""?,!-? ethnology VII-747C; XII-626b; Flathead VI-97c; and flood IV-705d; Flower's Classifica- tion XII-624d; food VII-;749d; Games VII-751b; Ghost Dance VI-547d; and Gregory X\ 1 VII-9C: Guaicuri VII-44d; Guarani VII-4.5c: Hare VII- 136c; beads deformed 111- 688d; 693a; Ho pi „VII- 468c; houses VII-749a; Huron VII-.'565c; Illinois VII-660D; Indiana VII-740b; ^InsJ'ana Mound cemetery- Ill-787b; Indies. West VII-73fia; In- dustries VII-7.50b; Iroquois VIII-168C; and Isabella the Catholic VIII-178d; .Jewish descent I-H6b; .Iibaro VIII- 405a; Kalispel VIII-594a; Kas- kaskia VIII-608C; , Ki'-kapoo VIII-63.Td; Kiowa VIII-66()c; Kutenai VIII-71 la; Lake VIII-
— languages VII - 748c; 7.T4b; Algonquin I-312a; Afiazco's works I-»61b; Anchiet a s worka
XVI— 27
VI1-T:.'.i, w.' l.:-.<n X-2S2b;
Mission Iniiian- "1 California
— missions. See Missions; Indian Missions, Catholic Bureau of
—mission stations III-180d; Mixe X-40SC; Mixteca X- 409a; monotheism IV-6S(b; Montagnais X-512a; Mocovl X-412C; Moxos X-606c; Mo- zetena X-624a; mythology VII-753C; Nahanes X-669c; Navajo X-720a; and negroes I-115C; II-164d; NevadaXIII- 294c; New Jersey X-791c; Ohio XIV-759d; Oklahoma XI- 231c; Oregon XI-290c; origin VIl-747d; I'akaw:; Xl-402d-
Id, 1'.
Petun X1-7S4;
IDOa; Piro Xll-lll'ic; Pisrala-
way X11-114C; politual umpti-
tude I-415d; Pomhal XII-
224d; poor law Xli-25oD;
population VII-754b; Pota-
watomi XII-320a; Pueblos
XII-o,')4c; Puyallup XII-o8bb;
and Quakers VI-306b; Quam-
ichan XII-590a; Quapaw XU-
.591d: Quiche XIl-n04a; Qui-
chua MI '>'ilc, Ilr.lni linns of
p . , , Ml n-'-c (/lib; re-
7.^3c, l;'..n - .-r..i.- Mll- 2S3b; sa.Tin.'. Mil in'-'b; 318d; Sal.a|iiii. Mil ".-I'a; Saliva XIII nUc. Sauin- co XlII-4.'la, ,->..,.li Xlll- 4H0c, -1: ' •' '1 Elates
XIII ,.il, -. - . Mlljwla;
Xlli 7Ma '-'- I " Mil -7:iSc; Shuswap Xlll-7i,4a; Sikhism XIII-789a; Siletz XIII-791c; Sioux XIV-17b; Sipibo XIV- 24d; slavery IX-.579a; XIV- 39b; 41a; Sobaipura XIV-Blb; social organizations ylI-7o2c; Songish XIV -141d; South America VII-757b; in Spanish America I-415c; Spanish atti- tude I^13a; 681a; Spokane XIV-232C; Squamish XIV- 238b; superstitions I-326b; Swinomish XIV-357C; Tacaiia XIV-427a; Taensa XIV-429b; Tait XIV-431a; Takkali XIV- 43Ib; Tamanac XIV-440a; Texas VI-372b; XIV-.546a; Thompson River XIV-704d; Ticuna XIV-721d; Timucua XIV-733d; Toba XIV-749b; Tonica XIV-777d; Tonkawa XIV-77Sb; Totemiam XII- 74.->d; 789a; 791d; 792b; 793b: Totonac XIV-794b; Inited States VII-749a; Uruguay XV- 231d; and Vieira XV-416b; Virginia XV-4.5Ga; Wakash XV-525C; Walla-Walla XV- .i38a- war VII-751d; Wash- ington XV-5fi3b; XV-616C; Winnebago XV-637d —uiorks on 1-4 16b; Acosla I- 108d; Alegrc I-281d; Avila II-161a; Braascur de Bour- bourg n-743d; Brondel II- 79Sb^. Cabello de Balboa III- 12r,b; Clavigero IV 8d; Drake I-311d;PaneI-fiS0d
—Yakima XV-732a; Yamasce
XV-732b; Yaqui XV-732b;
Yazoo XV-732C; Yellow-kmves
XV-733a; Yuracar^ XV-(38d;
Zapoteca XV-751d; Zoque
XV-764b; Zumirraga XV-
767b; Zuni XV-76Sd
Indian Sentinel, periodical Vli- 747b
-Territory. See Oklahoma
—War a.s3.5-42) VI-116d; 119d; Vll-751d
Indibil, invasion Xiy-176d
Indiciarius, title IH-ti3/c
Indicia! (Saint Flour) XIII-34(d
Indicium offa:. or.lcal XI-.347d
Indicopleustes,Cosmas. .See Cos- mas llulicoplcustcs
Indictio Casarea 1\ -G37c
— GrsBca lV-037c
Indiction ichron. .logical) 111- 7:i9a; 740b; lV-l',37b
— Romana l\'-i'.37_c
— Senensis l\'-t>37c
Indiculus, ecclesiastical letter IX- 202b; of Pope Celestine I VI- 696d
In die obitus XII-777a
Indies, East, Western route I-
THE Vll-7.5Sd; 324d; Andra- da's apostolate I-469a; created XI-5o2c; and Goa VI-603a; missions X-376a; patron XI- 566b; Preachers, Order of Xll- 308Ec; 368Gd; Propaganda XIH57d ,. .
— West, Aleedo's dictionary I- 272c; and America 1-4 12a; XV-160b; Bahamas II-204b; concordat (1860) IV-204d; Cuba IV-5.58d; G6mara s his- tory VI-632C; Indians I-680c; VII - 756a; Labat's history VIII-718a; map IV-faeing 500; Masonic Council IX- 776d; Mendieta X-186b; ne- groes Xll-n27a — West, Patriarchate of the \ 11- 324d; Xl-a-'>2b; Bohemian Brtthn n 11-tllSc; missions X- ■jTdb iiilnira-s VI-534d; Pres- Int. I'iani-ni \Il-:!94a; Propa- p'lti.ai ni" ill.- laith. Society for XII U^-a; li,.,l,.mptorist XII- esua- Society of the Sacred Heart XIV-U2C; statistics XIV-280c; 281a . Indifference, Stoic teaching XIV-
209c Indifferentism, political VII- Tiiric
—RELIGIOUS Vn-7.i9a; abso-
lute Vll-7.59a; Baltimore de-
cree II-236c; in Cuba III-
770d; and infidelity VII-759c;
Latitudin:irian Vll-7.59c; and
Liberali-ii, \T! TVid: 760b;
PiS IX -. Tv.h XII-136b;
XIV - '■'■'■■■■I '■'• "onalism
VII-7.-,Mc ,. ...,, Ml -7.59b; and ^c. ;.ia i-iii M\' 7i..-,d; and toll rati. iTi M\ -Ti;:td; 77nc Indiscernibles IX-137a _ , INDIVIDUAL, INDIVIDUAL- ITY \ ll-7(;2c; and character III-586a; Vll-764a; in chil- dren Vn-764b; Christian teaching ni-.596a; ethics VII- 764c; eugenics XVI-39d; meta- physics VII-762C; modern the- ory VII-762a; Monism VII- 76'3c; Nominalism VII-763b; pedagogics VII-764d; and per- sonality VII-763d; Pragma- tism XII-335a; psychology VII-763d; qualities VII-764a; talents vn-7H4d; and uni-
- ^rsalsVll-r,
- ila;wiIlVII-76.1c
Individual Allotment Act Xll-
5S6c INDIVIDUALISM VI 1-761 a; a!sthetic movement I-l<5a; and agrarianism I-229a; and anarchv I-452b; 4i)3a; Aristotle VII-763a; Duns Scotus V- 19fid; ethical VII-761b; and Hedonism VII-761C; philo- sophic system XII-2Sb; and poor-relief Xn-237c; pohtieal VII-761d; religious VII-<filb; Suarez XIV-319c;_ Thom.sm VII-7G3a; XIII-5.51b; XI\ - 699c; and woman suffrage AV- 691 d
Indivisibility, of essence ^ -544b
Indivisibles, Cavalieri's method
Ill-4iisa INDO-CHINA VII-765b; eth- nology VII-765d; geography VII-765b; history VIl-7ti5d; Society of Foreign Missions XIV-80d ^ . , ^
—Church in VII-774d; Aduarte I-161d; Barnabite II-302c; Borrus Il-689a; clergy VII- 778c: martyrs VII-777b; mis- sions VII-774d; present condi- tion VII-777C; religious institu- tions VII-77.8d; statistics I- 7S2b- Vicariates Apostolic VII-776a; 777c —climate VII-768a; conquered X-701C; education VII-769C; government VII-769a: judicial administration VII-769b; po- litical divisions VII-769d; Polo, Marco XII-217c; population I -778b; statistics, religious XIV-279a , _
Indo-China, French VII-iGic Indo-Iranian (Aryan)__ race 1-
77Sa; languages I-77Sa In domo cujuslibet ni-o02b Indonesians, tribe Xll-lOd; 624b Indo-Portuguese schism. See
Goan schism Indortes, Carthaginian invasion
X1V-176C Indovino, lacquer worker Aiii-
Indra, deity II-730d: IV-683d; in
cosmogony IV-410a; m Veda
XIII-309c; XV-318C Indre, department, France 11-
72nb; institutions II-720d;
map Vl-facing 188 Indre - et - Loire, department,
France Vl-facing 188 Indret (Aindre), monastery X-
INDUCTION (logic) VII-779d; XII-674C; in analysis I-451a; 451c; Aristotle I -714b- 714d: Bacon II-192d; and de- duction IV-674C; and Divine attributes II-63b; Duns Scotus V-197a; economics XII-214b; in education I-764d; Positiv- ism V-108C
— (physics) Faraday XII-64C
—coil", Fizeau VI-88d; Foucault VI-1.57a ^ , ,
Inductive reasoning. See Induc-
— Scandal XIII-507a
Indulgence, Declarations of. See Declaration of Indulgence
INDULGENCES VII-7S3a; abuses VII-786C; IX-166c; and almsgiving VII-7S7b: \ III- 429c; altar, privileged I-348d;
1 A * *_.n.l/l- An„licnn-
and Amort i-434d; AngliL
ism XIII-93b; apocryphal
VII-7S7d; archconfraternities
I-692d; Augustinians VII-
284c; Baltimore, decree II-
237c; and blcssinc ll-DiHb; and
Campeggiolil J J b ilinals
III-339b; a: I\-
I05c: and ■"; '".'^s
VII-784C; an i I ■■■• liiities IV-223C; consecration of church IV-282b: Crosier IV- 517a; crosses IV-o3.ic; 1\- 536a: Crusades IV-543b; 54.3d; dead IV-656a; VII-784a: XII- 575b; 578d; definition VII- 783a; deprivation III-.-)29b; distribution VIl-7S4a; doctrine VII-7S4b: XIV-.a87b; effects VII-787d: Franciscan Crown IV-.54nc: frequent Communion VI-279d; granting VII~7S5a; Grone's history VII-30a; Holy Coat VIl-401b; Holy Name VIH21C; Holy Office. Con- gregation of XIII-137d; and Honoratus a Sancta >laria VII-451C; Huguenots VII- 529d; intention VIlI-70a; .Jan- uary X-542b: jubilee \ IH- .532d; 533d; July X " 542d June X-.542C: kinds VII-(83d. 1^0 X I-262a; I^'ttfa o' J^- 461b; IX-212a; Ixillards IX- 334b: Luther IX-441d; XIII- 49nc; March X-.".42c; martyrs IV-.VS4b: Mav X-.542C; medals X-114a; .St. MMard's pardons XIV-131d; Nicholas V XIII-
Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.