Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/435

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Ingolstadt, town, church V-365c; religious houses V-366a; in Thirty Years War XIV-654b

—UNIVERSITY OF VUl-Td: Aschenbrenner XIII - 527a; Baader II-173a; Burkard III- 79b: Eisengrein V-36Sd; Ferdi- nand II II-12Sd; founded V- 365d; XII-654a; Gregory of Valencia VII-2IC; 22a; Gretsor VII-29b; and Reformation V- 272c; and Staphvlus XIV- 249a; Weishaupt VII-681C

— Mass Association (Messbund). See Immaculate Conception, Confraternity of the

Ingomir, Frankish Prince IV- 07b

Ingone, Bishop of Modena X- 4l;)b

Ingraham, captain IX-6SSd

—Robert D., judge XVI-16d

Ingram, Anthony VIII-Sc


Ingrassia, GianfiUppo, physician Xl-42Ud

Ingratiating grace. See Grace, ingratiating

INGRES. JEAN- AUGUSTE- DOMINIQUE Vlll-Sd; XI- 402a; and Brancacci chapel IX-7lJ8d; and Flandin VI- 96c; Joan of Arc (ill.) VIII- facing 408; portrait VIII-9d: da Vinci, painting of XV-444a

Ingressa, chant VI-7S0a; in Aint.rosian Rite I-lOOd

Ingrid, Saint n-782a

Inguanzo, Pedro de. Archbishop of T,.k-an XIV 7:.7b

INGULF (INGULPHUS), Abbot „fCroyl:iiid 1 V :, lid ; \in-10a

Ingundis, l'rmo.>^ \II-27IJa; and fit. Lcandur IX-llIJa

Ingure-Bel (TeU-Balawat) 11- 8a

Ingwald, Bishop of London IX- 347c


VIII -10b

Inhabitants, Synod of. Orthodox

Chiirrli VII-429a In hac sublimi. Bull of Pius

IX lV-l'.12d; V-077d

— hac subUmi, Decree of Leo XIII I-302d

Inhalation, of ether I^4Sb

Inheritance, and adoption I- 147c; biological V-657a; of character III-585b; and illegi- timacy I-165a

— Laws: anti - Catholic XIII- 572c; Ceylon III-549a; Ger- many IV-265a; Hammurabi's code" Vn-126b; Mosaic I- 177a; in Numbers XI-649c; Roman IX-82b; Wisconsin XV-664a

— Le Play on XII-163d; of religious XIII-678b; right of XII-4l56b; in Saint-Simonism XIII-378a; Spencer on V- (i57d

Inhibitions (legal) I-655a

In Hong-siu. See DentrecoUes

Inhumanatio VII-706C

Ini, Saint, King of the West Saxons. See Ine, Saint

laigo. Saint, of Calatayud XIV- 452c

—Saint, Abbot of Ofia III-67C

— Arista, King of Navarre XI- 437d

— See Ignacio, Ignatius

Inion, in Skull measurement XII- 621c

Ini-poyex, tribe II -fi03a

Iniscaltra, church vni-641d

Inisclothran 'Iniscleraun), mon- astery IV-77.'>a; Vl-324b

Inis-da-druim Coney Island) II- 7.'>sc

Inisfail 'Irelandl VIII-98C

Inishark, Islmd XV-Sob

Inishbofin ilnishbofinde), mon- astery X-89b

Inislounagh, monasterv' VI-324b

Inis-Patrick, island XI-555a

InispoUen, See of V-147d

Inisquin, monastery VI-325a

Inisturk, island XV-80b

Initials, illuminated (ill.) XI- r)23d; ornamental I-21c

Initiation, Albigensian I-269b: Brahmin II-731d; of Car-

bonari III-330C: Hindu 734d; M i t h r a i c X-403d; of Pcni- tentes XI-(i35d

Initium noctis liturgical service IV-187d

— redemptionis. See Annuncia- tion of the Blessed Virgin Mar>-, Feast of

Injections, in anatomy study I- 400b

Injunctions, of Queen Elizabeth I-2e7b

Injunctum nobis. Bull of Inno- cent XI Ill-389a

—nobis. Bull of Paul III XIV- Sld

—nobis. Bull of Urban VIII VI- 2S8d

Injuriosus, Saint, Abbot of Con- dat Xni-34Ib

Injury VIII-IOc

INJUSTICE VlII-lOc; and avar- ice Il-HNb

Ink lX-l)l.-ib

Inkpaduta, Indian outlaw XIV- 20a

Inlatio. See Illatio

Inmestar, child-murder XV-636a

In minorbus agentes. Bull of Pius II IV-I21a

— missis quotidianis XII-777a

— monte ohvis consito, hvmn Xlll-lSSb

Inn, battle

Innascible .\V-.i2c

In natali episcoporum X-709b

Iiuiate ideas I-r25b

Innatism XIII-55Ia; and Empiri- cism V— 407c; and logic IX- 328a

Inner Court, of Temple XIV- .iOlb

— Life of Mary, Feast of. See .Most Pure Heart of Mary

— mission, Lutheran V-044b

Innes, .\nglican clergyman VII- 702d

— Thomas, historian on Brevi- aries n-777b; on Wyntoun, Andrew of XV-724b

Inn-fine II-754b

Innichen, X-631a; chapter II- 7y4d

Innicus, Saint. See Enecus, .Saint

Inniscathy, monastery of VIII- 041c

Innisfallen, abbey I-.ISad; VIII- 627d; leper-houses IX-184b

Inniskeel, pilgriniaKc XII-04sb

Innismacsaint, cross of (ill.) IV- facing 532; shrine I\'-OUa

Innismurray, island VIII-ti40d

Innocence, original, in Blessed Virgin VII-07.5a

Innocens. Sfr Innocent

INNOCENT I, SAINT, Pope VIII-lla;Xl-l.'.-.d;XII-273b; and .Vcacius I-Slld; on acolytes I-107c; and .Mbero de Mon- treuil I-259d; and apocryphal works III-520b; on bigamy, clerical II-562C; on Bonosus II- 677d; Canon of Scripture III- 272d; V-731C; Canon of the lit- urgy III-257d; Carthage.Coun- cil of VII-797d; Pope St. Ce- lestine III-477c; censorship of books III-520C; on confirma- tion IV-219a; and Dccentius of Engubium I-314C; 491c; VI- 357b; IX-202c; 794d; diocese, creation of V-ld; on divorce V- 57c ; on extremeunction V-722a ; and Hilarius XIV-4.59C; and Honorius XV-42Bd; and St. John Chr\-sostom VIII^55d; and John of Jerusalem V-629c; Milevum. Synod of I-200c; on PaxVIII-604b; Pelagianism II- 89a; 109a; XI-606b; on Pen- ance, Sacrament of XI-631d; XIV-605b; penitential canons XI-630d; on penitentiary- 1- 64b; on reserved ca-soa I\'-449a; on Roman Church VI-3.'>.ic; Roman Rite Xlll-O.ib; Tobia.s. Book of XIV 7.ild; tomb III- 512d; Viaticum .\V-.3n7d; and St. \itririus XIIl-L'imb

— n (GREGORIO PAPARES- CHl), Pope VIII-12b; XII- 274a; XIV-26.3C; and Abelard I-38a; 659b; XIII-720b; and Alberic of Ostia I-2.59b; and Almaric XII-3S8d; and Arnold of Brescia I-74Sa; and Arnulf

of Lisieux I-752a; and St. Ber- nard II-50Da; Carthusians III- 388d; at Chartres III-636a; at Clermont IV-54c; on consan- guinity I\'-204d; election I- 447b; Xin-534a; on election, episcopal Vni-S8c; St. Gene- vieve, feast of VI-114C; and Ge- noese VI-4l9c; and Hugh of Amiens XIII -209d; Lateran Council IX-I7a; at Le Puv IX- 180c; and Lotliair II I-127b; 379b; VI-491a; and Louis VI VI-ie7d; and St. Malachv XII- 47eb; and St. .\orhert XII- 392a; at Orleans .\I-320a; Pisa Xll-llOd; lUc; policy. Euro- pean VIII-15d: Pomerania XII-225C; at Reims XII-72Sa at Saint-Denis XIII-344a; Salem Abbey XIII-396a; Tiv- oli, revolt of XIV-747C; at V^zelay XIII-719b; Sts. Vin- cent and .\thanasius. Church of XIII-17.3a; 381a -m (LOTARIO DE' CONTI), Pope VIII-13C: VI-790a; XII- 274b; XIV-20.3d; abbesses. .^p:iiii-li I-Ob; t.n abduction I-

3.ic,:i i..,i VIII-13c;onAd-

yri:t 1 nvc, ,,„ affinity I-178d; aii.l .\t;.ll., XIII-397d; on Agnus Dei I-222b; and Bl. Al- bert I-261a; .\lbigenses I-268d: 269c; XII-249b; Amalricians I-380a; on ambo I-381d; arms (ill.) VIII-13C; Athens VI- 742d; Athos monks II^Sc: banns of marriage IV-lc; on baptism II-268a; VI-705a; IX-713C; on bination II-569a; and Boniface VIII II-670b; Brittany XII-772d; on burial of unbaptized n-267d; as can- onist I.X-63a; 67d; Cathari III-436b; on cemeteries III- SOSb; on censure III-628b; chancery III-56b; Church, inner government VIII-16c; and St. Clare XIII-251d; on clerks, criminous I-802c; clerks, in minor orders II-625C; and Colonna, Giovanni, the Elder IV-126a; and the Com- mune Xni-168d; on concele- bration IV-190a: on consistory IV-285a; Constantinople IV- 304a; VI-766b; IV-370d; on corporals IV-387b: cosmopoli- tanism III-702c; on courts, ecclesiastical IV— 451a; Cro- siers. Order of IV-516d; on cross in Missal IV-535C; Cru- sade Vni-16a ; decrees. Bernard of Compostella II-502d; on degradation I V-678a; Dies Ira; IV-788a; Eastern policy IV- 549c; and Eberhard I IX-49a; educational policy XII— 419a; England VIII-15a; epithet V- 75a; on Eucharistic consecra- tion V-.5S.'>d; on cxcimmunica- tion V-ns;;a. sta i-,s-,a; "cx- opere oi>i r 1 1. ' \in J'i7c;and St. FeiL\ ■' \ il-i \ 1 :i:id; on forgery \ l.:'^a, I ,:,„r,- VIII- 14d; and St. Ir.incis of Assisi VI-224a; 281d; Franciscan Rule VI-223b; .XII-70Ia: and Fred- erick II. Emperor of Germany VIII-14d; and Frederick II of Sicilv Vn-57d; vni-1.3d: on Friday abstinence I-6Sd; Ger- many vni-I4a; Golden Rose VI -629b; 629d; and heresy VIII - 16b; 29b; 31c; Holy Ghost. Hospitallers of the IV- 549c; VII-41.5d; 483a; hospitals in-59.8c; Humiliati VII-.543b; XII-250C; ,XIV-637b: Hurler's life of VII-.5.S3d; (ill.) VIII- facing 12; Imitation of Christ VII-fi74d: XIV-<i62c; indul- gences \'II-7S4a; Inquisition VIIIMb; 31c; XlV^IS-Sa; In- quisition. Congregation of the XIII - 137a: interdicts VIII- 74b; investitures VIII -88c; on irremovability Vlll-173d; Jewish policy Vill-.393c; and John. King of England V- 437c; VIII-792b; I.X-.531C; on kissing of the feet VIII-66Sb; and Langton Vlll-lSb; Lat- eran Council IV-550c; IX-18a; Lateran palace IX-16b; letters.

BaiiUi' 11 JUb, -,ii linibus in- fanniiijj 1\ J. 7b. Livonian Clin-1,,1,. 11 -.jna; .Magna Cart:i I -\ .">;la '>ri marriage, dissolution of \-ll2a; IX-713c; on Mass lV-533a; and Nicho- las of Alexandria I-302b; no- vitiate rules XI-147a; and or- deals XI-278b; on ordination, title of I-312d; and Otto IV I- 260d; VI -492b; VIII - 14c; X-357c; and Pandulph XI- 441a; Paris University XIII- 766a; on Pauline privilege V- 60a; pectorale Xl-OOlb; and Peter de Blois XI-766a; and Peter of Corbeil XIII-717d; and Peter of Poitiers XI-773b; on Peterspence XI~774c; and Philip II of France ,XII-lb; Pisa Xll-lUa; Poland XII- 19 0a; Pohcastro XII-212b; Polvstvlum Xll-223d; Poor Catholics XII-249d; 250a; XV-529b; Poplicani XIII- 720b; Preachers. Order of XII- 355b; Prussian missions III- 704d; and Raymond VI. Count of Toulouse XII r,7na; !!.-.on- eiled Lombard-. < M-i. r ..t -\II- 250c; RegestM 111 .-."d. relig- ious orders -\ 1 1 .."i.e. rings XIII-60b; and S:,iirli<. 1 .\Ii- 299b; and Savaric \llH88d; on Scripture, authorship of XIII-636d; on Scripture, read- ing of Xni-04lla; Schotten- kloster XIII-iJ9Ua: sign of the cross XIII-7S0d; Stabat Mater Dolorosa XIV-2;i(ld; tomb (ill.) \in 1- ;,:..l .Stephen I. ' ■ ■ on Sub-



ponil II.. HI 1 \ I; Teutonic Order a 1 \ -.Vl 1 b ; rrinitarians Xlll-olla; at Subiaco XIV- 321c; Union of Christendom IV-SoOc; XV-146C: Vatican archives XV-287a; Vatican palace X\'-270d; "\'enerabil- em" VIII-Hb; on ■'Veni Sancte Spiritiis" XV-342b; at Viterbo X\'-488a; Wilhering Abbey XV-624a; writings VIII-16d

Innocent lU, Antipope. See Sitino. Landone

—IV (SINLBALDO DE' FIES- CHI), Pope Vlll-17b; XII- 274b; XIV-264a; abbess, age of I-8a; and Andrew of Lon- jumeau I-474b; and Anglican- ism I-500a; and Annihaldi I- 540c" \rni'.iii iij I'lincil I-739a" ind As.





sonll- ..f Botone i of Com- i canonist

I-261b; i: .ind St.

200b: o.J.i.. a„u t ..>.„iiy, prior of Xll-232b; Crosiers. Order of IV-516d; and Elias of Cortona V-383d; on episcopal authority VII-3SC; at Foggia VI-123C; in France VII-57d; Franciscan tertiaries XIV- 64 Id; and Frederick II. Em- peror I-127d; VI-256d; 493a; Genoa VI-419d; Golden Rose VI-029d; and Grosseteste VII- .•i9a; and Hugh of St. Cher VII-521C: Inquisition VIII- 30d; 32b; 34b; .\IV-7(i9a; In- quisition. Congrepationof XIII- 137b; Jewish policy VIII- ,393d; XIV-7r>2b: and John of Parma VIII-17.">d; Kublai




Lnnia IX IX-369d; Lubeck IX-»01b: Lyons. Council of IX-476d; on marriage IX- 707c; on mendicants X-184b; and Mindowe IX-292b; Nea- torians III-5.59c; Old Slavonic Liturgy I-.583a: "Ordinem veslrum" VI-212b; and Pan- talton XV-2r2c; papal choir XIV-29d; Piacenza Univer- sity Xn-71a: and Pian Car-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.