Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/437

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—torture VIII-32b; verdict, final Vin-34d; victims, number of VIII-34b; Vilna XV-433b; and Waldenses XV - 529c: and witchcraft XV-676b; witnesses VIII-31b —CANONICAL Vin-38b —Congregation of the. ber Holy Office, Congregation of tne; Inquisition, Roman Inquisitor VIII-30b — natus II-5S6C Insabbafati. See Waldenses INSANE, ata\-istic theories 11- 33b; baptism of Il-271a; ex- treme unction V-720b; Viat- icum XV-398a; as witnesses XV-678a -ASYLUMS AND CARE FOR Vnl-3Sd; Bedlam II-3S7a, modern X-UOc INSANITY VIII-41a: and alco- holism I-275d; antiquity of VIII-39a; congenital Vlll- 41c; St. Dympna, invocation of V-221d: and hypnotism VII-608C; induced XI-544C; and irregularity \III-173b; juvenile XI-.i43d; and mar- riage VII-696b: 697d; Moham- medans X-422d; possession, demoniacal XII-316C; and suicide XIV-328a; and va- cancy XV-248C; varieties of XI-543a .

Insauralde, Jos. de, Jesuit Xll-

Ii94d Inscription of Autun XII-lWc;

XVI-66C Inscriptions, abecedaria I-35b; abbreviations I-21b; on Abra- xas I-58a; acclamations I-99a. Ancona'3 work I-463d; Arabic XIII-711d; .\ramaic XIU- 710b; Assyrian II-8b; Babylo- nian n-188a; 189b- cuneiform Il-Sd; 9b; XI-30.3c; Ethiopian XIII-711d; Hebrew XIII- nib; H,my.irite Xni-711c; Libvanite XIII-7I1C; Man- daite XIII-711a; Minean.XIII- 7Hc; and Minucvus Jelix X- 336c; Morcelli's work X-564a; Nabatean XIII-710c: neo- Punic XIII-710a; Palmyran XIII-710d; Phrenician XUl- 709d; Punic XIII-7U)a; Sa- bcan XIII-7nc; Safaod.c XIII -711c; Samantan Xlll- 711b: >.n,it.c XIII-7ll9d; Sy-

-EARLY CHRISTIAN VIII- 42d; III-7llSb; Abcrcius I- 40a; Abcrcius (ill.) Y'^.'^'l"" ing 44; Africa I-197b; Alpha and Omega I-332b; Alpha and Omega (ill.) I-333a; Amen I- 409a; anchor (ill.) I-462a; A.n- cilla del I-463c; BeirQt amulet I-143C; in catacombs. See catacombs, inscriptions: Cross of Christ IV-.520b; dead, prayers for IV-654d; De Ros- si's work IV-740a; on Eiichar- istic hosts VII-192b; Graffiti VI-718C: VIU-4.5a; histon- cal VII-370d; VIII-43d; lan- guage VIII-43b; mat™l "f d VIII-42d; official VIII-44d: Ostraka XI-347b; on papal coins X-33.5b: poetical VIII- 44b- sepulchral III-504d: Vin-43b; sepulchral, Africa I-196d; 198d: symbolism VIII- 43b; testimony of I-I94d; the- ological Vin-43d; at Varano I-in4a —Gallery of, Vatican. See Lapi-

daria Galleria

—and Belles-Lettres, Academy

of I-90C: Colbert XI-701C;

suppressed I-S9d

InscniUbile, BuU of Urban VIII

VII-692C ,„, . „,

Inscrutabili, Brief of Clement XI

-Bilfnt'c'regorj- XV I-8d; VII-

.ijc- Xn-4.56d —Encyclical of Leo XIII V-414a;

XlV-C,74a Insculanum Concihum I-727C Insects, fossils XI-412a Insignia, English. See Regalia Insignia (collegiate church) IV-


—French XI-487a; Roman IV- 385b , ,

In singulis. Constitution of Inno- cent III -^II-757c

Insischolus, martyr ^"I-7■42a

Insolvency, England IJ-253n, and political economy ll-^nfa. Scotland II-253a; United States II-253b . „,,,■„

Inspiration, Anabaptists 11^40C, and grace IV-251d: and infalli- bilitv VII-790C; and revelation Xlli-la; of "Spiritual Exer- cises" -XIV 2-'.')d —Communities Xll-7(19c —OF THE BIBLE Vlll-iSa; I-122b: II-543C; XIII-637a; XIV-532a; andaccommodation I-99d; Anglican theory VIII- 49c: and Apostolicity III-274C

and Authenticity XIV-SSlc, belief in Vlll-l.ib; BpnfrSre on II-655d; Catholic view VIII- 46a; citations I-724a: criterion in-279b; Deists l-i'.22a; \ 111- 49a; Encyclopoa,.is VllI Wa; errors VIII-47c; ^t. nl \ HI- 47d: free thinkcis \l;-.i9a, In-ingites Vm^8d; Jewish idea III-269b: Leo XIII on IV-496d: VIII-48a; Lessms IX-192b; Naturalists VIII- 49a; nature Vlll-lSd; Origen XI-307d: 308d: Pietists VIII- 48c: Plymouth Brethren XU- 173b; Protestantism VIlI-48b XII-653b; Psalms XII-540a; Rationalists VIIM9a: Swed- enborgians VIII-48d; theologi- cal aspect XIV-581d; verbal Vin-18a Inst. Char., abbr. I-27d INSTALLATION VIII-50b; to

benefice VUl-Sfia; XII-516b Instalments, Payment by, and

usur\' XV-2:i7d Instantius, l.isl„.p Xn-429c Instaurare omnia in Chnsto, mot- to of Pius X XII-137d INSTINCT Vnl-50c; and cul- ture epoch VIII-53C: and edu- cation VIII-53b: human VIII- 53a; intellectual, Balmes on 11- 22.5c: origin VIII-.51C Institor, John. See Kramer John Institoris, Henry, and witchcraft

XV-676b ^ .

Institucion Libre de Enseflanza,

Madrid XIV-17.5C .

Instituicoes Christas, periodical,

Portugal XI-689b Institut Canadien III-510b, X-

— Catholique, Paris XI-484d:

statistics VI-183d Institute of Charity. See Kos-

minians —of Egypt X-6S9a

Sf France. See National Insti- tute - . - »

—OF MARY VIII-54a; in Aus- tralia II-223b: Bedingfeld, Frances II-386c; Dolebank XIV-713c; English convents IV-343C: Missouri, and Test Oath XIV-o39b; Schaftlarn Xni-519d; Toronto XIll- 56.5b. .^.•- Institute of th

China VII-777d: development VIII-5Gb:intheEastVIII-0()c; Eighteenth Century Vlll-oid: Europe VIII-60b; during French Revolution VIII-58b: government Vin-56d: Indo- China VII -779a: Jerusalem VIII-370a; John Baptist de la Salle VIII-444a; M.adagascar IX-511b: Ontario XIII-565a: Quebec xn-596d: restoration Vni-58c; retreat houses Xll- 796d: Spain Xiy-176a: spirit vni-56c; Syria XIV-4q6b, system VIII-446b; United StatesVI-275b;vowsXII.-452a

of the Perpetual Adoration ot

the Blessed Sacrament. .Sec Blessed Sacrament, Institute of the Perpetual .\doration of the

of Verona. See Sacred Heart,

Sons of the Institutes (Calvin) 1 1 1 - 1 9 5 c ;

198d — (Cassian) III-404C —(Gains) IX-87a —(Justinian) VIII-579C — (Lactantius) I-620d — (Quintilian) V-298d; _and Pog-

gio Bracciolini Xn-177d — ReUgious. See Roligious Lite —ROMAN HISTORICAL VIII- 61b: Austria VIII-63C: Bel- gium VIII-63d; England VIII- 62c- France VII-62d; Germany VIII-63a; Holland VIII-64a; Hungary Vni-63d: Prussia Vni-63c; Vatican research VIII-61b;fild;i'.4b;i;ld Institut historique Beige k Rome Vin-03d c. r , 1

Institutio corporalis. Sec Instal-

INSTITUTION, CANONICAL VIII-65C; Xll-516b; and ad- vowson I-169b; necessity VIII-82C; Taxa Innocentiana XIV-467b

— Divine, nf sacraments Xlll-

-Eu'chadstil W ..rds of III-263b; ^■- -,7.1c ."istib ■S.'>d:Addeus and Maris. I.iturEV of I-137b; Afri- can actio I-19Sb: St. Alexander I I-285d: Alexandrian Liturgj- I-304b; .\mbrosian Rite I- 402a: Apostolic Constitutions, Liturgy of I-571d: Byzantine RitelV-3 17d: Clementine Epistle III-257b: m .early Church I-408c: Epiklesis V- .502a: Epiphanms XIII-394d, Galilean Rite VI-363a; St. James, Liturgy of I-5'2a; »t. Mark, Liturgy of I-305a; Or- thodox Church XIII-538d; Syrian Rite. East XIV -415c — Royale, Montreal X-54SC Institutionen XI-441a Institution royale de musitiue classique et religieuse Ill-_69bb Institutions, Charitable, admin- istrators of l-l-l,-«a- AV'o'fii" II-117d: Canada XII-241d; Alabama I-243d; insane a,sy- •ums VIII-3Sd: United States 'xn-24S , . .

—Ecclesiastical, administrators

Instrument dcnan Xll-4.Mb Instrumenta Miscellanea, in Vati- can archives X\-2s7c . Instruments, Tradition of, in or- dination rite I-491d: 494a; 495a; 490d; Eugemus IV 1-

Instrumentum acceptationis (1439) Xll-.33:ic

pacis <SfC Pax-board

Insufflation (Insuff latio). See Breathing

Insula, Robert de. Bishop of Dur- ham V-211d ,, . ,

Insulis, Alanus ab. See Alain de

In suprema, Bull of Alexander

VII III-7S3d —suprema. Bull of Clement \ II

I-12Sd: VI-288d —suprema. Constitution of Leo

Xlll II-.")SNb , ^ .,

—suprema-. Bull of Boniface

VIII lll-Ua; Xni-177b —supreme dignitatis specula.

Bull of Paul 11 >i;il9J'^, —suprema justitiie. Bull of Clem- ent XII Xll-44tld —suprema Petri, Encyclical ol ]>uisI\V-2:«ib

—supremo. Constitution Bene- dict Xlll XIl-4U7a

—supremo apostolatus solio. Bull of CIcmr-nt XI IX-2s:ia .

supremo apostolicae dignitatis,

BiillofPaul VVlll-lilla

—supremo militantis ecclesiffi. Brief of Bene<lict XIV l\ -Hb9b

Insurance of children, and infan- ticide Vlll-ld

Insurrection, Irish (1641) XUl-

-PoH^sh (1830-31) XII-19?a:

XIII-249C; 258a; Rumanian

(1907) XIII-227C -Act, Ireland VIII-107b; XIII-

127d ,. . ,, ,„

In symbol! traditione. Mass 111-

502b „ . ,,,

Integrals, Definite, Cauchy lU-

Inte'yrist party, Span'^h XIV-

18Sb: periodicals XI-690C Integrity, bodily, and virginity

XV-458b -moral, Baius on II-210d. and grace VI-554b; Tridentine decree Il-211d INTELLECT VIII-66C —acquired: Avempace II-I50b;

Averrocs II-151b —active I-74c; 12.5b; Mll-O'b- Alexander of Hales I-298d; Arabian philo.sophy _\-'"-^- 676a: Aristotle XI\-l.-)4a: .Av- empace II-150a: Averroes II- 150d; 151b; Avicenna Il-lojd; Bacon II-191d: Balmes 11- 225c; Durandus of Saint ;Pour- cain V-208a; Pomponaizi X 1 1- 227b: Roger Bacon Xlll-lod —and alcohol I-2/4b; Aristotle I-714d; 716d: in Averroism XIII-784b; Buridan ni-<8d, and cardinal virtues inj^"; Catholic philosophy \-40Sb. VIII-R8a; and Cli:

1 ■.?!•:

Blessed Vi

, Mar


5.5a: in Baltimore n-2.34d — of Retreat. .Sf,- Retreat of the

Sacred Heart „ . ,

—of Saint Casimir, Harrisburg

XVI-5.'tC — i)f Scientific Study, New York

in l-5i.b —of Secular Priests Living in

Community. s,.- Bartholo-

— of'th'e'blessed virgin

MARY, Irish Vlll-5.5b: Aiken- head. Mars- l-2.34b; Ball, Frances Man- Teresa II-222d; convents IV-344C. See Instl-

— of'^ the"brothers of the christian schools

VIll-.5lia; Ainenea VIII-6nc; Australia Xll-2(lld: B.aleane Isles II-222b; and BMhunc XVI-32d; Canada III-239b: Child Jesu.s, Confraternity of XIV-127a; and Christian In- " others of. Cochin

i-144a . .

Institute Austriaco di studi stonci II-130d; VlII-fi3c .

Institute per la Nignzia, at Ver- ona. See .Sacred Heart, Sons of

Institutum Biblicum, Rome XIV- 101a . . _

— clericorum in communi Tiven- tium. See Bartholomites. Ger-

Instructio Clementina VI-1.52b;

1.52d „ _,

Instructio Cum magnopere. sec

Cum Magnf>pere Instruction, American Institute ot

—Brothers of Christian. See

Christian Instruction —Sisters of Christian. See Chris-

— ^'f"the"ch7ldren of Catholic In- digent Parents, Society for the

—if the Infant Jesus, Religious of

(I.e Puv) IX-187d Instructio Sacra I-653b: appeals

I-6.54b; 6.54d


585 —Dut"

?Mc inii'M/'-lel'^- \11 '•■<1<: —buns Scotus \-l'."ia: Xlll- 611b; and faith V--756c; 757a; XV-474b; and freedom ot thought XIV-764a: ^.K/a", " VI-691C; and habit VIIl-51a. and happiness \ll-131d; and ideas V'll-632d: and imagina- tion Vll-('72a; 6.3d: and im- mortality VII 6S9a; and indif- ferentisii, VII 7.^9c; and insan- ity Vlll 41d; and intention V"in-69b; in loni.-in philosophy IV-771a; VIIl-93b; of Jesus Christ I-215b; John of Janduno VIII-»74a: and . knowledge VTTT-518C; Leibniz IX-I-5'C, ^ndmi^dX-321b;and.nyster-

-^'Jr" vm n7b: 125b; Alex- ^der of Hales I-298d;. Aver- roes II-l-50d: 151b; Av.cenna II-1.57d; Pomponnzzi; Al 1 927b- Roger Bacon Xlll-noa -Plato I-761b; V-750c; prac- tical VIII-68d; and prudence

i^^I^numoral indicates volume: arable, page; a. b, c. d. quarter of p.«e.