Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/442

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of Constantinople


IsaiaSf Ascension of. See Ascen- sion of Isaias

—and Ezechias II-14d; V-737b; in Feast of the Ass I-799a; influence of VIII-183a; and Jeremiaa VIII-336C; as Kings, author of VIII-649c; Life VIU- 179d: martyrdom Vlll-lSla; and Micheas X V— 164Cd ; patris- tic opinion VIII-184b; patron- age IX-6S4d; in Prothesis I- 221d; on Tanis XIV-444a; vision I-478a ; XIII-725C ; voca- tion XII-479a

— Egj'ptian ascetic, biography X-i93a

— theologian, and John of Kherna II-314C

— Patriarch VII-302a

—Bishop of Elaea V-371c

—BOOK OF Vlll-lSlb; XI- 651b; Advent lessons I-165c; and Apocalypse I-596C; Arabia I-665C: astronomy II-3Ub; Canon III-270d; Canon, Jew- ish III-267d; and Cedarenes III-474b: Christ, Virgin birth of XV-451a: criticism IV- 494b; VIII-lS2c; Emmanuel V-104c; James of Edessa VIII-277d; Messianic prophe- cy I-221b; I-326b; X-213a; (ill.) Il-facing 546a; in Office of the Dead XI-220d; on Resur- rection XII-792d; and Sacrifice of the Cross XIII-316a; and Targum XIV-457b: and Virgin Marv XV-448C; vision VIII- lS2a'

—Saint, Rule of XII-760d

— of Hermopolis, and Timothy .Elurus X-495b

— of Stauropolis, at Council of Florence XIV-2S3C

Isambert, Bishop of Poitiers XII- ISOc

— Frangois - Andre, theophilan- thropist XIV-624b

Isan Bugba Kban, Ruler of Moghulistan X^82a

Isandula, .Africa, battle XVI-15b

Isanti (Santu). .See Santee

Isamus, .\rchpriest of Carcas- sonne II-GG4C

Isarus» Bishop of Strengras XVI- 77a

Isas, Greek priest, at Hebron VII-IS5d

Isasa, Ricardo, administrator ,\postoiic (Montevideo) XV- 23 lb; at Catholic Congress, Uruguay XV-231d; and Soler X-539C

ISAURA VIII-184C; Auastasiua in III-lOOc

Isauria, district, bishops I-788a: brigandage I-7S6d; and Con- stantinople III-IOOc; ecclesias- tical province I-789a; and Mar- cus .\ureliu3 Probus XII-446C: and Roman rule I-786a

Isbell CoUege, Talladega, Ala- bama I-242b

Isbodion, use of term VII-492C

Isboseth, King of Israel I-45d; Il-JSla: 515d: IV-643a; VII- lS4d; VIlHi48b; Xin-487b .rtholomew. Bishop of


— Joseph. Sit Joseph of Exeter Iscariot, Judas. See Judas Iscar-



Iscatan, Mexico,

513d Ischares, priest, ordination V-

589b Ischia> town, Italy, Alfonso I of

itie of (ill.) VIII- DIOCESE OF


facing 23s — (ISCLANA

VIII-ls.-)a Ischle (Scillium) XIII-809b Ischojeb, catholicos V-16b Ischyras, and St. Athanasius I-

304a; II-38b Ischyrion» martyr, at Alexandria

V-Ud Ischyrius, Christian dramatist

IX-28C Ise, temple of. Japan VIII-304C Iselin, Isaac XII-fi8c Iselt. S,r Isoldi

Isen, CJcrniany, monastery I-751d Isenburg, Diether of. See Die-

ther of Isenburg

— John V von. Archbishop of

Trier XV-43d — Salentin, Count of XI-384d Isengard, J. D. XVI-14C Isengrim, Abbot of Ottobeuren

XI-358b Isenhagen, Hanover, Cistercian

foundation at VII-129b Isensee (Mariensee) , Hanover,

monastery at VII-129b Isere, department, France, map

Vl-facing 188 Isemia, Andrea d* VIII-18ob ISERNIA AND VENAFRO, DIO- CESE OF Vni-lS.3b Iseminus, Saint, Bishop of Old

Kilcullen V!IH537d; and St.

Patrick XI-5.57C Iseult. .See Iscjlde Isfrid, Saint, feast VIII-77C Ishbaal. .See Isboseth Ishbigarra, .\ss>Tian ruler II-lSlc Ishbosheth. See Isboseth Ishilt. .See Isolde Isfunael. .See Israael Ishme-Dagan, .Assyrian ruler 11-


Ishobar AliXIV-412a —bar Noun XIV-}12a — bar Shoushan, Jacobite Patri- arch of Antioch. See John X,

Ishodad of Merw, Bishop of Had-

ithaXIV-412a Ishodeuah, Bishop of Bassorah

XIV-Jllc Ishogos, tribe VI-329b^ Ishossabran, martyr XIV— 410d Ishoyahb, of Nisibis. See I5o

\-ahb bar Malkon — (Jesuab) III of Adiabene, Nes- torian Patriarch I-136d; XIV- 410d; and India XIV-681d; 682d — of Arzon, Patriarch XlV^lOa — m of Gedala, Patriarch, writ- ings XI V-llOd Ishrati, wTiter XI-720b Ishshaku, dynasty Il-lla Ishtar, Hebrew name X-678b — deitv II-7d; 17b; X-741b; XI- 3S8d; colour sacred to II-177d; in dream V-154C; Gate of II- 184b; Gilgamesh, epos of II- 188c; Hades, descent into II- 188d; and Sophia (Gnostic) VI-594d. See Astarte Isiamo, tribe, Indians XIV-427a Isichius, Bishop of Toledo XIV-

Isidore, son of Basiiides n-326d:

328c; VI-598b —Bishop of Beja XIV-180c; on Guadix XVI-43a; on Sara- gossa XIII-468b — Brother, Xaverian XV-729b — Patriarch of Constantinople

III-588d — Saint, Bishop of Hermopolis Parva VII-289c; in Nitrian convent XIV-561d; in Origen- ist controversy XI-311a; and Theophilus of Alexandria XIV- 625d — Bishop of Priene XII-405d — Metropolitan of Russian

Church XIII-255b —Bishop of Salvina Xin-291b —I, Bishop of Samoa XIII-421d — n. Bishop of Samos XIII— 121d — Bishop of Zoara XV-762d — pseudo. See False Decretals — Mercator, See False Decretals —of Alexandria and Acacius of

Bera!a I-80c • — of Damietta. .See Isidore of

Pelusium —of Isolanis XII-363a — of Kieff (Kiev). See Isidore of

Thessalonica — of Miletus, at St. Sophia III- 94d; IV-522b; VIII-.580a; X- 303d —OF PELUSIUM, SAINT VIII- IS.-.c: .\I i.lla; and St. C\TiI of Al.xan.lriii lV-.W3a; as her- mon.Mitist VII 273a; omopho- rion XI-429b; symbolism XV- 39 1 c —OF SEVILLE, SAINT VIII- 1.86b; Vl-lb: 31.5c; IX-102b: 230b; XIII-744C; altar, wash- ing of I-349b; on anabolium I- 42Sd; on baptism II-269b; 269d; and St. Braulio II-744d; Cajetan III-145c: as canonist

IV-392b; IX-61a; on Cath- olicity III-451a; choir, deriva- tion of III-693C; chronicle I- 533b; VII-374C; on co-conse- crators IV-79d; on confirma- tion IV-219b; Cyril of Alex- andria IV-594C; and Dante IV-631b; deacons, office of IV-649d; on dismissal IX- 791d; as Doctor of the Church ^-750; encyclopedia V^14d; episcopal ring XIII-59d; as exegete IV-160b; Vlll-SOa; geographical research VI-449C; gloss VI-588b; as hymnodist VII-601d; and St. Ildephonsus VII-649C; on Lauds IX-3Sb; and Leander IX-102a; on Lib- eral Arts I-762b; "Libri origi- num" II-529d; on lights IX- 246c; as liturgiologist XIII- 72a; on logic IX-326C: medical writings X-125c; Mozarabic Rite X-eilc; None XI-98b; patronage, Canada XI-565d; patronage. United States XI- S65a; Pentateuch XI-647b; as philosopher Xin-54Sc; pro- fane literature IX-33a: on pur- gatory XII-576d; relics IX- 175d; XIV-lSOc; salt, use of XIII-104a; on Sanctus XIII- 432c; on Saragossa Xni-S68b; in science XII-48b; Sedulius XIII-6S0a; as theologian XIV- 589c; 612a; Toledo X^77b; XIV-758C: Wigbod XV-619d

—OF THESSALONICA VIII- ISSc; II.'.L'Tc: IX-4ri4d; X- S94c; at CunM;,iitin.jple XI- 59d; at IVrram \I-112c; at Florence VI- 113a; 766a; and Leonard of ChiosIX-17Sb; and Roman theology VI-768b; at Rome IV-305b; XV-146d; in Russia VI-113C


Isidoriana. .See Hispana

Isidorian Rite. .See Mozarabic Rite

Isinda. See Isionda

Isin dynasty. See Pashi

Isingrin, Abbot of Admont I— 145d


Isis, deitv IV-354C; V-334c; 344d; 345b; XIII-310d; cos- mogony IV-407C; day of V- 332d; in eschatology V-347c; 34Sb; (ill.) V-346b; star V- 333a; temple, Tentyris XIV- 512c; and Virgin Mary XV- 450c; worship of, in Mylasa X- 660c

Isistine, tribe IX-129b

Iskandar. See .\lexander the Great

Iskandamamas, in Persian liter- ature XI-720b

Iskander Bey. .See Scanderberg

Iskandenin iSyr.). See Alexan- dr.-tta; Issus

Iskender Beg. .See Seanderbeg

Iskenderoun. .s'.e .\h-xandretta

Iskha iGishbani Il-lsiia

ISLA, JOSE FRANCISCO DE Vin-ls;id; X1V-200C; and I.os«aaa XVI-dBb

Isla de los Apostoles II-798d

— del Rey X-;i32c

ISLAM VIII-190C; and Adop- tionisra I-150b; in Africa I- 185d; 186b; in Albania I-234c; Albigensian I-268a; Allah I- 316b; in Antivari I-5S2c; and Apologies I-620d; in Arabia I- 66c; 673b; and Bartholomew of Edessa II-315d; in China III- 6S0b; and Christianity in .^sia I-780C; XV-138C; and Chris- tians I-673d: code I-790a; era III-740C; and Hebron VII- 185c; and heresy VII-2,")fid; heterodoxy I-675a; and .St. JohnDamai<ceneVin-160b; and Judaism I-779d; in Malabar IV-76c; and Mohammed X- 424a; nature of I-1.S6C; in Ni- geria XI-74b; and Philip II XII-3d: philosophy I-621a; 67.58; and PrenHtiistratenaian XII-39nb: prieathciod (mod- ern) Ximia; religious danc- ing XII 742d; sacrifice, ab- sence of XIII-31Sa; spread of

VI-759a; in Scutari I-254b;

statistics I-779b; and viti- culture I-790C; and Zoroastri-

anism II-154a. See Mohammed

and Mohammedanism Island of Saints and Scholars

Vlll-iuub —of the King. .See Isla de Rey Islands, papal claim I-15Sa Isle (architecture). See .\isle — Adam Philippe de I' XV-

366d —Alain de 1'. See Alain de I'lsle — de France, catliedrals I-516C;

Lazarists in X-301d — ^Jesus (Isle Montmagny) X-

543c — La Motte, Vermont, Catholic

settlement VI-271a; XV-355b — of Destiny VIII-98C —of May XIII-332C — of Orleans III-645a — of Thorns. See Thorney Abbey —of Wight, church in XII-296d;

Jutes I-o05b Isle St- Jean. See Prince Edward

Island Isles, Diocese of. See Argyll and

the I.sles — of the Blest V-531a Isleta del Sur, I'ncl.lo, Texas

VIIl-191a; XII -;raaa ISLETA PUEBLO VIlI-lQla;

church (ill.) XI-3; inhabitants

XII-o55a; mission station XI-

3b Isleworth, England, Syon mon- astery XIV-394C Islington, London Swedenborgian

institution XIV-356C ISLIP, SIMON, Archbishop of

Canterbury VIII-191b; III-

300a; XV-722b Isly, battle Vin-767c ISMAEL, Son of Abraham I-

51c; VIII-1S5C; 192a; XIII-

S6Sa; and Cedar III-474b; in

Genesis XI-647d; 648b; Go-

dolias III-316d — high priest I-537a — (people), in Arabia I-664c:

and Israehtes VIII-193c; and

Joseph I-665b; location VIII-

194a; and Madianites IX-

S14b; symbolism I-SlSd — Jaqub ben XIII-419d; and

Hebrew Bible VII-175d —ben EUsha V-701d IsmaheL See Ismael Ismail, .Shah of Persia, dynasty

XI-71Sb; at Mossul X-598d Ismailiyyeh, sect X-425c: XIV-

401a; in Syria XIV-105b Ismid (Turk) I-78Sb; Assump-

tionist institutions II-105C Ismidon of Sassenage, Saint,

Bishop of Die IX-474C; XV-

250c Ismidt. See Nicomedia Isnardi, Giovaimi Battista, Bish'

op of Mondovi X-478C Isneboe (Zenonnj)lis) XV-7.56a Isnik (Nica>a) I-7SSa; XI-44a Isny (Germany), in Smalkaldic

League XIV-5Sb — Henry von. Prince Bishop of

Basle II-339a Iso, at St. Gall's XI-125b Isoard, Joachim Jean Xavier d'

X-69Sd Isocephaly, in Greek art II-342C Isochronism VI-343a Isola. Guido deU' VI-55Sd —Bella, Borromeo chapel I-373d — di Gran Sasso, church at VI-

331a — Palazziola, monastery XII-

66UC Isolde IX-124b Isore, Remi, martyr IX-748a;


Isotta da Rimini XVI-63d; tomb

Xin-.i7d Iso 'yahb bar Malkon, XIV-412d:

Archbishop of Nisibis, and

Rome in-,i59c ISPAHAN, Persia VIII-192C:

.Ange de Saint Joseph in I-

47l)b; mission XI-723C; school

I-739C Israel, Irish scholar, in Carloving-

ian Schools III-351b — patriarch. See Jacob — Henriet III-lSSc — Manasses ben VIII-396d — in Egypt, oratorio XI-270d

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.