Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/448

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James I

James Salomomo, Blessed, Mass

of II-598b „ ,

—the Apostle, Saint. See James

the Greater, St. —the Assyrian XIV|j4o4a — the Conqueror -¥SiGREi¥ER, SAINT VIII- 279b; in apocryphal hterature I-612c; Apostle Spoons I-626d; in art. Mantegna IX-610d, (iU) Vlll-facing 280; body discovered XlV-lSOa; and Charlemagne XV-_103a; devo- tion, Mexico X-2Daa —Feast of III-163C; m GalUcan Rite VI-360a; in post-Nicene Church I-197d —Jesus Christ, Resurrection ot XII-790b; in Mozarabic Rite X-eioc; patronage XlU-doja, Pilar. Nuestra Seilora del XU- 83c; 'relics II-62b; Vin-280b; and Saragossa XIII-468C. shrine XII-87a; 90b; XIII- 41d; in Spain VIII-280C; XIV- 177a; symbolism I-170d; XIV-

-Tra; LESS. SAINT VIII- 280d; II-382d; 767b; VHI- 505a; St. Andrew of Crete 1- 473b; in apocryphal literature X-612C; apocryphal letter 1- 614b; Apostolic Constitutions

-^n^ln: Ribera (ill.) Vlll-facmg 280; Sansorino XIII-4o3a

—canons III-294b; Clementines IV-Ud; 39d; 41b; 41a; death XIII-533b; Ebionites V-243(i. emblem I-626d; episcopal chair T-fi^^c- III-5.54b; XII-'36c; Lsebius V-29b; yil-195b

-/reasll-574a;.629b; Hl-lbld; 162c; 163c; indulgence VU- 7S9a; in Mozarabic Rite X 613

VIII-276d; Syrian Church

VIII-275d; on temptation

XIV-504d; time VIII-276d

— the Wonder Worker IV-597a

— (Severus) bar Shakako, Bishop


VIIl-281d —.See Diego

Jamestown, Virgima, colony es- tablished XV-157d; early mi- gration X-293C; English settle- ment XV-455d; founded II- 164c; tercentenary exposition XV-157a , , ^,„, ,,

— Diocese of, founded XlV-17a Jamet, Denis, missionary VI-

301d —Marie XII-248b Tam fere sextus, Constitution

ol Benedict XIV IV-391C Jami Saidna Omar, mosque Vlll-

360c . , . ,,

Jamison, family, Marj-land II-

229b Jam morte victor obruta, hymn


Jammy, Peter, Thomist XIV-

702d Jaimlia, town VI-441a; councU of, on canticles III-269c; rab- binical school IV-158b; Xiy- TlCb; Sanhedrin at\III-389c; See Jabne Jamnici II-616d Jamot, Jean-Franfois, Bishop ol Peterborough XI-7o6b; Xlil- 487d . , .

Jam sol recedit igneus, hymn 1-

393b . ^ ,

Jam surgit hora tertia, hymn l-

393a; XI-9Sa „.,.„. ,„

Jam vos omnes. Brief of Pius IX


Tan. See John ^ _^


Jannet, Claudio, and Lo Play XII-163c; _,. „

Janninck, Conrad, BoUandist II- 634b; and Baert n-201d; at Rome II-63oa; and Father fee- bastian of St. Paul II-634C

Janoe of Ephraim VI-44Ia

—of Nephtali VI-141a

Janoliah. See Janoe

Janos Hunyady. See Hunyady


2S4a ,,.

Jans, Jean, GobcUn tapestry IX-

JwJsEN, CORNELIUS, the El- der, Bishop of Ghent \III- 284b; VI-543b; Biblical com- mentator IV-160d; and Hes- sels VII-300d

— (JANSENIUS), CORNELIUS, Bishop ol Ypres VIII-285C; Ad Sanctam Beati Petri Sedem I- 128a; Augustinus VIII-287a; as Biblical com- mentator IV-160d; and Conry, Archbishop IV-262a; FiUeau de la Bouchetterie XII-180d; on infallibility, papal Vni-286d , and Jansenism VIII-285C; Life VIII-285d; Pallavicino XI- 426d; Saint Cyran V-218c; VIII-286b; writings Vlli-

-hierarchy VIII-329b: Holy Sepulchre, Order oilV-<m^. Jerusalem, Bjf^op of II-58-a, VII-341C; VIII-356d; 3710, XI-748b; XIV-730b; Jeru- raem.CiuncilofVIII-281b —Liturgy I-572b; VI-362b 776a; XIIW32d; XIV-41Sb, \gnu3 Dei I-221d; -Mleluia I- 320a; Anaphora I-573d; XI\- 419a; comtnemoration of the dead IV-653b; Gloria Vl-o83c, Gradual VI-717C —Liturgy (Greek I-572b; XIII- Mc; and Rite of Constantmo- ole IV-312d; incense Vll-Jlbd, SamesofEdessaVIII-277d;at Jerusalem VIII-371d: lessons jX-194a* Maronites xlll-o.5c —LUurgy (Presanctified) I-573d: IV-314d; psalms VI-717C, Sanctus XIIHPf „ou. VI- — Liturgy Syriac) I-573b. \1 763b; XIII-86a; and Roman Canon III-258a; Trisagion I- 573c; uses IX-313b —in Mozarabic Rite X-61oc, as Nazarite X-727d; parentage IX-748d ,. „, .„..

—PatTOnage: Australia xl-566a Belgium XI-364c; British South Africa XI-566b; Canada XI-565C; United States XI- -and'^Sts. Peter and Paul VIII-

28?b; tomb I"^Jf«'-„.V"I- 503c; traditions VII I-281C —THE LESS, SAINT, EPISTLE OF VIII-275b; 276c; on adop- tion I-148d; ^.analy™ VIII- 275d; authorship VIII-27ob -^anoAicity III-276b; VIII- 275c; XIII-638C; XIV-531a Catholic Epistle III-453b, Christology XIV-499» corn- position, place of _VIII-277a contents VIII -27Dd: opinion IV-496b: date XIV- 531b; deuterocanonical xiu- 638a; extreme unction \-71i)C; 717b; on faith I-53a: genuine- ness VIII-275b; Greek Church VIII-275d; hierarchy VII- 336d: on Justification I-639C, VIII-.'.74a; Lutherans III- 279a- VI-702d; object VIll- 276b: occasion VIII-276a; and Reformers IIJ;??**: J<""»';f; EpUtlo to XIII-162b: style

lii-786a;" VII~151b; VIII 2S2a; XV-772a Janbriht, .Archbishop of Canter- bury. .Sff Jacnbert TANDEL, ALEXANDRE VIN- ■• CENT VIII-282b; XII-.368Hd Jandeures, Abbey of VII.-526d Jandun, Jean de. See John of Janduno , .. , ^ e

Jandune, John of. See John of

Janduno , „ . tt

Jane, Countess of Flanders II-

519c- VI-9.5a JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL, SAINT VIII-2S2d; XV-lSlb; death X-603d; at Dijon IV- 795b; and St. Francis de Sales VI-'>Oc- in Orl6ans XI- 320c; and Mme. de Sfvignfe XIII-743d Jane, Thomas, Bishop of Nor-

-WmiamVind Godden VI-622b —Jane ScopelU, Blessed III-361b

of Valois, Saint. See Jeanne de

ValoLs Janet, Clouet IV-68a —John, death X-362c —Paul VI-lSlc; XII-34a —Pierre, on hypnotism \ U- 608a; .and stigmata XIV-294d Tangeh, African tribe. See Denka Jani, Erhard, abbot Xy-721c Janibert, .Archbishop of Canter-

bur\-. See Jaenbert Janiculum, promenade, Rome

XIII-164C; 16od; 176a Janig, Karl, of Prague I-515C Janina (lOannina) VI-738a Janissaries, in Bosnia I I-696b, ■"in Moldavia XIII-226a; mos- nue of IV-305d: origin XV- 9st- in Servia XIII-733d; tri- bute VI-739C . „. , , Janiz, Juan Martm, Bishop of •^Santiago del Estero XIII-

462d , „ , ,,,

Jankovich. Stojan. and Turks IV-

Jan Mayen (Spitzbergen) I-421a

Janna. .See Janne

Jannaconi. Giuseppe, and Baini

11 209a „ .,

Jannaius, Alexander. See Alcx-

iindei JannEUS.


Jaiines and Mambres, Book of l-604d

Johan L., Redemptorist XII-

— Max, ioiu-nalist XI-680a —Peter, on Ark I-720d JANSENISM VIII-285C; Abelly I-39a; and Abra de Raconis I- 50b; Acceptants I-94d; .Adam I-134C; Aguirre I-232d; Alex- ander VII I-294d; YIII-289a: and Alexander Natalia I-297b; and St. Alphonsus Liguori XIV-610C; Amelote I-407a; and Annat I-537c; Angelique I-744d; VIII-2S7d; and Arch- bishop 'jurisdiction of I-691d; and Arnauld family I-"/2a, Amauld, Henri I-745d; and Ar- nauld the Great I-742c; 743d: VIII-288a- on attrition Il-bba: and St. Augustine II-;88a; 103a; XII-377a: Augustimamsm 11- ioic; VI -712a; Augustinus XIV - 7a; and Baianism II- 210c; 212a; and Barcos II- 292b; and Belsunce de Castel- moron II-425C; Benedict XI\ - VIII-293d; Bentivoglio, Cor- nelio II-483C; and . Besoigne II-526d; and Bolgeni II-627a: and de Bonald II-647d; and Bossuet II-702a; and Breviary revision II-776b; and Brisacier, Jean de II-7S9b; Brugi^re III- 7b; and Calvinism XlJ-^'Sf; and Camaldolese ,111-2088; and Carthusians III-:'9"f: Case of Conscience VIII-291a, and Caulet III^58d: and de Cavlus XIII-71SC; and de Champs III-560b; children Communion of XII-590c; and Choiseul III - 694b; Choiseul du Plessis Praslin III-69.ic; Church, authority of I-?4c; Church inf.allibility of \11-- 799d- VIII-290d; and Clement IV-12b; and Clement IX IV- '>8b- VIII - 289c; Clement XI VII 1-29 lb; concupiscence VIII-287b; and Congruisra I V-252b ; con-vulsionanes V 111- 292b; decline III-694C; ■VIII- 293d; direction, spiritual \ - •24d; dogmatic facts \-92a; VII-799d; and Dupin, Louis Ellies V-204b; Encyclopedists V-420c; and F«nelon VI-37d, and Flemy VI-103c; free will VI-710a; 710b; and Gallican- ism VI-356C: and Gerberon VI - 469d; 470a; Godet des Marais VI-624b —trace VI-694a; VIII-287b; X- 437d; XIII-704a- XIV-.WSc; absence ol VI-694d; actual v I- 693c- III-202a; and Command- ment's VI-700b; existence of God XIV-570a; sufBcicnt VI-

— and Gu«ranECr Vll-59b; and CwTV VII-S9C: and Henri de Saint-Ignace VII-219b; and

Honoratus a Sancta Maria VII-i51c; Infralapsariamsm XII-382a; and Innocent X VIII-21b; VIII-2S8a; Inno- cent XI VIII-22C; in ItalyXII- 117a; and St. John Baptist de la Salle VIII-448d; on justifica- tion VIII-287b; Lallemant VIII-752C; and Lateran Coun- cil (1725) IX-19C; and Le Tellier lX-200d; IX-201b; and limbus infantium IX-257d; Louis XIV VIII-289C; IX- 374c; and Louvain, University of IX-393a; and Maffei XVI- 58d; and Maimbourg IX-540a; and Maurists X-70b; and Mazarin X-93a: Melehides X- 160a; and Mission, Congrega- tion of the X-359C —in Netherlaiids VII-96a; VIII- 293b; in Amsterdam I-442b; statistics XIV-278a; Utrecht XV-246d ^ ^, .,

—and Nicole XI-68c; and Noail- les XI-25d; and Olier XI-242b; and Pascal XI-511a; and Pin-- gre XII-102d; Pistoia, Sj-nod of XII-116C; in Port Royal XII-296a; and Precipiano XII- 375c; and Probabilism XII- 442b; XIV-609d; XIV-610a; and Quesnel VIII-291c; XII- 602d; XV-12Sd; Ranc^ XII- 639c; and Rapin XIl-6-48c; on Redemption III-201b; XII- 680c; Regium Placet V-70,8a; at Reims, University of Xll- 728b; and Renaudot, Eusebius XII-770a; Resistance of VIII- 288c; and Richelieu XIII-48c; and Sabran XIII-292a; St. Simon XIII-376d; Salva- tion VI-699c; Salve Eegina XIII-410b; Sfondrati XIII- 748d- sin, original VIII-287D; XI-313d; XIV-7a; and Ste- phens XIV-291d; and Sul- picians XIII-37Sd; and Su- pernatural order XIV -338a -

and'sv'lviis XrV-373c; Ten XIV-505d; and theology XIV- 591b; 594d; 595c; and Tour- nelv XlV-SOOa; and unbelief V-419C: Urban VIII VIII- 2S7d; and Van Espen V- 541c; and Veron XV-360a; St. Victor, Abbey XI-486C; and St. Vincent de Paul XV-436d; Vineam Domini XV-445C; and Wadding XV-523b; and Wins- low XV-659b; Jansenius Gan- daviensis. See Jansen. Cor- nelius, the Elder Jansenius Yprensis. Comelms,

See Jansen (Jansenius) Janski, Bogdan XII-793d Janson, Charles de Forbin. See

Forbin-Janson, Charles de — Jacques, Baianist V-218C Janssen, Adrianus, mart>T VI-

6.'i2a , ^.,„. .,

—ARNOLD, founder X\I-47a; in-670b; V-54a; 54c; VII-

Janssen. Cornelius. Sec Jansen, Cornelius, the Elder Bishop of Ghent .. ^ ,

lanssenius, Cornelius. See Jan- sen Cornelius, the Eider

— JOHANN, historian ylll- 284d; XlV-763a; on B-el H" 5.59b- on Church and t-tate IX-74b; and Dollinger V-97b: oil Sppver, Diet of IX-4o3a; on Tetzel XIV-540c; Jotannes- stift V-52d

—John, Bishop of Belleville 11- 414d;VII-657b

Nicasius, martyr V l-b6ia

— Nicolaas, martyr VI-651d

Pierre, astronomer XUl-

7orhnrv inventor I1-.^74C


ABRAHAM Vlll-294b -Francis. Archbishop of New

Orleans I-42,)b; X-710a; XI-


'>94d . .

—Laurent, Biblical Commission

—Peter, martyr XIV-776b Janua. See Genev-a januaria, name a-o(4D

Y^^:^— ^^-i^rTiii^r^Tartiole,: other types, topics treated: (Ul.) = Ulustrations.