III-279C; canons, collection
III-2.Sla; canons, eccleaiaatical
III-2S7(); capitularies III-
310a; and Capranica 111-312(1;
cardinal III-33b: cardinal \-i-
car II-341C; XVI-lSb; cathe-
dral III-437b; -tSSd: cathedra-
ticum III-441b; and Cavagnia
III-467d: celibacy of the clergy
in-481a; Celtic Rite III-i93b;
cemetery 111-5040; censorship
of books III-519C; censnres,
ecclesiastical III-o27c; 529c:
530a; census II I-533c; chapels
III-579b; chaplain III-579d;
5S0c; chapter III-5S2b; and
Charlemagne III-617C: Chor-
episcopi XVI-24d ; church main-
tenance III-7(51d: citation III-
79Id;r..->lc: nii4 nvil hnv XIII-
fiOtib; cl:,:i :. ■: , . I\ la; and
Cleniem \ l\ . h ,1 Clen-
ocli I\' l^li ■ i \ i'b; and
Clerical.. I\ 'I'c, ■ !.ii-i.T IV-
60b; co-cunseerators IV-79c;
codification IX-63d; XIII-
153b; collections IV-104c; IX-
60c; 61a; collections, of Gra-
tian IX-62a: college IV-lUc;
college, Apostolic VI-112C: col-
legiate IV-114a; Command-
ments of the Church IV-154b;
commendatory abbot IV-155d;
commissions, ecclesiastical IVn
l(54d; commission for codifica-
tion of, and Pius X XII-13Sd;
commissary. Apostolic IV-
lIHb; Communion of chil-
dren n'-170d; communion of
saints IV - 171d; Communion
of the sick IV-174C; Commu-
nion under both kinds IV-
175b; competency IV-18()d;
compromise IV-lS9a; conceie-
hration IV-190a; conclave IV-
192a; concubinage IV-207c;
concursus IV-208d; conferences
IV-213b; confirmation IV-
215b; confraternity IV-223C;
congrua lV-251b; consanguin-
ity IV-204a; consecration IV-
27r>d; consent IV-2S3b; con-
servator IV-284d; consistory
IV-285a; constitutions, eccle-
siastical I V-320d; constitutions,
papal IV-321a; consultors IV-
323a; continence IV-3.30d;
contract IV-332a; contumacy
IV-340a; convent IV-340d;
conversion IV-347a; Corpus
juris canonici IV-391b; 392c;
costume, clerical IV -419b;
councils IV-423d; courts, ec-
clesiastical IV-447C; cowl IV-
463b; cremation IV -481c;
crime IV-4S9d; curate IV-
570b; curator IV-o71d; cure of
souls IV-572b; cursing IV-
573d; Cursores ApostoUci IV-
574b; custom IV-576b; deacon-
esses IV-651b; deacons IV-
647d; dean IV-659c; decisions
IX-57a; decree IV-670C; de-
cretals IV-670d; IX-63d; de-
cretals and decretalists IX-
62d; Decretals of Gregor\- IX
IX-i.:ia: decretum of Gratia
IX-."i7d; dedication IV-fi7.3a;
(kf.-niN r of the matrimonial tie
IV 67oa; definitor IV-670d;
degradation IV-677d; Dela-
tores IV-B91d; delegation IV-
696b; denunciation IV - 733b;
deposition IV-737d; deroga-
tion IV-739b; desecration
IV-74SC; desertion IV-7oOa;
Desservants IV-756a; and
Dcusdedit IV-760d; develop-
ment III-703a; IX-60a; devo-
lution IV-769b; and Devoti
IV-7f>8c; dignitary, ecclesias-
tical IV-794C; dimissorial let-
ters lV-797b; diocesan chan-
cer>- IV-798d; diocese V-la;
Dionysius Exiguus V-lOd; dip-
lomatics, papal V-21c; disci-
pline, ecclesiastical V-30a; dis-
parity of worship V-37d; dis-
pensation V-41a; and Divine
law IX-5Sd; doctor V-72c;
domicile V-103d; and Domini-
cans XII-36,5b; donation V-
116c; dower V-I46C; Durandus
the Elder V-207b; Durandus
the Younger V-207d; Echter
von Mespclbrunn V-271b; on
education XIII-557d; Egyp-
tian Church ordinance V-363b;
election V-374c; emancipation
V-399a; encyclical V-413c;
endowment V— 421c; and Engel
V-429a; in England IX-69d;
enthronization V— 479c; epochs
IX-57c; and Espen V-541b;
espousals V-o42d ; eugenics
XVI-39d; examination V-
673d; examiners, Apostolic V-
67od; examin.rs. sMi.,,lnl V-
676a;exarch \ i.7..r .■.,, In-nm.
right of V-r,7,-li . . uni-
cation V-67^b, , \|i-<-
tolic V-691d. .._.;„piiji, V- 706b; exequatur V-7U7d; ex- peditors, Apostolic V-7I2d; Extravagantes V-715c; Fab- rica Ecclesife V-744b; faculties V-748a; and Fagnani V-7.Tld; False Decretals V-773b; 775a; falsity V-781a; fast V-789d; fear VI-20c; and Ferraris VI- 4Sd; filial church VI-72b; Fil- lastre VI-74d; fiscal procura- tor VI-82c; forgery VI-135b; formularies VI-141b; forum, ecclesiastical VI-153c; founda- tion VI-157C; fraud VI-250a; Fredoli VI-257a; Fulgentius, Ferrandus VI-317d; funeral dues VI-321b; gambling VI- 376b; Gardenellini VI-382d; general chapter VI~412b; and Gibert VI-549C: and Gibson XIII-651d; and Giraldi VI- S68c; glebe VI-582c; Glosses VI-5S8C; and Granderath VI- 725a;Gregorianedition VII-3d; and Gropper VII-36C; head- dress VII-113a; and Henry VIII XIII-654b; Henry of Rebdorf VII-237d; Hcnrj- of Segusio VII-238b; heresy VII- 256a; 256d; 260a; XIV-761d; and Hergenrother VII-262b; hermeneutics VII -275b; hier- archy VII-322C; as higher sci- ence I-762d; and history VII- 370d; Holy Communion VII- 402c; Holy .Synod VII-t28c; homicide VII-441d; host VII- 493c; Huguccio VII-527b; hunting VII-563d; ignorance VII-648b; illegitimacy VII- 650a; immunity VII-690b; im- pediments VII-69.5b; incardi- nation and excardination VII- 704b; incest VII-717b; In commendam \'II - 71Ha; Index of Prohibited H..ok» \ II 721d; indulgences \'ll 7^.ia; iri'lul- gences, Apostolir\'II-7ssa; in- dult, pontifical VII-7S9c; in- fallibility VII-790a; infamy Vlll-la; infidels VIII-2c; in partibus infideUum VIII-251c: In Petto VIII-25d; inquisition VIII-38b; insanity VIII-41a; installation VIII-50b; institu- tion VIII-65C; intention VIII- 69b; intercession, episcopal VIII-72d; interdict VIII-73b; and interest XV-236a; inter- nuncio VIII-78b; IX-119d; interpretation XIII-142a; in- trusion VIII-82C; inventory* of church property VIII-84a; in- vestiture VIII-84C; Irnerius VIII-168b; irregularity VIII- 170d; irremovability VIII- 173c; and Islip VIII-191b; Ivo of Charlres VIII-257a; Jacob of Juterbogk VIII-261C; Jaco- bus de Teramo VIII-262a; Jews, treatment of VIII-403C; John Scholasticus VIII-469b; 484b; judge, ecclesiastical VIII-54.5d; jurisdiction, eccle- siastical VIII-567b; Jus Spolii \III-o71a; and Kober VIII- 6S4c; laity VIII-748C; and Lancelotti VIII-774b; laj' ab- bot IX-92b; lav communion IX-93d; lav confession IX- 94b; lav tithes IX-95d; Laz- arists X"-363d; lector IX-lllb; legacies IX -11.5b; legate IX- 118b; legati nati IX-119a; legati a latere IX-119b; leg- ati missi IX-119b; legitimation IX-131d; letters, ecclesiastical IX-202a; Liber Septimus IX- 226c ; Liber Sextus Decretalium IX-227a; ligamen X-244a; and
Luca IX -404a: Maestro di
Cameradel PapaIX-521c: and
Maitland I-114a: majordomo
IX-556d: majority IX-557c:
manifestation of conscience
IX -597a: manuscript XII-
766b; Margarita; IX -657a;
marriage IX-699C; XVI-60d;
marriage, mixed IX-698b;
Master of the Sacred Palace
X-39a: and medicine X-
142d: Mensa, mensal reve-
nue X-194a; mental reserva-
tion X-195C: metropolitan X-
244b; mid wives X-287d; minor
X-33Ib; minor orders X-332d;
and Molina X-436b; monas-
teries X-452b: 458d; monopoly
X— 497b; monsignor X-510a;
motives in III-526C; Motu
proprio X-602c: and Mouchy
X-602d; Nicolo de' Tudeschi
XI-69c; nomination XI-93c;
nomocanon XI-94c; notaries
XI-122c: no\'ice XI-144b;
nuncio IX-lI9d; XI-160b;
nuns XI-164a; obedience, re-
ligious XI-182b; obreption XI-
193c; ceconomus, episcopal XI-
214b; option, right of XI-264b;
oratory XI-271C: ordinariate
XI-284a; ordinary XI-284a;
papal elections XI-456a; and
Papiensis XI-459C; Paris, Uni-
versity of XI-495b; 497a; par-
ish XI-499C; Paschal Tide XI-
5I7b: pastor XI-537d; patri-
arch and patriarchate XI-
549b; patron and patronage
XI-o60b: and Pena XI-611d;
penalties IX-64d; penitential
canons XI-636b; pension, ec-
clesiastical XI-645C; perjury
XI-696d; person, ecclesiastical
XI-727b; and Phillips, George
XII-22C; Photius of Constan-
tinople XII-43d: 46b; Piatto
CardinaHzioXII-72a: andPich-
ler XII-75a: and Pius X XII-
138c; XV-309b; plenary council
XII-164C; and Politi XII-212d;
Polycarp XII-221d; Pontifi-
cale XII-231d; Porter XII-
284d: postulant XII-319b;
319d; Pra-latus Nullius XII-
332c; prebend XII-371b; pre-
caria XII-371b; precedence
XII-371C; precept XII-372b;
preconization XII-376a; Pre-
fect Apostolic XII-386b; pre-
late XII-386d; prescription
XII-395b; presentation, right
of XH-399b; presumption XII-
403c; priest XII-4(*6a; priest,
assistant XII— 407b; primacy
XII-423C; primicerius XII-
426d; prisons, ecclesiastical
XIH36a; privilege XII-i36c;
privileges, ecclesiastical XII-
437c; procurator XII-451a;
profession, religious XII^5Ic;
Promoter Fidei XII— 4.54a; pro-
mulgation IX-64C; XII-454b;
proof XII— 4.54d; Propaganda,
Sacred Congregation of XII-
456a; property, ecclesiastical
XII— 466b; prothonotar>*. Apos-
tolic XII-503a; protocol XII-
503c: province, ecclesiastical
XII-514b; pro\-incial_ XII-
514d; provincial council XII-
515b; provision XII-516a: pro-
vost XII-517a: public and pri-
vate IX-57a: public honesty
XII-554a; putative marriage
XII-584a; and Putzer XII-
584c; Quam Singulari XII-
590b; and Quaresmius XII-
.i93b; rector XII-676c; re-
demptions, penitential XII-
682c; referendarii XII-700a;
reforms, ecclesiastical III-
528b: r^^ale, droit de XII-
712c; registers, parochial XII-
721c: Regulie Juris XII-722b;
regulars XII-722c; Anacletus
ReifTcnstuel XII-724d; rela-
tionship XII-731C; relics XII-
7.34b; religious life XII-74Sd;
religious order reform XII-
71 Id; renunciation XII-774a;
reordination XII -774b; re-
scripts, papal XII-783C; reser-
vation XII-784a; reserved
cases XII-785b; residence, ec-
clesiastical XII-785c; revoca-
tion XIII-7b ; Richard de Wyche XIII-1.3d: rites XIII-64b;" rit- ual XIII-88d; Roman Congre- garions XIII-l:f6a; Roman Curia XIII-U7b; Romanes Pontifices Xlll-I.i4c; and Ros- mini-Serbuti XIII-194C: Rota, Sacra Romana Xin-205d; and Rothe Xni-207b; sacrilege
42Sc; and .S.andeo XIII-43.5C;
and SchenkI XIII-527a: schism
XIII-529a; and Schmalzgrue-
ber XIII-.54.5c; Schneemann
XIII-54r>d; and Srhram XIII-
590d: .-IS r, ~,i,tir.. IX-.57d:
scribes XIII (;;ic: scrutiny
XIII-lUlc: ^1 il nl nonfession
Xin-C.l'Jc hMib -. .■ular cler-
gy XIII ■; -..I :ih,rization
Xlll-iir.-.l ! - I v;, KKio
720c; srxiMii XIU ," isb; .Simon of Cramaud XIU 7',i9a; .si- mony XlV-la; socii'tics, secret XIV-72d: .salii-it.ition XIV- 134d;St.-phen..i r,,ur,i:ii XIV- 291d; Mil., ii.l \l\ J'H.b; ,^ub- deacon '\ I \ .. ■ 't> iil.rrpiiiin XIV-:;-.,. XI\'-
322b; ^ijulr \I\ .;;.:id; Su- premi disriplina> XIV - 342c; suspension XI\'-345d; syndic, Apostolic XI\'-3S5a: synod XIV-3SSa: Synodicon Ori- entale XIV -411c; synods, national XI\'-3S9a: Syntagma Canonum XIV-394b; Tametsi IV-2c; XIV-141C; .and Tar- quini XI\-i:.vd; Taxa Inno- centiana \I\ li.7b. on tem- perance XI \ is'ia: r.stament. Old XIII i;:;--b. ...l T.ut.,nic
law IX-t)Oa; MT.. ..^ ..f
Angers I— IS'.lb, dogmatic XI\ i
ology, p a s t . 1 1 . i ■■ I '. ' : i .1 ; tithes XIV-7n. . I\
74.5b; toleraliMi. I \ -
761c; tonsur.. \ I I .-
dition and li\ ii,; ■ , .- .n. XV-6c; truce of (Jod .W-lj.'^d; trustee system XV-71a: tyran- nicide XV-lOSd; in United States II-238a; Urbi et Orbi XV-221a: and usury X\ i;:;i,a; vacancy XV-2lsb: \ ;.li.l .turn of marriage X\" L'.'.i.d, \:ili.litv XIII-6.i6b; \-:,i..-..T. (',.i....ii. petition i.. \\ .;.il.i, \ :.ii.;.ii
Palace. :..].■ -1. 1 \\" -
299b; \. .1 \\ :-U .....I \ . t- gerio X \ ;'. ;b . ., I \ . . .i.l-
XV-:).-.4b, \ . ..; .■ W /.7b; vic-:irX\ -mill ■. :■ \" I;.. XV-4mc; M.-.; . , r \\
4(lld; viear-i;. n. i I \\ I'.Jc: \nrgin birth of Clinst XV- 448b: visit ad limina XV-47Sd: visitation XV-479d; visitors. Apostolic XV— 183c: vocation XV-498d; will and testament of clerics XV-626d: witness XV-677d: woman XV-697a: words XV-704b; written and unwritten IX-57a: York. Use of XV-73.5a: Zabarella XV- 739a: Zaccaria XV-740c; and Zailinger zum Thurn XV-745c; Zailwein XV-745d Law, Civil, and abduction I-32b; 32d; 33a; abortion I-46d: 48d; accession I - 95d ; Accursius I- lOOd; acts I-lI.5b; adoption I- 147c; adulteration of food I- 162b; adultery I-163c: advow- son I-169a: 169c; agrarianism I-226d: alimentation I-312c: alimony I-313c; Anstey 1- 551b: and apostasy I-625a; association, right of voluntary Il-ld; attainder II-59b; Aver- roe3ll-150c: Baldwin. Francis II-22Ib; bankruptcy II-2.52C: Barclay II-291d: and Bfdard II-383C; and Bcllasia II-41.3d; and Benthamism II-482d; Be- soldus II-527a; betrothal II- 537d; bigamy II-564C; blas- phemy 1 1- 596a; Bodin. Jean II-609a: Bologna, study at II- 642a: Bowyer II-724d: Brac- ton, Henry de II-724d: 726c; Brehon Laws II-753a: and Buckley III-28b; Bude,
Roman numeral inditates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.