-^Alitur'gical ~Days I-314b; An- tioch I-571b; England I-314C, Russian Church I-314t> -^Aposlle,: Copts I-72b; Greek Church I-70b; Jacobites Wlc, Maronites 1-7 Id; Russian Church I-71b __
—Ash Wednesday J-^^', "^f maldolese III-20Sb: candles I- 347d; catechumenate lll^Jia, Carthusian III-390a —Cfirislmas; Copts I-72b, {jreeK Church I-70c; Jacobites I-7.1c, Maronites I-71d; Russian Church I-71b. See Advent —cloistered nuns IV-bld. et>-
mology IX-152a _Fas( o/ IX-153b; lo3c; and abstinence I-69a; in Australia I-70b: Black II-590c; Byzan- tine Rite IV-315C: Canada I- 70b: duration IX-152d: Fqnte- Avellana VI-128a; Gt. Britain and Ireland I-70a; .p-^eek Schism VI-76od; Jacobites 1- 71c- Maronites I-71d; Nesto- rians 1-7 Id; post-N.cene Church I-197C; Spain I-314c, Strasburg _I-3«a;. %"?° Church I-71c; byrian Kite East XIV -416c; in United States I-69d;V-i 90a -Gospels for VI-660C; Greek Church III-166C; herrinES, procession of XII-728c; lessons II-773a; liturgical attitude ot faithful VI-425a; liturgical les- sons IX-195b; 195d; 197d — Major: Armenians i-'-'fi Copts I-72b; Greek Church I- 70b- 70c; Maronites l-/.a, Russian Church I-Jlb —marriage during VII-697a —Mary's: Copts I-72b; Greek Church I-70c; Russian Church I-71b . ri„;
—Moss VI-716a; Agnus Dei. melody of I-223a; Bobbio Mis- sal III-502b; Ordo Romanus, first XI-285d; Palm hunday XI-432b; Preface I-73b, the Pre-Sanctified, Greek Church of V-581a; Quadragesima A.11- 589a; Thursdays, early custom
— and military orders XIII--353C; Molokani XII-650a; observ- ance, early III-159C
-Offices^ of: Aeath«tus I-92b Alleluia, use «' I-32UC^ Am brosian I-399c; Greek Church
-Origin" IX-152b; St. Philip's Greek Church I-70c
—Rites: Ambrosian I-398a; 398b, Byzantine IV-31.5c; Coptic I- 306b; Ethiopian V-57pd; Greek I-473c; Greeks, .Antidoron 1- .562b- in Maronite l.v-bsoa. Mozarabic X-615d; ancient Scottish III-495d
—in Rome IV-774b: "act in VI- 717c; Truce of God X\-69a
LentUs, Bible XII-154b
Lentini (Leontim) IH^.^^f^ Christian cemetery in Aiii
Leltoo, Giacomo da VIII-246d
Lentiscus Ill-ils'ld
Lentish XU-l'i4c
Lentius, Marcellus, prior
5 Id
1.54b; Chrisl, appearance ol XI-3'.lC.c: l.-lter of MlUb .
Lenz, Antonin, bishop, Buhcmian apologist IV-UlWc
—Jean Michel Reinhold, poet VI-5'24c _. ,
Lenzburg, Heinrich von. Bishop of Lausanne lX-40d
—House of, Swiss dynasty Xiv-
Lenzen, monastery VI-081d
—Maria VI-527C
Leo, Saint, martyr, Ccuta IV-
-i?THE GREAT. SAINT, Pope I\ r.4d I-."."3b; Ii32b; III- 2™-,b r.ild; VI-7fl9d; VI - ICSd; Xll-2.;7b: 273b; ab- besses aRc of I-8a; .\dvcnt Ix-asonsI-lG5c;altar,St.,Pctei's XIII-372C; and Amphilochua of Sida I^3Sd; on Apocryplm
I-Cl.'ja; and Attila II-61b;
Xlll-ieSa; on baptism, time
of V-505d; and Bassianus II-
345b; Catania, Bishop of I}}"
430a; celibacy III-485a; XIU-
774c; on Christ, nature of X-
503d; 504a; on Christian burial
III-71d; and Clement XU
IV-31d; on confession XI-
627a; on confirmation IV-219a;
Chalcedon, Council of IX-
156c- and Constantinople,
Council of IV^27d; on Coun-
cils, General I V-433c; on Coun-
cils, infallibility of VII-796a;
on creation of diocese V-2a;
and Dioscurus V-20b; 21b; de-
clared doctor V-75c; on dying,
reconciliation of XI-631b; and
ecclesiastical discipline IX-
156a; ecclesiastical interests
"Epistola dogmatica' I-727D;
X-81b; and Eudocia V-597c;
and Eusebius I-258d; II-61d;
V-622c; 622d; and Eutyches
III-555C; V-631b; Eutyches,
St. Leo's tome V-19c; in False
Decretals V-775d; Fathers, ap-
peal to VI-4a; feast III-lB3c;
and St. Flavian VI-99a; VII-
453a; fresco, by Raphael XU-
644c; and Galla Placidia XII-
142d; and Gallican Rite VI- _
358a; and Gennadius I VI-
416a; and Genseric XV -268c;
heresies, policy towards IX-
155a; on heretics, punishment
of VIII-27C; and St. Hilary I-
238b; VII-349b; IX-155c; on
the Incarnation IX-I5ljb; and
Bishop Juvenal XV-471a; and
Lateran Basilica IX-I4d; on
legates IX-118d; on Lent IX-
152a; and Leo I, emperor IX-
156c; Leonine Sacramentary
IX-297d; and St. Leontms IX-
180a: 202c; XII-268d; life,
earlv IX-154d: on Manicha!an
Coimimion IV-l/'d; and
Marcian I-601a; Ill-IOlb; V-
632d; IX-644d; and Mass,
Roman IX-795a: music, ec-
clesiastical I-578a; and bt.
Patrick IV-509d: St. Paul,
Basilica of XIII-369b; on pen-
ance I-64d; and penitents XI-
636d; St. Peter Chrysologus
XI-763a; and Pontine Marshes
VIII-213a; on popes, unworthy
I-293d; on priesthood, univer-
sal XII-415b; and Prosper of
Aquitaine XII-487C; on psalm,
singing of VI-7I5d- St. Pul-
cheria, letters to XII-562b.
and Ravennius. Bishop of Aries
IX-I55d; and Robber Council
of Ephesus V-496d; Rogation
procession XIII-174c; and
sanctuary XIII-430d; sermons
and letters IX-lS?^;,??,v,S:
fano degli Abissmi XIII-I73d
on sun worship IV-2y/D. on
Roman supremacy IV-308c;
and Three Chapters XIV-
707d; and Theodoret XIV-
575a; and Timothy jElurus
X-4S9d; tomb IX-I57a; and
Aries. Council of I-727b; and
Valentinian III XV-255d; and
Vienne, Archbishop of VU-
27a- visit ad liniina, rules tor
XV-479a . .
-n. SAINT. Pope IX-1.57b, XII-273C: 6r.6c; on Pope Hon- oriua I VII-45.')a; and Pope Sergius I Xin-7-28c —Sixth (Erumenicid ( mincil}- (UOd- IV-310C; X-507d; ratifi- cation ..( IV-431b — t,„nl>of XIII-372C —III. SAINT, Pope IX--157d; \11 -'730; .\achen cathedral i--'a-"lV 51l)d; and Adoption- isiu 'xiV'«00d; and Albano, r-ithcdral I-256a: and Arno \I11-Ulc: and Charlemagne III 614c;C.l.la:700c;IV-384d: Xn'727d; (ill.) IV-.381;. and Ethclhard V-55.5b ; and Filioquo VII^I3a; on funeral dues VI- 321b; in mosaic. Lateran. Romo (ill.) IX-facing 158:.on Peters- pence XI-774a; Precious Blood. ..i:„. „f VV-.Wfic; Prilm. .\b-
tion days I-09d; Xlll-lIOd;
Rome, condition of Xlll-lteb.
and rood Xlll-ISlb; and Theo-
dore of Studium XI-50c; tomb
ofXIlI-372c ^^. ,^„ ,
-IV. SAINT, Pope IX-I59a; I- 98d; XII-273C; altars I-350C; and catacombs III-419b; Cm- tas Leonina XIII-370a; con- sistory IV-285b; and cross, sign ot the IV-o2Dd; XIII- Is6c; crucifix IV-529a; Fran- cesca Romana XIII-1' lb; and Hincmar of Reims \ II-3olic, on holy water VII-433b; Leo- nine tower XV-277b; Leonine wall XV-276C; arid Jlaurus, Bishop of Toscanella Xy-489a, and Nomenoe XII-772b; Ostia, victory at XI-346b; Regesta XII-716b; on relics, exposition of I-366b; and Santa Ruhna XII-290b; and the Saracens XIII-I68c; States, Papal XI'V- 261c; at Subiaco XIV-321b, tomb of XIII-372C LEO V, Pope IX-159d; XII-273d LEO vi.Pope IX-159d; XII-273d LEO vn. Pope ,IX-160a; XII-
273d: and Flodoard VI-105a LEO vni. Pope IX-160b; I-58-2b;
n-12Sb; Vin-426d; IX-313d;
XII-273d; clfction XI-355C:
•uid titt" I XIV-262C —IX. SAINT, Pope IX-ieOc;
V-431C; XII-274a; XIV-263a;
263b; and Benevento II-477d;
at Besancon II-525d; and Be-
sani-on. Canons of XU-23.2D,
in Calw VII-363b; Carthage.
primacy of I-I88b; Constan-
tine, donation of V-l20d; creed
of XII-792C; and Desiderius
(Victor III) XV-410b: on elec-
tion, papal XII-271C; and St.
Erhard V-518b; and False De-
cretals V-778b; St. Gerard VI--
466a: Golden Rose VI-629d,
Henrylll VII-229C: and Hilde-
brand VI-791d; and Hugh the
Great VII-524d; hymns VII-
602d; Michael C»rularius X-
273c; Motto III-55b; oHice
XIII-2SC; and Photian Schism
XV-I39d: Precious Blood, relic
of the XV-576C; on prmiacy.
African I-181b: pn.so?" VII-
73a; reforms, clerical lll-4l43a.
at Reims XII-728a; at Reims.
Council of I-625c; VI-670b;
ReiSs. Synod of XII-730b;
and Remiremont, monastery ot
XII-764C; and Stephen X
XIV-290b; on soul, creation of
IV-476C: at Subiaco XIV-
321c; at Toul X-680b: and
Vezelay XII 1-7 19a: and Victor
11 XV-409C _,^ .
LEO X. Pope IX-I62b: in art, Raphael IX-facing lb4: XU- 274c- XV-2Sld;and abbrevia- tors I-29c: academy IX-164b; Accepinius nuper II-262C; and Adrian of Castello I-160d, and Albert^ of Brandenburg I-262a; and AlcaU V-289d, and Antonio Da fean Oallo the Younger XIII-444b; Apostolic! Regiminis I-6-4Sa; III-46'2c: astrology Ilv : Bak6cz II-21-ib: and Bem- bo II-426a; and Beroaldo XU- 765d; and Bibbiena II-542b, Bible, Polyglot .\}}-^l^\ Borghese. Petrucci XIII-78Ua, Bulh title of (ill.) IX-lb3c; bulla of (ill.) III-58d; calendar IX-248d; and Cajetan ui- 140b; and Camaldolese Ul- 206c: and Campeggio Ill-.iA)a. Chamb6r>-, arclidiocese of 111- 566d; character IX-164a; and Charles V III-625C; VI-oOl)b; and Cliieregati III-fi^>8c; com (ill.) Xl-facing I-5'2; and Chris- topher Numar of Forti XVI- 2,5b; and Complutensian 1 oly- glot XI-302d: Concxirdat with France IV--203b: Vni-74t.c;
V-272b; and King Emanuel I
XII-302d;andEngland I-oOOa ;
and Erasmus V-511a; Etsi a
sumnio 1II-205C; Exsurge Do-
mine II-75b; III-o21c; V-
«79a; XI-623c: and Ferrara
VI-46d: and Florence VI-
109b; and France VI-170a; and
Francesco Maria I of I-'rbmo
XV-222a; and Francis I III-
626b: French policy lX-164d;
Friars Minor IV-345b; VI-
286d: and Gian Paolo Baglione
XI-736C; and Gikerti VI-549d;
and Giulio dc Medici IV-24d:
and de Grassis VI-/;i9b; and
Henry VIII III-S8c; VII-222c;
and Holv Coat Vll-^Olb: and
Humanism VII-540a; and the
Index XIII-143a: and Indul-
gences, Bull of lX-441d: Inter
Cetera XII-758c: Inter sollici-
tudines III-521b; and Ivano-
vitch, Basil XIII-255d:Lateran
CouncU(1512) IX- 19a; Lateran
Council (1512) IX-165b; and
learning IX-163d; and Li-
thuania XI-455b; Luther \-
688c: VII-785a; Luther letter
from IX-443d; and/Machiavelli
IX-SOlc; and Ms-garet of
Cortona IV-401C: and Markos
Musuros X-659b: Michelan-
gelo III-69d; 61c; 02d; military
order X-300d; miserere X-
353c- Montefiascone X-529a:
and Order of Christ III-698c;
and Panama. Diocese of
XI4390: and 'Paul III XI-
579c: and Petrucci IX-165d,
and Pomponazzi ,XII-227c.
portrait, by Raphael X\-286a.
Privilegium Canonis lX-lb4c;
XII-437d; G44d: Eeforaauon
IX-166b: relics XIII-505d;
and Renaissance XII-/b6c; Ke-
ligionis III-43d; on Rosary
XIII-186d; rubrics XIII-2I6d:
Sacri Apostolatus mmisterios
X-268c: and Sadoleto, Jacopo
XIII-324b: Salzburg XIII-
413d; and San Dommgo V-
11 la; Sannazaro, Jacopo XIU-
4.50c: SantesPagninoXI-394d;
and Schinner, Matthffius XIII-
528c; Sistine Choir XlV-30b.
stations XV-569d; Studium
Curis XIII-177d; Supernffi
III-330C; Antonio Tebaldeo
XIV-168b: and tertiaries Xll-
752c; and tertiary rule XIV-
642c; on titulars II-l«<:v '9?;
XIII-172d; Trissmo XV-61b;
and Turks VI-77pa: and Lnl-
versity, Roman X-4(^; XUl-
177d; and Urbmo IX-lboc;
Vatican Archive XV-287d:
Vatican L i b r ary IX-lMbj
XV-96a- Vescovio, Cathedral
of X"lll-291b: and Vida XV
415c: St. Vincent, and Athan-
asius. Abbey of XI II-381a: and
Wolsey, Cardinal XIII-212d
LEO XI Pope IX-lb6d, XII-
274c; and Franco, Giovanni
Battista VI-235a; .and Blessed
Ippolito Galantini ^Ill-Sf";
monument of (.11.) IX-167b:
and Piatto c-irdinalizio XII-
72b: tomb XIII-3i2d
LEO xn. Pope IX-167C; XII-
274d- and Accademia Tibenna
I-S7a- and .\cton. cardinal 1-
113c; Ad Dominici gregis cus-
todiam II-196b; on Bible So-
cieties II - 54,5c; and Bologna
university II-643a .
Conconiat: with Belgium 11-
39Sdrand Holland VII-96C; with X'ctherlands II-645C; with I'pper Rhine Provinces IV-204a . ,.,,. ,„,..
—English and Jesuits X.I\ -101c. (ilU VI -facing 8,8; Impensa Ronianoriim" VII^129d; nter prfficipua Nostn Apostolatus munera II-340a; and Irish College, Rome VIII-IJSC
nence-vi-* '-«*»■ ' '"*'■""., ,.
ielics of XV-576C: Prilm, Ab bey church of Xn-519a: roga
XII-333C: 3()0a:
34Sb; and ('-Mr,.
Crosier imluls^j]"'
crusade IV- 'b.
and St. Daiiu-1_ I\ scription I.K-li-ia;
College, nome •",-,:„,_
Lorcto, Congregation of XIU
Congn'tMU"" "■ '" :.,,,v „nd
Pacca. H:,i' I ■; ^' ,. :
ana inisftum. > *■ . . »y_
G21b; monumtiut ol U"-> *-^
^p^Tnli^IieT^it^^^^iiF^^^'^ies;^^^ topics treated; (iU,, = illustrations.