Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/520

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M., abbr. I-24d; 26(1

M. A., abbr. I-24d; 25a

Ma (Enyo) deity I-784b; IV- 151b; VII-305d

Maacab. See Maacha

Maacha, mother of Absalom I-58d

■ — (Thamar) , daugbter of Absalom I-I3(lb

Maalehacrabim. See Acrabira

Maaloula, Sci> of XV-745b

Maalta, Diocese of XV-745C

Maanen, ComeUus Felix van, ministir Il-:Wsb; VIl-390b

Ma'apra, vistinrnt XlV-llOb

Maara (Mearal VH41d

Maarah. .Si . Mara

Maarath. .SV ( Mareth

Maas, Anthony J., exegete IV- IGla; VII-TOSa; on Herod the Great VII-290C

—Karl XIII-501d

Maasbode, periodical VII-392d; XI-681C

Ma 'aseroth, Talmudic treatise XIV-i:iUd

Ma 'aser sheni, Talmudic treatise XlV^lSiid

MAASSEN, FRIEDRICH BER- NARD CHRISTIAN IX-47<)a; can^.ii law, hi>l"ry of 111-2.S1C

Maastricht, and .St. Aniandu.s 1- 380c; battle of XIV-654d; Benedict XIV. Declaration of IV-2b; disputation II-567a; leper houses IX-182c; patron VI-633d

Maat, deity V-529c

Maath. .See Mahath

Maban, cantor I-93c; 581a

Mabbogh. .Sec MabougS

Mabbs, Lawrence, martyr V- 478b

Mabileau, Francois, martyr III- fi71b; !X-747b; XIV-420a

Mabillon, Estienne IX-479C

—JEAN IX -479c; I-S9b; X- 7Ud; .>K.)a; on Agnus Dei I- 222a: Baeumer's biography of II-202a; Christian research XII -768b; "Diplomatique", Bull III-54d; and formularies VI-142b; as bagiographer VII- 107d; and La Trappe IX-35d; Le Tellier, Charles IX-200C; St. Malachy XII-i76a; on monograms I-21c; Ordines XI-285a; 285d; XIII-216c; as palaeographer XI— 403c; palms XI^32b; and Papebroch II- 634a; portrait IX-479d; St. Benedict, Rule of II-437a; St. Remigius, testament of XII-764a; and Ruinart XIII- 223a: on St. Samson XIII- 42.ia: and de la Serre V-551b

MABINOGION IXH181a; Grail Vl-719d:720c

Mablara, Juan de, school XIII- 74(id

Mably, Gabriel de, on commun- ism IV-lsod

Mabortha (Flavia Neapolis) VIII- .'isla

Maboug iMabogI Vn-322a; Per- sians capture XI-716d

Mabsam, t ribc I-664d

Mabuchi, scholar VIII-314b

Mabuha, in Nasorecanism X- 707c

Mabuse, Jan. .Sec Gossaert

McCabe, Neil, Bishop of Ardagh X-3(;.-)d

Macabebe, parish IX-598d

Macabrigus, John, martyr VIII- l«4b

Mac-Aeducan, Nial, Bishop of I.isinoro XV-56.5b

Macaille, Saint, and St. Brigid II-7S4b: IV-94C; VIII-638C

Macaire, Cyril, Patriarch of Ali'xaiidriu 1-,-iOOa; VI-356b

McAleer, Clara Louise IX-.'ifMJa

— Michael, pioneer priest IV-

Mac-an-bhaird, Hugh (Aedh- Buidh). See Ward. Hugh

—Geoffrey XV-550C

Macao, town, Portuguese settle- ment III-6S2d

—DIOCESE OF IX-481b; III- 678d; XII-305C; missions X- 37tia

Macapillo, foundation IX-429C

Macar, martyr V-Uc

Macarians V-125d

Macarius, commissioner, and Donatists V-I25C

— n. Patriarch of Alexandria III-25C

— Bishop of Cabasa III-125d

— Bishop of Clazomenae IV-lOc

— Bishop of Cotenna IV-421d

—Saint, Bishop of Dax XVI- 32c

— SAINT, Bishop of Jerusalem IX^82c; VIII-356C; Holy Sepulchre VII-425d; Nicsea, Council of XI-44C; True Cross IV-52,3b; 530a; VIII-357d

— II, of Jerusalem VIII-S59b

— Saint, Bishop of Le Puy IX- 186a

— Bishop of Magnesia IX-483a; 533c

—Bishop of Minorca X-332a

— Metropolitan of Moscow XIII- 262a; writings Xni-269a

— Metropolitan of Novgorod, and iconostasis VII-627b

— Blessed, Abbot of St. James XV-T21b; 721c

— Bishop of Tkhou, panegyric V-360c: XVI-28d; 29b

— MAGNES IX-483a; on En- cratites V— 413b; and soul IV-476a

—OF ANTIOCH IX-483b; X- 506d; 507b; florilegium VI- 121b; Constantinople, Council of IV-310b: 425b


—THE EGYPTLAN XVI-56d; Monastery of XIII-239C; and Rule of XII-760d: as theolo- gian XIV-617d; poverty X- 460c

— the elder. See Macarius the Egyptian

Macaronics VI-124b; in Polish literature Xn-197c

Macarsca, Diocese of XIV-207d

Macarten, Saint, Bishop of Clogher IV-59d; at Monaghan Vlll-lOOa; and St. Patrick XI- 558b

Macartney, Lord, and China III- 6S3b

McAfee, family, Maryland II- 229b

McAulay, Catherine Elizabeth, foundress X-199c; XV-fil.5b

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, historian, on Cranmer V-447b; on Innocent XI V— 451d; on Nicholas V XI-59a: on Gates' Plot XI-175b; on Popish Plot V^ola; on "Spiritual Exer- cises" XIV-229a; on Reforma- tion V-445b; 446c; and Wise- man XV-671C

— Zacbary, sectarian IX-400b

Macbeth, King of Scotland XIII- 614c; and St. Edward V-323a; and Rome IX- 162b

Mac Brady, Andrew, Bishop of Kilmore Vni-64.3a

McBriody, Bernard, martyr VIII- 107d

McCABE, EDWARD, cardinal IX-lS4a; V 17i;c: and Dupan- loup V-202d: and Leo XIII IX-171b

— Neil, Bishop of Ardagh X- 365d

—Patrick, Dubuque V-180d

Maccabees. See Machabees

Maccabei, Mario, ou Baptistines II-27.Sb

Maccafani, Angelo, bishop VIII- 774d; IX-718d

McCafirey, Antonia, Sister of

Charity XIV-28C — John J., and Catholic Univer- sity II~156a: and Mount St.

Marv's X-605b — HaU, Mt. St. Marv's X-605b MAC CAGHWELL, HUGH IX-

484b; at Louvain VII-321d;

and MacMahon, Heber XV-

58b: Seotism XIV-594b; XV-

523b — James, Protestant Bishop of

Cashel Ill-iOlc Mac-Calla, Clifford P. IX-784a McCann, John, Lazarist X-365c — M. J., editor XI-CS2b Mac Carrha, Dermot, mart\T

Vlll-lOSa MAC CARTHY, BARTHOLO- MEW XVl-.57a; VIlI-12.3b — Cormac, King of Monster IX-

565c; and Cork IV-372C; Lord

of Muskery, and O'Herlahy

XI-225b — Cornelius, martyr Vni-167d — Dairmaid, and Keating, Geof- frey XVI-48b — Daniel, Bishop of Kerry VIII-


on Calderon III-156d; editor

XI-6S2a — Dermit, at Bordeaux VIII-

161a — Edward J., .-Vrchbishop of

Halifax VII-118C —John, laN-man XIV-398d —John, Bishop of Cloyne (1712)

IV-72d — John George, Irish leader

VIII-113b — Justin XVI-57C: on Australia

II-115b: portrait XVI-57d — Lauder, and convent IV-371a — Michael X\'I-57c — Mor, and Kilcrea monastery

IV-371a —NICHOLAS TUITE IX-4S5b — Thaddeus, Blessed. .See Thad-

deus McCarthy. Blessed McCarthy, Thaddeus, Bishop of

Cloyne (1727) IV-72d —Thomas, layman XIV-39Sb — Timothy, at Armidale I-740c;

at Grafton IX-2S4a McCauley, Molly. See Pitcher,

Molly M'Causland, Dominic, Preadam-

ism XII-371b Mac Cecht, metal-worker X-220C Saint, Abbot of Waul-



(Makaz) VI-441d

Macchi, Luigi, cardinal, and Subi- aeo XIV-322a

Maccioni. Miglioritti, at Pisa X11-112C

— Valerius, Vicar Apostolic VI- 529b: and Denmark IV-725C

McClancy, Melita, Sister of Char- ity III-608b

McClellan, George B., general VIlI-141a; XV-172a

Macclesfield, Thomas. See Max- field

McCloskey, George, in Brooklyn II-799C

—JOHN, cardinal IX^SSd; Al- bany episcopate I-257c; on Anderson, Henry James I- 466d; and President .\rthur I- 424c; and Bishop Bacon II- 191c; on Bedford II-386b; and CathoHc Club in-453a: and Egloffstein V-327b; and Ford- ham XI-27d; and immigrant girls VIII-137C; and Mount St. Mary's I X-488d ; X-605C ; New York episcopate XI-24b; por- trait IX— 487: titular church XIII-172d; at Vatican Council XV-307a

—Patrick, in New Y'ork I-257b

—WILLIAM GEORGE, Bishop of Louis\'ille IX-48Sd: 38,Sd; and .\merican College, Rome I-423d; XI-24b

MacCoilidh, family and Kilbarry II— 485b: and Termonbarry church I-485b

McColgan, Edward, at Baltimore n-233b: and Maginn XVI-57b

MacConcaille, Cornelius, Arch- bishop of Armagh I-730C

MacCongail, Donald, Bishop of liaphoe XII-64Sa

MacCongaill (McConnell), Roger, martvr VIlI-1135d

MacConnan, John, martyr VIII-

MacCormack, Abbot of Bangor, Ireland II-251a

McCormick, Cyrus, inventor VIII-142a

MacCosse, at Ross XIII-202d

McCourt, Conn. See Macuarta,

McCoy, Isaac, missionary X-

272b —Peter, at Baltimore II-234b MacCreaghe, Bishop of ClojTie

(1580) IV-72d MacCreiche of Corcomore, Saint

I-B77C MacCriffon, Felim, at Clonmac-

noise IV-66C McCrimthainn, Aedh, and

Laudabiliter I-loSc McCue, Alexander, jurist Il-SOld — Martin J., at Notre-Dame du

Lac XI- 132c MacCuilenan, Cormac. See Cor- mac Mac Cuilenan MacCuirp, and St. Finbarr IV-

371d Maccullen, Art, prior XII-5S0C McCuUough, Elizabeth Budd

XIV-GOb —John, actor Vni-142b Maccumacthenus, Muircu, on St.

Patrick I-733d; XI-424d McCurdy, James Frederick, exe- gete I-622b; on conquest of

Chanaan VIII-196C McDade, John J., and Young

M.ns Institute XV-736b MacDara, Prince of Hj--Bairrche

of Ciirlow \I-(36c McDermott, Mrs., Visitation

Nun XV-4S3a McDevitt, James, professor I-

315a: and religious society XII-

64Sb — John, professor I-315a MacDonald, Alexander, Bishop

of Victoria XV— 413a; editor

XI-673b — Bernard Donald, Bishop of

Chariot tetown nl-G32d — Sir Claude, diplomatist XIV-

239a — Ephraim, Abbot of New Mel-

leray X-168b — Hugh, Redemptorist XII-

686b; XIII-621a — James, mission Il-fiSc; III-

632c — James Charles, Bishop of

Charlottetown ni-633a — James R. L., and T bet XIV-

720a — Jesse, and gubernacorial elec- tion IV-130b —SIR JOHN IX-4S9b; educa- tional policy III-237b — John, Bishop of Aberdeen I-

42a; society III-453b —John Alaister IX-489d -Margaret lX-4S9b — Ronald, Bishop of Harbor

Grace VII-134a — William, in Manchester IX-

58,Ta; X-7SSa — William, rector Irish College.

Salamanca VIII-159a —William Peter, lona College

Vin-l'i.Wa; editor XI-67.3a McDonall, Kenneth, journalist


lX-489d; I-303a: VIII-658d;

XI-255d; in.\ntigonish I-563b,'

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) =