Moderatus, Patriarch of Jerusa- lem VIII-359b
of Gades, neo-pythagorean
philosophy X-745c MODERNISM X^15a; Biblical criticism IV-497b; and Catho- Ucity III-152a; and Dmnity of Christ VII^709d; and dogma V-90a; and failure VII-257d, grTce, system of VI-649a; and fmmanchce VII-682c; 6|2d; 683c; and mtuition VIIl-S.Jl'. and LiberaUsm IX-213c; and logic IX-328C; St. Matthews Gospel XVI-62d; and meta- physics X-228a; and mysticism XIV-582d; and Newman X- 798b; origin VII-257c; and parables XI^62d; and philoso- phy VII-258C; X^lSd; and Ms X III-532b; 751a: VII- S7c; XII-138b; XIV-369d; 766c; pontifical documents X- 420d; and Protestantism XU- 499c- 499d; psychological causes of X^20a; and reason XII-674d; Redemption doc- trine XII-678d; and Resurrec- tion XII-791C; and Revelation XIII-lc; 4a; rule of faitb V- 768b; and schism XV-145a; and Summa Theologica XIV- 674c; supernatural order XI v 338b; theistic teaching VI" 609b; and theodicy XIV-569a theology_ X-415c; on truth
Moder^ P^«>?f?' 5^^"<=7„'oY^"
can Palace -X\72/8a; 2S3d Modes, musical, in Greek Office
I-106a- in Plain Chant X-
651d; XII-145d; 146d Modesta, Samt, foundress Xlil-
343b —Saint, martjT .I"-6?=d Modestinus, junst IX-8/D, on
derogation IV-739C Modestus,nameX-674b —anti-Gnostic writer VI-601b —scholar IV-48a —Saint, martyr, Agde X-546C —Bishop of Athens II-44C —Apostle of Carmthia XIU-
— Bishop of Gyor VII-94C —Saint, Patriarch of Jerusalem, on Assumption 11-6^; as ^bbot of St. Theodosms VIII-36Ua, on font of Blessed Vu-gin Mary XV-471b; and Pseudo-Areo- pagite V-16d; and tomb of
rur A \r,T^r^n Mivrv XIV-
Moelien, Olympe de, and Sisters
of the Perpetual Adoration XI-
Blessed Virgin .Mao; XIV
775a; and Transitus Mans 1-
bU»a , . ,..,
—SAINT, martyr, Lucania XV-
— Kshop of Sebaste XIII-667C a S. Amabili, theologian iU-
Modlsty, virtue XV-473d; and chastity III-63Sa; Fruit of Holy Ghost VII-114b; and temperance XlV-481c; 481d; Tertullian on XIV-522d
Modhafferian dynasty X-4Sia
S5°o'ii&A.' DKfcESE OF
Modin"'vi-442d; lX-494b Modieska iModrtejewska), Hel- ena, actress XII-208a Modjeski, Ralph, engineer Xll-
Modney, Priory XII-638C Modockervando, sagamore IX-
Modoc the Culdee, Saint IX-520C Modoin, Bishop of Autun, and
Floras VI-122a Modon (Methone), battle (1403) XV-3.38a; battle (1572) IX- is2a; monastery X-102C MODRA X-422a Modruss, Diocese of. .Sec Zengg Modrzewski, Andrew, writer
XIl-190d; 197a Modwena, Saint XI-.'jG3d Moed, of Talmud XIV-436d Moedhog, Saint, Bishop of Perns.
Sfc Macdoc Mo'ed QaUn, Talmudic treat- ise XIV-i37a Moel, Saint. Sec Mc\ Moelcaich, and Stowe Missal ill- 49nc; 499a; MacCarthy on XVI-57a
MoeUer, C. C. A., editor XI-672a
at Louvain IX-396a; 397b .
— Henry, Archbishop of Cincin- nati III-775d; IX-3S8d; at American College, Rome 1- 424b ; Columbus episcopate IV - 150a
Moelsen. See Hohenmolsen
Moen, island, Denmark IV-722a,
Moengall, and Notker Balbulus
XI-125b „ , J Moeraki, New Zealand, mission
V-191d ^ ,,,„
Moeran, Thomas, martyr viii-
165b , „
Moerbeke, Wilham of. bee
William of Moerbeke .
Moere, Joseph Van der, BoUana-
ist II-637C Moerentorf, Johannes. See
Moretus . ,-,,.
Moerl, Marie de, stigmatic XIV-
29.'-)b . ,
Moesia, as ecclesiastical province
VI-73Sb . ^„,,
Moesinger, Mechltarist XIV-
Moet de BrouiUet, NicoUe de, and St John Baptist de la baUe VIll-444a
M6f. See Memphis
MoSatt, James, exegete Vlli- 80d; XIV-727d
—James, Jesuit XIV-93d
Robert, Protestant missionary
Mogadoxo (Mogadishu) II-426d;
XlV-139d . , ,.,„
Mogain, and St. Patrick VIU-
MogaUed, Arab chief, and Sar- dinia VI-419C Mogdishu. Sfc Mogadoxo Mogens, Bishop of Stamar XVI-
Mogila, monastery IX-204b
—Peter, Metropohtan of Kieff IX^iioa; XIII-262C; "Con- fessio" V-.5S5d; VI-771C; in Greek Calvinist Controversy VI-770d' Orthodox Catechism of XIlI-269d .
Mogk, E., on Teutomc mythology I-529d , ,, ,
Mogliano, Gentile da, and Mala- testas VI-55,8d
Mogoderpatanam Xiv-b8uc
Mogomon, son of St. Darerca IV-C35C
Mogos Sri- Mugs
Mogue, Saint, Bishop of Ferns.
Knights of Rhodes VII-479b;
at Mitvlene X-407b; and Pius
II IX-6S7b; religious policy
n-697a; at Rhodes Il-b'C;
IV-555a; XIII-25a; and Ser-
vian rulers XIII-733C; and
Sinope XlV-Uc; at Tenedos
XIV-506d; at Thasos XIV-
556c; at Trebizond Xy-2Sd
— m. Sultan of Turkey IX-3c9c
—IV, Sultan of Turkey, and Mis- sions in the Levant xn-4?,l*
— V, Sultan of Turkey XV-99b; constitution XV-99C
—Ahmed, Mahdi insurrection XIV-325b; at Nubia Xl-148b
— Alhamar, King of Granada X1V-179C , ,„^ ,
— Ali, in Asia Minor I-785C; and Egj'pt XI-14Sa .
Ali Mirza, Shah of Persia XI-
718<1 , x TriTT
Almuktafl, and Jews Vlll-
Mohammedan Coinage XI-!-i6a MOHAMMEDAN CONFRA-
MOHAMMED AND MOHAM- MEDANISM X-424a; VI- 3:«ia; Xnl-.-.3f>c
y,,}i,,nt,ri< ■!: on Abramos 1-
fl7'c- \pocalvpse of, illumma- tions lX-621d; Arabian Move- ment XIII-709c; by Bartholo- mew of Edessa II-315d; Bostra II-708a; and Christians I- 673c; in Druze theology V- 167a; firman to patriarchs 1-67 4a; and heathen I-b73d, Hegira III-740c; and Jews I- 673d; VIII-391C; at Mecca X- 99c; polygamy II-5G4d; and Sanaa Church I-673b; Pereira on XI - 664c; in Samaritan Chronicle XIII-419d; system X^25a; Unitarian teaching 1-
707d . Af •
— Mohammedanism: in Alrica X-425d; Al-H4wnyat X-426d; Al-Hutama X^26d; Alssaoua X-123b; Aliites X-425C; Al- JaWm X^26d; Al-Sagar X- 426d; Al-Sair X-420d; on Angels X-426b; Ashanans X- 425c; in Asia X-^2Sd; Assassins X-425C; astrological theory 11- 23a; Azaragites X^23c; .\zlia X-127b; Babakites X^2oc; Babis X^25c; Bairam X- 427b; Beioumiya X-42Ja; in Ceylon III-530a; and Chris- tianity X-t27b; Christian op- position I-620d; circumcision
Moguel, Antonia, Sanchez, his-
torian Vl-723d .
Mogul, The Great, Vicariate Apostohc of VI-603b . .
Moguls, Empire, Catholicism in I-225b; ethnological classifaca- tion XII-626d; inv,asion of India VII-725a; missions III-
Mihits, battle II-696|>; I"" 627b; IV-5I2a; 558d; VII- 40c; 552d; VIII-595b;. XI- 34c- XV-21b; 392c; bishops slain' II-125a; Louis II II- 613c; 124d; X-563a; Neutra, revenues of X-775a; result II- 121c; Turks and Molda-nans XIII-226a Mohair, shawls I-784a: tents XI-569a . , „. ■ Y
Mohammed, Prmce of China X-
—I Emir of Cordova XIV-178d'
Prince of Leila II-163C
—Shah of Persia XI-718b — n. Sultan of Turkey, and Bl. Angelo-Carletti. I-484b; and Armenian Patriarch XI-550d, and Armenians V-235a; at Belgrade HUS^c; Bellim II-- 416d; at Bosnia II-696b; at Chalcis III-559a; charter of toleration VI-295a; at Con- stantinople IV-305b; 554c; IX-178b; XV-98a; at^ Corfu IV-363a; at Croia IV-513d and Gennadius II VI-41bc, and Gennadius Scholanus VI- 768c; and Hunyady VII-565b and Jews VIII-395C; »"■<
position i-o.;,uu. v.. ...";"""-
X-428b; concubinage X-4^/a.
on death X-426c; and Denys
the Carthusian IV-736a; der-
vishes X^23d; divorce X-
427d; in Europe X^26a; Fitr
X-427b; on God X-426b; Han-
baUtes X-42ob; Hanifites X-
425b- on heaven X^26c; the
Hegira X-42Sa; on heU X-426c;
hourU X-126d; in Hungary
VII-553d; Idrisites X-42oc; m
India VII-3o8d;72Sb; Islam
VIII-I90C; Ismailians X-J^oc.
Jabrians X-425c; on Judgment
X-426c; Kaissamtes X— i-:oc.
Karmathians X-425c; Khan-
iites X-425C; Kheluoatiya X-
S; Koran VIII-692b; X-
426a; Laza X-426d; hturgical
language XIII-68d; Mahdi
X-425C; Mahkites X-4^ob,
Maoulaniya X-423d; naarriage
X-427d; morals X-42/b; m
Morocco X-574d; Mu 'tazil-
ites X-425C; Nakechabendiya
X-423a; in Persia Xl-z-ilQ.
pilgrimages Xll-Sob; polyg-
Imv IX-69.5a; X-127d; prac-
uce X-427b; prayers for the
dead X-427b; on predestina-
tion X-427a; QadriansX-t2^,
Ramadan X-427b; Refai X-
«3c; Refaya X-423c; 423d; on
Resurrection X-426c; Safrians
X-425c; Sarehourdiya X-4/Ja,
Shafiltes X-425b; Shiah X-
425b; Sifatians X-42.:>c, in biK-
hi^m Xni-7S9a; slavery X-
S; statistics X-42,5d; Sufis
X - 42.-)C; Sunni X - 41..-)b; in
Svria Xn-103c; Tatars XIII-
244d; tradition of Adam 1-
131d; and Union of Christen-
dom XV-13Sd; Walhabis X-
425c; Zaheriya X-423a; Zai-
dites X-425C. See Islam
Mohammedans, and Aaron s
tomb I-4d; in Abyssinia I-7bb;
and Acre I-llOd; and Blessed
Albert I-261a; Alexandria un-
der I-299d; Allah I-316b; at
Antioch I-567d; in Asia I-
782c; beads II-362d; and char-
ity III-594a; and Charles Mar-
tel VI-241c; in China III-
6S0b; copying of MSS. IX-
616c; Druzos V-166d; m Egypt
I-301d; and Elias y-3S2c;
XII-89d; fatalism V-792C;
fate V-794a; Goa under VI-
604c; in Greece VI-743d; and
imagery VII-620a; in India
VII-725a; as inhdels Mll-Jd;
at Jerusalem IV-524a-^ VIII-
360b; Kafinistan and Kashmir
VIII-S91c; and Knights of
Rhodes VII-479b; and Kmghts
Templars XIV-193c; Lateran
CouncU(1215) IX-18d; Mecca,
sacred city of X-99c; minia-
tures IX-621d; and mission-
aries XIII-3S4b; and Moham-
med VIII-190d ; and monks X-
471a; monogamy II-S64d; and
Naples X-685a; in Nubia XI-
14Sa; and Ohvet basihca I-
767a; in the Philippines 111-
471b- ritual, use of Amen I-
409a; in Rumania XIII-227C; in
Russia Xlll-234a; St. James of
Compostella. Order of X 111-
353c; in Samosata Xlll-422b;
inSego^-iaXIII-6S5a; in Sicily
XIII-775b; in Spain and mih-
tary orders I-271d
statistics XIV-276a; Abyssinia
I-77b; Adana I-136b; Africa
I-190a; Asia XIV-279C; Asia
Minor I-789d; Austria II-
VsfaTEurope XIV-277d; 278c;
Finland VI -77b; India VII-
728c; Kandv VIII-597a; Syria
XIV-405b; taliulated XIV-
280c; world XIV-2.Sld
Svria XIV - 400d; Tasbih
XIII-185a; Toledo Xiy-755d;
tomb of Blessed Virgm Mary
XIV-775C; Turkish Empu-e
XV-99b; 100c; Tyre XV-Ulb
—woman status of XV-690b
Mohammedan Era. Sm Hegira
Mohammed es Sadok, Bey of
Tunis XV-s9d;90a — Yakub, and Chinese XV-9od Mohave Indians, in Aiizona XV- S4d; CaUfornia missions A-
Mohawk, Lily of the. See Tega- kwitha, Catherine .
—Indians VIII-168d; Aunesville TT-lUb- in Canada Xlll- 7,th .nd Hunms VII-578a:
-,-n.l 1 \ ,;(Jih, l;ilii-n;i!:i- 111-
■,-, I / 1\ 149d;
,1 , , \ .7"a. 3S7a;
■^\ IMC !■;-,.:■ ■ Xll-75d;
SulplTi.'iu- XI ---c —river Vll-.^73c; XI-29d Mohedano, Jose Antomo. Bishop
of Guayana X\-333b; Xlll-
Mohegan Indians I-311C
MoheU. 5.r Mohilla
Mohican, (Mahican) Indians IV-
693c; Vlll-170a; XV-60bd
Mohila, Peter, Metropohtan ol
XllI -.-.Th; ■'■'■': and Cath-
criiji' 11 IV-S^b; map Xlli-
Mohilla", "island . X ?()d Mohl, Hugo, scientist X\ -S4b — JuUus, Orientahst X\ -840 -Robert von XV-84b; on Brug- maii Ill-Sa; encyclopedia V-
430a; VIl-191c; 3i8a; XIV 595d XV-S4a; on St. Augus- rine il-SSc; and . Beristain II- 492b; and Dollinger V-95a, and Drey V-160c; as. editor XI-R78a; at Munich university
X-C34a; and o^t-'of'^'A.Xs moTit I-.>49c; and Pninips xTl-22d;andRiffelXIII-54<l; symbolism I-623b