Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/573

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Alpha and Omega I -332c; Amen I— lOSb: Aurora X-61Sb; baptiam X-622a; baptism. Apostles' Creed IV-479b; bre- viary X-276b; calendar X- 616c: Compline X-617d: Con- firmation X-C>22b: Corpus Christi in X-616b; Deus in Adjutorium Meum Intende IV-761C; Easter V-227a; em- bolism V-400a; of the Lord's Praver IX-215a; Expectation of St. John the Baptist, feast of V-712C; fire, use of VI-79b; Gloria Patri V-loOd: history X-6Ua; X-612a; Invitatorium VIII-89C; language XIII-70d; Lauds IX-38C; X-618a; Lent X-615d; lessons in IX-193d: liturgical books IX-303a; lit- urgical year X-615b — Manuscripts X-613b; Anti- phoncrs X-614a: editions printed X-615a; Homiliarium X-614d; Liber Comicus X- 614c; Liber Orationum X-614c: Liber Ordinum X-614d: 709a; Masses X-613d; Offices X- 613d; Psalters X-614b; Sacra- mentaries X-G14a — Mass X-618d; Ad Missam Ora- tio X-620a; Ad Orationem Dominicam X-621b; Alia Ora- tio X-620a; benediction X- 621b; Canticle X-619b; chalice, preparation of III-499a; Com- munion X-621C; Creed I\ - 479c; Deo Gratias IV-737b; dUmissal VIII-253d; X-621d; Epistle X-619d; Eucharist, Holy VIH95d; Gloria in ex- celsis VI-584b; Gospel X-619d; Gradual VI-717d; Hymnus Triurn Puerorum X-619c; Illa- tio X-620; Introit VIII-Mc; X-619b; Kyrie Eleison VIII- 716c; Lavabo IX-44d; Offer- tory X-619d; XI-219a; Orate Fratres XI-269d; Oratio Post Nomina X-620b; Oratorio X- 619b; order of X-619a; Pax X- 620b; Post Sanctus X-i;20d; XIlI-133b; Prayer of Humble Access X-620a; Preface XII- 395d ; preparation X - 6 1 9 a ; Post-Pridie X-621a; prophecy X-619C; Psallendo X-619C —Matins X-52b; 61Sa; name X- 611a; None X-618b; Office, Di- vine X-617a: Office, Divine, Apostles' Creed IV-479C; Of- fice of the Dead XI-220d; or- dination X-622b; XII-416d; origin IX-797C; X-611a; 611b; 611c; Pentecost X-616a; I rime X-618b; reform XlV-lSOd; restoration XIV-756d; X\- 730b; Rogation days -X-bl6b; Services, occasional A-b2ia; Sext X-618b; Terce X-618b; XIV-51.5b; unction of the sick X-622C; use of IX-312a; 313b; Vespers X-617c; XV-3S2a; vigils V-64Sa MOZART, JOHANN CHRYSOS- TOMUS WOLFGANG AMA- DEUS X-62.3a; 601c; XI-271a: and Da Pontc IV-634b; on ecclesiastical music X-649b; Gounod, influence on \ I-6S3c; and Havdn VII-159a; portrait (ill.) X-623; at Salzburg XIII- 415a; Scarlatti XIII-516a; and Schrlhle XIII-526C — Leopold X il23a —Maria Anna X-02.3a Mozat, inoti.i?trr>- IV-.i3d MOZETENA INDIANS X-024a MozUa, Zulu chief XV-7ri('.c Mozley, James Bowling, on >t. Augustine II-103b; on Lmhcr IX— 454a; on miracles X-:i42b; 345d; and Newman XI-376b Mozolini, Sylvester. Sec Mazzo-

MOZZETTA X-624b; XII-232b; XV-38SC; abbots I-19d; arch- bishop I-692c; and cowl I\ - 4H3c- use VII-464C


Mozzoni, Ignatius, Church his- torian VII-378d

M. P., ahbr. I-'27a , . ,

Mpongwe, race VI-328d; fetish- ism VI-57b

M. R., abbr. I-25a

MRAK, IGNATIUS X-624d; IX- l)90a; papal infaUibihty XV- 307c; portrait X-625a; Vati- can Council XV-307a

Mrimonium., abbr. I-23a

MRT., abbr. I-27a

Mrtav. See Alessio

M. S., abbr. I-27d

M. S. C, abbr. I-27d

Mstislav the Rash, Russian prince XIII-244C

Mtesa, King of Uganda XV-205b

m. t. v., abbr. I-25a

Mu, in New Caledonian myth- ologj' X-7S2a

Muard, Jean Baptiste II-448c; XIII-720a; St. Edmund, con- gregation of V-293b; Mission- aries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary XIII-720a; Pontigny XII-233d

Mu'awiyah. Sec MaWa

Mu'awyah, Governor of Damas- cus

MubaUitat-sherua, Queen of Ba- bylonia II- lie Mu'cagatta, Philip, Servite XHI-

737c Mucchieli, Franceschino IV-397b Mucellus, Bishop of Hereford

VII-255d Muchanes, mission, Bolivia X-


VON X-na.ib; and Admont

Abbey I-14.5d Muchigh, .-Vrmenian prince X-

l)47d Muchoeen, race XV-70c Muckamore, Abbey of IV-U.'ic Muckross, Abbe>'. Killarneyjill.)

I-facing 14; ruins (ill.) VIII-

103; shrine of Our Lady XIII-

76 Ic Muda (Mudanus), Henricus de.

See Henry of Ghent Mudd, family, Maryland II-

229b —Angela, CarmeUte II-230a;

III-3(i9a Mudde, Thomas, martyr V— i7Sb Mudejar door, St. Esteban,

Seville XIII-746a Mudirs, Turkish officers I-790a Mudo, el. .See Navarrete, Juan

Femdndez Mue-ezz-li-Din-Allah, Caliph

VIII-361b Muehlenberg, Henry Melchior.

See Muhlenberg Muehler, von, minister V-64,5b Muehlsiepen, Vicar-General of

St Louis, relation to Sisters of

Precious Bloocl XII-37.5a Muenster, Saskatchewan, St.

Peter's Priory n-452c Muenzloher, Angelus, Prefect

ApostoHc of Assam Calcutta,

Council of (1894) III-154b Muezzins xn-411a: XV-l(X)d Muffel, Drsula, Poor Clare XII-

lOOa Mugabure, Peter Xavier, Arch- bishop of Tokio XIV-75.'ib Mugello, convent III-208a Mugello, Fra Benedetta de. See

Fir-sole Mugenoc, Saint, of Cill Duimi

CAuin XIV-724b Mugeyd, Moorish King IX-5.i6d Mughair (Mugheir;Url II-179d;

VI-44l'.c; VIII-193d — Shuaib (Madiani X-51.'>a MughtasiUh, scot IX-.591b Mugint, poet Ill-.')()4b Mugnano, nhnr.'h XIl-25b Mugron O'More, Blessed I-73ob Mugs, tribe III-1.52d^ Mugwumps, Tnitcd States XV-

Muhammed Shirin Maghribi,

Persian poet XI-720C Muharram, Mohammedan month

X-425b Muhi, battle VII-550b; VIII-

MUhlan, on doctrine of creation


X-625C MUhlberg, battle (1547) III-

628b; XIV-5.8C; XII-340d;

and Augsburg II-7.5c; Charles

V and John Frederick of

Germany XIII-499d; convent


MiihIdorf, battle (1322) VI- 494b; VI-247b; Council (1522) II-520b

Muhlenberg, Frederick IX-461a

— Henry Melchior, Lutheran IX-461a; educational work VI-477b

Miihlhausen. See Miilhausen

— Miinzer at I-445d

Miihlheim, later Seligenstedt V- 3673

MUhlstatt, ecclesiastical Suprem- acy bestowed on Graz VI-733d

Mu'in Alimskin, writer XI-720b

Muinis, Saint, Bishop of Forg- ney IV-035C

Muintir Eolais, ecclesiastical or- ganization I-699d

Muir, John, Orientalist VII- 3.59a; and N4ve X-777d

—William, OrientaUst I-673d

Muirchu, hfe of St. Patrick III- 639c

Muirdach. See Marianus Scotus,

Muis, Simeon de. Biblical com- mentator IV-160d Mujir-Uddin Bailakani, writer

XI-720b Mukaah, battle I-60a Mukah, mission II-687C Mtikarribs, rulers of Aribi-Yareb

XIII-285d Mukden, battle (1905) IX-586c; governor general, residence of IX-5S6a; \icar Apostolic, resi- dence of III-677b Mukdishu (Mogadishu) II-426d Mukhtar Pasha XIII-250b Mukhtars, Turkish officers I-

790a Muki XI-535b Mul (Mollo), British prince VII-

7S9d Muias, Timoteo Hernandez, Bish-

..pof Guadix XVI-4:ic Mulasim, in Turkish Empire

XV-UIOd Muiattoes, marriage law, Cali- fornia lll-176b Mulberry, in Bible XII-155a Mulcheran, Hugh (or John). See

Cronius. EuRcnc Mulct Law, in Iowa VIII-96b Muldoon, Michael, missionary

XlV-.VlSb — Peter James, bishop III-655d;

VII-i;57b; XIII-10.5C Mule, in Bible I-525b; native

home I-7S4b Mule, Hans, Bishop of Oslo XVI-

6.5c Mulei Hamid, Caliph XV-89b — Hassan, Caliph, as Spanish

vassal XV-S9b — Mohammed, ruler of Tunis

XV-89a Muleta in-51d Muley Hassan, Moorish leader

VlII-178b MULHALL, MICHAEL GEORGE X-fi2l'.a; on Mon- tova's work XIII-224a; sta- tistician Vlll-l.-)7a Miilhausen (Miihlhausen), Cen- tre Party I-345c; charitable institutions I-344d; Imperial Electorate session (1627) XIV- e.ilb; Munzerat I-i4.5d; rabbi, stipend I-342d —Confession of. See Basle, First

Confession of Mulholland, custodian of bell II-

419d — EUen XIII-231a — Rose. .See Gilbert. Lady —ST. CLAIR AUGUSTINE X-

626a Mulhooly, Dominican XIII-171a Mulinaretto, artist XII-69d Mulkari, deity IV-687a Mulkey, Justice VII-6.57d Mull, monastery XIII -fi31c MuUaly, John, journalist XI-

Mullan, John, Captain VII-745C MuUaney, John V-I80d MuUanphy, hospital, St. Louis

XIII-360C —Bryan X-626c . JOHN X-626c; benefactions

VIII-143b; Sisters of Charity

XIII-359d MulUny, J. F. XI-69fib — Patrick Francis. See Azanas,


Mullen, Cornelius V-lSOd

— Daniel, army chaplain VIII- 140c

— James Ignatius XI-12a

—James T., and Knights of Co- lumbus VIII-670d

—John K. IV- 130c

— Tobias, bishop V-519a; XII- 124d; "Pittsburg Catholic" VIII-I42C

Mullener, Johann, Lazarist III- 675d; X-36!d; XIV-420b

Mullenhoff, Karl, on folk-lore I- 529c

MuUer, mart.vr VIII-714a

— Rcdemptorist V-Sla

—Adam August, painter IV-732b

—ADAM HEINRICH X-626d; VI-510b; at Austrian Court X- 246b; last words II-129b

—Andreas X-629c; and Itten- bach Vni-256b

— Celestine, Abbot of Einsiedein XIV-444d

— David Heinrich, Orientalist I- 664 b

— E. F. K., Protestant theologian Xn-377a

— Ernst Maria, Bishop of Linz IX-275a

— Eugen V 11 -308a

— Frederick Paludan, wTiter IV- 731b

-Friedrich, poet VI-524c

— Friedrich Max, Orient, alist VII- 359b; on Aiiinu 'n I ".-"ih: on Christianity III :' 'c i' I's

X-340c; an. I :7d;

on Hindu phii i.i, \ ^ :(ia;

on primitive slate X-ilsc; on religion XlI-74oa; on reli- gion, decay of I-529b; religion, definition of XII-740b; Rig \'eda IV-409b; on Spencer's ghost-theory IV-689b; on the- ology, modern X-341a; on Totemism XIV-790a

—Fritz XII-624d; Ontogeny V- 669b ^

— G., Methodist missionary X- 240c

— Gregor, editor X-147b

— Hans, Peasants' uprising XI- 598c

— Ivan, encyclopedia V-415d

—Jakob IX'-435d

— Jean-Victor, missionary IX—

747a — J. J., defense of Catholic inter- ests XIII-350a —JOHANN, physiologist X- 627d; I39a; II-575C; anatomy I— 160d; medical research X- 137a; portrait (ill.) X-627d; and Schwann XIII-592d — JOHANN (Regiomontanus), astronomer X-02Sb; astrology II-22C: and P.c haim 11 :«)2b; calendar. rcf,.ri>, .-f IX L'18d; geographical c -' inli \ I t.iOc; andlliii-ii'i \ I' "'l"t' I'a-

,1,,.,,, ■ ' rl.V-




anil ( — Johannes von, m .

52.5b; and Haller \ Il-UUd —John George, architect II-

131a; XV-419a —John Gregory, Bishop of Mun-

ster X-63SC — Julius ll-174a; and Ritschl


—J. W. A., journalist XI-fi80c

—KARL X-629c; St. Francis, Rule of XIV-641C; Franciscan tertiarv XIV-641a; and Itten- bach Vni-256b .„.,.,.

— Maler. .Sec Muller. Friedrich

— Otto Friedrich, bacteriologist X-138a

Siegwart, Swiss leader IX-408C

— Thaddaus Vll-filb

— Venanz XI-fi79b

—Vitus. See Miletus.

— Wilhelm, poet VI-526b

^ Max, Egyptian research

XI-304d; on Holy Scriptures XI1-175C . . .

MuUerhof, charitable mstitutiona

Mulligan, Edmund, martyr VIII-

— j^es Adelbert, in Civil War VII-657a; VIII-140b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.