portrait IX-566C; naintinffs rehgmus XI-399b; and 5fn: tonio\ivarmiXV-t92a
_b.ographic3. papal IX-22oc
retrus, grammarian Xl-sg'Jd Pisareff. D., philosopher XIII-
lUc: H4d: IX-756C: XV-
ooSc: missions X-385d
^'"c^' '" '"*'<'^' astrology II-
lod; II-274C, (ill.) Xll-n.'i:
liturgical use I-SoSc; St Alcs-
sandro Rome (ill.) I-303a:and
bedilia XIII-6r9c
Piscopia Helena. See Cornaro
TIMP-'l^^^^S CONSTAN- TINE Xll-iifia: Il-SOOa: Bal- timore cathedral II-231C: in Brooklj-n II-80na; portrait
IX'?'x^ff4i7ll'""""°"'> Ksenthios of Coptos XVI-30a ftsgah. .S.-f Phasga
pfsides ^""^^- ■^^ '^°'ee
PISmiA XII-i,6b: I--89a; and Galatea VI-336d: and St. Paul A 1-5, oa: and Sagalassus XIII- "^4C; and Tprmdaono "v-tt-
oo. ■^'"'••?naj'agalassusXni
^lIS' °° Termessus XIV
Pisinda. See Isionda 307c' ^'"^ °^ Carchemish VII-
Pisisteatus, and infirm Xn-238a- and lihrar.v IX-22"d '
^'^"•g Caipurnius, and Nero X-
~i"x-2?M"™'"= "« ™°- Pisonos, town XlV-Ha
?sr'i' ^,t°l°' 1^'" -^'ino^ VI- , -^'SCa: 2s.Sd; IX-0S2d \ gspir (Der el Memum) r-.i.54b ftssaro, CamUle, arti.,t IX-362a Pistachio, in Bil,le Xll-l.Wa
eCWb: and .\prapha I-225d lOfih'. *,TS' '""L f;l»'-™<-e VI- 274d "" '^'"■' ^V-
~B*%°'-n^" A,«.o of Pistoia
li. .S« Cammelli. Antonio — l^eonardo da, naint^r VV'-^^n^a
V !^wok \-7,r ■ ^" J^uchangt V-.%SOb; Xlll-moc: on ex- communication V-679a- Oalli. V?J!?\^^'^FV and'Gerdl Vhf H "-v",^, Lanigan XVI- 5Ib; and Melchitcs X-I60a- ??ci, "P"' '"'■'Sdiction XII- 266b: on sacrifice X-Hd- supernatural order XIV-33Sfl ' -AfDjPRATO, DIOCESE OF —PMoia: altar frontal V-2.ild-
ff. v,.^;j'-*»«: rathedrai altar X-223b: cathedral, Bru- nellesco'.s work Ill-Sd- cathe- dral (111.) XII-n7; eaihedral Pisanos work XJ-4Sa St James relics II-62b: Osp'edalc del Cappo XIII-9.5a- San \n drea. pulpit Xll-.-.o.ia San Andrea pulpit (i||.) XII-.,r,4a ~Mt ^\l'^*?- Alhertini 1- .k 5' ."Cathedral IX-7«9d: ca- thedral. Caddis work vr 332d: cathedral fill.) XII-us- cathedral. Jacopone da Todi's LiW' ^'"^^4^ ^'hidr'a & M^T^ I^Ta^'"': oathe- aral, .Michelozzo s work Y-
?;,!': cT.VL'fl'- i-V'^' V-
I J?i5' """:"""■»'> '•onvent
PifTORTOs, johaVn'xI^
J°Jjaim, the Elder V-36b; XII-
^'^}^^b Councils of rsr,2) VII- lj,b. rwf., VII-.i.-,7d
lie \-(,2,ia; \ Ill-.^oia I'lU, Jose, martyr X-389d: 391
Pii'f!^ Indians XI~103b
Eor'l^lV^(%-<^-'-darre- Pitau, Nicolaas, the Elder V-2Slc
Pitcairn, Archibald X-131d —Islands, Church in \\vZAir, Pitcher, Molly x-7<"^c "
Pitching of the Tent XIV-42.5d ^'^j^anthropus alalus xi- — erechjs V-66.5c; XI-4nrf- P tho s",?. •'"K\' ,VIII-185a
pitho^,',rTi;'"'s°' ^"^i-so-id
Pithn,?^' J°? ^^P«^' VI-382d nsd- no"K^°" III-3nc; XII- 'onf're'n'cfx-lsl'"^'"^"'- "^fudT -^'{-l>Sd; XV-6SC: and Capitularies IIKliic' conversion XV-429a: and Gal-" ra1?TlrVro^^2- 3S3C,- por- XIV-™d"'"= "" ^ Thou -Notrf n"""- ^""^ XI-491b
^!!!;f°°' Diocese of. See So- lana and Pitigliano "m^-^fo^""^ of Moscow
^F^Ncd^,'^ ;ar"i*;!a['^l!r 119c:.lI^,02b:N-Mr,c;-^"n
iu "d' Canon of the Anti-
'TuJculu'no"'\^l'°&?'.^^-« „.XIWO(ib; at SolesmesVlf °S°
Mid! n-73?i '° ""^"'™ ^-
vic,^1"A?h° ^'i-?' of Saint r' J .r~H" on Ven. Roger Cadwallader Xlll-noc ^
Ktt f;f„t "^oveTnorof Hi XV-59d nfir."'- '^<'*' Broad v. Pitt
~wte c'-h"^^ Chathi'ti. on •ingj ran Church XI-370b- at Cambridge III-212b; Cath'ohc petition V-453C; and Cisalp°ne ™°\t,'"'V-'„^-3I5c: and Edge- VII wnc"^**^J and Husi'ev VU-SQOc; and Irish Penal
vui-l06d; XV-393a: and XlTfo,->-<'°'!'=' "Pd PiUsburg 139d" ' "'"' ""'""i'ies V-
^S^^-.'he Younger XIII-
tion xm Cafholic Emancipa- XIir)'-I~\--'V and Ireland ^V- 1-'*' I"* policy XIII-
Pittacia VII~i22d Pittakis, epigraphist II~i4a
P f f pL!ac"e' IT'*' Xni-332c
""' .i^alace, Florence fill i lT_ facing 104; Alherti I-26-ia- architecture VIII-226b: Bal-
II s'lSd'^R""/ , Bartolomme!, <■ JlSd, Bartolommeo'a De- VIZJ'°"' ">." Cross II-31sb; I\^^?^'"n° ' St.. Mark (ill.) iA-(j,,M; Berrettini Il-Slfia-
III-Toa° r^^^*^ Brunelles^o 22nr n 1 •P^'TPagnola III ^20c: Dolci's St. AnHr«„- i:ii
6«b; apostola.o IIliToM- Ca"
meute Convent Ill-.w^r-
Chanty Sisters of XIV-28d;
\-^2lvlT'^'^'"^'- Sifters of
TO-!r Yri"^„!:'^t"' meeting V-
oK • '>II-i23b; German Cath-
V m onrh'"~^5' Italiins in
Socrftv' v\?,'*.o^™Pdine
Hospital \:-;il\-|S; Z^l aox Russians in VI-77-ia ■ n.V, XII?7ll^^^f Con'vtnt°S XII-91 if • D ?"• statistics 6S4a R • K«.deniptorist3 XII- h?s VI 7??='"?:'; ^^"""^ Catho-
nar.es -XIII-701a 'sioTal"
(1911) XII-126I-' stati,, ',
Marino XIHH149b: St. Salva- tor College XIII-332a; Scan-
Xlll-roiS'. ^'5°*, episcopate
4lb^™^,$ Caprd'ls rii'xv? XV:25lb- ^hT«. university iy." ■"/», Vienna XV-417ri- Vienna, Concordat of r-f'-TH
ander VI l-289d,- Amboise I- dS2d; arms of (11 ) Yll-iooi birttplnce XllliVsil ' ^^
'•> .^•^■^C, as Bishnr% *^f AT
-xfHig^a ■""difal \-III-l42c;
^'in'xnL2!j7b""'"'"*^'""'^ Pituntia (Poli'castro) XII-212b
Pitrussa (M,let-))"xiilc Pml'T '=l,'tSi"'™<'nt V-279a
2ril' h'"^' ^"r XII-I2?b;
269c: word '„,,'■■.,<- yifr ~rni?J'.f,'^ SILVIO DE' Pic^
90n,. ?,■ 1 .r^i'ipagno
f£?S Dolci's St. Andrew (ill )
1-471; Dupr« XVI-.36d; 1
-Ilt"",^. 'W Titian XIV-
XV i7Vd ■ '""' ™ P"'"™
Pittis, William, writer XV-fi9.
"-■'rob ■^'•■"■°d'3t preacher
population XIV-S2b- IriJh gopulatjon (1900) Vlll-lSfia 2Ma C""*^" (19W) XII-
74a VT -Voj "H" -'>-ii-I26d
274c- «kk"^'^?'*' '2«d; 12Sd
'i?4c, abbreviators I-2<)a- Ao,
f-2S8d"'°A,"^I^'"5^ ^'ber^'gl?;
27Ia Ai'^''J' education I-
f-ns I-586bf^;L fi',i.)1f/f:
~turfcc'hio°^•?f^^>"I-36d; Pin- tuncch o All-facing 126- Pin- turicchio. frescoes Xll-mb -at Basle II-335b; Basle Com pactata of VII-5S9c- sJ nT' ?l8?°^'f75°^'=^ »'-=>' on^'lY-" S7M ll,-'.y~,^^'* Biondo II- S7Sd, birthplace XIII-781a- Byzantine policy VI-77(5a-' Cahors university XIV-7q7c-' Cahxtines, use of chalice IV- »o. Capranica Hl-Slfh. Carvajal. Juan III-394b: |^
t^onni!l,4lh'",S '^'""^^- 54r?c- cl^ ■ .•■ Cesanni III- 04bc, Chiusi diocese III-69]a- Christendom. Union of XV ' 146c;Colettines'ruteIV-99c~ Colonna, Prospero IV-l?6c-' congress V-36.ia- r,„r=.^' friars, habit l\ r.r.ih . r„«., i IV-554d: n,l..„. ,"u\
^^b?e,;.;.';-^; ;:,;,■ /,^f'f-
Ir* '^ ^"'"■ Minor VI- VI-450c^h?J;''." '"^^"^'^h JawD, at Heidelberg VII-i9fid-
7(lfld- ?^ .'mn^orality XII-
VIII -rf T<°J'""' privileges ,i ■'"' fe. frescoes in Siena -
cathedra XIII-779c;Lippi
IX '"?'7ni-^ -J'S'-' Louis '^i iA-370d: Maffe IX - S22h- Mahomet II IX-687b: Mala- lesta, Sigismondo IX-.5fifir- memoirs XII - l2Sc; Michel-' angelo Ill-filb: Nichola., V epitaph X-I-60a: order „f
X-foNt n°"°t, II-53.^a A 30ob; Our Lady of Bcth-
ii'if"^'?^'"" VII-4I(ib: Pan- dolf, .Sigismund XIII - -.Sh. papal nuncio IX-4tia; and Pecock, Reginald Xl-eooc; and Piccolomini-Ammannati .\II-
oT^fFF'-ir-b^'p'" '^-^"'
the RrJ" / ,.■■ P.rcsentation of 1"?: Rosselino .\Vr-72d- Ku- do f of Riidesheim XIII-219c- Salutati XIII-40.^, St. An-' drew 8 Abbey XV-721b; San
IX-.022C.- a's-Bisho; oV"E
talcino X-513b; at Perughi
cWoxTl^S'-"^ Pi""""-
~mr?'°,Y'*'^"^' ANGELO ME-
xiv^f^4i. v,x:fp,^-
W4rf. u "-■■ Antoniano I- ?S4d, Baroccio II-303C; benef- ^es ecclesiastical XV-627c- Bohemia III-20c; Bulls VH-:
Vatican" vl" II I-377a; casino, Vatican XV-279a; 29.5c- as Bishop of Cassano Ill-^bsd
III-(iiQ»-' ^.'"^'■'?' Borromeo lU-619a; Christian doctrine Confraternity III-711c: Com- munion in both kinds II-125b- xSd- r "'^ ?P^' Cliapei
fy^tfot: S°o3!"^So?-?e1i!
iT62 h'"'n>'^-"-'" deatli IU-621b; Divine Office, ref-
VlT2a^ 'r ",^' 9^^'f°-->' XIII VI -fla; 2r??,lice'^co^^f gation of VIII-37C; L^HospUal IX-210a: Index III-521drin- dian Catholics III-.561b- In V-6?7c-%{"-'??^ IV-I92d° VIl-157a; X-IiF-S.^'a^K i?'^|dralX-301c,-and'.Morone X-57Sc; Moses of Akkar IX-
4Wc' /PT'^i^ reforms XI- pFi-' <i"Hela XI-SlSc: St Philip Neri Xll-20a: popes'
XIV S4h' ,^TX.r"' Jesus Aiv-84d; tomb XIII-174d-
Xy%S%"'r\°< III-6193;
„2b; 34b: 3.)b; and Vali can P.-.l.'i.-,. .W- '77a
~LElr™,T MICHELE GHIS- LERIj, p„pt. \n-l30a: 274c- Acquaviva I-109b: on adoD-^ fiSTn '-I19'=:.'\dmonet nosT- 689d; Albani I-25Sb: Alessi's mLssion I-2S4b; Alva I-37lb Annunciata! I-404d: Assisi
XIV 7fin,i S'""^. propositions IT 1 A L, ""»■'""">• bishops II -145c- blasphemy, decrees against II-595di Blessed Vir pn. Oflices of IX-2S9C BleS
111-.52C: calendar IX-249c-
Br^?,^"-'^? and CaXn II' -332c; cell XIII - 173d:
anS^.V".- y"'.',?" XV-29Se Lnil C'"?-''? 'I'-«21b; Chris- tendom, Lnion of .XV-146c- church property VII-2b; Cia- jfrcian Rite XIII-74b; clois-