Jean-Antoine d' II-66d; Au-
■ ,. TI-201b- in Balcanc Islands
dello 1I-246C; Baf ^ II--*^*: Bavlctta. Gabriel U-29' ?• tsar bus II-288C; Baron, \ mcent n-3(Ma; Barrientos Lopez de II - 30Sd ; Bartholomew, A,>n\tle of Armenia II-
■(Ifia- Bartholomew ol »an v-ou coriio ll-316d; and Bartholo- nAesII-317b- Benedict XI 11 429C-. Benedict XI^XH 3^9c .
Benedict XIU \\2SyiW- Ber- langa, Tomas de n-493a. Ber nar^ of Luxembourg II:^^3a, Betanzos, Domingo H-o-*""' Betanzua, Concordances
!v-195b; KbUcal Correctorics TV-395a' BiUuart Il-.^t"^! Birkowski II-578b-, Blessed Kent^ „Congregat,on^^oJ
Sacrament^ „"" , Tl 7?2d Bre-
II-598d; B"-'!-?' VVL^d- BiH-
tain, Thomas Le« IS II 7^,iD
Bromyard, J^hn II 797c,Bul_
fe-^rBi^g^s^iU-^eV Burgoa III-65C; Burke, ^ »" "' TTT-79d; Burke. 1 nonua Nicholas III-SOc; Cai^e^^";" l":"!!; CaUfornia. Lower XI-434b XII-106b; Campa- iirTTI-21b- in Canada III- 2Ma Cancer' de Barbastro fui^'lH-'244c; Cano, Melchjor
III-251C; Canon I'l'^, ^"j^J,-
gS-U-'^I^KaOb^ '^arl^^ m-S- Casas, BartolomS de " III-397c' Saint Cath_anne 'd=^RicciIII^44CjSain^.-ath-
erine »' fi™-,."^;*pfda III- 'l^f-674daid1he Church XII-
gomSefi's IV-152a, Concanen XI-22b: Concina l^-l-" "" confamation IX-219d; ^nfit- ior IV-223a; Cojl?° Jh'.^XT*: ConnolI>', John I\-2o-d, XI 22dT Conrad of Bornada IV- 258b; constitutions >-II-.3ooc, 356a; Contenson 1 * -3JUC . v.^oi
IV-633b; P^'?v fi77a Den- fi46c: deBnitors I\-6 -a, Uen ifle IV-719b; development, VTI-35Sd- De7.a. Dicgo XVI- 33d Didon IV-782b; D.eten- &rIV-7S8d;SrDonnmc^V^ 106a; Domimci V-ll-!°' '-'V_ Lingo de la ■^?'^'"%r^^\^. ■^Qlb Dor.-, Pierre V-l*Ja. ^ a7.T n! Saint-Pourcain Durandus ol ■^•'"".f^, p.K, V-08a- Echard V-2<0a, t-cK V ;; V-274a- and education vn ^iiOd England V-439a; ^ UoSCb; Es'pinosa Alonso J. ir_rjir- F.vmenc \-iAr>a,
^°vY-\lb7Gota XVI-41d; on
CTace VI-712b; X-436d; 437c.
&eece XII-368Dd: in Guada-
Uiara VII-43a; Guaicun mis-
stins VII-45b; Guidoms, Ber-
nard IM97d; V".l7263a; habit
-vil-3^i7a- in Haiti Vll-in"'
^ilo'n'%'II-150a; Ble^5|l
Henrj-^Suso yi-30«fv ^Ifa.
238d; Hcnten John VU ^4lD,
Hermann of Mmden Vll-^wa,
|S;^=>S i1rd'-^^I^f-36kdd! ^
VIl420b; XII-368Db; Hoy
of St. Cher\Il-.-'lb,Ha" >" iam XII-35SC; .'..a lhm'_ bertofRonian.\l ■.^-b->;Il onlmmaculateConceptionVIl- ronK- XIV-701b; India IV- fn- VII-729a; Indo-Ch ma VII-779a; indulgences \U- 787a; inquisition VIII 31K^ ^-TT ^KfiTlh- Ireland Vlll XII-368Bb, "^i,'.,, .qod- in 113d- Ispahan vUWM-a.
^ImeVo?lrescia VlII-277a; Jandel. .\lexandre Vin = en ^ VIII-282b; Japan VIII-308a Japanese mart>TS IX-74t)C. ai Ssalem VIII-369d; and Ji^
Thomas ^ 'J ' ,' ' 1 „ Rnhprt -\.-lTT 1(1 Ki ^^ il' -'^ ■ tlODerb VTTT-ci lb: "H Kii"wloage, ui vine VI I'l^*!: l.:il':it Jean- Ti .■ t^ VTTT-71Sb; Lacor- da'?e VIII-733b; XII-368d; LaSdon Xni-3.«b and La- teran Council ,>'Il;3r'-a. lay brother, habit I\ ' '"^ ,!; ^ ',; :' tionXII-3.V.a I ' ' -' '^
de IX-14Sb-. .-. 1 : ■ /- 488d;Uteratur, \ . b 1^^ erature. ediicati. 'iiul -\ 1 1 > -»-• liturgy XII-;3W;d; >n 1' >n'ion IX-343a; Saint Louis B""™'^ IX-376d; Louis of Oranacla IX-3S5b; ^I'^dagascar l^X 510a; Mamachi IX-578a, Ma niir IX-599C; Mariales IX-^ 659a; Martini XII-671b and Mary. Children of yl-306d, and Mazatec Indians X--93C, Mazzolini, Sylvester X 9D0, Medina. Bartholomew X-143a^ mendicants. X-183b. All 752a; Mensing, John X-lJOo. in Mexico X-262b; XIV-794d. Middle Ages XII-358b; mia-
flTeS'xn'-leSDb" 'missions: modSi XII-368Gd; andM.se Indians X-»08d; MUteca In^- ans X^09b; in M.obde X 410d: modern period XU
394d; painting XII-36Sd;
Park Un veraity of X-1S40.
XII-361a; XIV-664d; and
Paterines II-697a; Pedro de
Cord"va XMOlc; . Pe^rgus
XI-60SC; penitentiaries XIU
148a; Perault, WOhain XV
642b' Saint Peter Gonzalez
XliVaSb; Peter of Bergamo
XI-773a; Saint Peter of Verona
XI-773d; in Philippines XII-
l'>c- 15b;philosophy Xll-3bJa,
in Poland XII-184a; IMa^
368Dc; Pohti, Lancelot XU
21'd- in Pomerania XU-'!':ou,
Po'ntificio Greco, poUeg'o
XIII-134a; Porrecta, Serafano
a XII-2S2d; in Portugal XII-
299d- 3B8Cc; precedence Vl
ilia-: XII-371d; on Precious
Blood VIII-277a; PJ'.'^ocfb-
XII-428C; pnors XU-4.SD,
priCnleges.'l-657d; and Proba-
tiUorism XII-442C; and Prob
abiUsm XIV-610a; Protestant-
ism XII-368Ed; province XII _
356c; Raymond of Capua XU
359c; Saint Raymond of Pena-
foH XII-671d; Reginald. An-
tnnin Xll-719b; Reginald of
I'.pr.rnr. XII-719b; retreats
\ I-7i«ld; Revolution. French
P^A^°iSRfofEROF«.c III-199a; IX-. 97c. Xlu /«. S'ni6d"xi'ii-'38a;'Vntrtit VIII-Slc; Offertorj- XI-219a Rocabert XIII-99d; the RCsarv XIII-187a; Rosary Ponfraternitv XII-368Db; XIII-188d; and Rosary Maga- SneXI-696a; Saint Rose of Tima XIII-192c; Rossi XIU- 2Md; rJile, binding .force o^ VlT-761d; in Russia XU . acSDd; XIII-260C; Sacchoni XIII-292b; Sacred Palace Master of V-lOSa; XII-362b c! Maria del Rosario Church of XIII-172b; St. Mark, Lm- versity of XIII-365b; Saints XII-368Eb; St Thomas, Un - ver--ity of. XIII-381d Sa^. 3=c.-, Domingo de XIU 390D, ";al-- Regina XIII-409C I'- Clemente,*.Church o X I- 17U.; Santissima Tnnita XUi l7Sd; in Santo Dommgo III GOSd; Santos, Joas dos Xiu 46-°a S. Sabina air Aventina X1II-173C; S. Sisto Vecch o XTi;-17.5b: Savonarola Aii ■>.i. XlII-Wl'c; .oapular
. ■ .o VII-30SFC; theology
x!n62^ 364a; theology
moral Xiv-606d; Thierry of
Freiburg XI VjeSob
-Third Order .XII-369d XIV
638b; divisions XIV wyo,
hlbit XII-35Sa; origin XIV-
638b; reformation XIV-639D^
rule XII-357d; spirit XIV
f.ld; Scho
. \1\
, XU -iii'.SFb;
.■>flOd; schools
science XII-
- ,^ ,„odern XII-
I -ri.tism XiU-
- ', ' . ., , XII-363b
i j:,,,',,; Or.I.r (Dominican Sis-
-ters'xll-3*id; ^^^^ J^i
. 244a.
, V-244b;
lMli;iiinaof . I'.-rpetui "
A11-.SOOVW, j^-.'— T— i. 7orirt-
de V-542C; Eyme"C .^ Val*' Faber, Johann V-741d. Faber. Johann A"gustanus V-74.a,
and the fa;'!-'"' >Vn 773d: Fenwick, Edward III-7 3d, Ferre. Vinccnte VI-49a. timu ciurFeUx VI-75d; .First Com- munion. Confratermty of XIV- 127c- foundation ^-IWO. 5;Tl-f68c\VF;ancUofVktoria VI-232b; and Franciscans U- Sod; Mfib; VI-2|3d; X- 184a; at F"b"urg VI-3TOa. and Friends of God Vl .iwc Fumo^IV-31.8c; Gaben VI
341c; Gazzamga yi-*"»?',y!|- manico - llnganco. Colle^o XIII-133b; in Germany XU
XVI— tl
410d: mooem pe'""",; .„
di Croce, Ricoldo <ia XlU-o-a. Montesino X-534b; at Mont- nrllier X-546d; and monks A Ss8b; Morales X-556d; Morell, Juliana X-565b-, at Mossul X- W<)b- in Mozambique X-bUJO, mvsticism XII-358C- Nac^hi- ante X-667b; name play on I-762d; nature XU-JMa, 356i; Na^■^rrete X-723a; Na- larius, John Paul pX 727d^ Nicolai, Jean XI-66C. ana
fS-atth^S'xl-Sm; at Oxford XI-366a: Pagnmo^^ante32a_
279a; Ebner, Ch
Ebner. M:.ri;:ii
foundati'iii \ 1"
Portugal ^ ",',,_'_„■;;,■,, .'n^'of'T
t-.'tT'-M'"'! -. „all'.'"l-2'6Sd; sta-
ll n, , \n ;"c
\m T'.lOb; Silvester.
,, \llI-793d;Slotanu3
' society XU-
Soto. Dominic
--i-jYi, -,_■-- in Snain XII
vi\- 1 ■, "c in Spain AU
XIV-210C; and Spirituai = XT-V-231b; statistics Aii iw; 368Fa; XIV-273a; s a- tistics. conteniP"r^';.> -m ^ 368Hc; statuf XII-359b;St'; XIV-291b; ^' XII-361b: S..I- .^ ; ^^
ITm: Tallaght -onaster^; XVl-77d; Tauler XlV-lb-?o. ^eIcUng;XII-36pa;and»a.n^
Teresa of Jesus XIV-51™'.^fi. minology. festal ^1-236.1" -el XIV-539C; and Textual ^K . . -vTV-^^-Jh- as theo- Criticism XIV-oj.d. m
riaire's Congregation XU-i'ua.
XIV-639c;'st. Catherine of
Siena, Congregation ofV-67d
XV-231C; in Venezuela Av
— Third Order Secular XIV- 639b; Communion, reception ol VI-279a; extent XI\-fa39a^ Mihtia of Jesus Christ XIV
-Thomas Aquinas. XIV-663c; Thomas of CantimprS XIV 693d; Thomisni xn.-«7/b, 698d; Trivet XV-63b, Troy,
on 5iV-lc; and . nniversities XII-361d; Valencia XV-253a Vallgornera XV-2blc, >ai verde XV-265a; Veghe XV MOb Vehe XV-321b; m Vene- H' XV-'?29b- Vienna, Um- ^"^ ^,„ of XV-422b; Venturino versity ot Av—j-^". ^- , of Bergamo XV-344b. Vm«nt
°' PXTer SaTnl XvU37d; "v™'gi/Mary XV-463C; Visi-
- ^'r'XU-357af Wa^r'^of
°.J^i'^ir;'d*XV^-66la'f>yeh: Sichard de XIII-444a; Xi- menes, Didacus XV-729c,^ig_ hara, Tommaso Maria AV
Prl'aching. See Homiletics i:^rP%t'ri%,c;618-^date IV-4'd; 13d; Clements Lpit- -orsimon'pVter in the City of
PReTdAm'iVeS XII-370b Preambula X 2-.i9a — fidei Xll-'i'-id
X 194aY 195a; and civ-il cm- ^titution Xlll-Uaiexpee'ative
PRECEDENCE XII-3.1c; of „o in-->54c; Ceremonies, canons 111 -■>"-• vin-145d; Congregation of XUI i« papal representatives IX i^uo. J,f natrons Xl-obld; m Kites, Con^ega ion of XIII-14Jb PmSeNTOR XII-372a; arms
- ^'^VII-247d; ..f ehapt^{b."i -
oc=ia- .W.Sa, monastic l-l*", " fold-; Xlll--.47d .n rcspor.
„,.T.;.il flrilil All - /OfOi >"
'vn-'iK-'n'-NlV-iSld., ^.„
^oh XV-f.77d; and counsel
IV-436a; and law IX-54a;
^aS^n^s^teChuS PrecesFeriales X--^ a e..
Precession, equmoctial II -25a,
S^^^^. influence
p^'cioUS BioOD XII-372d; ^^n^Jc'^^ition XIII-7S7b-. _con-
Tn^on XII 3fiM; 372d; Faber cans ou - Franciscans on
XII-372d; si. James of the