Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/675

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Sameses n. King of Egj-p* V- 34()b: 349c: and Chanaanites lll-r.71b; XI-147C: and Heth- itos VII-3CH)C; and Israelites III-733C; VIII-194b; Karnak, Temple of XIV-5G3b: Luxor, Temple of XIV-563b; and Memeptah I X-20Sc; Mummy (iU.) V-Wlb; X-208c; in Tanis XIV-444a; Thabor, Mount XIV-552a

— m, King of Eg>-pt V-340(l; VII-306d; inventon- V-349d

— Xn, King of Egypt V-341b

Ramesse VIII-194C

Ramesses, town, EgjlJt VI-444a; and Tanis XIV-444a

Ramesseum,temple,Thebes XIV- 58 3c

Rameth. See Jaramoth

Ramiere, Claude, and Tongiorgi, S. XIV-77tic

— Henry, .\postles!iip of Prayer I-li33a

Ramila, Torres, Lope de Vega IX-35ob

RamiUies. battle (1700) VI -506a

Ramires, Fernando, Bishop of Oporto X 1-26 la

Ramirez, priest, and Gregory of Valencia VII-22a; in Sala- manca XIV-S7b

— Carlos Maria, writer XIV-207a

— Ignacio, writer XlV-203d

—Juan B., missionarj- XIV-51.3C

— Pedro, missionary XIIl-42.ia

—Pedro, soldier, in Vitoria XV- 4S9c

— de Fuen Leal, Sebastian, Bishop of Tuy X-264d: and John of God Vin-473a; in Mexico X-257a; XV-767c; and Motolinia X-li02a

— de Guzman, Diego, Bishop of Ovicdo XI-363d

Ramiio I, King of Aragon III- 412b; XIV-181b; and Alfonso el Batallador X-722a; as Count of Aragon X-721d

— n. King of Aragon III-S12C; VIII-13a; XIV-lSlc; abdica- tion II-258d; and Bishop of Barbastro II-286a; and nobles VH-513C

— n. King of Leon, and the .\stur- ias Ill-lllb; XIV-180a; and Moors lX-516b: at Siraancas XIII-391C

— the Monk, King of Aragon. Sec Ramiro II

Ramirus, Saint, martyr IX-17.5b

Ramists, philosophical school \ 1 1-6 39a

Ramlet, town, Palestine XII- 637b

Rammam, deity XIII-286b

Ramman. See .\dad

— Temple of, inscriptions II-12a; rebuilt Il-Sb

Ramman-nirari, King of Assyria ll-llc: Vn-.306b

— n. King of Assyria II-12b

— ni. King of Assyria II-1.3a; in Damascus VIII-655a; Phihs- tines Xn-22a

Ramman-shur-usur, King of Babylonia Il-Ud

Rammohun Roy, and the Brahma Saniaj 11 -735a

Ramnian, tribe, in Rome XIII- l»16b

Ramon, San. See Raymond Non-

— San, school. Cajamarca XVI- 34c

— n. Bishop of Barbastro II-286a

—Alfonso, .Mcrrcd.irian X-197d

— Diego, and Caddo Indians III- I29d

— Domingo, and missions XIV- 547a

— Manuel, explorer VI— 1,52a

— Berenguer I, the Old, Count of Barcelona III^28c; IX-717b; and Barcelona, Diocese of II- 2,S9b

— Berenguer 11, Count of Barce- lona III-42SC

— Berenguer HI, Count of Barce- lona nH2'»d: XlV-lsib: at Tarragona XIV 4<.l)a: 4Rnb

— Berenguer IV, Count of Barce- lona III 4I-'c: 42sd: X-209a; monaslerv XIV-46la; and Pe- tronilla XIV-lSlc; and Tortosa XIV-78od

— Berenguer the Great, Count of Barcelona, ^ff Ramon Beren- guer III

— Berenguer the Saint. See Ra- m6n Borengiipr IV

Ramond, Paul-Marie, Vicar Ap- ostolic of Upper Tong-king Vn-77Sa

Ramon Lull. See Raj-mond Lully

Ramon y Cajal, biologist II-575d and anatomy I-460d

Ramos, Nicolas, Bishop of San Juan XII-292d

— Tomas, Redemptorist XII-

Ramoth Galaad VI-J42b: 444a; XII-712a: and Achab I-lOlc; XII-479d; identihcation IX- 789a; expedition against X- 277d. Set Jaramoth

Ramoth-gilead. See Ramoth Galaad

Ramoth of Gad, town VI-332b

Rampazetto, and bhnd V-307b

Ramperto, Bishop of Brescia II- 760c

Rampf, Michael von, Bishop of Passau XI-520b

Rampini, and the Mascarati V1II-262C

—Andrea. See Tsernia, Andrea d'

Rampolla del Tindaro, Mariano, cardinal V-677c; XVI-18a; in Baltimore IV-250b: and Cistercians Ill-785d; com- mendaton' office VII-719b; on Commission, Biblical II-557c; excavations III-473a; and France VI-178a; and Hermits of .St. Augustine VII-284b; Ni- sard VI-I79b; Perraud. Adol- phe XI-701C: and Prussia I- 343c: St. .•Vnselm's II-45.3b; St. CeciUa's XIII-174b: Vatican Library XV-294C; and Vulgate rerision XV-oloc

Rampsinitos V-350a

Rampur, mission II-539a

Ramsauer, Maurus, in Brooklyn II-800b

Ramsay, apse I-6G0b

—Allan, poet .XIII-626C

— James, archer I-695a

—John, Barbour MSS. II-2.S8b

— William Mitchell IX-423b; discoveries I-40a; III-505d; Galatians. Epistle to VI-336d; 337a; 3.39b; Leo XIII IX-I4b; on St. Luke IX-426c; on Ma- sonrj- IX-776a; Pontus XII- 234d; on Termes.sus XIV-517d

Ramsbury, See of I-50SC

Ramsden, Jesse, and Piazzi. Giu- seppe Xn-72d

Ramses. .Sec Rameses

Ramsey, Hants, Benedictine con- vent II— 454c

— Grace. See O'Meara, Kathleen

—ABBEY XII-63Sb; and St. .\bbon I-15c; and ediication II-457a: St. Oswald XI-348c

Ramsgate, Benedictine monas- terj' II-448C; College XIII- 573c

Ramesloh, convent, .-Vdam of Bremen I-133a

Ramsours Mill, haftle XI-109b

Ramteh, town IX-insd

RAMUS, PETER Xll-i.iisc; VII- 542a; a.Hsassination .Xlll-3,35d: and Bruno III-17c; Copernicus XII-55a; logic IX-327a; and Muller, Johann X-629a; and d'Ossat XI - 342b; portrait XII-638d

Ramusio, Giovanni, cartographer IV-lOb; .Marco Polo XII- 21Sd

Ramwold, Abbot of St. Emmeram XV-r.S3b; and St. Wolfgang XV-682d

Ranaldi, Ignazio, Bishop of I'rbino XV-222b

Ranavalona I, Queen of Madagas- car IX-5lla

Ranee, De, Congregation of IX- 66 1 a

—JEAN - ARMAND LE BOU- THILLIER DE XII 630a; II- ar,^d: IX i-.c; .\-47(.b; XIII- 720d; Beaufort. Eustache de X-603d: and VI- .53.5d: Mahillon I.\-»80c; at Persaigne IX-144b: portrait XII-630b; reform III-7S3b; IX-247d: XIII-682b: XV-

24a: at Rome III-783d; rule III-784C; works III-7S6a

Ranch!, town, Jesuits in III- 154c; mission III-155a: Ursu- lines in III-1.55b

Ranjonier, missioiuirv VII-46d

Rand, Silas, missionary X-2S4d

Randa, Antonin, writer n-r,(X>d

Randall, Benjamin Il-Jslb

—JAMES RYDER XII-6:i9d; and ".Morning Star" XI-695a

Randall's Island, training school .XII-492C

Randeck, Markward I von, Bishop of .\ugsburg II-74C

Randen, Cistercian abbey XIII- 791a

Randers, town IV-723d; Catho- lics in IV-723d; Dominicans at XVI-lb; and Franciscans XVI-lb; mission IV-725d

Rando,.'Vlamannian prince, Mainz IX-550C

Randolf, John, and Queen Joan XIII-653a

Randolph, Peyton XV-456b

Randolph-Macon, college, Vir- ginia XV-4.53d

Randhartinger, and Liszt IX- 285c

Ranfain, Marie Elizabeth. See Marie-Elizabeth de la Croix de Jf'sus

Rangerio, Bishop of Reggio di Calabria XII-717c

Ranghiasci, archa?ologist VII-55C

Rangier, cardinal, and Bishop of Reggio III-14d; and St. Bruno Ill-lod

Rangoni, Gabriel, Bak6cz II- 2I4a

Rangoon, town, Burma III-82c; Catholics in III-S3b

Ranier, Bishop of Fionia, and Canute III-307a

Ranieri, Saint, Bishop of Cagli III-140a; Pisa, Cathedral of Xll-llUb

—Bishop of Florence VI-106a: Ilia

—Bishop of Toscanella XV-»89a

— Vinigiso Xni-780b

Ranise, Pietro. See Marcellinus of Civezza

Rank, ecclesiasrical XII-371C

Ranke, Johannes, anthropologist XII-620d

— Leopold von. Biblical criticism IV-493C; and Dollinger V- 9Sb; .Ifsuits XIV-82b; on Luther 1\ l-,r,d; ..n Oriandini, Niccol,', XI :il7d; on papal domiiKi'i III \ ll'id; and Reu- mont .\11 T'.isd; >iirpi XIII- 47Sa; on Urlian IV XV-212d Wiseman XV-671C

Ranken, EUiot, and The Tablet XI-674a

Rankin, town. Pennsylvania, Croatians in IV-513C

Rankine, William, physicist V- 42.3c

Ranolder, John, Bishop of Vesz- prf-m XV-392d; at Vienna II- 130a

Ranquet, Dominique du, mis- sionary IX-690b; X-381C; in Canada I.X-72tid; in Ontario XIII-563d; in Sault Sainte Marie XIIHS7d

Ransey, Monastery of, and Fl.iirv I-508d


— and atonenu-nt II-56b; of Christians XI-318b

— Order of Our Lady of. See Mercedarians

-Our Lady of, guild lV-249d; Order. Third IX-754a

• — Our Lady of, scapular XIII- 571a

— Patristic theory of, and satis- faction .KIV-585a

— of Captives, and Church XIV- 37d: orders XIV-.3Sd

— of the Cross, Origen on XIII- 316d

Rantemakai, See of VI-76d

Rantzow, Balthasar von, Luther- an Bishop of I.iibeck IX-IOId

Ranuccia, at Pisa University XII-112C

Ranuccio 11, Duke of Parma. Cignani III-771a: and Inno- cent X VIII-21a


Ranulfo, Bishop of Caserta III-

400a Ranulf of Warham. Sec Warham,

Ranulf of Ranvoyze, Francois-Ignace, and

Hurons VII -582c Ranyard, Arthur Cowper, as- tronomer Il-2Sb Ranzelin, .4bbot of Muri X-643b Ranzi, pathology XII-112d Ranzoli, epistemologj- V-507a Raouat, Deir-er, Prime XII-

424b Raotd, Paul Grand, and Bona En-

fants. Reims XII-72Sb — missionary, and Albigensea

VIII-16b —King of France VI-167b; XIII-

718d; and Le Puv IX-186C;

Vaultier of Sens XIII-717b — Patriarch of Antioch XIV-

405b — Count of Ivry, and Dudon XI-

10.5a — n. Bishop of Tours XV-2c — Pierre, and Holy Shroud XI-

668d — de Caen, writer XI-105c; and

Tancred XIV-442c — of Zachringen, Prince-Bishop

of Liege VIII-758a; IX-236d Raoul-Rochette. See Roehette.

DiaM Raoul Rapacciolo, Francesco, Bishop

of Terni X-704C Rapa Islands, Church in XIV-

430c Rapatho, Cistercian abbot VII-

198d Rape Vlll-la RAPHAEL, SAINT, archangel

Xll-iitiibl irrd: Coptic Man- uscript \\ 1 _".id: dedications,

Au^ti:i!ii\I ,',i,t;a: dedications.


..(, 1 ' I -A Xl--.341a;

li.ii : :•. . ri;i Xl-143d;

aiiil I '••,:,- I ;"Jd; XI\--751a RAPHAEL, artist X11-640C; XI-400C; and Bartolommeo II-318C; XII-642a; and Bib- biena II-542c; Birthplace (ill.) XII-641d; Blessed Virgin, es- pousals of the (ill.) V-facing 542; and Bramante II-737b: and Caldara 1 1 1- 155c: and Carracci, Annibaln III-37.5b; cartoons, tai><str\- Xl\'-449d: XV-286b; St. Cr-.ilia (ill.) III- 471d: Christ. Head nf (ill.) \'III-facing 384: and Clement VII IV-27a; Constantino, Victory of (ill.) IV-facing 300; St. Damasus (ill.) IV-613: Disputation (ill.) II-649d; Dream of the Knight XII- Mla; epitaph (ill.) XII-645; Ezerliiel, Vision (ill.) Xll-fac- ii.i;, ;•: !' .. n.oXII-641b; ctid ,, I 1 iirucci VII- C'.'i.i '. ■ ■ liModa XIV-

7lMa, ml >.■'.:, VI-41.5c: St. (Jeorgo anii ."st. .Michael XII- 641a: Graces XII-641a: Jacob being blessed by Isaac (ill.) V-527b; St. John in the Desert (ill.) Xll-facing 646; and Jul- ius II VIII-56.3d; XII-642C; 766c; (iU.) Vlll-facing 562; and I.eo X IX-163a; 164c: XII-644d: (ill.) IX-facing 164; Loggie XV-286a; Mosaic X- 59na; Omar. Mo.sque of VIII- 360d ; and Orlev X I-320d : Piom- bo.Sobasrian del XII-KLTa: and Pertigino XI-737d: XIl-64la; Peruzzi, Baldassare XI-73SC; portrait XII-64.3d: Raimondi, \larcantonio XIl-6.34c; and Romano, Giulio VI-572b; in Rome XII-642b; 646b: and Rio Xlll-eic: and Ruvsch, John XHI-282a; and Sabatini, Andrea XIII-.397c: St. Peter's XIII -370d; St. Agostino. Church of XIII- 170c; s: Maria in Traspontina XIII-172b; Sibyls XIII- 174d: Sistine Chapel in-.57Sa: Sixtus II fill.) XIV-31d: and Sodoma XIII-779b: .Stanze XV-27Sa; 284d: Stanze. as apartments, papal XV-284a: Stanze, fres- coes XIV -24.8b: Tartarughe, fountains of the XIII-176a; tomb I-87c: XIII-170b; Trans-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.