Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/693

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RITES. Easlern: altars III-STOa: langiage XIII-68d: Secret of the Mass Xni-674b ; vestments XV-388b; 391b _

— Franciscan Xlll-*fid

-GalUcan Xin-65b; Prefaces XII-385il; Secret of the Mass

-Sbrew'sacrifice XIII-314b; historj- XIll-71a; holocausts VII-396C; inconsistencies 111- 264b; language XIII-bM; 70d

rj,ii„ XlII-70b; at Rosano

XIII-203b; sandals XIII-434C; vestments XV-3S8a

— Uturgj- IX-306d: local and naUonal XIlI-64d; Lutheran XIII-67b; Malabar IX-o58b; iilaronite. liturgical language XIlI-83a; Maronite, Mass

— ™ am6£c X - 61 la ; ^Preface XII-385d; Secret of the Mass XIII-074b

—Old, in Eastern Church XIII- 66c; Pontificalia X"-231d. Pontifical Mass XII-232d. post-Nicene. development 1- 197b- Premonstratensian XIII-77b; Protestant VII- 261b; XIII-66d; Requiem Mass XII-778d; rubrics XIII- 70d- Ruthenian XllW/'D, I^cramental XIII-293a; 298d; S sacrifice XIII-318d; Seryite XIII-77d; Syrian Ea\t MV- 4I3d; Svrian. ^\ est XIV-417d, s"t'citholic XIII-86a; Sy--

Syro-uatnouc j^\^^ ^-rrT oc- Chaldean Catholic Xin-85c; of Totemism XI^-^9??,, „„,. — We4lern: language XUl-t)9C, medieval XIII-fi6b; Secret of the Mass xni-674b -Zwlnglian XIII-67d -Book of, Chinese S« Ll-kl —Congregation of XIII-13bD, 144b- 217a; XIV-34b; Acts of the Saints I-USc; Adyocatus Diaboli I-168b; on albs I--252b on ampulte I^'ifi,. "T^^:

fa'^on'ifWti'SnXm-i44c", churchine of women III-7G1C; dates X->43a; ccclesiastica buildings III-41d; on funeral paU VI-322a; on music, ecclesi- Mtical X-655a; on oratones XI-271d; on palms XI;^32a and precedence XII-371d on precomzat.on XU-S/fib Pro motor Fidci Xll-i-«a. on T»liprn-icl MV 124a

-m THE UNITED STATES Xni-7^a Srniciium. liturgical la'iCTacc .\lll-78b; Maronite

Riteen, Ferdinand Frani August

von X-141C Rithma, name X-678a Rithovius, Martm Xl-7bOc Rithri (Litri) '^■-■'2",a.„.,. .-.^ Ritschl, Albrecht lV-49?d; XIV- 621a; XV-84a; on Acidalius I- 105a: Atonement U-ssc; Airn- but«3. Divine W,'^^;"^?^;': cal inspiration \ ni-49c:Chns- toloKV XIII-31Cb: on God I- 216rand Kant VlII-60r.b; at Lcip7.ig IX-141a; on Miracles X-340d' i»nfl Modernism All- ^: °^d"Ssm^'='"fn-8?a1

Schlcierniacher X-419a: on Synoptics XIV-392a Ritschl-Harnack school Xli-

RITs'cHI.IANISM Xin-86c;

ChriatnloKV Mil ;*"'.> <■"""

oi^mofXlll ^sa; ju-.tificiitum

Xin-87a; an.l P^'Ir^'f '^"^

Xll-lftnc; theology Xlll-88a

Ritsu, sectVin-305b

Rittangel, Kahbalist VIII-M^lb

nittpr Anna, poetess V i-ozr>c


isc; at Brcslau II-7&tb; VII-

378a , . --TT

—Karl, on Prester John XII--

401d and Salzmann Xl-797a,

at Yverdun XI-743a .

Rittler, Aoselm, Abbot of Wein-

garten XV-576d


RITUAL XIII-88d; IlI-53Sa; - Abraham in I-5oa; Armenian IX-304b; XIII-79a; on baptis- mal names X-675a; blessing II-601a; Chinese translation III - 40b; contents IX - 302D; Coptic IX-303d; Crosses, bless- ing of IV-o36a; Formby on VI-139b; on funeral dues VI- 321c- on funeral pall VI-322a; Icwish XII-412b; Maronite IX-304a; Paul V XIII-89b: Pauhcians on XI - oS3a; oi Ruthenian Greek ^.Catholics VI-746b; rubrics in XIII-216c; on sanctuary lamp VIII-7b9b; on Tantum Ergo XIV-- 445c- Theodulfus. Bishop of Orldans XI-318d; Uniat Syrian IX-304a; Zoroastrian II-la2c;

Ritu^'ale IX-299d

— Ambrosianum XIIi-90a

— parvum. See Memorial of

Rites ^. ,

— Romanum. See Ritual Ritual Fan, Sarum Rite Xlll-

RITUALISTS XIII-90b; absolu- tion I-66d; in Anglican Church XI-371d; XIII-93b; Book of Common Prayer XIII--92C; ceremonial XIII-90C; clerp XIII-93d; consensus of the churches XIII-93a; develop- ment XIII-92b; in England XV-391a: Euchanstic Vest- ments XIII-92b; extreme XIII-92d; "Lambeth Hear- ings" XIII-91d; legislation XIII-91a; Moderate XUl- 92c; name XIII-90b; ongin XIII-90b; "Ornaments Rub- ric" XIII-90d; present position and principles XIII-92C; and Pusey XII-583b; "Report of 1906 XIII-92a; and Reunion XIII-92d; Roman Collar XIII-92b; rale of faith XIII- 9c- on "Six Points XUl- 91b'; and Thirty-Nine Articles XIII-93a . „

Rituum Ecclesiasticonim. *fe


—Henri Laurent VII-777a — Philipin de, Oratorian XI- 273d ; on Redemption XI 1-6 1 9a — au Desert, mission X-3S2C — des Prairies, mission v 111-

275b ,^. — „

— du Loup, mission 1X-5<1'C Rivington, Francis XIII-94a —LUKE XIII-94a; on Dioscurus

V-21b Rivista XI-684C — di Matematiche XI-685C — di scienze, lettere e arti XI-

684d — intemazionale di scienze so- cial! XMSoa — Italiana de filosofia neo-Scho-

lastica X-719b — Neotomistica Xl-(">s4d — Rosminiana Xl-OS'ic — storica Xl-fiN."ia — storica benedettina Xl-b85a — storico critica delle scienze

theologiche Xl-CSSa Rivo, Radulphus de. See Ka-

dulph of Rivo Rivoli, battle X-6SSa Rivo torto. Friars at M-223b Rixingen, lordship X-248d Rizaikyoku Mll-31ic RIZAL, JOSfi MERCADO XIII- 94b; and " Liga Fiiipina Xll- 13b Rizeh. See Rhizus Rizo, mosaicist X-589d Rizos, James VI-740a Rizpah. See Rcspha Rizzio, David VIII-683C; IX- ■r,4d

Riue'bii'ttei,"district VII--122C Riulf, Northman XI--104b Riuthardus, Bishop of Mainz IX-

Rivadeneira. See Ribadencira Rivail, L. H. D., on Spiritism

XIV-L'22b Rivaldi, Gaspare, e"""* IX-513C Rivalto, Giordano da VIII-248b,

Xn-300b; 3C0C Rivarol, Antoine XI-675d Rivas, plant . in Iranian Cosmog- ony IV-4fl8d , . ,

Diike of. - See Saavedra, Angel

de —del Sil, abbey II^-49b , „.„ — Groot, JosS, writer XIV-205d Rivauli, Abbey of V-435a; X\ I-

25c Rivayats II-153C Rivayet, sect IV-40Sa . Rivaz y Madrazo, Francisco Vll-

37Sd Rive, Joseph Jean IH^Ttia Rivera, captain lll-180b, .\l-

— Diego de, Bishop of Segovia

XIII-685d ., , ,.

— Fructuoso, President ot Lru- guay XV-232a , „. . ,

— Payo Enriquez de. Bishop nl

Gu:.ti-iiiala Vn-54b River Brethren, in Indiana, sta-

tisti.-s VII-7l2d River Nith, council (70.5) I-9a —of St. Louis (Illinois) lV-6()la Rivers, -Icnudation XV-70.5c; for baptism 11-27 Ic; subterranean, Albania I-253b ,. , .^ , Riverview, Australia, Jesuit col- lege XIV-36<ib Riv«, pilgrirnagc Vn-27c:_27d

Kivesaiic:>, i^i'K'">->t-x . *V;-Li- i Rivet, Andre VII .533d; Biblical

intmduction VIII-SOc -John. mis.«i"nary X-272b; in

Indiana VII-73nc . — de la Grange, Antoine X-70d.

on St. Bruno ni-I6c Rivier, Marie, Venerable XII-

.399a; XV-494d Riviere. H. F. XIII-66.3d

Rizzolati, Giuseppe IX-747a Rizzoli, Enrico, ,Father of the

M.nt rr.ri,,u-< Blood XII-3<3d R.'j. E., :i1.1t. l-52b R. J. E. P., ahl.r. I-.52C Rlari.. abbr I-2;ib Roa. Martin de XIV-199d — Barcena, Jose M., editor .\1-

6S0d J ■„, . ,

Roads, Bridges, and Waters,

Congregation for XlU-Ubc,

XIV-34C _ „ J

Roannez, Artus Gouffier, Due de

Ro'bartaig, Muirdach. Sec Ma-

rianus Scntui^, abbot Robaut,' Aloysius I-2.50b Robben Island \ III-155a Robber CouncU. See Ephesus,

Robber Council of (449) Robbers, Seven. See Seven Rob-

Robbia, Ambrogio XIII-95a —ANDREA DELLA XIII-95a;

.\nnunciation (ill.) 11-34-b; bas-relief (ill.) 11-3430; Con- vento deir Osscrvanza XI- 779d; Infant Christ (ill.) Xlll- facing 640- ."""dal ,X-113d Giovanni della, sculptor Xlll-

Giovanni della. Bishop of

Brrtinoro I! -.52.3b — Girolamo della xni-95a —Lorenzo della. Bishop of Fio-

— LUCA Dl'^SIMONE DELLA xni-95b; fi4,5c; XV-22IC; St. Christina, statue XI-3.!2c; t-t. Francis, statue I-8l)ld; _\ - 29c; St. Francis, statue vill.) Vl-223; .and Ghiborti VI-54.ia; and Michclozzo X-279d

— Luca della, the Younger Xlll-

Rob'e". baptismal II-2R3a: of Christ VI-470a; royal, in Eng- lish regalia XII-713C

Robert, monastic dress VI-130a

—priest. .SVcDebrrync

—priest, and Mellifont, Abbey of

— Celestine superior III-479C

— Archbishop. Bcncdictional IV-

536a . „. • i„

—Duke of Albany, in Chronicle

XV-724b; in Scotland Xlll-

617a , ,

—Count ot Boulogne and Au-

vergne, charterhouse X-.5.'>oc -Bishop of Bovinn II-724C -I, Bishop of Brcslau II-761C -n. Bishop of Bre.slau II-TSlc. — n. Duke of Burgundy II-144C, VII-52fia ,„ , . „i —Archbishop of Canterbury III- 299d

— Emperor of Constantinople

V11-458C —Count d'Eu. Treport, Abbey

of XIII-210d — cardinal priest of St. Eusebius

X11-5B3C I (the Frisian), Count of Flan- ders III-210b; VI-94d — II, Count of Flanders VI-94d; Commenus, Alexius IV-545d; at Bruges Ill-5c; Conrad of Utrecht lV-261b; Godfrey of Bouillon VI-625b — in (de Bethune), Count of Flanders VI-95c; Philip IV of France XII-4C; typhlocomium V-307a ,

I, King of France, crowned

XII-726a; and Gerard, St. VI- 465d; and Vaultier of Sens XIII-717b — n (the Pious), King of France IX-186b; St. Abbon I-loc; anointed XIV-132b; bell II- 423d; Fulbert of Chartres \ I- 313a; Gregory V VI-790c; and heretics VIII-28b; and Leo IX IX-161a; in (irl(-;ms XT-320a; Sequence X\ il .' i^- iiure IV-.526C; S>'-. ' ' " ■ '\ : 372a; and \i ' '■

XV-407b; :ni.l \.iii .-iiii'te

SpiritusXV-342a — Duke of Francia VI-lb7b —Earl of Gloucester, and Tewks- bury Abbey XIV-542d; at Wil- ton" XV-647d —Archbishop of Gran VII-550b —Bishop of Hereford IX-316C;

and St. Wulstan Xni-<61d

—Abbot of Holywood Vn-423c

— Patriarch of Jerusalem Vlll-

368c „ ,, ,,

— Bishop of Le Mans, Bull V-

780c — Bishop of London IX-347d —Bishop of Marseilles I-2p8b —Abbot of Melrose X-171b —Bishop of Messina X-217b —Bishop of Olmutz XII-339d —Bishop of Orleans I-1.5d —Count of Paris XI^82b —Lord of Parma XI-506a —cardinal. Titular of St. Puden-

tiana XII-233d — Abbot of Reichciiau, and Alex- ander II l-286d . — m, Archbishop of Reims XII-

730b . . ,.„, .„.

— Signore of Rimmi Xni-.58b —Abbot of Rufford XIII-221a —Bishop of St. Andrews VII- 423c; IX-319C; XIIl-33(lc; 332b; and Canons Regular 111-

— Duke of Salerno IV-2?5c

—Bishop of Salisbury IV -290b

—Saint, Bishop of Salzburg. Sec

Rupert .. ,1, .1 J

—I (the Brace). Ring of Pfot'aid

excommunicated IV--23b; and

Edward 111 V-321b; XIII-

■\-iII . ,1 -'■ AM cy V-

,,,-, ■. . ,1 . „,l. V-192b

_n'K - ' ih1 xni-6i7a

ni KiiiK '■' Scotland VIII-

liUld; XIII-617a

]irinr of Shrewsbury, on fct.

Wincfride XV-6.57c -Bishop of Sm.gagha Xiy-13d

Duke of Tarcntum nl-408c

—Bishop of Watcrford XV--S65C

Claude, chronicler VI-350d; in

Minnesota Xni-368a —lean Louis, Archbishop of Mar- seilles. Scapular of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary XIlI-514a —Louis Xlll-3fi8a —Rene vn-21fia — Ulysse, Dardel's "Chroniqued

Arnifnie" lV-R35b — Burdet, at Tarragona XIV-

-olfet. See Robert II. King of

—College, Constantinople TV- 306b „ , , XT ,

— Courte Heuse, Duke of Nor- mandy XI-105a; crusade IV- .'i4V.b;and Godfrey of Bouillon Vl-625b; Odo. Bishop of Bay- eux XI-210b , _

— Cursus. See Robert of Cour- ?on

ioman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.