Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/704

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Rush, Benjamin, physician, and Barry ll-311d; temperance movement XIV-488b; 490b — Richard, statesman XV-l(i7a Rushbroke, Robert V-626b Rushin, monastery VI-324a Rush Lake, Indians at X-282b Rushworth, version of the Gos- pels XV-374d RUSICADE, See of XIII-230a Ruskin, John, writer V-470a; XII-769d; ssthetical methods I- 176b; on Amiens cathedral I— 130a; on Chartreuse, La Grande III-636d; on coloured windows XIV-243b; and Lock- hart IX-321d; on Lorrain IX- 362a; and Patmore XI-547a — Co-operative Colony XIV-69d Ruslau, periodical, Lemberg XI-

670a RUSPE, See of XIII-230b Ruspoli, palace, Rome XIII-

17od Russell, Arthur XIII-230C — Bertrand, philosopher XII-

33c; on truth XV-77a —CHARLES XIII-230C; 231c;

and O'Donnell XIV-329a —CHARLES WILLIAM XIII- 231b; 230c; Dublin Review XI-6Sld; Mavnooth College X-SSd; Mezzofanti X-271b — Fannie J. XV-613a —George, poet VIII-12Sd -Irwin, litterateur XIII-364b — John, first Earl of Bedford, and Tavistock Abbey XIV-467a; and Thorney Abbey XIV-706a — John, first Earl Russell I-501a; V-455b; Irish pohcy VIII- 108d; Moore X-554X; and Pius IX XII-136d; and Wiseman XV-fi72d — John, Bishop of Lincoln IX-

267b — John, Bishop of Rochester,

England XIII-102C — Kate. See Baptist, Mother

Mary — Matthew, writer XI-682d;

XIII-23Ia — Patrick, Archbishop of Dublm V-175d; at Irish College, Lis- bon VIII-159d —RICHARD XIII-231c; XII-

283d; XV-497C —Roland X-S7a — William, viceroy XI-252d — V. Jackson, trial XIII-657d Russi, Guglielmo. See Rossi,

GugUelmo RUSSIA XIII-231d; VI-/4oc; administrative divisions XIII- 236b; calendar III-740a; XI-

20a , . , ,

—Church in XIII-253d; St. Adal- bert I-127b; clergy XIII-260d; Concordat (1847) IV-2(>4b; X-429c; XIII-258b; dioceses XIII-2o9c; Dominicans XII- 368Dd; Gregory XVI's allocu- tion I-325c; Jesuits IV-37b; V-273b; XIV-99b; 440d; 739b; St. Joseph (Chamb^ry), Sisters of VHI-ol6c; liturgy II-321d; Norbertine Nuns XII-391d; patron saint I-471d; Pius IX XII-136a; Xin-421c; XIV- 368d; Propaganda XII-4.57b; Propagation of the Faith XII- 462a; Redemptorists XII- 683c; religious orders XIII- 260a; Vatican Council XV- 303d

—Commerce XIII -238a; Chma I-246d; III-685d; Turkey XV- 99d

—Educalion XIII-234a: 241a: universities XIII-241b

— Ethnography and Population V-60Sd; XIII-233b; 234c; Asiatic I-777d; Bohemians XIV-49C; 49d; Caraites III- 329c; Germans XIV-739a Jews III-316a; VIII-399C Poles Xll-lSSb; XlV-48d 49a; Ruthenians XIII-278b Sorbs and Croats XlV-oOb

—Geography XIII-231d; area V- 608d; XlII-232a; Artvin I- 765a; Chi-lm and Belz III- 645d; Climate XIII-232c; Finland VI-70d; Kielce VIII- 636b; Lithuania IX-292b; Lub- lin IX-403a; Lutzk, Zhitomir,

and Kamenetz IX-463d; map Xlll-facing 264; Minsk X- 333d; Mohileff X-428d; Mos- cow X-591C; Plock XII-166d; Poland XII-181C; St. Peters- burg XIII~374d; Samogitia XIII-421b; Sandomir XIII- 436d; seas XIII-232a; Sejny XIII-688a; Siberia XIII-767c; Tiraspol XIV-739a; Turkestan XV-96d; Vilna XV-432a; War- saw XV-555b; Wladislaw XV- 6S0c

— History XIII-243b; Aachen, treaty VII-399a; Adrianople I- 161a; Alaska I-246c; 412c; Al- bania I-255a: anarchy VII- 700c; Asiatic invasions XIII- 250d; and Austria VI-507b; VIII-612b; XIV-710d; Ba- kounin I-452d; Baltic coast VI-500d; California III-180a; and China III-683a; 684a; 684c; XIII-769b; commissions at Rome VIII-64b; Congo Free State IV-229c; Constan- tinople III-109a; IV-303b; cor- onation rite IV-38.5d; Crimean war XIII-249c; and England IX-664C; Epoch of the Princes XIII-243b; Finland VI-77b; foreign policy XIII-250b; Fourth Coalition VI-509a; X- 692a; Franco-Russian Alliance XIV-435a; Holy Alliance VI- 509c; and Holy See XIII-257c; and Japan VIII-312d; 313c; IX-586b; Lithuania XVI-54b; 55a; Masonry IX-786b; Mos- cow XIII-245b; Napoleon X- 697b; XIII-248d; Patraa XI- 547d; Persian wars XI-718b; and Poland IX^03b; XII- 182a; 184c; 185c; 185d; 186a; 186c; 186d; 187b; ISSc; XIII- 246c; 248c; XV-763c; 763d; and Prussia IX-665a; Ru- mania XIII-226b; St. George, Order of XIII-350d; Siberia III-683a; XIII-768b; under Tatars XIII-244c; Tibet XIV- 719d; 720b; in Triple Entente VI-ol5b; Turkish policy XV- 99d; Turkish war XIII-227b; 250b; and United States XV- 167a

—Language XIII-234b; 265c; XIV-47b; alphabet VI-.575d; 576a; XIV-41d; Ruthenian use VI-745d

— Legislation: flagellation VI- 92c; marriage I-208c; IX-693c; poor law system XII-255a; punishment, capital XII— 569a; serfs VIII-721C

—Literature VII -273d; XIII- 265b; gospel-book VI-661c; librarv I-263d; manuscripts IX-620a

— Religions and Sects XIII-234a; 2o3d; Armenian Church V- 235a; 572a; Baptists II-2Sld; Bible Society II-544d; 545a; Lutherans IX-463b; Mennon- ites X-190d; Methodism X- 240c; Mohammedans X-425d

— Sociology: agrarianism XIII- 23Sb; 236d; associations, volun- tary II-2c; coinage XI-156a; communism IV-183b; emigra- tion XIII-234b; XIV-52d; finance XIII - 242b; Fire In- surance Society XIII-243a; foimdling asylums VI- 160b; industriesXIII-239d;insurance societies XIII-243a; morality XIII - 243a; peasants XIII- 238b; reforms XIII -250a; socialism XI V-65c; temperance movements XIV-4S2a

— Statistics: alcohol, consump- tion of XIV-4S2c; blindness V-306a; 308d; commerce XIII- 238d; crime XIII-243b; educa- tion XIII-241C; illegitimacy VII-l).')Ob; religious I-782c; XlV-27.Sa; suicide XIV-327d

Russian Academy XIII-271b

— American Fur Company I- 246c

— Brotherhoods, Society of VI- 749c

— Greek Catholic Union VI-749C

— Lapland. .See Kola

—National Union VI-749c; XIV- S4a

—Orthodox Church V-231d; 232b; VI-764d; 767a; XI- 330a; XIII-253d; 261c; XV- 101a; absolution I-65a; 66a; abstinence 1-7 lb; Abyssinian missions V-233d; Alaskan mis- sions I-249b; V-540b; aliturgi- cal days I-314b; ambo I-3S2c; and Anglicanism XI-430c; antidoron I-562b; antimensium I-564a; Apostolicity I-642b; Athos, Mount II-49b; Baian- ism II-212b; Basilians II-323c; canon of Old Testament III- 273d; Rome XIII-175d; clergy, marriage of III-488a; consan- guinity IV-266d; conversions from IV-348a; cross IV-537d; deacons IV-651a; Easter V- 226d; 228a; eparchies V-484b; extreme unction V-727a; Gos- pel VI-662a; holy days VI-22d; Holy Synod VII-429c; 430b; liturgy II-321d; modernism X- 418d; monasticism X-471c; 471d; music VI-769d; Nikon XI-77d; in Palestine VIII- 370c; XII-491a; patriarchates XI-551d; patron saint XI-64b; Persian mission XI-725b; in Poland XII-192a; protopope XII-504a; Raskolniks XII- 648c; and Sixtus IV XIV-32d; in United States XIV-53a

— Orthodox Mutual Aid Society XIV-53b

Russians XII-626c; XIII-233b; XIV-48b; in Canada III-229b; census (1900) XIV-51a; in Ru- mania XIII-226d; in United States XIV-52d

— Little. .See Ruthenians

Russian Uniat Church VI-755d

Russiko. See Panteleimon

Russinger, George, Abbot of Muri X-fi43c

Russki Invahd, periodical XIII- 272c

— Viestnik, periodical XIII-272c

Russniaks. See Ruthenians

Rustchuk, See of III-45c; Gesel- lenveraine VI-53SC

Rusticala, Saint, Abbess of St. Ca'sarius XVI-78b

Rustication, at Cambridge III- 214c

Rustichelli, Pietro Torrigiano, physician X-127b

Rustichini, Lozo, designer VII- 40a

Rusticiana II-610d

Rusticiano of Pisa VI-168b; and Marco Polo XII-217d

Rusticianus, Bishop of Mater X- 41c

— Bishop of Thabraca XIV- S52d

Rustico, Bishop of Cervia III- 545b

Rusticucci, Piazza XIII-132C

Rusticus, (i'ount X-490a

^-deacon in-556b

— Saint, martyr, Verona XV- 361d

— priest, and St. Augustine III- 255b

— priest, companion of St. Denis IV-721C; XI-481a

— brother of Desiderius of Cahora IV-751a

— father of Saint Germain of Auxerre VI-472d

—father of Julius I VIII-o61a

— Bishop of Buxentum XII-212b

— Saint, Bishop of Cahors I- 267b: III-141b

— Saint, Bishop of Clermont IV-54a

— Saint, Abbot of Coudat XIII- 341c

— Bishop of Fiesole V I-70b

—Saint, Bishop of Lyons I.\- 472c

— SAINT, Bishop of Karbonne XIII-275d: III-331d; and Leo I IX-156a

—Bishop of Treviso XV-39a

—Bishop of Trier \-I-ROfic

—Bishop of Turin XV-Wb

—Bishop of Valencia XV-251d

— Q. Jurius, prefect VIII-.Wlc

Rust University, Mississippi X- 396c

Rusuti, Filippo, mosaiciat X- 5S9b

Rut, John, explorer IX-545C

Rutger, Abbot of St. James's XV-721C

Rutgers College, New Jersey X- 794c: XII-711a

Ruth, name X-676c

— Moabitess II-533a: X-410a; XIII-276a

—BOOK OF XIII-276a: author XIII-277a; in canon III-267d; 270d: 276b; date XIlI-277a; historical character XIII-276d; Midrashiiu X-287b; purpose XIII-276C; Sahidic version XVI-79C; Targum XIV-457c; 4.57d

Ruthall, Thomas, Bishop of Dur- ham V-211d

Ruthard, Archbishop of Mainz IX-551a

—Count I-433a

— of Cambrai XI-126b

Ruthenian Pontifical College, Rome IX-172a: XII-458b, XIII-134b

—RITE XIII-277b; Advent I- 166b; archbishopsI-691d; bish- op (ill.) XV-391d; colours, li- turgical IV-135C: Hungarian dioceses II-136c; Lent I-70d, Palm Sunday XI-432c; Patron- age of Our Ladv, feast of XI- 560b; priest (ill.) XV-391b; in Rome lV-774b; Stanislawow XIV-247a

RUTHENIANS XIII-278b; VI- 745c; XII-626C; XIV-53C; in Austria - Hungary II - 121b; evangehzed XII-368Dd; lan- guage VI-745d; XIII-2-9C; hterature XIII-279d; missions II-323d; in New Hampshire X-789b; in Poland XII-181d; political parties XIII-279a; in Russian Orthodox Church of America VI-773a

— Uniats VI-746b; 753b; 755d; cloister IV-64a; papal decrees V-239a; Propaganda XII- 457b; rosary XIII-188b; Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin, feast of XIV-152C; Skarga XIV-34d; Union of Brest IV- 2Sa; XII-185d; 191b; 456c; XV-130b; in United States V-743b

Ruthenus, Nicolaus, Bishop of Przemysl XII-532C

Rutherford, industrial farm III- 173a

— E., physicist XV-706C

— John 1-566C

—Samuel XIII-332b

Rutherfurd, Lewis M., astrono- mer II-2Sa

Ruthin, Mahoney executed at IX-53Sa

Ruthven, James, impostor VII- 703b

—V. De Bonn, trial XIII-659a

Ruthwell Cross I-511b; IV-533b; ."):!4d; inscription XI-529C

Rutilianus l-297d

RutiUus Namatianus VI-396d

Rutjes, Theodore Hermann, Vi- car Apostolic of Eastern Mon- golia X-482b

Rutledge, Edward VIII-138c

—John, chief justice VIII-13Sd

Rutski, Benjamin, priest II- 323d; and St. Josaphat Kun- cevvf VIlI-.503d

Rutteii, Martin Hubert, Bishop of LioRe 1X-237C; XI-672b





Ruys, Richard. .Scr Richard of Cirnwall

RUYSBROECK, JOHN, BLESS- ED XIII-2S0c; X-in4b; epi- thet V-74b; and Groot III- 295c; IV-166C; VII-36b; mys- ticism X-B64C; XIV-622b; XVI-44d; and Peterssen XI- 773b

—William. See Rubruck. WiUiam

Ruysch, Friedrich, physician I- 460b; X-132C: 1 35c; and Mor- gngni X-56Sb

—JOHN XUl 2S2a; geographi- cal r.'scir.-li Vl-451b; and Julius 11 Nll-i'.42d

Ruz, Joaquin, inissioii.-iry X-S5c

Ruii6ka, Ernst Konstantm, Bish- op of Budweis III-34d

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated;

(ill.) = illustrations.