Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/724

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Rouen Xin-366c: VI-3^4c;

VII-354b; X-71b; anil Rouen,

Chapter at XIV^li3b — Ours, town. Quebec. St. Ga- briel, Brothers of VI-330d — Oyent, abbey and town XIII-

34 Id — Pachomius, Monks of XII-

7.52d — Palais, mission, Chicago III-

e.53d — Palais, Jacques Maurice de.

Bishop of Vincennes VII-741d;

744c — Pamphilus, cemetery, Rome

III-.517b — Pancras, church, Canterbury

V-5.53d — Pancras, church, Florence I-

263a — Pancras, monaster\', Hamer-

leve, Germany Vn-521d — Pancras, priory, Lewes VII-

526a; Cluniac foundation IV-

73d — Pancras, cemetery, London II-

604d — Pancras, church, Middlesex,

England VI-5.51b — Pancras. See San Pancrazio — Pancratius, cathedral, Albano

I-2o0a — Pancratius, cemetery, Rome

III-.512C — Pantalaemon, church, Thessa-

lonica. lectern IX-llOb — Pantaleon, church. Colore

IV-117d; transept XV-19a — Pantaleon, monastery. Cologne

III -13d: XIII -5S9d; metal- workers at X-222a — Panteleimon, monastery.

Mount Athos II-4.Sa — Papoul, abbey, Carcassonne

III-332a —Papoul, Diocese of III-332a;

X-524c: XIV-796a — Pathus, GuiUaume de IX-370b — Patrick, mission, An.adarko

VIII-Gtila — Patrick, church of, Armagh I-

800a — Patrick, seminar^^ Armagh IV-

.514c; XIII-700a — Patrick, high school, Assansol

in-lo4c — Patrick, church of, Baltimore

II-230b; 234c — Patrick, church of (old). Balti- more (ill.) Il-facing 228 — Patrick, orphanage. Bangalore

X-ti02b —Patrick, cathedral of, Belfast

(ill.) V-148d — Patrick, church of, Blackford

VI-42d — Patrick, church of, Calcutta

III-1.54C — Patrick, college, Carlow XIII-


— Patrick, college, Cavan XIII-

o7Sa — Patrick, church of, Charleston,

South Carolina III-63Ia — Patrick, academy, Chicago III-

6.5i;a — Patrick, church of, Chicago

in-i«4b — Patrick, church of. Cumberland,

Marvkind H-230C — Patrick, church of, Damaris-

cotta II-704C; IX-547b — Patrick, church of, Dolpatrick

VI-12d — Patrick, church of, Downpat-

rick (ill.) V-14Sa — Patrick, college of, Drumcon-

dra, DubUn Xlll-.WSb • — Patrick, cathedral of. Dublin

V-174C; architecture VI -675a;

(ill.) V-19fib; and Tallaghfs

deanery XVI-77b — Patrick, academy, Duncannon

I-732d — Patrick, chapel of, Duncannon

XIII-.51.5b —Patrick, church of. Erie V-519a —Patrick, church of, Grahams- town, South Africa VIII-I.'i.Ta — Patrick, home for bova. Halifax

XI 137b — Patrick, church of, Indianapolis

VII~744d -Patrick, church of, Karachi II-


— Patrick, high school, Karachi n-M.5b

— Patrick, church of, London III- 32Ga

— Patrick, college of. Manly, Svdnev (ill.) Il-facing lib; in tabulated list XIII-7Q0a

• — Patrick, college of, Maynooth X-S8b

— Patrick, cathedral, Melbourne X-155a; (ill.) facing 11-116

— Patrick, church of, Memphis, Tennessee X-705b

—Patrick, seminary, Menlo Park, California XIII-442a; XIV- 331d

— Patrick, church of. Mobile. Alabaira X-411C

— Patrick, church of, Montreal IX-727b

— Patrick, pro-rathedral, New- ark. New Jersey X-792d

— Patrick, church of, Newcastle VlII-613a

— Patrick, church of. New Or- leans XI-12a

— Patrick, orphanage, New Or- leans XI-12b

—Patrick, cathedral of (Fifth Avenue), New York IX-tS8b; and Azarias, Brother II-106d; Bishop Bacon, memorial of II- 191c; built VII-51Sb; Hughes, Archbishop, tomb of VII-olSc: (ill.) Xl-facing 26; Sibbel, Joseph XIII-767b

— Patrick, cathedral of (Molt Street). New York VII-516C; IX-4.SSb; buUt XI-22a

— Patrick, school, New York XlH-.560b

— Patrick, church of. Philadel- phia XI-79.'-,a: XIII-633d

— Patrick, church of. Pittsburg (Cameron's Bottom) Xn-123a

— Patrick, church of, Pittsburg (Erie) XII-123C

— Patrick, church of, Pittsburg (Newr>,') XII-123b

— Patrick, church of, Pittsburg (Sug.-ir Creek) XII-123b

—Patrick, church of (old), Pitts- burg XII-121d

— Patrick, church of (Via Ludo- visil. Rome XIII-164d

— Patrick, college. Rome VII- 2S8a

— Patrick, church of. St. John's. Newfoundland XIII-356C

— Patrick, orphanage. .Scranton, Pennsylvania Xni-633d

— Patrick, school. Shoolay, India X-662a "

— Patrick, church of. Soho, Eng- land XV-593d

— Patrick, church of, Strageath VI-42d

— Patrick, church of, Sydney II- 11 6a

— Patrick, college, Thurles XIII- 57sb

— Patrick, church of, Washing- ton, District of Columbia XV- 559a; Foley at III-655b

— Patrick, parish, Washington, District of Columbia XV-559b

— Patrick, church of, Watervliet, New York I-2.57b

— Patrick, college. Wellington. New Zealand XIII-700b; XV- ,5,S0d

— Patrick, chapel. Westminster C.ithedral XV-60Ia

—Patrick, Brothers of. See Pa-

— Patrick, Congregation of III-

■2'.l->d — Patrick, National College of.

.s-.f Maynooth C.illege — Patrick, Purgatory of. See

Purgatorv. St. Patrick's —Patrick's Breast-Plate XI-

55.->d; Mi;b. 5.-|'.lc — Patrick's Cross, Liverpool IX-

3 Lib — Patrick's League XIV-*89d — Patrick's Total Abstinence

Society, Ireland XTV-4S9b • — Patroclus, cathedral. .Soest.

Germany XI-3S3d — Paul, mona-sterv, Albano VII-

460c — Paul, orphanage, Anand, Bom- bay II-«45b — Paul, church of. Antwerp I-

590d; (ill.) XI-026

— Paul, church of, Baltimore II- 234d

— Paul, church of (Episcopal), Baltimore II-213b

— Paul, college of. Baton Rouge XI-13b

— Paul, church of. Berlin II-494d

— Paul, monastery, Besancon XIII-3S9d

— Paul, church of, Brooklyn II- 799d; XI-27d

— Paul, convent, Burgos I-680b

—Paul, mission, Canada X-381b

—Paul, church of. Carinthia V- 400b

— Paul, monaster\\ Carinthia II- 129a; 450d; VII-296d; conse- cration Xni-412b

— Paul, church of. Cologne X- 1.56d

— Paul, church of. Dublin V- 176a

— Paul, church of. Goa VI-60.5b

—Paul, college. Goa VI-605a

— Paul, church and college, Hugh III-153a

— Paul, church, Is.soire V-261b

— Paul, monastery, Jarrow II- 384b

• — Paul, abbev. Klagenfurt, Atis- tria X-765b

— ^Paul, collegiate church. Liege IX-236C

— Paul, school, London VII- 542a; IX-348b; 351c; XI-6oc; Colet at IV-98d

— Paul, church, Lyons. France VI-531d

— Paul, hospital, Manila IX- 600c

— Paul, town. Minnesota, Bo- hemians II-621a; charitable institutions XII-247a; Gesel- lenvereine VI - 539b; origin XIV-19C

— Paul, mission, Montana X- 518d

— Paul, church, Moorfield.-! XV- 593d

— Paul, monastery. Mount Athos II-4Sd; (iU.) II-49a

— Paul, church, Mount Gambler (ill.) Il-facing 116

— Paul, church. Moyamensing. Petmsvlvania XI-795a

— Paul, church, Munich X-633d

— Paul, church of. New York XHI-739b; Sfc Saint Paul the Apostle, church. New York

— Paul, church. Ntmes VI-97a

— Paul, mission, Oregon XI-293a; XII-662a; established VIII- 752a

— Paul, church, Paris XI-185d

— Paul, hotel, Paris, and Charles V XI-lS3a

—Paul, college. Piraus XI-187d

— Paul, cathedral. Pittsburg XII- 123a; (ill.) XII-123a; Sibbel. Joseph at XIII-767b

—Paul, seminan-, Rochester XIII-69SC

— Paul, abbey. Rome II-44Sa

— Paul, church. Vienna XV— 417c

— Paul, chapel. Westminster Cathedral XV-601a

—Paul, seminary. Winona. Min- nesota XV-6.">9a

— Paul, monastery, Worms III- 64a

—PAUL, ARCHDIOCESE OF XIII-366d; IV-4S7d; apostol- ate III-4,i3d; cithedral XIII- 369a; Catholic Historical So- ciety XIII-3li9a; Cretin at IV-4S7b ; Diocesan Temperance Union XIV-491C; French Can- adian parishes VI-274d; Ital- ians in VlII-206a; and Leopol- dine Society XV'I-52d; Maro- nite mission XII-85a; Polish population (1907) Xll-210d; Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Order of XII-254d; St. Joseph. Sisters of VI1I-514C; and scminarv III-4.Wb; X- 331a; XIII-369a; statistics XV-176C

—Paul, Blind Sisters of. See Pauhsts

— Paul, Congregation of XIV- 660c

— Paul, Hermits of (France) VII- 2S0d; Xl-.'

— Paul, Hermits of (Hungary) XI-.5S7C

— Paul, Hermits of (Portugal)

XI-.-)SSb — Paul, Pierre de. See La

Motte-Lussiere -Paul, Regular Clerics of. See



-Paul, Sisters of. See Charity of St. Paul. Sisters of

— Paul, Society of, Greece VI-742a

—Paul, Vital de lll-207d

—Paul Catholic BuUetJn XII- 473b

—Paul. .S. < .*:in Pablo; San Paola

— Paula of Granada, monastery Vll-34.jb

— Paula of Seville, monastery Vll-345b

— Paula of Toledo, monastery Vll-34.3b

— Paul Catholic Colonization Bu- reau Vlll-I37d

Saint-Paul de Donghila, mi.s.^ion- ary station. Gaboon VI-329c

Saint-Paul de Verdun, abbev. Vcrdtm X^'-352a

Saint Paul extra Muros. See Saint Paul Without-the-Walia

— PauUnus, church, Trier V- 32.5d; XV-42C

— Paul of Charters, Sisters of VI -17.5b; VII-777d; VIII- 30Sc; XI-5S8b; in Cavenne VII-63b; in Indo-China" VII- 779a; in Japan XIV-755a; in ManilaIX-600b; in Martinique 1X-73C

— Paul of the Cross, chapel, R..ine X111-171C

— Paul of the Cross, college, San- ta flara lll-770d

— Paul's Cathedral, London IX- 347d; Xlll-371b; Adam of Murimuth I-1.33d; Adrian of Castello l-160d; Alcock I- 274a; bell II-124a; candle- sticks in-249b; and Archbish- op of Canterburv IX-348a; Colet, tomb of IV-98d; Coun- cil (1232) IX-348a; cupola IV-569d; Erconwald. tomb of V-517b; flabellum VI -89c; foundation IX - 342a; XV- 59Sa; Gibbons. Grinling XIII- 646b; (ill.) V-facing 746; IX- 345; liturgv IX-348b; rebuilt IX-343a; reredos IV-537d; spire XIV-220C; Stevens, Al- fred XIII-647a; stvle V-262b; vaulting V-262d; Westcott XV-.592a

— Paul's Association of the Clergy of Rome XllM74d

Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis, church, Paris Xl-4S5d

Saint Paul the Apostle, church. Xrw Ywrk l\'-7.50d; La Farge. w,.rk..f Wl-.-.lld

— Paul the Apostle, Missionary Society of. Nfr Missionary^ Society of St. Paul the Apostle

— Paul the Apostle, Pius Union

. of, Rome XII-421C

— Paul - Trois - Chateaux, Dio- cese of X\'-2.jOb

SAINT PAUL WITHOUT THE WALLS, church. Rome XIII- 369b: 371b: 632b: lll-334a; V - 259a; XI - 562b; XVI- Sa; altars I-359c: Bible, col- lation of XV-519a; consecra- tion XIV-26d; and Constautine the Great XIII-3t>9b; 374c; destruction XII-134a; doors X-221c; frescoes XI-39Sb; Cal- letti at VI-350b; and Gregory XVI Vll-9b: Hildebrand at Vl-792a: Holbein the Elder V1I-3S.5C: St. Ignatius Loyola VII -MJa; (ills.) Il-facing 216: facing 326; XIII -369; and indulgences VII - 786c: inscription in-.54a: and John Vlll V1I1-424C; Jubilee ^-isit Vlll-.533b; Leo I IX-156d: Leo XII IX-16Sd; metal work X-2l9a: mosaics X-5S6b; Nicholas V XI-.5Sd: orienta- tion 1-365C; XI-30.5d; papal patriarchium XI-553C ; St . Paul, tomb of XI-572d; Pierloni. coffin of I-447a: pilgrimage I- 12Sa; as station church XIV- •26Sd; triumphal arches XI- 396b; and Valentinian II XV- 2,55c: and Wolter brothers XVI-32d

Large type indicates titles of articles ; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = iilustrations.