och VII-218a; Hermas VII-
270b; Hermeueutica V-696d;
Vn-271a; Hermon VI-288d;
Herod VII-2S9C; Herodias
Vn-292a; Heaebon VII-298b;
Hethites VII-305b; Hexajm-
eron VII-310b; Hexapla VII-
316c; Hexateuch VII-318b;
High Priest XII-407c; Hillel
VII-354d: holocaust VII-396b;
Holy Ghost VI-73C; Holy
Sepulchre Vn^25a; Hugue-
nots VII-529C; Hus VII-5S4a:
H\-po9tatic Union VII-712b:
Hyssop VII-612b; idolatry
VII-6;i7b; Idumea VII-638b;
Immaculate Conception VII-
675b; inerrancy V-G98b; VII-
274a; on infallibility, papal
Vll-791b; 796d; Innocents,
Holy VII-419a; inspiration of
the Bible VIII-45a; interpre-
tation, mystical I-387b; inter-
pretation, private XV-141b;
interpretation, scientific XII-
5Ia; introduction, Biblical
VIII-78C; Isaac VIII-17ob;
Isaias Vin-179d; Israelites
III-315a; VIII-193b; Issaohar
VIII-201b; Jacob VIII-261a;
St. James, Epistle of VIII-
275b; St. James the Greater
VIII-279b; St. James the Less
VIII-2.80d; Jason VIII-324d;
Jehovah VIII-329a; Jehu VIII-
332a; Jephte VIII-333b: Jere-
mias Vni-333d; 334b; Jericho
Vni-339d; Jeroboam VIII-
340b; Jerusalem VIII-344b;
Jerusalem, Temple of XIV-
499a; Jesus Christ VIlI-374b;
Jewish tribe XV-39b; Jezabel
VIII-404d; Joab VIII-408a;
Job VIII-413d; Joel VIII-
419a; St. John, Epistles of
VIII-435b; St. John, Gospel of
VIII^38a; St. John the Bap-
ti.st VIII-486d; St. John the
Evangelist VIII-192a; Jonas
VIII-t97c; Jonathan VIII-
499d; Josaphat VIII-.502d;
Josaphat. Valley of VIII-503a;
St. Joseph VIII-.504C; Joseph,
Patriarch VIII-.506C; Joseph
of Arimathea VIII-520a; Josias
VIII-523c; Josue VIII-524a;
Jubilee, year of VIII-534b;
Juda VIII-536C; Judaizers
VIII-537b; Judas Iscariot
VIII-539d; Judas Machabeus
VIII-541d; Jude, Epistle of St.
VIII-542C; Judges, Book of
VIII-547C; Judith, Book of
VIII-5,'J4a; Kingdom of God
VIII-646C; Kings, First and
Second Books VIII -647c;
Kings, Third and Fourth Booka
VIII-6.52C; Knowledge of
Christ VIII-676b; Lamb, Pas-
chal VIII-75.5d; Last Supper
XIV-341C; Lazarus IX-96b;
Lazarus of Bethany IX-97d;
Lebanon IX-104a; Lector of
XIII-114b; legislation, influ-
ence on IX-68C; leprosy in IX-
183d; Lcvites IX-200C; Levnt-
icus XI-649a; Limbo in IX-
2.56b; liturgical di\-ision XIII-
638d; liturgical lessons I-198a;
IX-193a; and living magia-
terium XV-.Sc; Loaves of Prop-
osition IX-317C; Logia Jeau
IX-323a; Logoa IX-329b; Lot
IX-366a; Lucifer IX^lOa:
St. Luke, Gospel of IX-120d;
Luthcranism IX-458a; on lying
IX-4f.9c; Marhabees IX-193c;
Machabeea, Books of IX-495c;
Machpelah IX-.502d; Madian-
itos IX-513d; Magdala IX-
523b; Mageddo IX-526a; Magi
IX-527d; Magnificat IX-.534b;
Malachias IX-502d; Malchua
IX-566d; malediction IX-
569b: mammon IX-580c; man,
origin of IX-.581d; Manahem
IX-583a; Manassca IX-583d;
Manna IX-604b; manuscripts
of the Bible IX-627a; St. Mark
IX-672c; St. Mark. Gospel of
IX-674d; St. Martha IX-721C:
Mary IX-748d; Marv. name of
IX-753a; Marv Magdalen IX-
761b: Maspha lX-7.S8d; Maii-
sorah X-S.id: Mathathias X-
47a; Mathusala X^8d; at
Matins X-51d: St. Matthew
X-56d: St. Matthew, Gospel of
X-57c; XVI-62C; St. Matthias
X-66b; Melanchthon on X-
LS-Sd; Melchisedech X-156d;
Mesa X-210b; Messias X-
212d; in Methodism X-237c;
St. Michael the \r.h:,nf;ol X-
275d; Mi<-l,r;i- \ L'77c; Mid-
rashim X -M,.1, Milhniuum
and Mill.. i^ifi, MH. Ill \ :t(J7d;
miracles, gilt ul .\ .J.',i)d. .Moab,
Moabites X-40UC; Modernism
XIV-370a; Moloch X-143c;
Mosaic legislation X-582c:
Moaea X-596b; Muratorian
Canon X-642b: Nabuchodon-
oaor X-666b; Nahum X-670a;
Nairn X-672d; Nathan X-
711a; Nathanael X-711c; Na-
thinites X-711d; Nature of
XIII-636b; Nazareth X-725b;
Nazarite X-727a; Nebo,
Mount X-729b; necromancy
in X-735d; Nehemias, Book of
X-737d; Nemrod X-741a;
Nephtali X-749d; Nicodemus
XI-66b; Nimbus, symbolic use
of XI-80c; Noe XI-8Sb; Num-
bers XI-649b; offerings XI-
218d; Office, Divine XI-219c;
Offices, early I-199a; Ointment
XI-229d; Olivet, Mt. XI-
244b; Onias XI-253d; Origen
XI-307c; 308d; Oaee XI-337a;
Ozias XI-379C; paintings, re-
ligious XI-397d; parables XI-
460a; Paralipomenon XI-472a;
Parallelism V-697d; XI-473c;
Paraphrase V-700c: Parasceve
XI— 476a; Passion of Jesus
Christ in the Four Gospels XI-
530b; Patriarch XI-.548a; pa-
tristic nftitiide Xni-fi.3fic; St.
Paul \l .•.i;7b,| t..r:il,.Icwish
Xl-i.iiiid; r. iit^,p"li-i .\I--046b; Pf..i;,iru(l, XI r.Kid; XVI- 66d. IVutccusl, Xl-UOlb; St. Peter XI-744d; St. Peter, Epistles of XI-752d; Pharao XI-788C; Pharisees XI-789c: Phasga XI-791a; Philemon, Epistle to XI-797d; St. Philip XI-799b; Philippians, Epistle to the XII-8b; Philistines XII- 21c; phvlacteries I-443b; XII- 46d: Pillar of Cloud XII- 99d; plagues of Egypt XII- 143b; plants in the Bible XII-149d; Plymouth Brethren on XII-173b; Polyglot Bibles XII-222a; Polyglot Bibles, Sionita'a work in VI-331b; Pontiua Pilate XII-83d; pools in XII-235a; prayers for the dead IV-653d; predestination, conditional XII-.384a; Preaby- terian controversy XII-394b; on Presbyterian services XII- 393a; Pretorium XII-404a; Proclinianites (Hermeonites), attitude of XIII-689a; prophecy XII— 473c; proph- ecy, prophet and prophetess Xll-477a; prophetical writing, early I-436d; proselyte XII- 481c; Protestant view V-705d; Protocanonical Books XIII- 637d; Proverbs, Book of XII- 505c; Providence, Divine XII- 511c; PsalmsXII-.533c; Psalms, Gradual VI-718b; publican XII-553d; purgatory XII- .576c; Purim XII-.5S0d; Puri- tan attitude XII-5Sld; Rabbi and Rabbinism XII-617d; Ra- chel .XII-630a; Raphael and Angel Raphael XII-640b; Ras- kolniks on XII-649d; Ration- alists on XIIH552C; Rechab and the Rechabites XII-676b; Red Sea XII-6.8.Sa; refuge, cities of XII-712a; revelation XIV-.532a: right, <iue.ifion of XIII-637a; Romans, Kpistle to the XHI-LWa; Ruben XIII- 214c; Ruth. Book of XIII-276; Saba and Sabeans XII1-285C; .Sabaoth XIII-2H0d; Sabbath XIII-287d; Sabbatical vcar XIII-289a; Sacraments XIII- 297d: Sacred Booka, collection of XIII-«37a; sacrifice XIII- 312b; Sadducees XIII-323b; Salome XIII— 10,3d; Samaria XIII-116a; Samson XIII-
423a; Sanhedrin XIII-444c;
Sara XIII-46Sa; Saul XIII-
486d; Schism XIII-529d;
Scholion V-7(«ld; -nul ^rionre
VI-449b; Vll L'7,.ii s,,,i,l,
Church andXllI i. ;n, >. nh.w
XIII-634C; OUii, -.III Xlil-
693b; Septuaiiuii Xlll 7.'Ja:
Seraphim Xlll 7l.'..c. S.v. ii-
branch candlesli. k Xlll 7tlb;
Seven deacons Xlll 711c;
Shammai Xlll-7.->ld; Sicliem
XI 1 1-77 lb; .sign of the cross
XIlI-7.s(.a; Siloe XIII-792C;
Simeon xni-794b; Simeon,
Holy XIlI-794d; Simon Ma-
gus XIII-797C; Simon, St.,
and Apostle XIII-796c; sin
XIV-6a; Sinai XlV-Ud; So-
dom and Gomorrha XIV-130a;
Solomon XIV-135C; Solomon,
Psalms of XIV-137b; Son of
God XIV-142d; Son of Man
XIV-144C; Sophonias XIV-
146c; soul, conception of
XIV-154b; Spinoza on XIV-
218a; St. Stephen XIV-286c;
stones, precious XIV-304d;
stoning XIV-30Sd; Sulpicians
XIII-380a; Susa XIV-344d;
Swedenborgian teaching XIV-
3-.,id; «v!i-i^.-!rii.. \IV-379d;
S\ ii'T. I i-Mi \l\ ^Nld.Svnop-
II. \ l\ is'iil w I 77c; tab-
.111.11 li Xl\ IJk I ..li.Tnacles,
li;i..l. ol Xl\ l.J7.d, Talmud
XlV-43.5d; Targum XIV-
454d; Temptation of Christ
XIV-504d; Terrestrial Para-
dise XIV-519b; Testament,
New III-275b; XIV-530b;
Testament, Old XIV-526a;
526b; Testament, Old, poetry
of XII-174d; Testament, Old,
symbolism XIV-374a; Thabor,
Mount XIV-551d; Theistic
teaching VI-61,5c; theocracy
XIV-568C; Theodotians on X-
448d; and theology XIV-580c;
603a; and theology, mystical
XIV-fi21a; Thessalonians.
Epistles to thf XI\-r.29d; St.
Thoin:is, \ii..~it. \IV-658b;
Ticoiiiu-, iii!.i....iiin.,n XIV-
721c; 'liiii.iilr. iiii.l Titus,
Epistles to XI \ 7.;7c; XVI-
78c; tithes XIV-741b; Tobias
XIV-749d; Tobias, Book of
XIV-750a: tongues, gift of
XIV-77nc: T.irnh XIV-779C;
Toseplitii \IN .^^a: Tower
of Bal.. 1 X\ .1. ii,.l tradi-
tion Xlll .. ;'ili, . I iiditors
III-3S7a. iriin-l I .....t, \V-
19a; t r:t n^l:l I \ii.'ii.-
Saxon 1 .".lid
anese \'lll :iii..,i i ; , : n Latin, carlv IX J'i.i, lum, Council of lll-U'ia. XI-oSOc; XV-32c: Trinity ,\V-47c; tro- pology X\'-t»')d; Trumpets, Fenst'cif X\-7llc: l\|.ic.,l sense XV-4r,.tDd;nhli..-,'lr;iTi-l;.ti..iis .XV I2lld; uiiilN ..I III.- niiin.h XV-i:i2d; riux.i-ali.l l.a.li- ing XV-lSlc, Uniii and Thum- mim XV-224b; Vatican decree 1-2 19d: XV-308a; Veraion, Philoxenian XII-40C; Version of Pagnino XI-394d; versions of the Bible XV-367b: ver- . sions of the Bible, Coptic XVI- 78d; Virgin Mary XV-467a; Virgin Mary, Visitation of XV-iSOd: and vocation XV- 500b; Vulgate, revision XV- Sl.'ic; wella XV-.581b; widow XV-617C: Wisdom, Book of XV-666d; and witchcraft XV- 674d; 677b; Wyclif V-441c; Zabulon XV- 7.39c; Zacharias XV-741b
Scrittori, of Secretariate o'f Propa- ganda xn-4.Wa
Scrittura boUatica III-57C
Scrivener, F. H., exegete, on Agony of Christ I-224a; on Codex Bezte IV-84b; conjec- tural emendation IV-501C; textual labours V-292b
Scrofula, touching for, French ceremony XII-727b; 727d
Scroggs, William, Chief Justice, and Anderson, I.ionel Albert I- 467a; and Gates's plot II-309d: XI-17,Td
Scrope (Scroope), Richard, Arch- bishop of York IX-233a; XV- 734a; 734b; resignation XIII-
— Thomas, recluse III-369b
— WinefrideXin-116c
Scrovegni, Enrico VI-566d
- Reginaldo, usurer VI .incd
SCRUPLE .XIII mild; in Quiet- ism XII-(.0!ld; r.nir.lv XIII- Ii4;b; .Scaramclli ..ii \ill-514d
Scrutinio, Sala dello, Venice XIV-737C
SCRUTINY XIII-i;41c; of cate- chumens 1 1 1-43 Id; in corona- tion rite IV-3SOC; day of I- 632a; papal election lV-194a; VII-5b
Scryven, Thomas, Carthusian XIV-6S9b
SCS., abbr. I-25d
Scubiculus, martyr XIII-209a
ScubiUo, Saint IV-456a; XII- LSOa
Scudamore, John, captain VIII- 61fla
Scudery, Georges de, writer I- 234a
Scudo, coin X-335C
Scully, priest, in Cape Town VI- 646d; X-707d; in Rockhamp- ton XIII-lOoc
— Denys, lawyer XIII-129a
—John, military chaplain VIII- 140c
— Thomas, military chaplain II- 70ec
SCULPTURE XIII-641d; acan- thus I-92b; Achtermann XIII- 646d; Adams Xni-647d; es- thetics I-175a; aim XIII-642b; "Alabasters", School of the XIII-644d; Algardi XIII- ti4tia; allegory in XIII-645d; Amadeo I-375c; Andrea Pisano XIII-i)4.5b: St. Anne I-539c; Apollo Belvedere XIII-643b; and architecture V-255a; Ar- minius XIII-G42c; Armstead XIII-G47a; Arnoldi I-749c: King Arthur, Vischer (ill.) Xlll-facing 646; Athena, Phid- ias (ill.) Xlll-facing 646; Au- gustus, Vatican (ill.) XIII- facing 646; Babylonia and As- syria XIII-(543a; Backofen XIII-646c; Bailey XIII-647a; Ball XIII-647C; Banks XIII- 646c; Barnard, G. G. XIII- 648a; barnniip Xin-fi4.M; Bar- tholomC- XIII l.K.d: Bortlett XIII (;4sa: l.a.-r.h.f ll-341d; Belciiiin XIII (►ind; Bernini Il-.-.llla: H.iini.u.lc II-516b; lliii.i Xlll i.lsa; Boehm \\l\ '.I7;t I '■ I' riia. Giovanni .1 I II ..Mb l:, !.. xni-646d; II.. III. i.i].- Xlll i;4i;a: Bor- glum, Uutzi.ii Mll-ii4sa; Bor- glum, Solon II. XIII-648a: Borromini Il-tis.sd; Brock XIII-647a: br..nz<- XIII-643a; Brown XIII-li47c; Burgundy, School of XIII-G44d; Buach XIII-G46d; Byzantine XIII- 643c; catacombs ni-424b: Chantrey XIII-647a; Christ, Berlin XIII-643c; Christ. Thorwaldsen (ill.) Xlll-faeing 646; Christian V 248d; 250a: Xlll '.I ;c . L.v -.lr|,liantine
\ 1
. t icotrnara
III 71 -.1 I . , il„,n XIII-
fvlL'c, (ill.. II. I.. Mil (;.tr,a;and
Constantinc XI1I-G43C; and
Correggio 1-3 18c; Covsevox
XIV-646a; Crawford XIII-
fi47c; Dallin XIII -648a;
Dalou XIII-647a; Danish
IV-732a; Daucr XIII-646C;
David, Verrocchio (ill.) XIII-
facinc G46; Decker. Hans
IV-6G6d; Donner XIII-646C;
Douvermann, Ileinrich XIII-
646c; Douvermann, Johann
XIII-64()C; drapery XIII-<!45a;
Dupr6 XVI-3(>d; Duqueanoy
Xltl-64Gb; Egypt XIII-642d:
England Xiri-044d; 646d;
equestrian, modern V-116b;
Erhardt XIII-64GC; Famcao
Bull XIII-643b; Flaxman
XIII-647a; Foley XIII-647a;
Foppa VI-13,3a; Ford XIII-
647b; Forment XIII-646b:
Frampton XUI-647b; Franco
Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.